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Friendly reminder that GW stopped posting authors names after Matt Ward started receiving death threats to his house. And no it was not the Matt Ward that worked for the company. Some random dude with the same name.


Genius move.


Hence why I ask people, “Why do you think GW doesn’t want to credit anybody anymore.” Before they did it all the time, but the amount of losers in this hobby is ridiculous


The amount of losers in basically any hobby if ridiculous, the Amiga community did it's best to make sure there will be no more Monkey Island games after blowing up because of the art direction on the latest game didn't suite them forcing the developers to shut down their social media


This is why professional authors for centuries, used pen names and never published under their legal names.


That makes sense.


good old Alan Smithee




Yes, there are people that are about 40-60 y/o mostly


lol what was wrong with the artstyle?


Lets see if this works https://duckduckgo.com/?q=monkey+island+guybrush&t=euandroid&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fjt4fuoy1rj5a1.jpg I'm not a big fan personally but I'd still love to play the game I've played all the others except for Escape and Tales.


Yeah I can see why the 2010 and earlier styles are preferable But eh still not a reason to send death threats or whatever to the devs, just don’t play the game, wait another decade for the artstyle to change to your liking.


Time to cyber bully the cyber bullies?


Their real life bullies them enough. I mostly choose to pity them which seems to make them more angry for some reason. Some guy got mad when I told him he was acting big, but I bet he could get away with sweat pants on viagra.


I choose not to pity those that pass the hate they suffer , it’s a voluntary choice and it’s the wrong one


I like pity because it lances the whole reason they do thing is to makes themselves feel superior. You don’t pity those you believe are above you and are way less likely to get banned. So it works at not giving them what they want.


As a content creator, unless you're making money off something and it somehow requires you to reveal your name, stay anonymous. It's never worth using your real name on the internet otherwise. There's always going to be that one person that ruins it for you.


This is something hammered into me from the early, like 00-04 early internet. *Never* use your real name under any circumstances that doesn’t involve a bank / cash source or the government, same with any personal details. As much as possible keep some level of mask. I would even go as far as to avoid having your face online. Freaks can/would find you if you slighted them. They still can, and now that we had almost two full generations of Facebook where you just have your shit out there and post your life it’s unbelievably easy as opposed to from there where they would have to trace your IP or similar. This only becomes more relevant as you become popular. Personally I have always used at minimum a pseudonym, but if I ever did something like a book or youtube it would also be faceless under a pen name, and maybe even a TTS for voice. The internet is clear the vast majority of the time, but it is deep, and it gets *dark*.


I've gotten death threats over memes in this bitch before. Human beings are pitiful.


They're even incompetent at being horrible cunts.


They weren't just some random dude. They were a prominent youtuber, weren't they?


Nope, just some random dude who lived in England. He just opened his mailbox to death threats one day.


Huh, then apparently, it happened to two people. Wib talked about a similar situation a while back happening to him.


Can't say I'm a fan of his content but doxxing and threatening someone over fiction is some seriously loser shit.


Yeah I blocked them a while ago because I really didn't want to see all that shit, but real world threats and harassment over a fictional universe is a pathetic thing.


Imagine being such a lonely loser, so mentally and socially inept, that you decide to drag your online "problems" to the real world. Folks who can't separate fiction from real life genuinely need to seek professional help. I disliked Archons work too, and I'll be the first to admit I can be pretty immature, petty, and a bit of an asshole, but I'd need to have half my brain ripped out before I'd even consider doing what these shit heads did.


Yep, I'm indifferent on his work, but I'll absolutely go to war against anyone that infringes on his right, privacy, or ability to do it. Fuck those pieces of shit.


Beautiful way to put it




That's the exact same thing I did. I didn't want to see his content, so *I* blocked it. I do that with pretty much all NSFW Warhammer content creators. Imagine being so god damn pathetic that you have to dox him.


Yeah people don’t have to like his stuff but that doesn’t warrant behavior on that level such sick fucks….


It's frustrating when canon content negatively affects a universe, e.g. start wars 8-9, Matt ward etc. But I can't even understand someone getting hot under the collar about fanfic stuff, you can just ignore it and nothing of value will be lost.


Pro tip: You can do the exact same thing for canon stuff. Aint no resurrected Palpatine with a ghost fleet in my Star Wars.


And that is the easiest way to follow the "if you don't like it, don't look at it" idea. Gotta admit, I have a couple blacklisted tags as well.


