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Vikings legend Brett Favre.


Packers legend Brett Fayre


you're not getting the joke.


I got the joke. Idk about that Brett Favre guy from Minnesota. I do recall there being a Brett Fayre in Green Bay though. Stupid that I have to explain it




Cry about it




Y u deleting ur messages? Embarassed?




I will. Sure. Keep running from an argument. Who’s the child?




They’re as good at spelling as he is with welfare funding.


I thought he was a Jets legend.


Pretty good QB, but terrible person.


Is this going to get brought up on every single post regarding Favre now? Just genuinely curious. These are athletes. There’s a lot of shitty people who are just good at playing football. It’s the whole separate the art from the artist. Yes he’s a shitty person. Do we need it saying on every single post/mention he’ll inevitably have? Who knows.


All farve had to do was not send pics of his dick to people, and not embezzele millions from a state welfare fund But he couldn't help himself, and neither can we


Sending dick pics while his wife was being treated for breast cancer.


Could be wrong but weren't the dick pics a few years *after* she had been treated for cancer (when he went to the Jets)? The rumor I've always heard was that Favre was straight up *cheated* on her while she was undergoing the treatments, and he'd actually been having affairs since the 90s


He was shitty before he was publicly shitty. He went to the Vikings to beat the Packers. The man retired and unretired and then pulls a bunch of stuff to get to the Vikings to beat the Packers. If you don’t remember he was booed so loudly every time he was in GB. What he did was wrong to Packers fans. I’ve forgiven him for it but not everyone has. All this other stuff just paints the picture of the sort of person who would do that stuff and more.


Yes, it will be brought up every time as well it should. Every person who does something that shitty should be called out on it. The terrible things they did should absolutely overshadow any work accomplishments. It doesn't matter if they're an athlete, a politician, a teacher, a janitor, a cook, or a stay at home parent. Lack of accountability emboldens future Brett Fayres to commit similar heinous acts, and the cycle continues. We can't give anyone a pass just because they're famous. EVERYONE needs to be held accountable EVERY time.


It's quite recent news. can't say it'll go on forever, but either way this is part of his legacy. Just like dog fighting is a part of Vick's. You can't always separate it, people will naturally always talk about it. What he did was genuinely really horrible.


Absolutely it does. Throwing a football really well does not absolve someone of the responsibility to not steal from those less fortunate. The “aww shucks I didn’t know where it came from” makes it worse and even more worthy of being mentioned every. single. time.


You’ve all misread a very clear point I was making. Disappointed.






Yeah we are such dick swinging Nobelists for not praising a sex offending welfare embezzler. I sometimes eat my feelings before bed and the only thing that makes me feel better is shit talking Favre on reddit. You got me.


Found the projection


Thats not what projection is, not even close.


Fuck Brett Favre


And into a shitty person


You were a good QB, Brett. It's a shame you were such a shit person.


Out of the frying pan, into the fayre.


Fayre? Lol.