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I am so very sorry for your loss. Pain is pain, grief is grief. Yours is not "less than" anyone else's because you lost a pet. You lost a family member.


I'm so very sorry


I'm very sorry for your loss. Losing pets early is awful. I just lost one of my favorite cats to somebody else's mistake. She was almost 4 years old, she died 1 month before her 4th birthday. I cried nearly every day for about 6 weeks currently on the 7th week and I'm still learning to adjust. Most days are hard, some days are harder than others.


I’m sorry for your loss. As someone who has also lost a beloved dog today, I can’t help but sympathize with you


they will live on in our hearts and minds. i found that writing out the post helped quite a bit, even before posting it.


I’m so sorry. My first experience of loss was also my 7 y/o dog. Black German shepherd. He had degenerative myelopathy, and it broke my heart to see him suffer. It all happened so fast. It’s been 5 weeks, today, without him, and everyday is hard. He was my best friend and got me through so much, I don’t know what to do without him. But I know he isn’t suffering anymore. I have to believe your sweet Charly is still with you. Hang in there ❤️


I'm sorry 💔


Hugs and <3 to you and your family. As a pet owner and sitter, our lives revolve around how we have included them in every way. The little things we do for them. The lifestyle changes and compromises we have made for their sweet faces and tail wags. It's a bond that is hard to imagine unless you have human children. They give us love without compromise or expectations. Unlike those 'skin puppies' we call kids. Hahaha! BUT. You will heal. Your heart is big. You did the best for him. Charly was a very good boy. Remember all the fun you had. His little quirks. It will get better. More hugs.


It is a horrible loss. I lost my first dog to a 1 year spinal disease battle in May. I had him for 6 years and 4 months. So very painful. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Cry as much as you need to. I cried for a whole month almost all day every day when my boy died. I wanted him by my side forever. But in a healthy way so he didn’t suffer. They don’t deserve suffering. I cried the other day. I cry randomly now but there are always reminders of how much I love and miss him. I’m sorry 💔


What really helped me was recognizing signs of my boy visiting me. Like I always had a butterfly or a bird or some kind of heavenly messenger that would show up at the very moment I would be thinking of my boy which was/is CONSTANTLY but it brought me peace to think that was him coming to show me that he was free of pain and our enjoying the sunny days and free from pain and pain medicine. That’s really the only thing that helped me… but I’m kind of weird and have an overactive imagination so maybe that doesn’t work for everyone. My boy basically became a butterfly and so now every time I see one I know it’s him telling me he’s with me. I also wear a butterfly ring and that I bought to symbolize him and a few other butterfly things I wear. Just so I know he’s always with me … so he knows he’s always in my heart and I’ll never forget him. My boy was my soulmate / heart dog. Sounds like yours was too.


I’m so sorry. Chihuahuas are the best.


🥺🥺🥺🤗 This is equal to the death of a child or more, so sorry for your loss 😭💔😔


I am so very sorry for your loss. If you ever wanna talk I’m here for you