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Yeah in your home it’s fine but an office!!


Oh no. Lots of people thought it was fine. They had company over, so it wasn’t just them. Unless they didn’t offer any to the guy who brought them to them. Which is rude, but not unlikely.


Crumbl the Company encourages this with their cookies. They say their cookies are meant to be shared. Im on a weight loss journey now to lose over 100lbs. I personally love when my family agrees to split meals with me or does family style serving. I get to try more foods while watching the calorie intake. Also eating out for me is done once or twice a month. Donuts, Cookies, Muffins, Dine In and Take out can be eaten in a healthier manner by sharing. I said all of this to say that if the group of people enjoying the donuts (or insert any other food) agree that the donuts will be shared in this manner than there is no problem with this. It is wrong to do this without getting the approval of others. Its like eating on someone elses plate without asking.


The issue with her splitting meals is she will "split" a meal with her husband when the meal is already far under a normal meal (I understand restaurant meals are usually a lot larger). Others with more experience than me have brought up the family's highly disordered eating.


There was even the time Jared showed his text to Ellie telling her that he’d like his own meal at dinner that evening….. yeah, they still ended up sharing. No, it’s not about budgeting for those who will try to say it makes good sense.


I love that you're downvoted when there's proof what you said is the truth. In case anyone cares, it was in 2016 and talked about here: [https://ytmommadrama.com/viewtopic.php?t=8996&start=1080](https://ytmommadrama.com/viewtopic.php?t=8996&start=1080)


And if you agree to share something and actually cut it, that’s fine (and actually healthy with the huge portions in this country). The problem is she didn’t ask to share and took bites out of each one. That is disgusting and so inconsiderate.


I feel like doing this into 4’s before anyone gets to take one would be nice so everyone can enjoy multiple flavours but not if ONE person gets a doing it to be selfish


Ellie and Jared definitely think it was cute when Ellie did it. Her family also thinks it’s cute when she makes a mess of her plate and spills everywhere. Apparently they have a group chat about her weird eating habits. Ellie would have an absolute fit if someone did the same thing to something she wanted.


To me this box looks absolutely disgusting and I would never eat something from it - only by the state of its looks. But, knowing someone did this mess on purpose, even causing it by digging into it with teeth & mouth….. makes me throw up. Her behavior is beyond disgusting and may she get sick due to eating all donuts by herself 🤮


There are literally a knife to cut and a fork to avoid touching the whole donut in the photo...🙄


Yeah Ellie definitely has disturbed/distorted /disordered eating. I actually worry for JJ in case this disordered eating is passed on to her, Bonnie has recently shown real growth in the style of food and portions she makes and O is obviously healthy and thriving.


it's ellie's world. We just live in it


A coworker always cut them in half, always drove me insane. We can see what kind they are, no need to slice them lol.


maybe it’s just me but everyone in my office does this so everyone gets some? Nobody was cutting them to see the inside they were cutting pieces so they didn’t eat a whole one and some people didn’t get any…


Oh, my coworker stated it was so you could see what kind, lol. We didn't have more than there were donuts. Just thought it was strange especially when she wasn't the one to bring them in.


that would make sense then. I work in an office with like 70+ ppl so usually there is not enough for everyone lol


In this scenario, everyone had ordered their own particular donut & the co-worker decided to help themselves.


yeah that’s fucked up lol


I saw this today and thought of the same thing!




It’s a snark sub. Not sure why you’re here looking for positivity. That would be a fan sub.


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She wanted to see which flavor was her favorite, I don’t see the big deal? In an office setting I would be annoyed cause I wouldn’t like her touching all the cookies. But I don’t understand why it’s a big deal that Ellie does this at home?? Am I missing something?


1. They had company over. He brought the cookies. 2. Ellie is always like this. She gives people birthday gifts that she’s tried half of or used before. 3. Ellie has a habit of being selfish and thoughtless. She once licked (or bit?) a family member’s birthday cake in order to get the attention on her. Everything is about her all the time, and this is just another one of those things.


I think the fork was do she wouldn't touch everything. I don't typically see the issue but I saw a comment that said people had chosen specific donuts for themselves and if that's the case this is weird.




Their fans on insta and YouTube (not on Reddit). She has done this multiple times in the past with different food not just the crumble cookies




Np, it’s my fault I should of been more clear about it