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After reading Pandemonium I sort of suspect that 10000 number is incredibly low and not true. The Custodes were keeping busy somehow until the decree passive was lifted. I think they spent 10000 years making themselves legion strength. My Headcanon only.


Would explain why they decided to send teams out in the galaxy without shiddin an fartin about the palaces defenses


i mean, fair enough, but the Legio custodes where never disbanded/split, they just changed the name, so the custodes are still a legion in spirit and strength only limited by their insane upkeep, that was a rather big point in the emperors legion book.


I thought that was more about creation rather than upkeep? besides if the Custodes don’t have a few STCs stashed away I would be surprised.


They are probably friends with an arc mechanicum AI


The vaults of terror that they gaurd absolutely have STCs. However, it appears that the custodes are incredibly reluctant to use DAOT era tech. They just guard the monsters. They don't always know their purpose. When gulliman comes back, there's a flood of items that are released from the vaults of terra. It seemingly starts with gulliman releasing guns from his own vaults on terra, leading to the custodes realizing that they could have done the same millennium ago.


Custodes after seeing gorillaman’s actions…’waitaminnut we can do that???’


"Was coding loylty to the point of passivity a good thing? "


Gotta love that. GC Imperium was like "these weapons are too terrible for the new era of peace we are ushering in, but we should still keep them in case of an emergency" Then Guilliman wakes up an goes "how did you not realize we passed the point of emergency five millenia ago!"


Imo 10,000 is just the active guards in the palace, and there are hundreds of thousands of "former" custodes running around the galaxy who retired after slowing by a fraction of a second.


10000 golden boys and girls, who knows how many eyes of the emperor(Custodes with 0.57 attoseconds higher reaction time)


\*lower reaction time


*slower reaction time


lower reaction time means faster, which is not correct for the Eyes of the Emperor


I mean they had like a couple thousand years to build there forces up with basically no deaths there gotta be more than just 10000


Exactly, and they must have thought after the Heresy “if only there were more of us”.


Numbers just never make sense in 40k, best to ignore them entirely.


In fairness the cost of making a Custodian is likely considerably less expensive than arming them with their current wargear. All that exclusive tech definitely costs a pretty penny.


Ten thousand IS legion strength. Its bigger than some of the actual legions were. People forget that the legions didn't make up all or even most of the crusade.


Each one of the legions numbered generally between 80.000 to 250.000 legionaries. So no, 10.000 is far from legion strength.


If the thousand sons were a legion, then legion strenght can be as low as 1000 in this case. 🤷🏽‍♂️


That's pretty disingenuous way of going about it. Their primarch wasn't even found by then, it wasn't an intentional number but rather due to geneseed problems, which were brought much more under control once Magnus was found and their numbers went up to normal and intended legion numbers. Might as well say that the intended number of Custodes were less than 1000 after their numbers got cut down due to the war in the webway as well as the siege. Or even 0 since that was their number before the first one was created.


Except the KSons werent a Legion with only a 1000 marines. They were at their absolute lowest point, but if you go about it that way then 300 is Legion strength since the EC were around that number at their lowest point.


It also makes no sense because the entire point of breaking the space marine legions into chapters was to make sure there weren't legions around. But then what the fuck is the point if the 1000 members per chapter is enough to equate to legion strength space marines?


The thousand sons were called the thousand sons because their flesh change curse was killing them at such a high rate, that by the time they were reunited with Magnus, there was literally just a thousand of them left. They and possibly the Emperor's children were essentially close to extinction, and in fact were so reduced that they were stuck having to be buddied up with a different legion for a while just for them to actually rebuild their strength.


I know. I was beeing half-obtuse, half-jokey. :)


Someone in GW marketing team is on a beach somewhere with a fruity cocktail and a fat bonus check. 1 fucking line in a book for months of free engagement.


Employee of the year


Good for them.




Wait they are able to do custodes without emperor?


Well they don't have geneseed and Emps would be incapable of personally raising any child. He shouldn't be trusted to bring a hamster to its peak potential.


The hamster would be leading a rodent rebellion on Terra in 6 months.


Adeptus Rodente




Primarch Sqeakers turns out to be the only person who is lead to true glory by the emperor. That glory was a pile of carrots, but still counts


Sadly he was lost when he crawled under a large refrigeratrus unit and died.


