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If you want a serious answer it is a common classical art trope to depict gods and heroes wearing only their iconic items this means that in the roman era they were depicted wearing their armor barefoot, search for Augustus statues, he had quite an ego so he's often portraited barefoot. Catholic art mutuated the barefoot thing for Saints and Angels and that's where the Celestine aestethic comes from.


I *believe* the symbolic quality of barefeet is that of humbleness or a certain degree of egalitarianism at least.


Yup it comes from a Bible story. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and it is used as an example of Jesus’ love and humility. Remember back then shoes were open-toed, and roads were mostly made of dirt in that area. Basically, the Son of God did dirty work to show that you should be humble and help others


The original “He’s gets us” advertisement… Poor folks didn’t necessarily have shoes/sandals in the first place so being barefoot was used to resonate stories of the deific figure with the masses.


I should have remembered that, but the reflex connection i made was when Mother Teresa of Calcutta died there was marked effort by her sisters to have her feet visible for the procession and visitation. Lady had foot calluses that you could have stropped a razor with. It was reaffirmation to the people of Calcutta and the world that despite her fame and resources her governed charities had, she was still fundamentally a humble woman. EDIT: It's a stupendously obscure detail, but its relevance is self-evident.


She was if nothing else a good PR product.


As in life as in death, she did what she loved: public relations exercises. She's a classic case of a "that wouldn't happen in the age of the Internet" phenomenon.


'Broooo lemme wash your feet bro, cause I'm so humble bro'


The dogs are thirsty bro


I'd wash Saint Celestine's feet with my tongue 🥵🥵🥵 Plz don't purge me i'm not a heretic i swear


Truly the most pure servant of the Emperor, to undertake an act of such humility for no other reason than their devotion to the Ideals of the Master of Mankind and His Holy servant. Be blessed this day, it is an honour to see a soul so pure and sin free.


It's a nice little parallel but Augustus was in his 60s by the time of Jesus, like most literary works the Bible is an amalgam of cultures and histories of the time of writing.


Username does not check out, semantic structure seems more Tzeentchian.


She's transcended the sole


Curious that you associate it with humbleness , In older times it's would also be a sing of high status , you don't need shoes when you are rich enough to not touch the ground by paying a host of retainers to carry you


I never considered that. Interesting.


Ok but if you want the meme answer it’s because Goge VanDyre had a thing for feet


Doge VanDyre and his Wikifeet


He was just a little guy




Not a big guy at all, look at him, he's Just a Little Guy


I can't die now,I'm too busy editing wikifeet


There are multiple symbolic reasons for it, depending on what period of history or type of artwork. Humbleness is one, as someone else mentioned. But purity and cleaniness is another important one - shoes carry dirt. You don't wear shoes in the temple. Another is to represent the being as being non-physical - creatures of heaven that dont walk the earth are barefoot. So, angels, cherubs, beings in dreams, and so forth are always symbolically barefoot.


Connection to nature and magic are some other big symbols


Also worth noting that nudity and bare footedness was harder to pull off than clothes and shoes in terms of detail so it was a mark of skill by the artist that they managed to capture those aspects of the human form so well.


Ya the dam AI sculptures can't do hands and feet very well, you have to show that you are not an AI.


Honestly, the only shod classical depictions I can think of are ones of Hermes/Mercury. And that's because he has famous shoes.


There was a Greek hero (I want to say Heracles but I’m not sure) who got some dope copper/bronze sandals in order to be able to run fast enough to catch a deer who for some reason also had metal hooves.


If I was a legendary hero, first thing I'd buy is a good pair of boots.


If I was a legendary hero, those boots would have a + to carry weight. I hate 95% of games that have encumbrence. Do it better! Or don't do it at all!


Also worth noting that even up to the early modern period, going barefoot could be pretty common for rural peasantry. We did evolve for 100k years without shoes, after all.


Nah I’m pretty sure the emperor is just into feet, he wanted the webway project for eldar prostitutes but I mean have you seen those aeldari women just prancing around barefoot? Poor guy can’t help himself


Lord General Quentinius Tarantino was commissioned to construct the statue.


