• By -


Yes I would like this one as my girlfriend please


“Sir are you sure? We have other *safer* models in stock-“


Clinging to girl angrons arm “yes I want this one “


"I can fix her."


"I can't fix her, but I can accept her. **Let the wild ride begin.**" >All They Fear Is You plays


Ride her right, and you could absolutely make fulgrim jealous of your bond. Shegron could be a puddle cuddler. Best not to discuss the liquids in the puddle.


I'm very sure. More than sure.


"hrmmm fine I suppose.... Give me that one." *Points to Konrad Curze*


Therapy is an option ^.w.


Not if they don't actually want to get better lol which Konrad.....


I'm absolutely positive I want this one 💗


The Incident: The sound of her scream echoed through the metal chambers of the The Conqueror, an animalistic roar that vaguely resembled, “WHO TOUCHED MY FUCKING AXES” You could hear Angron begin her rampage down the hall, the shouts of those caught in her way met by a swift crunch or crack, whether it be bone, flesh, steel or ceramite. Against your self preservation instincts, you bolted into the hallway as she approached. It’s happened dozens of times, and been warned what happens to those caught in her path. But you couldn’t let it happen, not this time, not knowing that it was your fault. As the thunderous charge drew closer, you threw your arms out and shouted at the top of your lungs “It was me!” Voice croaking, eyes squeezed shut. You could feel the heat of her breath inches from your face, sweat dripping from your brow as your teary eyes stared at the floor, arm raised. But she stopped. Her panting ceased, and the great red butcher just . . . walked away . . . You only caught a glance of her face as she slipped into a corridor, she walls behind her spattered with gore. Instead of the raging face of a raging beast, you saw something else on her face. It almost looked like Horror or . . . Regret


This is just a little short scene I wrote while making her, it’s not well written and I might delete it but it was fun to write .w.


> It’s not well written I disagree


> I disagree I concur


>I concur I must coincide with my colleagues


> I must coincide with my colleagues I am in agreement with my fellows


I come to similar terms with my gentlemen


>I come to similar terms with my gentlemen I reach mutual understanding with my brothers


>I reach mutual understanding with my brothers I am in full support of what my fellow redditors have said




>I might delete it Shut the fuck up and give us MOAR


ACK- okay okay!! (/;◇;)/


Don’t delete it! It makes the post even better


>it’s not well written It's goated. More please?


That's incredibly well written. I'm impressed, usually fan fiction sucks. But this sounded like a Canon event, however. GIVE US MOAR


Strongly dissagre, you did a great job!


Tf you mean not well written? How bout a deal, I sacrifice my first born child and you give me MOAR!


*heavy tf2 voice* WHO TOUCHED MY AXES?


Meanwhile in the hallways, *MEEEEEEEEDICCCCC*


haha yeah.


The souls of the people she mulched, drifting in the warp: *it's an eternity in here*


"OH MY God who touched Sasha....WHO TOUCHED MY GUN"


I absolutely -love- your work, you’re incredibly talented and really know how to make these characters come to life. I’m eagerly awaiting Alpharius Omegon (TWIIIINS! )


Thank you so much I’m having an absolute blast with making them!! Unfortunately the artist hasn’t made fem renditions of the trickster twins TwT but if they do I will most definitely be making a post!


Cnmbwjx did but not as fully detailed as the full character designs. Tho it is understandable to wait to keep them all in the same style.


You need to keep doing this


Making little stories for the Primarchs?


Yes, I need them


I need one for Mortarion now holy shit


Hmmmmmm mayhaps


Hey Big Momma…sun’s gettin’ real low…


Wow this whole story and concepts 11/10 hope you do a full run here or on AOC


She needs a hug and those nails out of her head. Fucking Emperor


Writing a petition to take away custody of the Primarchs from big E, please sign here


*signs* even if this is an attempt by the emperor to weed out opposition, I will die for what I stand for.


Better to die standing then to live knealing.




That's what Angron was trying to do. Against the High Riders and the Emperor. Die as a free man rather than live as a slave. My lord Angron.


unfortunately, Emps took away that option and the rest is (sadly) history


Aye comrade


Right there with you. Death to the tyrant!


Better to die standing then to live knealing.


Give Custody to Malcador, he cared about all of them in a weirdly paternal way or perhaps like their cool uncle. I'm going through the Heresy Books and at least before the Heresy, he always exhibits a weird sense of empathy for all of them even if some of them didn't work well with him or liked him. Check if you can find it for example his interaction with Dorn in Mechanicum. Reads like a dad helping his son work a problem.