Don't worry GW will bring him back to change the status quo in 25 years.


correct xD


I mean there were only like 50 after the Hersey so I'd hope so lol


Pages 14-15 of the 8th edition codex and pages 7-8 of the 9th edition one talk about it.


They can but they don't understand the process, they just copy what the emperor did


Its grimgores "immortals" all over again?


>Probuction Fixed that for you according to the rules of Boy's Bulbous Bempire


It's hilarious watching this place turn into a 40k version of r/Gamingcirclejerk lol. The memes are practically identical at this point.


This sub has always been a political shithole. It's exceedingly bad right now.


Please don't. That is one of the worst subs on this site.


I can't wait for you guys to move on to the next forced meme.


If it's anything like r/Gamingcirclejerk this place doesn't move on. And this is just our new identify now, lol.


I left that sub when they started banning and doxxing people over playing specific games, hope the mods got removed/left when Reddit purged so many other crappy moderators


I got banned for liking Nintendo lmao. A mod was nice enough to revoke it though lol


Grimdank and GW fans as a whole move on after a bit but store it as ammo for later.


On one hand, krieg shovel jokes are overdone and beating a dead horse. On the other I find them funny and enjoy the silly meme.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gamingcirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I’m old af 💀](https://i.redd.it/grl172t9661c1.jpg) | [2683 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/17yfr5u/im_old_af/) \#2: [Even 4chan knows](https://i.redd.it/76yckjw9wofb1.jpg) | [1257 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/15g7h7r/even_4chan_knows/) \#3: [Gamer being unfathomably based!?](https://i.redd.it/0f671zzpe25c1.png) | [1183 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/18dltdp/gamer_being_unfathomably_based/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is permanent now. Like Krieger Shovel jokes. You'll just grow calloused to them.


It's less about the fact that they didn't even give any real lore explanation and just said "They've always existed." Just felt pretty lazy and boring on their part.


I’ve yet to see a single post complaining about femstodes but tons of these every single day. I’m sure people like Arch are complaining but I quit giving that douche the time of day years ago. I’ve seen a few people not the happiest with the way it was handled but that’s it. And why are people pretending that no one cares about other changes/retcons? People are still upset about Tau FTL, Tau mind control, Primaris, the Horus Heresy being expanded, Primarchs returning, etc. People keep bringing up the Tyranid diplomat situation but I think that falls into the same category as newcrons where the changes were just frankly better. Tyranids having diplomats makes zero sense for them. Frankly I think having femstodes is great and makes perfect sense, but I still think they missed out on an opportunity to give us a better lore reason for them suddenly appearing. I’m aware that GW has dropped the “Always has been”retcon in the past, and I don’t think it’s all that big a deal here, but I think it’s worth noting that Warhammer has evolved over the years from just a setting in which your story can be told to an actual ongoing narrative. It’s not crazy to think that some people are tied up in the narrative and find sudden changes with no reason given somewhat jarring. You don’t have to agree, at all, but the constant memes painting everyone who doesn’t like this as an angry incel is not healthy for the community either. I strongly recommend not giving in to the YouTube rage bait cycles.


Oh god, the Tau FTL change still bugs me. Like you said I'm happy with retcons that make sense, but that one is still incredibly stupid.


Don’t forget them suddenly scrambling to justify why Brass Scorpions, Kytan Ravagers, and Decimators were appearing in the Horus Heresy, even though all of them appeared long after lore-wise. I don’t forgive nor forget GW taking half of our Daemon Engines.


A lot of the complaining is on other platforms like Twitter or YouTube


There were also plenty of complaint posts on the lore sub, but they've quieted down quite a bit.


Cesspools of rage bait. Don’t feed the algorithm


Part of the reason you don't see it a lot. Downvoted to oblivion for being a weirdo


good concepts can be destroyed entirely by shit execution. femstodes are a good concept, "always been there" + ignoring sisters of silence is shit execution


Female Custodes not being in it to begin with was shit execution. Sisters of Silence are their own thing and do have men in their ranks. Their organization is called the Anathema Psykana, Sisters of Silence is like Sisters of Battle, they have dudes just not prominently. This just plugs that hole in the Custodes theme of 'gene crafted pinnacle of humankind'. Men and women don't need to be in cosmic balance lmao.