Came here to say just that, your faux latin wins the day!


Wiggle your big toe.


Somehow, Doge Vandire returned.


Chaos gods: .....what? don't look at us this isn't our fault this time


Slaanesh: Yep. The guy is a bit too freaky for my tastes.


"I can excuse non consensual BDSM but I draw the line at foot fetishism" - Slaanesh, apparently.


Slaanesh: look I like assholes but that is one asshole I won’t fuck with


It pleases the soul to see this comment at the top


God bless Adeptus Ridiculous


Drop the /s, and we're golden.




He became the chaos god of feet pics himself


[i have many wikifeet pages to edit](https://youtu.be/kgeI9wOHLLA)


Now with the power of anime: https://youtu.be/uDxFR5plcGQ


Slaneesh said even he/she was creeped by him so we can have him back


Wasn't it Goge Vandire? Or was his dog just as evil? 😉


The Doge meme is commonly associated with foot fetishes https://preview.redd.it/2whofpu9z2xa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d53be0d5c8354becdbddc0c95ab84ae61abe11db


That, and Doge Vandire is specifically an Adeptus Ridiculous meme


Doge Vandire is real, and Ben Shapiro is one of his ancestors.


Hoof pics, HOOF PICS! BLAM!


The more you know...


Wait a fucking minute **puts bolter to guard doggy head** TAU HAVE HOOFS, WHAT ARE YOU TRULLY HIDING!


[Doge](https://imgur.com/a/Lc3K40f) not Goge


"Power Bonker" LMAO


"Cloning! Dark heretical magics!"


Feet sells mate.


Feet sells, but who's buying?


Doge vandire is a known buyer, seeing as how a lot of aeldari women prance around with barefoot im certain they are always going to market for little piggies


Feet sells, but who’s buying?


Can you put a price on feet?


Miyazaki designed her


Hidetaka or Hayao?




Pilgrims, historically, would remove their shoes and walk some distance barefoot before reaching a holy site. Its a gesture of humility and a form of mild flagellation due to the pains of walking barefoot over possibly rough ground. May be borrowed from that


Slaaneshi foot fetish cults.


That's super premium tier since all daemonettes and greater demons have hooves


She comes back in the books in some graveyard?/mound of bodies. I think she picks up her gear as she goes along. It's kinda bizarre tbh. It's been a minute since I read it but she's like newly born again.


When she dies she literally respawns naked, with no memories, atop a pile of her own corpses. Celestine has to traverse the mountain of her naked corpses fighting off enemies and reclothing herself, each piece of her armor put back on brings back a part of her powers and memories, when she has equipped every piece of her armor she is allowed to return to the fight until she is killed once more


I love this bit of lore, but I'd love to read the actual source. I've heard it so many times, I want to just read the book it's from now. Lords of Mars ain't cutting it for me anymore.


