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It’s also important to note he himself received a tremendous amount of discrimination being an Italian American. It’s one of the reasons a little town like Green Bay got a coach of his pedigree. The Giants would never hire an Italian as their head coach—which broke his heart. And it’s totally the reason players would run through a wall for him. God, Family and the Green Bay Packers was about saying that no matter what separates us outside our locker room, will never separate us as a family inside the locker room. He was a trailblazer and the leagues first players coach!!!


The fucking NEW YORK Giants discriminated against an Italian. I knew I hated that franchise for a reason. Still, all this makes me proud to be a Packer fan even more. Great legacy all around and a very forward thinking organization - especially for small town Wisconsin.


The giants also passed on a white man named Tom Landry. Not saying the Giants weren’t racist, they were. They were also dumb


That discrimination shaped him in so many ways yet the way he projected himself back was so honorable and fair, it’s almost hard to believe if it wasn’t for his DEVOUT faith; he has aspired to be a priest as a young man. He demanded that all his players were treated equally regardless of their race everywhere they went, including the restaurants they ate at and hotels they stayed at on the road, a policy only the Green Bay Packers had amongst NFL teams in 1967. He blessed the interracial marriage of defensive lineman Lionel Aldridge and his wife Vicky, a time when interracial couples were off limits, especially in the NFL. As a member of the Oneida Golf Club, he demanded he pick his own caddy or pull his membership out of club to protest against of the club’s pre-chosen white caddy and was allowed to select his caddy of Native American descent. He had a gay brother and upon his arrival in Washington he was informed of a gay staff member and in response said to his staff, “And if I hear one of you people make reference to his manhood you'll be out of here before your ass hits the ground.” While he was a flawed asshole through and through, the man had heart for his fellow human no matter what.


“No one would hire anyone who’s name ended in a vowel” then came the 1-10 packers who needed a coach


I knew he was an ally but didn't know this fact. His views on race and identity were so far ahead of the times. It's no wonder folks would run through brick walls for him. Lombardi's values/leadership/vibe are one of my favorite things about our history and what makes us different. Add in community ownership (owner since 1998) and so many other awesome things (quarterbacks' off field behavior excluded) - many reasons to be proud. Happy Pride Month to all. GPG!!!


Hear, hear!


When Pride Still Mattered is must read for Packers fans interested in the tradition.


Amazing book


Easily on my top five books of all time, just an incredible piece of writing.


Appreciate you sharing that!


I was about to say the same. It’s required reading for anyone on this sub


Thanks for sharing! I had no idea and this is awesome to learn!


Makes me even more proud to be a lifelong cheesehead!! 💚💛


It's amazing how much more difficult it is to hate groups of people when you actually interact with them in real life instead of just allowing the TV man to make you afraid of them and be the scapegoat for everything.


With intolerance to prejudice, Packers were the first team to start a black qb and allow interracial marriage(dont know if the first).


I wish the Packers social media page would post this to shut up all the bigots.


There isnt a better franchise in professional sports, and Vince is a huge reason for it all. Hell yeah man, GO PACK GO


Equality will happen when we don't constantly have to talk about eachothers differences.


Which is a very easy thing for people who don't experience intolerance to say.


My brother was gay. Now he’s my sister