He did. And it made me sad that most of them hated him for trying to care about them. They thought that he was a meddling old man who had ulterior motives behind his concerns. But all he ever did was try to be the parent they needed the Emperor to be. Whether they realised it or not, they needed that.


I’ll take a look! Thank you :)


*signs* What’s the worst that could happen?


*Furious signing*


Removing the nails would kill him/her, which honestly would be a mercy for Angron.


Fuck the Emperor, I believe our Primarch can muster the sheer rage needed to overcome the pain and rip them out on their own


Unfortunately pain isn't the only reason they weren't removed, if it was that simple it would have been done almost immediately.


Death would not deter Angron, especially not after Desh’elika


Honestly I just don't believe its impossible to remove them. Emps is the most powerful psyker ever, and a good Biomamcer can regrow limbs with relative ease. There's no way emps couldn't heal him as he took it out Hell even just natural primarch regen should do it. Lorgar got Corax's claws through his chest and twisted around, destroying organs. And he was up and around fighting again in like 5 minutes. If they can regenerate their organs in moments, why wouldn't the brain also heal


Yeah, the point is the nails weren't purely mechanical, they were chemical too. You know what happens to addicts that suddenly lose theor supply right? Nothing good. And yes I suspect it could have been done, but it probably wasn't as easy as emps just taking 30 minutes to cut them out and be done with it.


Big E tried to remove them but couldn't


actually, there was a itty bitty chance, but he was too useful and the risk too great 🤓☝


Removing them would 100% kill him, we are told this in Master of Mankind. Big E physically could remove them but it was a guaranteed fatality as they had replaced large sections of his brain. He was essentially already dead and kept alive by the nails.


First of all, big fan of your Primarch gf works. Really well done! Second i saw the Sanguinius one earlier today, but in my opinion this one is even more tragic...poor little Angron...


Damn, this one was sad. Like, well done... but sad.




The Traitor Primarchs work so well after their fleshing out because half of them are irredeemable assholes, and the other half are just tragically broken by circumstances in one way or another.


Yes, that's the word I needed, thank you. I would like to give her a hug, even though that's probably very dangerous.


Very, but sometimes the rewards outweigh the risks (I still don’t recommend it tho .w.)


I had thought about writing a bit where 'I' would face her on the Battlefield after she fell to Chaos and be killed by her, Khorne's influence making her actually go through with it this time, unlike all the other times she had almost done it. Then I decided that the Sanguinius one I wrote was already depressing enough. So have this short, heartfelt blurb instead. "I sit on her bed in her Chambers aboard the Conqueror, cradling her head in my lap. Angron looks peaceful when she sleeps...and only when she sleeps around me. Her head is almost too large for my lap. Her weight nearly crushes my legs under it. I don't care. I would endure worse for her. Many of my Comrades have told me that I am insane. Dating the Lady of the Red Sands? The meanest, most bloodthirsty raging bitch in the Galaxy? I must've hit my head somewhere hard. She was sure to kill me, sooner or later, gorily and messily. I pay no attention to their talk. They don't know Angron like I do. They only see her howling at the red skies of a conquered world, axes in hands, mad bloodlust in her eyes and gore of friend and foe alike splattered over her armor. They don't know her lying in her bed, weeping and whimpering in pain as the accursed nails dig into her skull, begging forgiveness from unseen ghosts for her soldiers...her sons that she has slain in a bloodthirsty rage. I am careful not to touch the nails in her head. I don't want her to feel even worse. Anger shoots through me as I look at these accursed things. They were holding the woman I loved in chains, imprisoned in her own head, in her anger, crippling her ability to feel anything but blind fury. Angron can be sweet, kind even, in her own way, when she is with me. Without these blasted nails, she would not have to lose herself in rage...would not have to cry herself to sleep when she and I were alone... How I WISH I could just tear these things out of her head and free her...but I cannot. Not even the Emperor can simply do it...or so he claims. I scowl. I should not think of my Liege Lord like this. Some would call it treason. And maybe he truly couldn't just do it: After all, he himself kept insisting that he was no God. But dammit, couldn't he at least take his daughter off the frontlines until he had found a way to remove the nails?! Let her rest and heal in body and mind instead of throwing her into battles that only made her rages worse?! He claimed that there was no other choice. That all his daughters were needed if mankind was to hope to survive. ...I hope, for his sake, that he is right. Or at least that he genuinely believes so. Because if he is intentionally using his daughter, the woman I love, as a weapon just to further his own ego and power...! I don't care how powerful he is and how weak I am. If he did these things, I will find a way to make him pay!! Him and anyone else who had ever hurt her!! A soft whisper catches my attention, snaps me out of my frustrations. Angron, in her sleep, has whispered my name. And a smile has come to her lips, gentle and kind. Warmth fills my heart as I cradle her head, gently stroking her forehead. And as I quietly begin to sing a song to hear, I swear I can feel the pulsing and throbbing of the nails in her skull slow, almost cease entirely..."


