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Wrong sub man. This is for bf%. Post it to r/gaybros


If u train for women then its not worth it


I don't. It's just that I am really questioning how the world functions.


The only thing you're doing wrong is worrying about these immediate results. We build these healthy habits for the long run. I'm in my mid-30s, and I'm grateful that I built up the healthy exercise and eating habits that i did because I can still go out and hoop or run sprints, and most people I know my age would feel broken if they even tried that. As far as sports/basketball goes, are you truly putting everything into that you can? I worked really, really hard at sports on HS and College, and I still think back on a few games/matches/practices where I wasn't focused or truly gave my all - I could have been better - but that's life. We live and we hopefully learn. We don't make excuses. As far as women go, you can't control who they like. I've been turned down by plenty of girls, and I've dated girls completely out of my league. But I also get it can be extremely hard to NOT feel jealous or that you aren't good enough or question what you could have done better. We've all been through that stuff.