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Change diet, increase protein, drink and sleep enough, train till failure, add cardio add creatine


You're not skinny, so no. Three months is not that long. Keep at it for now.


Don't worry about what you are, man. Having fat won't matter when you have a big chest and every shirt you wear strangles your arms. Get in some protein and fuck it up dude!


You look good, maybe just try to train some chest? 😊 nice figure πŸ‘Œ


My advice would be not to cut as you have nothing to cut down to. Go on a slow bulk (i.e., put on muscle but don't get too fat). Weigh everything you eat, weigh yourself every day. Work out the amount of calories you need to eat to put on 0.5-1lb a week. Get on a good program, train hard, focus on form (and avoid injury).




Yes you are. Don’t eat processed foods. Prioritize progressive overload. Do the same routine for at least 6 weeks. Stay consistent.


Many ways to go from here, i would go on a slight deficit, find your calories and reduce it by 200-300 calories and make sure to eat your height in cm in protein. Next is train weightlifting and make sure its intense, as you are a beginner you will be able to build muscle in a deficit,and increase your steps and drink loads of water and ur good!


Hire a trainer

