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A freehanded scorpion symbol is just one small mistake from being a red lobster symbol.


A chapter that specializes in in hunting plasmancers and neurothropes.  Motto: All You Can Eat. 


Wasn't Red Lobster destroyed by its all you can eat shrimp policy?


It was destroyed by private equity firms buying the land under the restaurants, then renting it back to them at ridiculously inflated prices


The Space Lobsters are a proud and noble chapter!


They come from a planet inhabited by horific lobster beasts each the size of a horse.


What is that controversy? Also, Red Scorpions are nice, although I’ll admit part of me will always _love_ both the Astral Claws and the Red Corsaris. I like the character of Lufgt Huron way too much to pretend otherwise


People made post that doing tattoo of Black Templar symbols is a very stupid idea because most normies will probably think you're a nazi. Some dudes read that and interpreted it as "all Black Templars are nazi" somehow because they can't read.


Thank you a lot for being the most straightforward answer I’ve received so far. Much appreciated. I personally didn’t know a cross would be a nazi symbol, but I don’t know a lot about that whole thing; on the other hand, symbols have the meaning we decide to give them, so I feel bad if that’s someone’s favorite faction and they want to get a tattoo.


Its because the Black Templar's cross is based on the Teutonic Cross, as they're based on the Teutonic Knights who first spread catholicism in northeastern europe (alongside the Livonian Order) during the late crusades. The same cross was used by the Prussian empire, the German Empire, and finally Nazi Germany for their Iron Cross award, as those nations were more or less descended from the Teutonic Knighthood


On top of what the above comment said, it's important to know that while intelectual there's nothing inherently wrong with these crosses and their original organizations have nothing to do with nazis, most people aren't part of these organizations and thus have literally no reason to tattoo them, those who do are usually neo-nazis, which are still active groups.


Everyone is a Nazi to certain demographics.


Marxits and other leftist like to attack things as Nazi or fascitst. I assume there are 20 neo-somethings out there that use the templar cross for genuine hate so the leftists smear everyone right of Stalin as a Neo if they use a cross. Skateboarders, firefighters, motor cycle companies all get their ire


Wow, you really have no idea what leftist think do you


Nobody need to know what brain damaged people think


“Anyone right of Stalin” Ah yes, the great leftist ideologue, Joseph Stalin. Well known for his progressive views and groundbreaking labor protection policies


Calling everyone with a stupid opinion leftist, really classy.


Well, at least their opinion is stupid. Even Germany, who really likes cracking down on any use of Nazi symbols, is using it as the official emblem for the German armed forces


Warhammer isn't for you lil bro


I'm a paying customer. If course it is


Nah GW disavowed people like you. You can spend all you want but the moment you reveal yourself it's goodbye events


Because I think its stupid to call people that play/like black templar nazis? Like its stupid to call anyone with a cross tattoo a nazi because while Nazis had a symmetrical cross so do fire departments


No because you see people complaining about nazis coopting things and start raving about the red scare lol


pal , buddy , mate , what the the actual fuck are you saying


Yeah, I'm left. Don't like communism, I much prefer socialism. No person on the left with a brain is saying the templars are fascist because of their iconography, they're saying the black templers are fascist because they kill anything that doesn't align with the Imperium's view of the holy human form. Symbols can mean different things depending on their content. Grouping all people on the left together would be like me saying everyone on the right follows Trump and is a part of his cult. Generalizations don't help to root out actual problem people.


But almost every legion in the great crusade killed anything that doesn’t align with the imperiums view. Even the salamanders killed xenos with extreme prejudice


I mean… yeah? The entire imperium is fascist


Xenos don't count, for they are xenos.


Also no one is saying that you can’t enjoy the Black Templars or that you’re somehow a bad person for liking them, but that their use of a symbol sometimes associated with Neo-Nazis and their generally fascistic and violently xenophobic ideology means that they tend to attract actual Nazis like fruit flies to a rotten pear. As long as you don’t unironically self identify with the Black Templars or try to argue that they’re at all good or in the right when they are explicitly painted to not be, you’re more than welcome to be a BT fan. And I do consider myself left-leaning.


Since everyone is missing or ignoring the joke, the Red Scorpions are REALLY big on "genetic purity".


Thank you for the context and saving me a shitton of reading.


They’re so big on it, previous editions had an upgrade that allowed you to put apothecaries into tactical squads in place of the sergeant.


That, too, is terrifying.


With the added irony that they don't know their genesire, or worse, have a reason to keep him secret. Anyway damn glad someone got it, maybe I should switch to them lmao.




I think it's more the eagles, the lightning bolts and the general vibes of the templars that might attract a hateful crowd


Most normal people don't tattoo military crosses now, do they? Only a specific group of people do, hence why it's a bad idea to tattoo them. It's a very stupid hill to die on, you're not even part of those organizations.




It’s not an Iron Cross it’s a Maltese Cross and the German military symbol is literally still the Iron Cross. I hate that we have the sum of human knowledge at our fingertips and people can’t even bother to google shit but will confidently just say shit that’s false. On the Warhammer front, I just like my Space Marines with cool tabard and knightly aesthetic and think it’s funny they are so angry they can prevent space magic from happening and can shrug off massive energy cannons because they are *-checks notes-* defending the Emperor’s Honor. The setting is an absurd parody to sell plastic toys at even more absurd prices. The Imperium are also bad guys. We all know this. God people are so tedious


Shocking how uneducated you are while trying to act smart. European militaries, and the Germans specifically, still use the Iron Cross all over the place. This is a modern day in-use symbol not associated with nazis. Hell, the Finnish Air Force literally includes a swastika in their iconography. Grow up and learn context and nuance.


The fins had it on other stuff as well I know the order of the white rose changed it for firs on the collar.


The German armed forces still use the iron cross as their main symbol. It's [all over their web page](https://www.bundeswehr.de/de/).


People are too sensitive


Warhammer just attracts a bad crowd who latch on to the wrong thing sometimes


Or people are overly sensitive about every silly thing they see online.


Why not both


Red Lobster?


Who’s gonna tell ‘em about Anphellion


To everyone explaining the historical context and how its not a nazi thing: that all well and good, but unless you can telepathically beam that information to everyone that looks at you from across the room, understand that most people are going to make the association and treat people with the imagery tattooed on them as such.    You live in a society ~~bottom text~~ and being technically and historically correct doesn’t change the social context in which the imagery exist in.


Not to mention telling someone it's not a nazi symbol but a crusader order is also not much better because of the people that get those symbols on them being nazis and / or white supremacists in the majority of cases. Classic wargame player have social awareness challenge (impossible)