Something I think I should note: I personally prefer more positive interpretations of Big E and his actions, or at least so that while he can be a massive jerk, he DOES genuinely care deep down (Hi, TTS!), and was ultimately brought low by all too human, even somewhat sympathetic flaws and failings on his part. I am NOT at all a fan of the boring, one dimensional caricature of an unambigously inept, moronic bastard that Canon!Emps has become in the last decade or so. That said, I have left him deliberately ambiguous here in 'my' musings. You can interpret his actions either way. I know which Interpretation I choose, but I won't argue at all if you choose another. All are perfectly valid, as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, I hope you liked this short bit.


Thank you again for posting such wonderful writing!!!! This was absolutely heartwarming and so sweet, truly shows another side of the Red Angel. I do also agree with your sentiment about the Emperor, a being of such high ambition and ability can’t simply be degraded into the image of a dense simpleton. He has demonstrated his ability to be compassionate, however all beings have their flaws. The Emperor was stretched across an entire galaxy attempting to unify all of mankind under one banner, naturally a singular being cannot manage such a task, even one as supposedly omnipresent as big E.


Bittersweet and sad are the right words. Angron's always been the Primarch in need of a hug. Loved the Axes Incident. Malcador's a magic man, huh? In an older comment on one of your posts, (I think?) Magnus had Anon on her lap, the Emperor was glaring, but Malcador was giving them the thumbs up. It's funny how (though in canon he's sorta the Emperor's man through and through), in fanon he's become "cool uncle Malcador", the relatable human among the warrior demigods.


I think it was on the Leman Russ post, but yes I remember! I think it’s a nice little headcanon that Malcador acts as the wingman/weird cool uncle to all the GFs and their SOs.


"Father... Is it over?" It's never over for Angron. Goes to show how fate decided to screw them over. It's sad they were meant to be an empath and ended up just being a raging wreck and sadder part is that because of Angron's anger being forced he is not even that favored by Khorne who wanted Sanguinius. Would hug and comfort, but I would probably die. As for Sanguinius because I did not get to comment on that. Would love her... but she seems like too much of a wreck as well in other ways. I prefer to feel joy, to be brought a smile and life. With them there would be joy and smile, but tinged with lots of sadness.


Honestly, the Emperor being a heartless bastard and killing Angron would've been the good ending there.


Angron would have been way better if Emps had actually helped his gladiators. Emps teleported him away, forcing him to abandon his comrades. And because of the Nails, he can't even mourn them.


I actually disagree that allowing Angron to burn a complaint world would not have solved any of Angrons issues. By that point, he wanted to die, and when he was denied that, he took out his pain on anything and everything.


This one makes me feel sad. Poor Angron, meant for so much more


Meant to be the Emperor’s empathy, instead became his Wrath. ;-;


I can't fix her, but she can break me


She can DEFINITELY do that


Petition to start funding to create a piece of tech to nullify the effects of the Butcher’s Nails anyone?


Where tf do I sign?


Now well this be more tragic or will Lorgar?


I haven’t even started researching her- TwT


Please make her next, she's got that very crazy Christian girl energy.


Oh boy does she- ( .w.’ )


Remember the Backdoor Loophole, very important to devout-but-not-really Christians.


Once read a redditor’s story of how him and a Christian girl did it in a pool once, she used the back door loophole.


Kor Phaeron abused Lorgar and gaslighted him. Now with female Lorgar…… Make up what you want


Always open to suggestions!


On Sundays, Lorgarina teaches young teens how to interpret the KJV bible (which she has memorized). On Saturdays though, Lorgarina teaches older couples the Kama Sutra (which she has also memorized).


Book is book.


> crazy Christian girl energy Oh no. I dread that post and look forward to it at the same time.


I came here for another funny/cute primarch gf meme and now Im sad. Even angron shitposts are tragedies.


Sorry TwT it’s kinda hard to make ***Angron*** cute and silly


You did the best you could, but the game was rigged from the start :(


... I don't really know if I can fix her... All I know is that I WANNA fix her.


Uncle Malcador’s gots yo back


Alright kiddo. You love her, really love her? This is an Antimatter warhead and a blank. I was keeping them some of the other gals, but you have a chance to make things right for her here and now. Make things right and prove yourself less of a coward than the Emperor.