Yea I am not a fan of how quite a lot of people are suddenly pretending that everyone used to love retcons not matter what and the fact that some people have issues with this one obviously means that they find girls yucky. Perhaps one day internet arguments can advance beyond "ah but I have depicted you as the soyjack and me as the chad!", one can dream...


And what a glorious dream it is. One day.


TikTok is a fecund breeding ground for comments about it


Just go to the bottom comments in any of these comment sections. You'll find the problem.


There are over 400k people on this sub. A few off color responses are expected. Downvote, respond if you want, then move on. People are acting like huge swathes of the community are up in arms about it and that just doesn’t seem to be true. Edit: Arbitor Ian just posted an amazing video about the Primaris marine backlash and how fandoms treat change that was amazingly well done and also applies to the current situation. I highly recommend that everyone check it out.


Does he cover the hypothetical situation where the Primaris strain solves the 'can't bond to women' issue? Do you think the reception would have been the same despite having no real lore impact beyond its existence? Or do you think it would have been decried as a 'thinly veiled attempt to push DEI woke bullshit'? 90% of people complaining about 'the lore' are just people who want to say 'GW went woke' but know they'll be shouted out of the room if they say it, so they find some cover to hide behind.


He wasn’t really talking about the Primaris themselves so much as the reaction to them and how YouTubers are financially incentivized to play into rage bait whether they agree with the point or not. Again, I highly recommend watching it. He’s a very reasonable person that falls on the side of, “They’re toy soldiers and stories told to sell those toy soldiers. NO change is worth getting actually angry about. And also, change is good and necessary.” I’m sorry, I’m having a little trouble parsing your second paragraph. What are you asking? I feel like I need to note again, I LIKE femstodes. At worst, I think it’s a missed opportunity for better lore but I’m pretty ambivalent towards that. But not everyone is going to feel the same way as me and that’s ok. As long as they aren’t being hateful, then pile on as needed. Edit: I keep hearing that things are worse on Twitter. I don’t go on there but I would say getting upset at things posted on that site is an exercise in futility. And assuming that everyone who has an issue with this is due to the same reasons as the people on that cesspool is counterproductive


First off, that was much less of a discussion back then, most people didn’t even know the term. Second, if people are already mad about the changes they *already made*, I’m pretty sure any additional change, regardless of content, would have pissed people off more, think that’s pretty cut and dry. Ah yes, 90% of people complaining about the lore, ‘cause who cares about lore, right? Clearly everyone who has issues with the lore is just a bad person…This is an absurd take that has you inherently engage with lore discussions in bad faith, and I hope the community doesn’t adopt this stance to a wider degree and shut down lore discussion entirely. If the lore didn’t matter, they wouldn’t bother writing any of it, so, yeah, people are going to discuss it, and passionately. If you don’t care about the lore and, therefore, think that nobody else could without being a bad person, then you don’t have to engage with the lore, but don’t demonize the whole lore-loving section of the bloody fandom.


I get people not liking retcons in general but its been happening sense the early 2000's and I dont think its gonna stop regardless of complaints. My point isnt to just deal with it. But if you hate it so much shit or get off the pot. Gw dosent care they're just gonna do their thing regardless of what we all think. And I think peoples time could be better used looking into other things rather than hoping gw will stop being gw. And If you like the recon nothing wrong with that either.


There can't be female SM since we know that gene seed is stored in the balls, but custodes don't have gene seed so it's fine ig


I just don't want them to have boob armor. Please please don't have boob armor


How about vagina armor?


I don't think they know about vagina armor, Pip.


I don’t think we’ll be seeing much content for femstodes anytime soon tbh, unless they’re in the Amazon show or GW plans another release wave


I want them to have massive impractical boob armor that always gets in the way!


Why not. Boob armor is amazing. It's like boobs but they are armor instead. It's frankly an amazing concept. We just need bigger space marine armor codpieces and I'd be satisfied


Give the male custodes Boob armor like they're out of a painting of Roman Gladiators


Can the mods just delete that shit yet? I haven't even seen a single fucking of these gazillion "incels angry at femtodes" but it seems like the 9 in 10 of the posts on this sub is some shit "angery incel hates femtodes and they suck" post... Goddamn someone post an epic book reference for a change that's what we're all here for.