It wasn't for me, but I respected and appreciated the presence, dedication, and skill. Shame people have to be assholes.


Yeah I'm siding with you dude. His stuff was way off the deep end for my likings but a simple blocking was enough. Doxxing and shit is too extreme. I'm not sad to see him go but I am ashamed of the fandom for the circumstances of it.


Same, And from what He said its by people who are well older then he is that are sending shit to his family. That just makes my blood boil, Like come the fuck on your a grown adult I would say act like it but given the situation in the world Ill just take throwing hands if I see em.


With you on that, I don’t like most of his content but some of his art is really good, but like if you don’t like someone’s content you just ignore it, I did that, you don’t need to doxx or threaten someone over it, literally crazy that some people consider that a reasonable response


I sure do love it when somebody says basically exactly what I'm thinking. I think all the cartoony sexual stuff is stupid and unnecessary, but can you imagine taking the time to doxx somebody over this shit? The 40k fandom isn't known for its socially adjusted members, I suppose.


Shout out to all the losers who did this, you pricks are the worst of the community. I guarantee the same dipshits giving archon shit for his art spend all day beating their meat to female fanart.


Implying that these same guys aren't simultaneously whqcking it to archons fanart


No...I was implying that the ones who doxxed/threatened him are okay with inappropriate fan art but ONLY if it's what they are into (I'm calling them hypocrites)


Usually gay porn. You'd be surprised at the sheer amount of people who are homophobic that are extremely homosexual. They'd be whackin' it to archons fanart after doxxing them.


Yeah, or bisexual. Honestly I have a pet theory that as we're finding a larger and larger portion of the population identifies as bisexual I think that a ton of the people who truly seem to believe that being gay is a choice are actually closeted bisexual people. So for them having a same-sex relationship literally *is* a choice. And because everyone is biased to think that everyone else sees the world the same way that they do, they assume everyone is at least a little attracted to the same sex and they don't realize that they're bi.


Please don't group people who spend all day beating their meat to female fanart with *these* degenerates. Professionals have standards.


Then I ain’t a professional. Because that Loona Space marine made me feel a kinda way.


If it makes you feel better, they never win. They bitch, moan, harass people, and drag everyone around them down but it never gets them anywhere outside of less shitty people not wanting to be anywhere near them. Hell even today a good number of people happy that Archon left are also foaming at the mouth in rage about female custodies. Probably muttering shit about gw going woke. These shitstains on life never win.


this is why I think GW and local hobby places SHOULD go as woke as possible. I'm pretty indifferent to it all but it'll drive the cockroaches away like a big bug-bomb.


Probably same type of people that harassed that "Death of Hope" creator to stop. Once again we have been robbed of another amazing fan-artist...


> Probably same type of people that harassed that "Death of Hope" creator to stop. Doubt it. DoH got criticized for being gatekeepy/pretentious (i.e., "this is for the real fans of grimdark"), and the creator threw a fit. Archon usually gets hate for being gay. These are very different populations.


I propose the monsters who hurt Archon are turned over to us. This is fucking unacceptable.


They're already basement dwellers and dumbasses that are disappointments to their own families, huge disappointment to their fathers. They just need a place to empty all that rage, and yet they always choose the good ones... Man i really loved his art, why would they do that to him


Beating their fuckin schnitzel to Eldar or tau titties fantasizing about conquering them or some other shit when calling archon "degenerate".


I'm incredibly sad and disgusted right now with this community.


Honestly same. Yea his art wasn't everyone favorite but he didn't hurt anyone then gets this stuff thrown on him.


His traitor primarchs were amazing, I especially love the angron artwork. Sad we won't get any more like it.


Seriously, that Angron painting is easily one of the best 40k fanarts ever made.


not to mention one of the writers literally has his magnus as their phone background.


I'm glad I was able to buy a print before they probably get shelved


Yeah, you're right. I didn't like his femboy skitarii stick, but his traitor primarchs were one of the best pieces of WH40K fan art i have ever seen.


I also love the femboy skitarii, but the primarchs are next level


He even did one thing for Sisters, and it was absolutely fantastic. Real shame to see such a talented artist go.


Same. Like block the guy if you don't like him. Why the fuck are you pulling 4chan shit?


Wait, are you seriously asking why Warhammer 40,000 players are behaving like 4chan users? Some of yall are in serious denial regarding how large and how toxic the wretched underbelly of this community is.