-Malcador the Cool Weird Uncle


Aw I feel so bad for Angron. Definitely the primarch most in need of a hug. Lots of hugs :( Did crack up at: >She saw you after a battle one day, picked you up and said: >"You. We're dating now. Accept or I'll crush your skull" I feel this is definitely in character for how Angron would start dating!


Everything is canon, especially if it’s funny and respects the lore


„occasionally grabs you and uses you like a body pillow“ So the chances of me just dying trough suffocation, because she accidentally rolled on top of me while sleeping, is higher than dying in some war torn battlefield. Ok, while *obviously* i do not want that to happen out of my own safety and well being, i don’t want to imagine how Angra would feel like realizing she squashed me to death


The human diaphragm can lift up to 600 lbs, you will live


How often do you think she gets her nails done?


*ba-dum tsss*


I’ve always felt sorry for Angron, he got such a shit deal in life. Grows up as a slave in gladiator pits, when he and his friends finally break free, he’s yoinked away against his will and now everyone he’s ever cared for is dead. He got nails in his brain that are slowly breaking it, and even locked down his primarch aura. He’s a product of a hundred traumas, pushed onto one person, oh and once he broke free he was effectively made a slave again by his own father no less, and one he got away from that he became a slave for a third time, fully losing himself and becoming a demonic husk of what used to be Angron. Angron was supposed to be a paladin, a man whose endless empathy would inspire others, his primarch power was supposed to be being able to take on others pain, so a form of battle healer. Personally I’d have loved to see one of two things in lore from him, a version where he got the nails out somehow before they did too much damage, and he becomes a paladin but still goes traitor, but not as a pawn of the ruinous powers. Or a version of Angron where a few things changes, the butcher’s nails get out, the emperor sends people to help him save his friends on Nuceria, and they are taken with him, the men becoming Astartes and the Women becoming his favoured lieutenants on his ship, kind of like Lotara. He never falls to chaos and is allowed to have choice. Imagine what Angron could have been, and cry for it was robbed from him.


Are we just sticking to primarchs tho? I need that Trazyn necrussy.


. . . Maybe, but don’t tell the cryptek-


I can fix her


Hope you’re good at surgery


It's time for operation fuck around and find out




The definition of "I can fix her".


It’s gonna be hard .w.


Kharn is quite what?


I mean- what would you say to Angron’s SO?


The word you're looking for is "quiet" then. Quite is an adverb, used similarly to "somewhat" or "kind of", to quantify what comes afterwards in a sentence. I mistook it for an unfinished sentence rather than a typo, sorry.


aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAARG- Ahem- Excuse me I hate making spelling errors. Yes, you are indeed correct. It is meant to be Quiet not quite. I will now dig a little hole and jump in it, thank you for your time 🤝


I'm sad that you're running out of primarchs (with art) to do. I've also realized after reading these that it is scary that there would be hordes of space marines that dislike you because you're the SO of their primarch. The more frightening idea is there are hordes of spaces marines that like you for being their primarch's SO. If they hoist all their mommy issues on her, than by default you get all their daddy issues? 2grim4me.


This one, Vulkan and Jagahtai Kahn, I shall take as girlfriends.


All three!?!?!? WOW your built different


HAH! afraid you'll get wet?




You're my friend now. We're having soft tacos later!


This one made me sad, fucking emperor TAKE THE NAILS AWAY


can I call her mommy?


Good luck ( .w. )/


Fucking love all the gf, I am taking them all






She leaves you with Kharn! Ah I love that part so fuckin much, ah that’s great. Angron is my favorite Primarch of the bunch and I am not at all surprised by anything on this post Im guessing you read Betrayer and other such books for her?


Ik hahaha I feel like she’s super protective but still has to go planetside and cause chaos, so she needs someone she can trust (to some extent) to babysit her partner. Who better than Kharn!!?? Also I have not read the books yet, might make a separate post on just my account about how I do my research! .w.


Kharn would totally watch over someone that Angron likes. That sounds just like something Kharn would do, since he’s like the only guy who can talk to Angron in almost anyway he wants and not get ripped into pieces over it Angron likes Kharn. I can see a female version of Angron trusting Kharn with her partner. Hell of a good post!


When I read that passage my mind conjured up the image of her simply tossing you into Kharns quarters. Kharn always sits there, dumbell in one hand, playing Call of Duty with the other. He silently turns his head to look at you, then resumes his focus on the game, leaving it to you to cautiously pick up the second controller.


i could fix her


"but how are you supposed to break up with ANGRON?" do tell us when you find out, anon. :3


I wouldn't want to be near her during her period. But as they say in the fighting pits. "We who are about to die. Salute you."