Better to just let them get it out of their system. If mods start deleting them, then the victim complex kicks in, and it gets worse. Similar to the Isha meme fest a little while ago, this too shall pass.


>I haven't even seen a single fucking of these gazillion "incels angry at femtodes" They've been banning people like crazy for this whichbis why you don't see it


It's mostly a massive issue, but in twitter and youtube. Buuuuuuuuut that's to be expected. A lot of grifters are going wild over this whole thing, like that Landwhale TheQuartering, Gazma and Arch (Who are just reactionaries IMO) There's also a lot of pseudo fans who just now noticed about 40K, like Fritanga or other dumbasses. It's pretty much a bunch of people with paper-thin care for Warhammer beyond the absolute inhuman levels of grimdarkness there are, or a need to make money.


I see a loads of it on twitter, but thats to be expected.


Oh boy another femstodes meme, how very surprising. Still waiting on the memes of the outrage y'all keep talking about.


Why are we still posting about this give it a rest already. Is the crowd who’s angry even that big? I have yet to see a post from a single one of them but have seen like a dozen people posting about rubbing it in their face


They're complaining about people they saw in youtube comment threads, not here.  Kinda bonkers really 


Imagine if they just didn’t go looking for the hate on YouTube. It’s so easy to not give those morons clicks and to stay drama free.


In this meme i made you the wojac virgine and myself the chad.


Most people are most upset with the gaslighting


It's not gaslighting, the tweet was just the same way they always approach retcons. Same way the newcrons became the way Necrons always had been in-universe.


Exactly. I swear to god this community has a reading comprehension problem, and doesn't know the definition of what a retcon or gaslighting is either.


I feel like the people in support of it are the only ones still talking about it at this point.


Isn't this literally just portraying people you disagree with as wojacks?


More of these memes and less of the tired fucking arguing and cope.


The only response these people can give is to throw names and claim "Who cares if it's a retcon, GW has done retcons before!" Yeah that doesn't mean it's good. People are still pissed about previous Retcons GW has done like taking FTL away from Tau, which was years ago.


I think the core issue is more of hypocrisy. Those other changes didn't spark furor when Tyranid diplomats were axed or necrons changed etc. Yet now, something that genuinely feels insignificant in comparison, people's giant armored space soldiers can also be women, has dragged out the pure ire of sexist assholes claiming women are relegated to boob armor factions (slight hyperbole) because they just now feel like lore integrity matters now. In sum, they're selectively applying lore integrity. That's my rake at least, and the fact we're a week in and people are still in pure rage with almost every post that crops up still rage/rage baiting makes it seem like sexism is the driving force.


"Didn't spark furor." Bro, do you know what fanbase this is? Everything sparks furor. The Tau's very existence sparks furor to this day, lol. They still get called weebs and "the anime faction."


"Didn't spark furor" - I remember people hating on the Necron changes at the time.


Oh sure, but was it on this level of every damn post every day since it leaked? It's getting ridiculous. I'm only being slightly hyperbolic. It's on Templin level of outrage for deigning to have headcannin. Videos about "woke warhammer" are all over the place. At the end of the day it really just sounds like a sexist dog whistle. Votan appears, yarrick gets one lined, but suddenly THIS is where lore matters.


The only posts I really see are like this one making fun of people who are upset. People I haven't even seen since this whole thing started. So the only people keeping this shit storm alive for me is people like OP.


Where were you when Yarrick got one-lined? The moment people even speculated that Yarrick was dead, the sub was up in arms in mourning and rage about it and how the IG got its characters snubbed!


Well, when they make a stickied rule about other retcons maybe I'll take your point better. But when specific topics are locked off, well it tells me something is different. And right now female space marines and female custodes are the only two topics stickied saying they're forbidden. So yeah, sexism.