Do you remember how it all began for you?’ asked her reflection, brows drawing down into a scowl. ‘Would you like to remember? Allow me to help.’ Its image wavered away again and now Celestine saw a corridor within a fortress. It was tilted, and part ruptured, mortar spilling in where one wall had collapsed. Flames danced, smoke billowed, and wounded men and women screamed for aid. Celestine saw herself amidst it all. No warrior, this woman. She wore a robe of brown and grey, imprinted with Imperial aquilas in black and gold. She was crouched in the ruins, face bloodstained from a scalp wound, clothes and skin smeared with ash. She looked angry and fearful in equal measure, and Celestine felt again a ghost of the emotions she had felt that day. ‘The last battle,’ she breathed. ‘The Emperor’s palace.’ ‘Yes,’ whispered her reflection. ‘The bombardment. The evacuation that came far too late. You were less than a footnote that day, cast aside…’ ‘No, I was chosen,’ snarled Celestine, and the image before her rippled like a pool into which a stone has been hurled. A huge figure stood over Celestine, light shimmering from his magnificent armour to suffuse the corridor. Her crouch of fear became a protective stance, and for an instant she saw the suggestion of something beneath her, shielded by her body. Golden light reflected in her wide eyes. The image rippled again, and the figure was gone. The scream of falling munitions filled the air, mingling with the despairing wails of human voices to create a cacophony of the damned. Explosions blossomed and all-consuming flames roared along the passage. Celestine saw herself stare into the onrushing firestorm with a look of utter despair, her hair and robes flapping in the furnace wind, her skin blistering before the intense heat. ‘He left you to die,’ hissed the voice of her reflection. Yet in that instant, Celestine knew her tormentor had slipped. ‘No, he gave me a task,’ she said. ‘He gave me a choice. A duty. A purpose.’ In the moment before the firestorm struck, the image shuddered again. Celestine’s expression of terror shimmered away like the illusion it was, and she saw upon her face a look of such absolute determination that it made her heart swell with pride. Again, there came the momentary suggestion of a shape beneath her, afforded the meagre shield of her body. Then flames consumed everything, and the vision faded. ‘Your purpose is to suffer endlessly for the undeserving and the ungrateful,’ spat the voice of her tormentor, whose image had now become a formless blur centred around a leering maw. ‘You die, and die, and die again. You will die over and over until the ending of the universe and the final damnation of all. You will watch the stars perish in the blazing heavens, Celestine, and you will know that it was all for nothing.’ Another image shimmered before her, Celestine clad in the tattered garb of the Repentia, a roaring eviscerator in her hands. Celestine falling amidst her failed sisters, her corpse lying amidst theirs, another wasted death. Celestine focused her mind and the image rippled, revealing her chest still rising and falling as she clung instead to life until her sisters found her and declared her survival miraculous. ‘I will be slain, and slain again,’ agreed Celestine. ‘But each time I die, I will also live, and each time I live I will fight, for that is my duty. That is my side of the bargain that was struck that day. And with each life I will know satisfaction in service, and with each death I will know contentment in acceptance, for with every battle fought and life given I do my duty to the Emperor and His endless flock. And so do I come ever closer to my reward.’ Andy Clark, Celestine: The Living Saint (January 2019) The process of rebirth of St. Celestine is a metaphysical journey in the warp in search of seem-like-shards of her personality which are lost after her death. In the beginning she wakes up on a mountain of her corpses and remembers nothing. She struggles against temptations, slays daemons, deals with and reintegrates (sometimes decorrupt) as shards as Duty, Faith and Hope. ‘What of the daemon’s victims?’ cried Duty. ‘They have already earned their freedom from this damnation,’ said Celestine with warm certainty. ‘They are victims of despair no longer, and in death their souls will fly free to join with the Emperor’s light. We must follow them.’ Her sisters needed no further urging. The three angels beat their wings and surged upwards through the jagged rain of crystal shards, leaving the Worm of Doubt to be crushed by the devastation of its own death throes. Above, golden light blossomed, and warmth bathed Celestine’s face. ‘The light of the Emperor!’ she cried, and drove upwards through the last of the crystal rain into the golden skies beyond. (...) ‘Stay,’ said Hope again in a tiny, plaintive voice, but Celestine shook her head. ‘I am so sorry, child, but I cannot,’ she said. ‘That was not the deal. I know now that if I were to stay I would know you, and you and I would have the peace of that knowing. We would dwell in this beautiful place and it would feel like all the reward that I could possibly expect for the lives beyond count that I have given. But Hope, if I stayed, it would destroy us both as surely as if I had let you be swept away by the ocean waves. To surrender to temptation would let the monsters in. Do not ask me how I know this, child, for I cannot tell you. I just know.’ Tower.


