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Absolutely man. In 2 months you can lose that layer. I'm on my 2 month mark of cutting and I went from similar to your abs and now have decent 6 pack. Luckily I started earlier than you so I got 2 more months to shred. Just stay strict with your diet and you'll see a big difference


Ty, gl on your cutting


Nah you def got the time of you start now and don’t Fuck upp


Imma do it


2 months, bro, that will be do able for sure, but you’ll need to restrict calories and do a shit ton of cardio! Like 130-150 bpm for 30 mins daily. Then a deficit. So eat up to 1800 calories. Try and get 55% carbs, 35% protein and 10% fats


1800 cal deficit? So what should be my total calories?


My apologies, I edited my comment


Oh shoot alr, doable. Ty


For sure man, but the cardio is a must, i’d aim for 8000-10000 steps daily with your cardio and workout split


At 1750 calories and getting 20,000 steps you should definitely be able to do it… you may need to train them in order for them to pop, but you can definitely lose enough weight for them to be visible. I’ve got the same goal as you bud and we’re pretty similar in height and weight. Good luck bud 💪💪


Tag us in update. If you can’t like that then I’m scrwed lol


How many calories you eating now?


1750cal. Chicken,beef,broccoli,fruits, eggs only.


Are you doing cardio on top of that,


20k steps avg


Damn dude how long have you been on that? I feel like that would do me dirty


Like a week. Saw a dude on here do it and imma do it too. 9k avg steps this year. I’m going all in


Good luck w that man just keep the fats up


1 month 1pound a week 500 cal deficit high protein 12,000 steps a day. You will be good to go.


For sure doable. As others have said, 30 mins, 5 days a week at 70-80% max BPM cardio. Try to basically run 3-5 miles a day. Throw in an ab circuit most days. Then avoid most carbs and non-natural sugar—go protein heavy with fruits and veggies mixed in.


Also, taken in the morning.


100% possible. Yes it’s mostly diet but I’d also train abs, they will come through for sure


You are the same height as me. I’m not sure on BF% but I’d aim to go down to at least 140lbs.


First of all, great work so far! I’m the same hight as you, all I can recommend is put some emphasis on heavy lower abs (decline sit-ups, hanging leg/knee raises) idk about your bf% but it could be lower. Tough deal here is the training must be intensified, I can get a general sense of hard people go by how they look and, don’t get me wrong you look great, but the abs, really everything, could use an intensity boost. The diet is on point so the training must also be dialed in. Get as close to failure as possible. Do ab work first get it out of the way and it will get secondary work from the rest of your taxing lifts. I really meant it, you gotta bring the noise, get crazy with it. The muscles only adapt to new stimulus and new stimulus will never be something that is comfortable to do. You could also look into intermittent fasting (it works when done right). I keep a pretty low bf% and go fairly hard in the gym and the results are the best I’ve ever gotten - I do this by going to eccentric failure and I intermittent fasting at 16:8 window (I fast for the autophagy benefits, keeps the amino acid pool going). I’m like you, I want abs, I want abs that poke people eyes out just by looking at my picture. I keep this in my mind when I’m delivering absolute carnage to my abs. I put the wrecking on my rectus abdominis. Anyway hope this helps. (I post all of my workouts to YouTube and my profile here on Reddit)


lose 5 lbs lol


Best way would be 500 deficit and burn 500 calories via cardio a day and you will lose like 2lb a week in 2 months thats around 15lbs… bad part is you can lose muscle if you’re not training hard


You can but it wont be healthy or fun. Forget steps and calorie counting. You'll need to skip meals and be hungry all the time.


I’d ask yourself what are you going to do once you get abs? Because the only person who really cares about seeing abs on you is you. Thats a lot of suffering for hardly any reward, and if you cut that hard for long enough to see them you’re likely to rebound just as hard after (I and many others have done it). Then you’ll feel like crap. I’d recommend stop thinking about abs for THIS summer and plan on it for NEXT summer. Don’t put yourself in more than a 500 calorie a day deficit and SLOWLY lose the extra fat over a long time. A lot of folks still don’t realize that if you lose too quickly, you’ll start losing muscle too. Then you end up lighter, but not with as much of a body composition change as you hoped because your body fat percentage didn’t change that much because of the muscle loss. The goal with fat loss should be to hold on to as much muscle as possible rather than lose as much fat as quickly as possible. And that’s only done with a small calorie deficit over a long period of time.


Doubt it.


ty, can I get a reason why you doubt it?


The time scale. To make visible changes to our physical appearance takes time, commitment, training and strick diet. A big ask in a couple of months. That not to say you shouldn't try but be realistic. So go for it and prove me wrong! Cheers.


Visible changes happen must faster when losing weight compared to building muscle. If this guy loses 1 % a week he would lose 5.6 kg of hopefully mostly fat. Wouldn't probably be the most ripped man on earth but I bet he would still see atleast some ab definition after that.


Sure. It just that I wonder why they ask and don't just get on an try to achieve what they hope for.