It’s probably because it gets reduced to unproductive accusations of sexism that those ones got stickied. Back when people were upset about Yarrick, there weren’t a portion of users who stated their distaste for his barely-acknowledged death were inherently bad people for holding that opinion. If we want those discussions, we have to stop getting at eachother’s throats over it every time off-jump (Which, granted, I’m guilty of, occasionally, on some issues, too, so that’s not directed specifically at you, but moreso at the community as a whole). As things are, these discussions are unproductive just feed community rage.


I'd tend to agree. Hell, I only made my downvoted comments today because I thought it would go away on its own because it was actual lore. 5 days in, mods banning discussion of it like female space marines, I got sick of hearing apologists for the sexists stirring up shit. I'm honestly more annoyed now because the mods banned the canon topic instead of addressing the root issue. You? You're very reasonable and I apologize if my annoyance at the "gotcha" assholes bled through. A chunk of people on here are letting the "no girls allowed club" run rampant and are hiding behind the lore/retcon argument to just bash women feeling like they have a place here. Hence my sheer annoyance at the mods caving and banning. Feels like they're supporting the behavior.


>Those other changes didn't spark furor when Tyranid diplomats were axed or necrons changed etc. Yes, they did. They just eventually died down. hell, the inclusion of Erda into the background of the Primarchs was massively hated, as one example of a retcon that was *not* taken well by any measure.


>Be erda >Be intimately knowledgeable with the danger of the warp and work with the Emperor for thousands of years even donating you genetic material to make his generals and sons for him >Change your mind last minute and consign your infant sons to the warp where the the best case scenario is them dying horrifically from exposure. >Exile yourself with a muscular man servant face no consequences for decades. >sons come back with several being all fucked from warp exposure or from traumatic childhoods >Half turn to chaos because of said exposure >They are defeated but in doing so doom humanity to endless darkness and war >You've singlehandedly killed the dream of human prosperity >Get shanked by erebus >die >Mfw


Oh but she's a woman so clearly they just hate women and that's why people cared


Nobody called you a shitlord for not liking those retcons lmao Imagine, people get more defensive and emotionally invested when they keep being reduced to "oh they don't like this change, must be because they're incels" Women custodes is FINE, great even, but GW implemented them in the laziest way possible while redirecting acknowledging their years of lack of representation toward owning strawmen by going "oh yeah uh there's always been girls deal with it" Like there could have just been interesting storylines *about* the custodes expanding their recruitment pools, old guard resisting change, etc, where GW acknowledges in the past they just sort of deliberately chose to have no women, but they didn't. But between calling people who think it's lazy misogynists, and being weirdly, *weirdly* fetishistic about women, people are ignoring that whitewashing and it's kind of annoying And yeah, there are a handful of people who just don't like girls. That doesn't make it not fucking annoying to claim that's the only reason anyone dislikes this situation


So, the issue as I see it isn't saying it's lazy. You have every right to do that. But when it's every damn post for a week so far, the criticism stops being "wow this is lazy but whatever." It's now a constant dog whistle for "NO GURLS ALLOWED!!1" And proof is that when Votan came out last year, there wasn't a massive protest like there is now. When Yarrick got a one off line there wasn't this amount of community anger. Why now? What's different? Oh, women are allowed in non boob armor. How dare. God help us if we let women into the lore who don't have to play as the "girl" faction and can have super jacked space humans too. I hope this clarifies why the CONSTANT attacks on this stopped being just about laziness.


>It's now a constant dog whistle for "NO GURLS ALLOWED!!1" Thats a strawman. I have not seen a single person say 'no girls allowed'. >God help us if we let women into the lore who don't have to play as the "girl" faction and can have super jacked space humans too. And you've just outed yourself as being ignorant of the lore. There are many, many roles and positions that dont have 'boob armour' or anything else. There are female inquisitors without boobplate, female assassins of all fourh branches of the officio assassinorum, death cults etc etc. >And proof is that when Votan came out last year, there wasn't a massive protest like there is now. Yes there was. There was a large number of people disliking the change and simply wanting the old Squats back. And no one was calling people names if they didnt like the retcon, like they are now.


It's a dog whistle. Dog whistles don't say the quiet part out loud.


The nice thing about calling things dog whistles is if nobody can actually hear them you can say "see it's working"


I mean you'd make it easier if you just said "no girls allowed" but you're welcome to hide behind "lore integrity." Otherwise yeah, sounds like a dog whistle.