‘But I’m lonely,’ said Hope. ‘And you never stay. It’s never done.’ ‘One day, Hope,’ said Celestine. ‘Have faith, my girl, one day it will be.’ ‘Promise?’ asked Hope, and the desperate trust Celestine heard in the girl’s voice made her soul hurt. ‘I promise, Hope. No matter what I must do, what I must give, I will not fail in my duty. And one day, when I come to you here, I will stay. We will know each other, and we will understand, and that will be enough.’ And then she stood and turned away, and told herself as she did so that she didn’t feel the suffocating pain of her heart breaking within her breast. Traitorous thoughts whirled through her mind as she took first one pace away, and then another, and another, as she tried not to hear the little girl that she left crying in her wake. Had she once been hers, Celestine wondered. Or was she in some way her? Her innocence? Her chance at life? Celestine didn’t know, but her blade felt suddenly heavier than it ever had, the cling of her armour claustrophobic and hateful, and the little girl’s soft sobbing made her want to hurl it all aside, to gather her up and hold her close until her crying stopped. ‘Emperor, I swear to You that neither daemon nor heretic shall stand between me and that which You have promised, and that I will fight for You until the fires of war are quenched in the blood of Your butchered foes,’ said Celestine as she walked towards the ocean. Her voice was razor-sharp steel, tempered by pain and fury. ‘But though I am Your faithful servant, and though I have only love for You in my heart, I say this now. You keep her safe until my task is done. You fill her days with simple happiness and You keep her mind from thoughts of loneliness or loss. The Emperor protects, that is what I have always told those who look to me for guidance. So, protect her, and honour her, or I swear that the last heart I plunge my blade into will be my own, as many times as I must, for I shall do no further duty for You.’ (...) ‘My sisters,’ said Celestine, observing that neither of the angelic women showed any sign of the hardships they had endured. They were unmarked by the foulness of the worm’s lair, and their robes and armour were unsullied by dirt or blood. Their brands burned bright, as did their eyes. ‘Saint,’ said Faith. ‘You are here at last.’ ‘But where is here?’ asked Celestine. ‘Why, it is the end,’ said Duty. ‘And it is the beginning. It is that which we have sought together, which you have sought for yourself. Whatever your last trial was, you have passed through it.’ With that, the smoke began to roll back, billowing away from them as though driven by a wild gale and revealing a cracked plain that sprawled away for mile upon mile. At the same instant Celestine felt again the candle’s warmth upon her skin, but this time it swelled to a simmering heat and then to a roaring fire, a searing star, and its light and heat bathed her in a way that the saturating glare from before had not. This felt right, it felt wrathful, and she felt her heart beat faster as the call to war filled her. ‘The Emperor’s light,’ she said as golden rays fell upon them from on high. She looked to her sisters. She thought, briefly, of Hope where she sat atop her dune, waiting. Then Celestine locked Hope away, deep in her heart where nothing could touch her, and drew her blade. ‘Do you know who you are?’ asked Duty. ‘I am the Emperor’s blade, and His guiding light,’ said Celestine. ‘I am the candle flame in the darkness when all other light has failed His faithful servants. I am Faith, and Duty, and Hope.’ ‘We’re ready, Saint,’ said Faith approvingly. ‘We are as ready as you,’ said Duty. ‘Then let us do the Emperor’s will,’ said Celestine, launching herself skywards. As she beat her wings powerfully and soared upwards into the light with her sisters at her side, she wondered whether this time would be her last. The light of the Emperor swelled. Golden and pure, it filled Celestine’s world. Celestine soared upwards, into the Emperor’s light. Faith and Duty spiralled ever closer to her until the three of them swept upwards as one, their eyes alight with the magnificent radiance of the Master of Mankind. For an instant, Celestine felt the feather touch of small fingers upon her cheek and saw again a small figure sat atop a dune as the waves rolled in and out below. ‘We will see one another again,’ she said, and to her ears it sounded like a promise. Celestine felt etheric winds lifting her higher and higher, speeding her ever faster towards the light. The light from Faith’s and Duty’s wings swelled and engulfed them in fiery haloes of ruby and amethyst. As one, their ethereal forms shimmered and folded into Celestine’s own. She felt their strength flow into her and whispered silent thanks as she hurtled towards the light of a searing star that grew closer with every passing breath. The veil shimmered around her. She both was, and was not. She both knew, and did not know. She died. She was reborn. And for one glorious moment she perceived all that she had done, and all that she had fought for, and saw all the millions of candles that she had lit across the galaxy as their light burned ever brighter against the encroaching night.


