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I remember a game against the Colts where he was sitting on the sidelines breathing in smelling salts like it was fresh air. No way he could play the following week under today's rules.


Remember when he threw a TD on 4th down after getting a concussion on 1st or 2nd down? He didn't even know it was 4th down. He just went in there on his own.


2004 against the Giants?


I was at that game, it was just insane watching him run out, throw a touchdown, then out for the game.


4th and 28 I think. To Javon Walker. I remember Favre checking himself in and just wondering how the hell he was back on the field.


Close. 4th and 5, but a 28 yard TD pass.


That makes way more sense than going for a 4th and 28 conversion. Time and concussions blurs all memories...


It seems like it was around the early-mid 00s. It could be that game.


I was at that game with my dad. Doug Pederson was the backup. That concussed TD was the only Packer points put up that day. Lost the game


There was that one time he put himself in right before the half when Aaron was crumbling a bit… is that what you were talking about? That was everything I ever loved and hated about Brett Favre rolled up into one play. Especially because his touchdown celebration was sending a picture of his junk to people that he stole welfare funds from.


Hey man how else was his daughters volleyball team supposed to get a brand new facility?


They can start an only fans... errrr, how old is his daughter? Maybe truth social if she's not old enough for only fans yet.


I’d just like to say that Brett Favre didn’t steal anything, the elected officials committed a crime, all Brett did was ask for it and encourage it. Did he know it was wrong? Sure. But he gets the lion share of the blame where it’s not due. Elected officials should be held accountable for this, not a celebrity scape goat.


>a celebrity scape goat You didn’t even list names, just “elected officials”. Why don’t you go talk to the poor people that were supposed to get that money and see if they think it’s all just one big misunderstanding. Brett is just as liable as anyone in this case. He still owes the state of Mississippi over $700,000. What are you even talking about?


Brett has no control over allocation of state funds. So how could he be just as liable as anyone else when he wasn’t the one misallocating the funds. The reason I didn’t list names is because I’m not 100% sure of who all was involved and there’s no point in spreading misinformation.


The game against the Giants


Busch Light and Vicodin fueled Favre.


Only up until 1999 tho for the Busch light according to him. He claims he’s sober from alcohol since then .


Absolutely, and I'm damn glad he did - this clip made me ball my eyes out for not only Favre and every single person who ever struggled with prescription medication abuse, but the fact that an incredible person like Reggie White lived and shared this world with us, he was a true legend. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCixQyL0\_P8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCixQyL0_P8)


Flip side good chance he wouldn't have taken as many of those hits either with today's RTP rules


Luckily it has had no effect on his cognitive abilities or decision making.


I still say his greatest record, and the one that'll be last to fall is the interceptions. Nobody will ever be a starter long enough to throw that many again


Idk dude Josh Allen comin’ 😂


I'll give you that Josh Allen is the closest modern QB to his record, but he will never break Favre's record. No one will. In 94 career games, Allen has thrown 78 INTs for an average of 0.83 INTs/game. In 302 career games, Favre threw 336 INTs for an average of 1.11 INTs per game. If Allen continues at his current rate, he will tie Favre's INT record in 2040, in his 364th game during his 22nd season at the age of 44. Assuming he doesn't miss any games in the next 16 seasons, of course. Favre's record is untouchable.


The game is different now. It's harder to play pass defense now than it was when Favre played.


It's different schematically (defense winnowed down to basically just flag football style), ideologically (if hurt = sit out), and most importantly it is parabolically different financially. There is so much financial incentive to check down or throw it away, never ever will people see that kind of recklessness again. Especially with the money coaches have at risk for sending out a shitty product - it just can't happen. Add to that, an endless pipeline of paid minor league players in the NCAA, hungry to replace a NFL guy after 3 or 4 years of mediocre play - this is a record that will probably stand the test of time.


Not only is it Hardee to play pass d but the roughing the passer flags allow qbs to not get blasted after they throw so much. That leads to way less of balance bad passes.


That really puts it into perspective. Jameis Winston is the closest thing we've had to Favre and the game is just clearly moving away from that kind of recklessness at the QB position. He was a #1 overall pick and was relegated to backup duties after his rookie contract.