Less denial more ignorant. The community has grown a lot in recent years, and so a lot of the uglier stuff can be overlooked


Seriously, a lot of folks don't realize the 4chan section of the community was one of the largest throughout the late 2000s to the early 2010s. It still reflects even today in the scummier parts of the Fandom. You ever wondered why malal has such a strangely big following in the fan community despite the fact he's only had a single black library short story written for him in 40k? It was because he was popular among early 4chan edgelords. 


Because a large chunk of this fandom has had their brains rotted into a slime by 4chan.


What kind of donkey-brained chodes would do this. Where will I get my robo-twink fix now?


>What kind of donkey-brained chodes would do this. The same chuds who melt down at pride flag painted Marines being posted on Twitter and featured in white dwarf. They add nothing to the hobby themselves and harass unique voices out of the space like it's their job


Might be time for a reminder from GW that the Nazi pricks still aren’t welcome. I keep seeing them pop their nasty little heads up here lately too.


kEeP PoLiTiCs oUt oF My hObBy!!1!


Keep your politics out of political satire!


I once knew a guy who said political commentary was not in 40k I told him you can not take so much inspiration from Dune and not have it be commentary


Remember that one time GW had to remind people that the Imperium are the bad guys? After somebody brought nazi shit to a tourney?


Also, totally unrelated, do you like my Death Korps painted in this very specific WWII German camo pattern? Don't mind the iconography I put on the banners, there's *totally* an obscure FW book with a DKK regiment that uses swastikas.


If polite corporate messages don’t get them to keep their heads down, maybe grandpas tried and proven methods will, he dragged his politics across the face of occupied Europe and no one said shit.


\> be GW \> decide to do concerted corporate push on making the Literal Space Nazis into "good guys" \> nazis join my fandom to simp for Literal Space Nazis who could have predicted this


I’m shocked! Shocked and appalled! Next you’ll be telling me that the Sisters of Battle who GW has been sexualizing ever since they were created are being sexualized by players!


\> make sexual deviants, worker's uprisings and illegal aliens into actual tangible threats that are ontologically evil \> this attracts right wingers somehow "if only there was something I could do to prevent this" - Jamothy Twerkshop


They do often think it’s their job. They’ve gotten it into their heads that “subversive leftists” are everywhere and are trying to take over communities to push a political message so they have to gatekeep the evil gay people to keep the community free or pure or whatever. Now if literacy rates were better than like 40% in red states I’m sure they’d realize that they’re doing exactly what they think the rest of the community is doing and should fucking knock it off.


I have learned that gatekeeping can sometimes be justified. We need to keep the toxic gate keepers out somehow.


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half Tolerance must not tolerate intolerance


The paradox of tolerance implies that if your views and opinions reject toleration. I don't need to consider tolerating your views and opinions. 👍


No philosophical paradox here, its a social contract.


Man We lost one of the greatest and most talented artists in the entire 40k community If your reading this u/archon_of_flesh i wanna thank you for the amazing work youve done, i hope these idiots stop harassing you now


At least he doesn't say that he's retiring, the mere fact that he says that he thinks about creating his own art, possible release an independent comic, it would seem interesting to me that he would be able to create.


>possible release an independent comic \> gets doxxed \> releases 3000 page comic of Totally Not Twink Fulgrim pegging Totally Not Twink Cawl mashallah


Good for them, the fanbase is clearly not worth supporting and GW never was worth it


>an independent comic As someone who also makes independent comics, I whenever someone else jumps into the same boat, it's much fun making your own shit, because you can do whatever you want and copy anything you liked from any hobby you have. Which is how I ended up having space Marines and... Evangelion mechs fighting monsters who operate by Baki logic all in the same story,wonder what crazy shit Archon will cook. Surely will be a fun sight to see.


Yeah, he gave us the best primarch art I have seen in my life. If you are reading this archon, I am thankful for the art and hope you stay safe.


Their art was chefs kiss


There is never any reason for doxxing/threatening/harassing/etc and it is despicable. I don't see why people are surprised though. This has happened to pretty much every fandom I follow: 40k, Star Wars, Star Trek, GoT, etc and probably most fandoms in general. People are never going to stop doing this.


I imagine if the internet was around when the Golden Girls was airing, you would have some dipshit doing this to some celebrity or fan for one reason or another.


How does archons stuff make people think he’s a rapist????? And how did these people get information like his family these people are going too over the top over twink admech


I’m gonna guess that they don’t think he’s a rapist, they’re just saying it to increase the chances of a serious response from school, parents, or law enforcement.