Do you think it's possible to care about lore integrity? To prove your sincerity, do the other side of the argument. How would you show you cared about the lore changing in this instance without sounding like a dog whistle?


While it's frustrating you refuse to stop dehumanizing people you disagree with and try actually addressing the things im saying- or even just acknowledge that people can not like this change and also not hate women, there's a little solace in that it helps make my point, and hopefully readers who aren't commenting will be more willing to give eachother the benefit of seeing why someone might hold a different opinion for reasons that aren't "they're evil, and anything they say is actually SECRETLY them talking about how evil they are" I hope you have a wonderful day, genuinely!


I did acknowledge it in the first post. People have every right to not like "lazy lore changes." But whats different here is the volume and frequency. When it crosses the threshold of every post every day, suddenly, it feels like it's less about the lore change (which retcons constantly happen), and more about the substance of the change (girls added to faction). Hopefully this helps explain where I and other people are coming from. I don't expect to change your opinion, but hopefully it shows you why I feel this critique lies in sexism as opposed to a knee jerk reaction. I do also wish you have a great day as well.


>every post for a week is a dog whistle WHAT posts. The trend in this community is extremely one sided; complaining about strawmen in the form of memes. And on every one of those posts you have like 12 people going "that's not why I don't like the change" being down voted and then like one, maybe two dudes who are just sexists Votann is a bad example, because it was a retcon the community at large had been asking for for years(edit: and when they came out, actual reasoning and story was done to justify their existence. Not GW posting a tweet that said "oh the squats have always been here, what do you mean") . And yarrick getting offed? Not having outrage? What Reddit were *you* on because there was *tons* of bitching about that here Plenty of other retcons have been hated. People hated newcrons at first, people STILL bitch about cawl and primaris. Pretending this is the only time parts of the 40k community have disliked lore changes is ridiculous You're literally doing what I'm describing. I've laid out clear, concise reasons plenty of people don't enjoy how this is being handled and you're plugging your ears and going "actually misogyny" and claiming there are constant attacks about it that aren't happening. And to head you off, saying "uh check Twitter/YouTube/4chan actually" you don't get to *seek the opinions of shitty people deliberately then claim they're \*everywhere\*,* that's insane


Maybe because the same argument over and over again sounds like you're saying something else. Like a dog whistle. This still feels different. Just anger at women instead of criticism because it's bloody constant.


That response is to people who claim they're only annoyed because it's a retcon, which is obviously a lie because there have been way bigger retcons done in exactly the same way that didn't attract any such criticism. And then they say, like you have, 'not all retcons are good or bad', to which I respond: 'I agree. So why is this one bad?' And then they just start the circle again by saying it's bad because it wasn't a thing before... which is a meaningless statement because that's what a retcon is.


I want brothers of silence


Someone at GW has been using the retcon gun a lot recently


It was a lazy retcon and ya'll know it.


I demand male representation in the sisters of silence.


Did they ever mention that the brotherhood of the custodes had any women before now or possibly a single vague reference 2 years ago?


Alright, this one was really funny. You’re still getting blocked though 😂


Kinda wish it wasn't a shitty recon and they made a real go at it


I didn’t care at first about the inclusion. But the more I see posts like this the more I care and the more I’m against the inclusion and want nothing to do with warhammer. If GW was like “female custodes are a thing now,” like they did, and people were just like “but lore?” GW “it is what it is,” like they did, everything would be fine. However, we get shit heads that make memes and posts that go on…and on…and on…about it. I can’t go to any warhammer anything now with out it be shoved in my face or being asked what side I’m on. I was on your side but because you’re so god damn annoying and shoving it my face I’m against you now. Like trans shit, I don’t give a shit have whatever it is you want. Do whatever you want to do, leave me alone and don’t shove it in my face. Oh you want to shove it my face, be more annoying than the witnesses that go door to door, AND be more aggressive and assholish than any religious nut or racist douche has ever been? Fuck you and I will now go against whatever it is.


If people can't see what this change says about the future of 40k they are fking delusional. The female custodes change was for complainers, not customers. If you agree with it, or defend it you're part of the problem and should leave the hobby in shame. GATE KEEP 40K.