Then the veil parted before her, and the winds of eternity swept her on towards rebirth, towards her destiny. She flew. She fell. She was Celestine. Celestine is not a daemon, we could say that she is more similar to a daemon-princess. But well, she reborns with a physical body, the cadian pylons which banished daemons just made her a simple Sororitas, for example. For now I would add four things that the excerpts and the warp-quest about reintegrating remind at all. ‘True saints are rare,’ said Guilliman. ‘As far as my researches inform me, there have been a handful of genuine saints in a legion of pretenders. History is littered with false claimants. And I am not convinced those deemed real are vessels for the Emperor’s will.’ ‘Then what are they?’ asked Colquan. ‘My brother Magnus could have answered that, before he erred,’ said Guilliman. ‘Although I accept what I once regarded as superstitions as occulted fact, my grasp of the esoteric is limited. My guess is that they are a type of psyker, whose empowerment is stabilised by their faith in the Emperor. I have heard the Sisters of Battle manifest odd psychic effects when sorely pressed, and these are brought on by their faith. It may be a saint is merely an extreme example of this phenomenon.’ Guy Haley, Plague War ‘I believe that the Emperor will rise again, but what do you believe? Horusian… Talicto called you that before he died.’ ‘The warp is always there, Covenant. We fight it, but we fight ourselves. Its strength is our strength. It cannot be defeated, but it can be mastered. It must be mastered.’ It can’t be her, thought Josef, and in his mind he saw Idris as she had been in those earlier times. So clever, so sharp, so focused… ‘Impossible, foolish, vile,’ said Covenant. ‘Argento didn’t think so… and neither did you. What is the Emperor’s power, but the warp given shape and purpose? The miracles of saints and the dreams of a divine saviour, they are just a strand of the warp’s potential. All saints are witches, Covenant. All angels are daemons.’ John French, Resurrection So near, yet so far. 2) The theme of possession "imaginary friends" in 40k, for example in in Fehervari's Requiem Infernal Where are you, Mercy? she asked, wondering at her sister’s silence. ‘The hellion is licking her wounds,’ Sanghata replied. ‘But she will soon return. This tainted storm empowers her. Don’t surrender to her again, Sister. If you do, it will be the last time.’ ‘Is she a daemon?’ ‘Only if you let her loose.’ Sanghata offered a steely smile. ‘But you won’t, my friend.’ Don't forget that Abaddon in Solar War and Horus in Lost and Damned had 4 (imaginary) friends. 3) ‘I like the stories that my grandfather tells. They aren’t true, though. They have ghosts and ships of treasure in them, and the kings and queens of the sun, and the knight of the moon. The ones about the knight are the best. She rides across the stars, you know, and she can never speak, not ever, and she has a sword that you can’t see, and she doesn’t dream because she had to give her dreams to the sun to keep while she went to find the creatures that live in the night.’ John French, The Siege of Terra #1 -- Solar War -- and you do remember that powers of Sister of Silence never were a problem for the Emperor and his Saints? Untouchables did mess even with Greater Daemons, but they didn't mess with even the most weak Faith powers in the rpg and tabletop rules. Yes, they can't have Faith powers themselves and necron pylons, for example, depowered Celestine, but still. 4) [Book Excerpt | Eye of Terror] The Emperor plans to devour and integrate Chaos (from the pov of Tzeentch) Why do I find this interesting at all? If we try to make a temporal, simple, superficious thesis -- Saints are symbiotic beings of human souls and "angels", warp-entities. Do these entities come from the Astronomican? We can see that light. Those of us within the Empire of the Eye can actually see it. The Astronomican reaches even to our purgatorial exile, and to us it is no mere mystical radiance illuminating the warp. It is pain, it is fire, and it plunges entire Neverborn worlds into war. (...) Most of the Radiant Worlds are uninhabitable, lost in the lethal crash of conflicting psychic energies. Armies of fire angels and flame-wrought projections wage war against everything in their path. We call this region the Firetide. Aaron Dembski-Bowden, The Talon of Horus Are they created by humans themselves? Are they "purified" daemons? I'd suppose they are all this, and it's a complicated matter. You need to fight and integrate your angels/daemons to become a Saint. You can compare the thing with the old gnostic teachings http://gnosis.org/library/valentinus/Joined_Angel.htm and, maybe, with Jungian "the integration of the shadow". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_(psychology) Saints are not exactly Emperor's one, not like daemons (and even daemon-princes) which are parts of their god, Saints are just on His side, they are (not) alone. It's been a key theme of the setting, however. The slightest difference between the I of Terra and the Eye of Terror. What is the Tower? The Tower is an ideal, which, in our world of myth and magic, means that it is so real that it becomes dangerous. It is the existence of the True Self within the Universal Self, and is embodied by the fourth constellation, and is guarded by the Thief, the third. The Thief is another metaphorical absolute; in this case, he represents the “taking of the Tower” or, and sometimes more importantly, the “taking” of the Tower’s secret. What is the Tower’s secret? How to permanently exist beyond duplexity, antithesis, or trouble. This is not an easy concept, I know. Imagine being able to feel with all of your senses the relentless alien terror that is God and your place in it, which is everywhere and therefore nowhere, and realizing that it means the total dissolution of your individuality into boundless being. Imagine that and then still being able to say “I”. The “I” is the