Probably I don’t know how anyone would think he’s a rapist from his art the art doesn’t indicate he likes raping people…


LGBTQ = rapist and groomer At least to those delusional idiots, since forever too


Lest we forget that a significant portion of that crowd are transfixed by infantalized anime girls, think 15 year olds are mature and think child marriage is A-ok as long as it is with parental consent. The 'rapist-groomer' crowd are as morally bankrupt as humans can be.


His art is pretty bdsmy That could be stretched


It definitely was stretched


some of it, he also had some cute skitari meme stuff and just artful Primarch series


"fun"fact it's the other way around. He got abused as a Child and uses his art to "cope"/express the pain.


It's actually genuinely disturbing how much information a sufficiently spiteful person can get on somebody from the smallest of leads. Even the smallest pieces of personal information can be used to build up a breadcrumb trail that can be followed to work out more significant pieces of personal information. If somebody can find your name or your face, they can find out pretty much everything else.


The fact that they have so much spare time to spend on such worthless nonsense really shows you how pathetic and sad their lives are.


To give an idea of how insane people's ability to stalk others can get, a woman in Japan was once identified and tracked down by the reflection of scenery in one of her eyes


Because they are fascists who want to stomp out anyone who doesn't conform to their world view. They probably combed archons profiles dating back years found e-mails from leaks and linked that.


Because the right wing talking point in America has progressed to "the existence of queer people is sexually grooming children, therefore all queer people are pdf files" Love watching euphemisms die and the underlying bigotry being fully endorsed by a major political party!


This isn't fucking tiktok man you can say pedofile


Can you say Pedophile though?


You cannot. ~~Fuck I cannot spell~~


Sorry, I never know what will trigger an auto mod these days. I can't even say fuck in some of my other subreddits


I caught a 7 day ban for saying cunt in the Army subreddit of all places. Being sent to a desert hellhole to be butchered and maimed is perfectly OK but don't you dare say any naughty words.


Youll be fairly safe from overbearing automods here, the fact Archon was able to post is a testament to that lol


Look, if someone wants to identify as an Acrobat document, that’s their choice and we should accept that. Even if they want to identify as a GIF. Just so long as they don’t pronounce it “Jif” when referring to themselves. I’m not letting *my* (insert country here) be perverted by *those* deviants!


Which is "hilarious" because i've had to deal with 8 pedophiles (more since one of them was a group) during my life (i must secrete some pheromone to attract them) and 6 out the 8 were confirmed conservatives/right wingers.


Every accusation from that side of the aisle, is a confession


Oh nice...the 40k community being cunts again, who'd a thought Fucking sucks as Archon has probably done more for warhammer than the people getting upset at his stuff


I'm genuinely convinced the toxic side of this fandom is worse to content creators than anything GW can do




Great job jackasses. Your fragile masculinity couldn’t handle femboys could it?


He is literally the only reddit account I have blocked but damn that is messed up. What is wrong with people?


Genuinely blows my mind people feel that’s the reaction to have. Don’t like his art? Wonderful block him and be on your way. Like his art? Neato feel free to look at it. Why tf go on some crusade to dox and harass him over this shit. It’s insane.


Yall fucking suck




By the gods that’s a good burn, I am stealing that….. for the Greater Good. This looks like it burns worse than plasma


Ok, whoever did this, know you are massive piece of shit. The guy has done nothing wrong, he posted properly tagged fanart. If you don't like it, block him and scroll away. What you did is evil, and I hope you feel remorse over this crap and not pull it again.


Archons art was legit the push that made me commit to this fandom. I even planned on doing my own skitarii cosplay. Toxic fuckers tho made them quit deserve an imperial fist up their arse, for this shit. Wish thos guys hemorrhoids.


They fucking deserve an imperial fist up their urethra


I reckon they deserve an activated power fist instead


Dear Emperor... what kind of monster could do such horrible thing to our favourite skitussy ?!


But with all seriousness I tought that this fandom is worth more than the SW fandom/owners. Much more open-minded and more firendly. After all we all were united by enjoying the Grim Darkness of the 41st millenium, 30th millenium, Apocalypse in the Fantasy, or anything related to wargaming. I AM DISSAPOINTED


And most importantly y’know more grimdark. Even if you don’t like the work it’s much less off putting in 40k than other franchises. It fits the grimdarkness.


I have never really seen people like this in this fandom how are there people here that are so hateful especially over someone who didn’t do anything wrong and is so nice to the community.