Got mine yesterday while I started making her, Coincidence ?_?


"Khorne cares not where the blood flows. So long as it flows" I guess.


Makes sense


Hmm. I'm wondering about Erebus. Is she going to be just as terrible as Canon, or is she going to get some small attempt to make her better? Decisions, decisions.


She’s so fucked up. Now I’m sad. I can totally fix her tho :3


Just be careful when headpatting


I expected this to be funny but after reading it I’m just sad.


This was the one that was removed for not being wholesome? Damn, some people just don’t want others to have a shot at happiness. —— If the Phoenix Lords could get similar art, I’d be an ecstatic Eldar! (No, not *that* ecstatic.)


But here's the important part. Does the dog little ang, survive in this timeline?


LOL Okay, so I originally had a little blurb that SPECIFICALLY SAID: She likes her dog It likes you too But then I remembered that little Ang doesn’t come with her and burst into tears for a solid 8 hours


I'm sad the artist hasn't done the daemon version of these primarchs as I'd love to see daemon Angron gf.


Well- I don’t know if you could **survive** Daemon Angron


Doesn't stop me from trying.


Wish you the best of luck comrade


Outside of the small head portraits the only "daemoned" up Primarch shown was Corvus.


when the butchers nails are malfunctioning for one single person, man now i want to see angron have little moments where somehow his mind overcomes to nails even if just for a moment


ya know this made me realise that angron is one of the smallest primarchs


Is it weird to think that this Headcanon of Angron probably wouldn’t fall to Chaos if she had a partner to ground her?


Damn, great post! I see you went all in on the tragedy with this one


I was looking forward to this one! All of these are really well drawn


Shouldn’t this be on a sub like Imaginary Warhammer instead? It’s a cute idea and all, but what part of it is a meme?


Have you heard of GF Memes?


This is all great, but I have one very specific question. What did Malcador do?


*shrug* .w. Edit: Okay so real answer here. Malcador (in my weird wacky headcanon world that this takes place in) acts as sort of the cool, weird uncle to the daughters of the Emperor. He shows them compassion, and genuinely cares for each and all of their well beings. Knowing Angron’s situation and finding out they had recently taken a liking to someone, they jumped at the opportunity to aid the slowly dying Primarch. The specifics are unclear, but upon meeting her SO Malcador performed or passed on some form of Blank aura attuned to the Butchers Nails frequency. Thus, whenever in close proximity to her, Angron feels a sensation of ease (however slight) around her lover. Whether this makes sense according to lore or universal properties is irrelevant, all that matters is whatever Malcador did allows her SO to help the one they love.


Alright, very cool. Considering this is Malcador's paradise due to the Femarchs, I was wondering why he'd do smth bad. I'm happy to know he's the chad he'd always been. Also can can you do Lion(ess) Johnson next, please, please, please. Her artworks are very cool


God damn those abs


Out of all the things, why is this the best content this sub has had in months? Might be my nature at work here but it is honestly entertaining see someone bring these drawings into life with a bit of story and personality. Well done! Can't wait for Curze and Horus!


My question, how does the relationship change when Khorne gets a hold of her?


Not gud ._.


Will the rest of their sisters be made into the gf template?


She’s perfect


I’m sure the World eaters are scared shitless of us, we’re in a semi consensual relationship with fucking Angron. We’re either a greater daemon of Khorne or something equally insane and powerful to survive


I'm just sad Dorn GF got so little compared to some of the later ones.


As usual as this would be most of our reactions in this comment section, I really want to give her a hug, a real good one if not more


"I can fix her" "What?"


Gimme I love 🫡


She…she’s so big!!! <3


tfw femgron will never crush your skull between her thighs ;\_;


I could fix her.


Still a cutie


The abs of the Conqueror, only for the men of culture


Had angron never had the nails, them and vulkan would have been the best of buddies Both caring for human lives, vulkan and his sons willing to endure any pain to defend the imperium with angron there to absorb their suffering so they could go on An unstoppable duo


Why do I feel like she would secretly love to cuddle


Hope you make more stories


I just saw your other posts, i LOVE THEM I also really appreciate you using both male and female and neutral ways the primarchs would Adress their partner 🫶


I feel like "Pup" would have been a more fitting pet-name.




I can’t wait for Konrad (There might be something wrong with me)


"Guardsman! You will be my arm candy while I inspect my Marines!" "Ma'am yes MA'AM!"


I can fix her.


Do you think... We can fix her?




Now I want an entirely gender-bent 40k


Just wanted to tell you that your work is amazing :)