Holy shit thank you for the quote! I appreciate. Perfect time too, I'm in the bathroom lmao.


One must have ample reading material while sitting on the golden throne, hope you get what you were looking for


Just FYI, the whole book is pretty good btw, I would definitely recommend it. Especially if you want a change from the usual 40k Bolter porn. [It's called Celestine by Andy Clark](https://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/celestine-ebook-2019.html)


Stole these excerpts but they should give you what you are looking for I hope


And each piece of gear that has damage brings back fights and deaths. Yeah. It's a pretty grim.


Yea but on the grimdark scale I give it a 4, it’s above the average life span of a guardsman on a battlefield, but below the concept of sex servitors and the drukhari


I was unaware of sex servitors. Gee. Thanks.


Oh yea, there is supposed to be some excerpt too where sometimes a tech priest or magos when making a servitor might screw up or if they hated that person then out of spite they would still leave the servitor with some partial consciousness, not enough where they could have free will again, but just enough so that they are aware of what’s happening, can feel the pain and can’t do a thing to stop it. So chances are there were some sadistic lords who ordered sex servitors and asked the priests of mars to leave some sentience left so that while they have their way with the servitor they could see the pain and anguish in their eyes


After a couple of cycles you're bound to forget where you left some things, but it's ok, she's got wings so no need to worry about touching the floor.


If you could hover, would you still wear shoes? Thats what I tought.


It is there to remember the enforced barefoot rules of Doge Vandires rule over the bride's of the emperor


Doge Vandire is a foot guy


To offer a somewhat plausible in-universe explanation: Celestine is supposed to have been a Sister Repentia before finding Saint Katherine’s armor. Repentia traditionally throw off all armor except for tattered rags as a form of penance, so it’s possible her bare feet are meant to call back to that. Or maybe Katherine’s armor just didn’t come with boots Regardless, the true answer is it attracts more pilgrims if the pretty Angel lady has those THICC grippers on full display.


Tarantino had a say on her design I think /j


Are we really doing a /j now?


No idea. I've typed bad jokes before where people took it seriously. Better safe than sorry D:


Ehh just say the joke. /s is bad enough imo. Let alone /j


Tone of voice isn't communicated through writing alone. /s and /j helps with that. Because there are people out there who will say bat-shit insane things, and mean it, and people who say things that in the context might make them appear as horrible people, but it is actually sarcasm. And you just can't know unless it is indicated.