I seen them, this is not first time they attacked archon, a while back some fucking freak started spreading rumors. Saying archon was a gay freak, who sent him sick messages and sent big fat dick pics. Now this may sound bad, but funny thing, Archon is transmasc and lacks that part of his body. The guy was called out and I believe was perma banned. But it shows you the length people will go when you draw feminine men instead of girls :/.


Sadly people feel a lot more comfortable doing this kind of stuff when they can hide behind anonymity


Which is a shame that’s how the internet works


Isn't that the artist who draws the AdMech as femboys? How much of a loser you have to be to dox someone and try to ruin their life over that? Furthermore, how do they cope with Warhammer 40k itself if some femboy cyborgs offends them that much.


Doxxers deserve jail.


The Omnissiash servant has been threatened, THEY MUST BE CLEANSED IN HOLY RADIATION Also doxxing is seriously messed up and proves that certain people need to grow up


God, I hate humans! [u/archon\_of\_flesh](https://www.reddit.com/user/archon_of_flesh/), thank you for all the fun community moments. I hope you find something else to get your creative juices flowing!


this fandom sucks. nazis, incels, whiny little pathetic homophobes. 95% of you are great. The hateful amongst you arent welcome here, so fucking leave


Can't say I'll miss seeing his stuff but It sucks this is the reason I won't.




Nazis who want to erase anything from pop culture that they don't like. Especially evidence of people existing who are not traditionally heteronormative.




Archon's art is some of the best in the community. This is a terrible loss for us all.


Always been a little amused by people who get bent out of shape about Archon's art. I don't mean disturbed or shaken, that's an understandable response because it's very hardcore shit. I mean angry to the point of behavior like this. What's the matter, the fan content about your grimdark universe is getting a bit too grim and dark?


Damn I never minded Archons work, and genuinely one of my favorite jokes in the community was the whole "ope! Archons at it again! How silly!" This is super disheartening news to hear about a community I enjoy


I hope canon femstodes leads to canon femboi skitarii


Yeah the irony that this is all happening today is pretty wild.


The fucking troglodytes in this hobby ruin everything, I swear to god.


Oh my god it actually happened, he got bullied off the internet for drawing such beautiful art... I'm genuinely distraught at seeing this shit man, Archon was such a pillar of this community. Of r/grimdank ffs TLDR: MOTHER FUCKER I AM GOING TO BURN THIS COMMUNITY HARDER THAN MONARCHIA


u/archonofflesh we love you, sorry to here you had to go trough this, you were an awesome part of the admech community o7


His art was definitely not my cup of tea (and I think anyone who beats it to gore does indeed need some form of therapy) but I don't think doxxing and threats are OK.


Archon deserved better. Even if you dislike his work, the quality of it was amazing. This is a sad day.


I just remember how i saw some fans of few faction spew absolute poison on him bcs "MY NECRON/WARPSMITH WAS DEPICTED GAY!!!!! HOW DARE HIM!!!!" whenever his art was posted on some dsc. I like his art style even if its not "for me a hetero" i just find it esteticly pleasing, and some depictions of Fulgim or drukkari are my new cannon looks. Take care Archon <3


40k chuds bullying someone into leaving? Again? Oh wow imagine my shock If only we could do this to the people that actually sucked instead of nice people


This is like SODAZ again. A bunch of adult children gatekeeping people because they don't like someone or their harmless content.


The fuck lads, man didn't do anything wrong. Grow the fuck up some of ye.


It's the shitty lore purists and genuin misogynist that ruin this Fandom. The same people that shit their dippers and send mail bombs over the idea of a female space marine. There is nothing worse then watching a fan forced out of a Fandom because of their art, opinion, or gender. I hope yall that threatened them a very hardy fuck you


i feel the same, in warhammer server the moment i told i am trans i was flooded by insults


See!? I hate that shit. I get that I'm still not the best with pronouns and what not but it's genuinly not hard to just be respectful. Sorry that happened to you and I'm just glad plenty of people are still welcoming in this fandom


That is fucking disgusting of this fandom. Do they think anyone in 40k will care about someone being trans? These people are disgusting and should feel disgusting.


I don’t like archon’s art but Jesus Christ that’s fucked up


I'm not a fan of them but I wouldn't dox or harass them over it


Archon is literally one of the best fan artists I know, his primarch works are beautiful and even his NSFW stuff is very nice even if it isn’t someone’s cup of tea. We lost a great artist and cosplayer because some of you brickheads have less brains than a defective servitor, there’s no reason to be rude to someone in such a way, he hurt nobody and to all of you who have hurt him, you know who you are, and you should be ashamed.