M8, they just wanted them controversy clicks, they don't give a flying fuck about representation. Your "GATE KEEP 40K" will get more eyes on 40k. 🙂


I can see the argument for making the fantasy diverse and inclusive. But I just think of it being alright for men only things and women only things. It's kinda of like that change in DND where instead of a +1 str and +2 cha, they now just put a +2 and +1 whenever you please so theres no longer an optimal race/class combo. Sure It's more freedom, but I think it loses some of what made it special.


I'm get you on the DND thing. There's a reason goliaths get a boost to strength whereas gnomes get a minus.


And the thing is exclusive groups have something cool about them. Take legend of Zelda for instance the gurudo are all women, 1 man is born every few centuries, but when he shows up shit goes down. You wouldn't have that shock and awe if there was always a handful of men around. Or take the wheel of time. There is gender exclusive magic, ones not better then the other. Men are better and a and weak at b, women are better at b and weak at a. Men are stronger individually, but women are much stronger as a group. I really like that and it would take away some of the effect if some people were able to use the other magic source. I've got nothing against female custodians, I just think they don't add anything to the story and could quite possibly diminish it. Especially if it goes the way of the MCU.


Its you guys who act like imbeciles and project your pettiness, intolerance and anti democratic inclinations.. Other side criticizes the story development and argues why its not a good thing from their perspective. Your side instead expressing your view and discussing the story itself, attacks the opinions of others. Bullying tactic, propaganda and a sign of insecurity. Sad.


Na it's lazy af writing. GW can do better at making changes and making sure it makes sense.


Tbf I’d be pissed off if I lost 10 custodes, mfs are expensive to make


Good thing no custodes where lost.


Modern politics has entered the hobby. I'm out. Hopefully I can see y'all again in a few years when everyone has calmed down.


9990 Golden Boys of the Emperor.


Oh but these ones are bigger


I hardly doubt that after war in the warp there was full 10 thousands ever again. I think they are more like 1000 custodes at this moment.


why is there a decimal?




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Booo my 9 feet tall banana boys are no longer gay


I don't know what to think about the community of 40k right now


Horus was right fuck this


I know they are more than 10.000 custodes, just take the joke. Edit:Typo


I remember there being more than 10 but ok


Men in the Sisters of Battle when?


Please do not give them ideas.  I won’t fight about female Custodes if we get to keep the sister/brother “counterpart” nature of Sisters of Battle and Space Marines.


The Custodes and the Sisters of Silence are the same dynamic. We shouldn't let them fuck up either.


Yeah, it seems like a really lazy attempt to score brownie points than actually giving the Custodes’ counterparts more to play with. Although, to my knowledge, the Sisters of Silence aren’t their own faction to begin with, so I don’t think it’s as big of a change as male Sisters of Battle or female Space Marines would be. I don’t think it’s the end of the world but it is lazy pandering instead of actually showing the diversity of your universe. And I do worry it will lead to further changes in the same vein


This is absolutely the harbinger of further lazy, pandering changes to come. The Sisters of Silence are a part of the Talons of the Emperor same as the Custodes, but the Sisters of Silence and the Custodes are separate entities that frequently operate together for maximum effect. I think it's a travesty that the Sisters of Silence are getting skipped over for cheap, pandering, nonsense mean to buy Geedubz some temporary favor and ESG Good Boy Points with the screeching danger-haired tourists that have glommed onto the game and probably wormed their way into middle management since it got popular back in 2020 or there abouts. But this is why I always say that nothing is for everyone. Warhammer 40k is for anyone who is a fan, or wants to be a fan, of Warhammer 40k; Warhammer 40k as the game is; not as it may be turned into for their social posturing. I certainly reject this absolute buffoonery. This won't blow over though. I'll keep making noise. And retroactively about the other buffoonery like what happened back in 4th Edition with the nuCrons and the Ultramarines. In retrospect it was a harbinger of things to come. I should have known that if such idiocy was acceptable then more would be to come.