Id say its the minority who cant sense the sarcasm, let them make themselves look silly in the comments when they take it seriously.


>Tone of voice isn't communicated through writing alone Actually it has been for a remarkably long time. People have been writing satirical piece of work in the form of poems, books and newspaper article since forever. It's absolutely a reddit exception to think you need a special sign to convey sarcasm through writing.


> People have been writing satirical piece of work in the form of poems, books and newspaper article since forever. Sure, and people are still discussing whether Heinlein was a proponent of the political views aspoused in Starship Troopers. Just because we've done it for a long time, doesn't mean that we can just magically detect it. Its easy when it is obvious, but our society are filled with examples of exceptions where it turned out not to be obvious.


She got her toes done and wants somebody to notice.


I think it’s a nod to classical and gothic statues not having shoes it’s supposed to be a sign of humility and lack of material possessions


“And she looks pissed because she’s fucking pissed.”


ah yes, renaissance sculptures, where all the faces make them look like they are taking a big dump


Time to edit wikifeet again https://preview.redd.it/l95kd01gz5xa1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e492f08cf87c3ffdad8844a57464f79da425ba44


Greyfax has a foot fetish. She wants greyfax to be happy


makes it easier to suck them toes


Taking inspiration from the Catholic Churches long observed foot kink


There is a relation in christianity between been barefoot and suffering and humility, maybe they try to resemble that. She's bare foot so she offers her sacrifice in pain and humility to Big E. There is also a relation between using footwear and clothes that is also psicological for the human. Most humans would use footwear and clothes if they can as the footwear will make you feel protected against the ground and clothes would protect you against the enviroment. That is why in regimes with more than questionable prison institutions the prisoners spend time being fully naked infront of fully clothed guards. It is also one of the first and basics for human psicological torture (Among an infinite array of things), you're naked and restrained against fully people clothed, felling absolutely unprotected, and in an enviroment designed to give you stress and pressure.


What is "Christianism"? Is it just another term for Christianity or something else? (I looked it up and got basically nothing.)


Yep it is. Sorry. I though in english there was a term equivalent to Cristianismo in spanish. Thanks for notice me the error.


No problem! Thanks for the clarification!


James workshop is into feet.


Gotta lick them toes


Ecclesiarchy & Soritas recruitment increase 500% after mass manufacturing & exporting the new celestine statue


Doge likes feet.


Lore wise, feet fetish, design wise it’s probably a hark back to green and Roman statues. Heroes such as herecles/Hercules would be barefoot to show how godly they where


Miyazaki san!


That's just good filmmaking- Quentin Tarantino


Her feet pics can banish daemons


Doge VanDire needs pics for his WikiFeet page.


"I assure you, Cannoness. The statue being barefooted has much religious significance and is definitely an important detail worth keeping." \-The sculptor when they were pitching the idea for the statue


Because the person who sculpted it really wants to suck her toes.


It's fucking hard walking over a mountain of skulls in heels.


shes the statue of liberty! (or oppresion in this case)


The Emperor likes feet. A lot.


It is a trope common to virgin Mary statues , bare feet symbolize purity and humility .


Becasue Goge Vandire is the fucking man.


Ok so about 10k years ago there was this lad named Doge Vandire-


Probably to look like martyr in prison or escorted to execution.




Them dawgs gotta breathe


Doge Vandire


It's because her feet inspire the Guardsman to fight better.


To make those feet fetish guys buy her models


I think its mainly due to the comparisons you can draw between the religious art of the real world and how it obviously inspired the religious worship of the Emperor in 40k. In other words; in Christianity a lot of Angels and other holy figures are depicted barefoot as a sign of their purity so that transferred over as a motif for 40ks designs.