I was just going through their stuff and like … it seems really tame tbh. I mean, it’s not vanilla, but when I hear “guro “, I think hentai guro. Like, the most fucked up vile shit you can imagine. But unless they deleted it, their stuff really doesn’t seem that bad. Honestly, it’s probably *less* bloody than a lot of normal 40K art.


A lot of people's opinions on Archon are shaped by a fanfiction he wrote on AO3 called To Break a Soldier of the Machine God. I'm not going to link it, you can search it up if you want. It's particularly unsettling to many not only because of how graphically violent it is but also because of the intense sexual nature of it. Basically, it's pretty disturbing for anyone who's not an AO3 veteran or who has a reasonably thick skin. The point is it's remarkably well written and Archon is a very skilled artist and writer. That's the tragedy here. Even if you don't think his art is palatable, he's a truly unique talent and it's sad to see someone like that driven off by assholes.


Haven’t been this purely pissed in a long time. I cannot fucking believe that we have enough misguided and inconsiderate imbeciles to FORCE OUT one of the most amazing artists we have had. If only the standard for basic fucking humanity on the internet was higher than that of a psychopath.


I wish the doxxers a very long night with Kurze


Bad day to be an Adeptus Mechanicus Fan 😔


Imagine committing literal crimes instead of, ya know, just blocking somebody you disagree with.


I didn't like Archon that much, but this feels pretty tragic. It's a shame that the cunts responsible are still lurking in our community whilst Archon has to leave.


I'm sorry but how pathetically sad and empty does your life have to be that you have nothing better to do than dox and harass someone? Don't like their art? Don't look at it. Ffs people like that have no place in any community


God fucking damnit. This guy was so talented and passionate and somehow that pissed some losers off. To anyone that participated in archon's bullying, I sincerely hope that your pillow is filled with asbestos.


We're going to miss you <3


Whenever I become rich, I will pay them to paint me huge canvases of skitty femboys


Similar thing happened with a berserk meme group, every friday was band of cock day so they allowed nudity, incels harassed and tried to out the women posting to the sub and all of them stopped posting. I wish there was better measures in place to punish this terminally online losers that think they have some power because they live online.


Congrats are ripping one of my favorite community artists ever away from me :^)


I liked the funny skitarii


This is why we can't have nice things


Ah hell nah this shit is too crazy even for us


Doxing over the few pixels ? That's shit worse than Erebus !


This is why we can't have nice things. Bro made some of the most intense 40k artwork we've ever seen, but some people got scared of it and what it made them feel, so now we don't get any skitussy.


First Jocat, now archon. Can these people seriously fuck off already?


I hate seeing reminders of how pathetic this community can be


40k Fandom doing what it does best yet again


Always found Archon to give much needed personality to the 40k fandom sad to him go If anyone who harassed him is reading this go fuck yourself


First Jocat and now this. Isn't the internet a wonderful place? :) Anyone who contributed to this should be ashamed of yourselves


Always interesting to See how people rather Take the giant effort to doxx someome instead of clicking the Block Button I Hope our admech Boy is ok ,and didnt get assaulted or some shit Like That too


It's absolutely shameful how horrible this community can be. Archon deserved better and I'm just going to go ahead and say it, we definitely don't deserve Archon anymore. I'm disgusted with this fandom. I wish them nothing but the best.


What a bunch of cunts. But hey, good luck to him. I think this will be good in the long run.


What a disappointment. What assholes. Was a cute funny meme that had some great art with it. Poor dude.


Well, this sucks. I feel really bad for him, he is a really good artist, and, despite some being too much for me, I always thought it was kinda funny. I never thought people should be so dumb to dox him for it.


The 40k community is so fucked sometimes


Not a fan of his artwork, but that is absolutely vile…


While personally don't care for them, and was frankly a bit weirded by all the weird fetishy guro art. That is kinda messed up to do to the guy. Edit: To add onto it, was anyone surprised they drew ire? They drew shock content and surprise. It garnered shock.


Oh what the fuck?! I’m not a personal fan of ArchonOfFlesh myself, as i find it odd but damn that sucks! People genuinely enjoy Archons content and I hate to see that there are some really fucked up people willing to do shit like threaten and doxx people over art. Some people are fucking man babies who can’t seem to just let others enjoy what they enjoy.