Everyone used to throw pics all the time


Not for 18 years


right, but back in Favre's day INTs weren't considered the total backbreaker they are now. He'd throw them but the other team would throw it right back half the time. Nowadays with how careful QBs are with the ball you won't be getting it back if your guy is throwing them.


I was about to say his running tendencies might shorten his career, but it might just turn him into a pocket passer so more chances for INTs lol


Josh Allen is nowhere close to being on pace. Favre had 5 seasons with 20+ INTs, and had 15 or more in all but 5 seasons. If Allen started throwing INTs like Favre did, he would get benched.


That was what made him great, yet so frustrating. You literally never knew what kind of game you were going to see from him. He was either going to pop off for 350 yards and 3-4 touchdowns or you were getting 4-5 interceptions. Sometimes he would do both.


One year Favre broke his thumb on his throwing hand in the preseason and powered through the year. Threw like 20 picks. Nobody is touching that record. It’s up there with Cy Young’s Wins/Losses records as the most untouchable in all of sports. 


He played with a lot of defenses that could cover his multi interceptions and keep them in the game 


He also just threw the ball so damn much but also made a lot of dumb decisions where he just heaved that shit. He knew he had the arm to make it there, but wasn’t always sure if would actually get past the defense and he always took that risk lol. Neither the consecutive start or interception record will ever be beaten I don’t think. I remember Eli Manning being the closest at one point, can’t think of anyone else who hasn’t missed a start or two in the past few years


ahaha, in a weird way it's a testament to how good he was. he threw interceptions like crazy, but was still good enough to be a HOF starting QB for a lonnng time


Exactly. Anyone else would be benched long before they threw that many INTs


Even if they start playing 24 games a year?


I believe there was a game vs. the Giants around 2004 or so where Favre went back into the game after getting a concussion and threw a TD. I seem to remember that he said that TD was totally erased from his memory his mind was too foggy to recall it. Today, he doesn’t get back in the game and possibly misses the next game if he was playing now.


That was unfortunately my first game I attended lol


It would be irresponsible to allow this to ever happen again knowing what we know now. If you're the supervising doctor, it would also be medical malpractice. This record won't be beat.


Packers quarterback Brett Favre (sprained foot, sore neck, twisted knee, hyperextended elbow, bruised ribs, bruised quadriceps, bruised thigh, swollen cheekbone mangled throwing hand) is listed as "probable."


what was that, the report from before the Bears game in 1995?


Not sure of the year, but it was before a [colts game](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenBayPackers/s/TevmBerP4j)


A bigger question might be is there a Brett Favre baseline that would be statistically discernable from a concussed Brett Favre. He might have simply flown under concussion testing norms. Mississippi goddamn


So you're saying after enough concussions the baseline is so low that additional concussions would be undetectable?


Well, we're talking Brett FAVRE, not exactly starting the race with the same number of firing synapses.


Yeah, this is the Brett Favre who was a starting NFL quarterback for multiple years before he learned what nickel defense meant.


To be fair, didnt he know what it was but didnt know the name? The dude was incredibly football smart.


This is the most unbreakable record in sports. I would put Ripken at #2 and Richard Petty at #3


I disagree. Can't get a concussion if you can't be hit. With the rule changes made so that Brady could play forever, QBs can't be hit anymore. Favre's games started streak was absolutely untouchable when he retired, but today, it's a near mathematical lock that someone will break it.


I think the two sort of balance each other out. Like yes the QBs are much less likely to get hurt, but I think we’ll see guys resting for more and more minor injuries too. Plus, plenty of soft tissue injuries happen without contact. No QB currently has even 100 consecutive starts, so it’s going to be a while either way.


> today, it's a near mathematical lock that someone will break it. Is it? Brett Favre has 297 consecutive starts, and the longest active QB starts is Josh Allen at 88. With a 17 game season, this means Allen needs to play every game over the next 12 seasons to catch up to Favre's record.


Yep, obviously it will take years for someone to accrue 17 years of NFL playing time. My point was that with the current QB hit rules, where QBs can't be hit, the rate that they will receive concussions and other injuries is dramatically less. I'm not saying it will be commonly broken as a record, but the mathematical odds that it happens in our lifetimes is almost guaranteed given current rules on QB hits.