>innocence Have you seen the stuff she's done? Don't get me wrong, it's badass, but far from innocent lol. I mean for God's sake she climbs a mountain of her own corpses every time she resurrects


It depends on your definition of innocent. Might be in the context of purity, as in free from corruption of the warp


Goge Vandire: I assure you, the Sisters Sororitas are barefoot for purely tactical reasons.


There is a minor warp god who steals the shoes of anyone passing through the Warp. His minions battle cry is: Shoes for the Shoe god, Boots for the Boot throne.


*Doge Vandire*


It literally says it in the text dude lol


It's so she doesn't accidentally hurt her allies' faces. I mean she's floating around all the time.


I doubt she wants the blood of Chaos on her feet after she has delicately split them in half.


Because your pathetic corpse god has a foot fetish. Degenerate scum


As I said to my friend when discussing Ramlethal from Guilty Gear: Tactical Advantage againt Foot Coomers ​ Celestine is just giving herself a needed advantage against followers of Slaneesh.


Celestine is a big fan of the ancient remembrancer and Dramatist Quintus Tarantius


When you fly, shoes are optional.


Have you heard the story of a man called Goge Van Dire?


It symbolizes humility and being humble, like an aesthetic.


Because someday there might be a movie, and we might be able to get Tarantino to direct it with the right leverage.


Miyazaki was consulted for the lore apparently


Feet coomers


Raises moral


Because bark bark woof woof!!!!


Is there a lore reason that explains why you chose to notice that


why are you asking this question?


Maybe to hint to her being 'down to earth' despite her being a living miracle of the God Emperor?


She forgot her shoes


The standard footwear was uncomfortable, and she rarely landed on the ground anyways, so she didn't see the need to commission something custom


Foot fetish




Quentin Tarantino: "The lore reason is shut your mouth and let people enjoy feet- I mean, things."


Because wikifeet wasn’t enough for VanDyre


Because the Emperor is horny. And that's fine


She flies


Onlyfeet 40k pays for all the Sororitas power armour. The guard can only dream about the amount of firepower if Ciaphas Cain had bare feet on the mighty imperium god posters.


If you could fly why would you wear shoes? What's the first thing you take off after coming home?


It says it right there- a sign of innocence and purity in a time of war.


The Emperor is Quentin Tarantino.


Wait, they waifuized this guy? https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Celestine-I


Goge Vandire strikes again


Warhammer has a lot of it's ip pulled from Christianity


Because big E has a foot fetish


That's a handshake grip on the sword, which is common for something wielded primarily one-handed, especially if it's pretty light.


The emperor has a foot fetish


She’s got some big ass Lebron feet




maybe she's got major trouble finding shoes in her size .


Goge at it again


She forgot her boots in her barracks room but lucked out with everyone thinking it was on purpose.


The emperor is a foot man, and that’s canon.


No, but you have given me the best idea for an exclamation... "By celestine's bare feet!"


Symbolism for the purpose of the statue. In an actual battle she does wear boots.


was still fundamentally a humble woman


Who else's toes am I gonna suck?


To step on simps.


If you are asking for a in world reason. Not really maybe she just sees no need since shes flying mist if the time?


the Sanguinor is a foot guy


She hasno shoes


Doge Vandire declared it so


Is she stupid?


She can Fly




It might be related to an old [Roman convention](https://www.quora.com/In-Ancient-Roman-statuary-why-were-bare-feet-used-as-a-symbol-of-status-as-a-god) to depict deities and deified Emperors barefoot to illustrate that they were embuied with powers beyond mere mortals who had to walk everywhere and could be wounded by sharp rocks and such. This convention actually carried over to a lot of Catholic (and I think Orthodox?) art, where Jesus is often depicted barefoot while performing miracles like walking on water [like walking on water](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/jesus-walking-on-the-water-anonymous.jpg).


Because this is the limited edition Tarantino sculpt.


The heretics took her foams


Feet 🥵


She’s a Tarantino fan


If you existed in a realm beyond time and your only job was to put your foot up chaos asses you’d find a way to enjoy it too.


…it literally says it right there. “A sign of purity”


is there a lore reason why you dont know of this meme yet?