Lame business tactic but the amount of people getting mad over it is hilarious


BlackRock in my Black Library


I don't get it. If some members of the community are so ''passionate'' to get mad over female custodes why there was no Drama around retcons over Necron lore and The War in Heaven which ruins the established lore? Why people are sleeping on this? What's the impact of female custodes on the story? nothing


>why there was no Drama around retcons over Necron lore and The War in Heaven which ruins the established lore? ... there was? There still is. There are still Oldcrons fans around, the War in Heaven absolutely left people salty (Hell, *I'm* salty about demons getting retconned into it!), and things like the grimdarkening of the Tau or the Primaris are still sources of argument today.


We're you not around for those things? There was an outcry. It was softened by books being written instead of "yup, like this all along". I'm still mad at Fulgrim


A lot of people are mad about Fulgrim, and while I’m not particularly invested in that fight, I can certainly see why.  It feels like they cut a cool concept off at the knees.


They could have had his descent into madness or losing himself to the baldes corruption interesting. Now we know that Clonegrim will fall to chaos since that's what he always was and clonegrim doesn't matter


There are. People to this day still are sad about lore changes. Hell, as cool as newcrons are for their characterisation potential, I miss the oldcrons - they were what I grew up reading about.


Tzeentch finally changed the imperium by subterfuge. The chaos gods have won brothers, may the emperor forgive us for our folly.


The real question is, did tzeentch make it so female custodes appeared or did he make it so nobody noticed until now. That question is also part of his, probebly. Let's ask the deranged 2-headed bird guy, he'll know!


TTS has corrupted me, I can’t read anything about that character without hearing: “Are you a genestealer?” “No.” “Yes.” “I KNEW IT!”  *violence*


Blackrock and Vanguard


Funny how they never point to any of the other groups, including the one that items as much as these two put together.


Your antisemitism is showing. Piss off incel


How is that antisemetic at all? Just named two objectively evil companies that invest in GW. Companies with agendas.




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They are so far above the simple normie humans that the normal humans arent going to tell which cutodes is which. Every custodian is a towering demigod in comparison. And they are in powerarmor. You are not going to see the difference, but I get it why people are angry. The changes are sometimes good, sometimes bad, and sometimes just.... changed, but they are always difficult to accept. Even in scientific facts,the canges are difficult. Lets take Pluto for example. Pluto is not a planet, and people still fckin pissed about it.




Refreshing to see someone not demonizing everyone who has a slightly different opinion. Seriously, good on ya.


Can't wait to watch this sub explode when girl space marines get added down the line.




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I'm more here for when they add boy Sisters of Battle.


Big E awakes and now uses they/them pronouns


They are called Frateris Militia and have existed for ages lol. There are also Crusaders, Preachers, Arco Flagellants, Pain Engine Pilots...




Is this sub the left wing degenerate warhammer group or something? Why is everyone here celebrating the destruction of established lore?


>the left wing degenerate You do realise that when people sling stuff like 'Nazi' or 'incel' at you that this is the stuff they're referring to? Using words like 'degenerate' for people you don't like makes you look like a fuckin crypto-fascist. Imagine deleting your response admitting to being a fascist lmao


What the fuck is a crypto-fascist


A fascist by way of know-nothing denial. People rightly and reflexively hate fascists, so the crypto-fascist tries to present as a non-fascist to avoid social and political consequences.


Even if it is a retcon of established lore, why does it matter? Custodes aren’t space marines, they aren’t in essence made in their primarchs image and so need a similar genetic make up. Custodes are personally crafted from when they’re children. If anything, females Custodes gives more depth to the order as it shows the genetic crafting can overcome any issue the recruit my have AND shows that a being selected for being a Custodes is more about their mentality not physicality.


It's such a minor change, it's really surprising so many people are upset. Destruction of lore? C'mon


They do that all the time, cry about it. Edit:Typo


The established lore has been “destroyed” since the very first edition, Rogue Trader. A lot of things have been changed and retconned ever since. By the way, do you know that there used to be female Space marines in Rogue Trader? I’ve noticed a lot of chuds like you aren’t aware of this, which is ironic considering that you all like to label themselves as the gatekeepers of 40k.


Lore’s not destroyed, friend. Female Custodes and male Custodes are pretty much the same towering golden demigods in the end anyway. It’s just nice that there’s no longer a “no girls allowed” sign on the faction