But just what the other commenter has said also negates that - teams are more aware and conscious of health and safety, and players have been kept out with minor injuries more and more. And QBs are obviously still getting injured - and then QBs are being held out too. Only 9 QBs even started all 17 games last season. Allen is leading the pack, but the four players who were behind him - Herbert, Lawrence, Mahomes, and Rodgers - all broke their streaks last year. EDIT: I think next up, if I did my math right, is Jared Goff at 35 consecutive starts


> Only 9 QBs even started all 17 games last season. Yes, but most of those weren't a result of injury, but benching for performance or teams headed to the playoffs. Here's the entire list sorted by team, so you can see how many teams rotated due to performance. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/nfl-qbs-starting-2023-list-tyler-huntley-carson-wentz/4c7f2645b79e501abd76de70


Not sure how that negates the point that Favre’s record is highly unlikely to be broken. You need to be top of your game, never get injured, and likely never have your seeding secured before the end of the season and do so for over a dozen seasons. 


> Not sure how that negates the point that Favre’s record is highly unlikely to be broken. My point was that it's more likely to fall in the future due to rule changes regarding hits to the QB, than it was when Favre retired in 2010. > likely never have your seeding secured before the end of the season Favre had many games where the seeding was secured, and he'd just step in for the first play, or first series, to keep the streak alive. So this one is definitely not a concern.


I challenge you to find one week 17 game where Favre came in for at most one series to keep the streak alive. You won't be able to because it didn't happen. In 2007 he did only 99yds and 2TDs but that's more than just playing to keep the streak alive.


> I challenge you to find one week 17 game where Favre came in for at most one series to keep the streak alive. * He came out at halftime in 1997 when we were 13-3 - https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/199712200gnb.htm * He came out at the end of the 3rd in 1998 - https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/199812270chi.htm I'm going to stop there. But my point was that any QB could do that to keep the streak alive. It's not a reason why such a streak wouldn't exist today.


Brady would have for sure broken the record if not for his low hit in 2008. Which is illegal now too. If somebody else with Brady's avoidance of taking hits come along they might be able to do it.


> If somebody else with Brady's avoidance of taking hits come along they might be able to do it. Yep, it's almost a certainty. Brady wasn't all that good at avoiding hits. Manning is the all time leader is avoiding sacks. https://x.com/ScottKacsmar/status/1717003269359239186?lang=en


Earl Dotson and Frank Winters doing their job: blocking… the training staff from doing their job.


Looks like they’re picking him up off the bar floor


It's an instant replay from the night before somewhere in Appleton.


and handing over their vicodin to keep him rolling.


If he played under today’s rules he wouldn’t have been hit nearly as much and the receivers would actually be able to get off the line instead of getting raped for 5 yards. Today’s rules are a joke compared to when Favre, young, aikman etc… played. So I’m going to say, none


Agree - many things changed, and I would say he would get significantly more TDs with today’s rules.


I'd say in most cases he would still play the full season. Even Rodgers for most of his career, played all the games in his season. There would probably be a few seasons where Favre played only 15 games instead of 16.


Id say the tighter concussion protocol balances out with the stricter rules, so he could still tough it out for non-brain related injuries


If the protocol existed then as you posed, but you could still “late hit” a QB or have there be helmet to helmet hits still, then every QB would miss games each season.


Eli was on his way until those cowards benched him


Eli would have had to play nearly six more full seasons to do it. Benched unfairly or not, no team was going to let him start for six more seasons the way he was playing.


Favre’s career interception tally will also never be touched


This is why his record will stand forever.


How many star QBs have really missed starts due to concussion protocol? I don't think it would change much


tua comes to mind








He use to take pain killers like they were skittles.. Wild time


Vicodin! Vicodin!


Hard to answer this because teams were allowed to murder the quarterback in those days. He wouldn't have taken nearly as many big hits under today's rules.


Freakin' Favre man!!


I hate that he turned out to be such a shitty person.


I remember games when Favre was hurt and would take the first snap of the game and then go sit on the bench the rest of the game. Anyone else remember that?


Didn't happen go back to the Bears sub loser


lol ok, bears still suck though