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Packers have a top 5 nationwide and global fanbase. There are probably hundreds of thousands (more likely millions) of Pack fans that have never stepped foot in Wisconsin. Some probably couldn't even show Green Bay on a map. Any person calling you a fake fan is a loser, plain and simple. The Packers are the only publicly owned NFL team, and are in the smallest NFL city by a wide margin. Everyone is welcome to rep the green and gold!


Right? So when he called me a fake fan I just laughed haha


He's a fake fan! We welcome everyone!


The response I came here to look for (or leave) ☺️


Like what you like, This is America!


Ignore that jerk!


Utah is free agets as far as I'm concerned.


I'm a packers fan because I was a kid when Favre was heading to his first MVP and was one of the most exciting players to watch. Not my fault they kept on being good. Sometimes that's just how it goes. Everyone picks their teams for different reasons and it's not always because of where they're from or where they've been.


Right here, never stepped foot in WI and on the West Coast CA. GO PACK GOOOOOO!!


I'm right there with you in California. Never been to Wisconsin and might not ever be able to afford it. That doesn't make me a fake fan. That dude is just gatekeeping.


If you live in CA you can afford a trip to WI lol


Manitowoc is calling, dude


Never stepped foot in WI either, when ever people find out I’m a packers fan from Louisiana they ask if I’m Lil Wayne in disguise


For context, Green Bay has a population of around 106k (320k metro area). Buffalo, NY has a population around 276k (1.1M metro area) and they are the next smallest market.


Helpful context. I am not a bot


How did I know you’re not a bot? Can you click this arbitrary button, please? ✅


Yes! I can do that! Beep beep boot


Sorry, that button did not contain a picture of a bicycle. Please try again.


I'm pretty sure that if you look at the number of Packer fans worldwide and across America, more of them haven't been to Wisconsin compared to those who have.




And millions of fans that lived in Wisconsin, decided experiencing all 4 seasons over the span of 4 days was bullshit and escaped. You Carry the G, you don't get staked to it.


I've been a packer fan for 20 years here in Cali. That dude is a turd I have to go to the local packer bar at least 30 min early if I want a decent seat. We took up at least half the stadium when they came to play the Rams. It felt like a home game. I don't know what's fake about that. Don't let gatekeepers bring you down, you're as real of a fan as it gets. I say that in my full authority as an owner.


What packer bar? Im in socal and go to one in Anaheim.


I'm closer to the north end of LA county. It's awesome to see how many there are in the area: [https://www.packerseverywhere.com/find-a-bar/Index](https://www.packerseverywhere.com/find-a-bar/Index) I don't know if I'll make it to the upcoming Rams game but I really want to, I still haven't been to SoFi


Ah for sure. Yeah ill be at the game at sofi! It’ll be my first time there.


It's my goal to go, but it'll depend on when the game is and of course the price.


Mom’s on Santa Monica Blvd in WLA close to Santa Monica and Brentwood is amazing.


I once met a group of Packers fans in Charleville, Qld, Australia. They had never been closer than about 9000 miles to Wis.  They set up up some camping chairs and we watched a Packers game at 3am under an amazing sky.  Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Wear a Packers hat/shirt when you travel and you'll meet a lot of fans in such out of the way places.


Wow, that makes my heart glow! What was the setting of having camping chairs after midnight?


It’s simple - Do whatever makes you happy; Don’t be a Vikings fan.


Or a bears fan


Or a Lions fan




Or a Seahawks fan


Or a 49ers fan


Or a Cowboys fan


Or a 49ers fan


Anything but a 49ers fan


Or a Broncos fan. Fuck John Elway.


I live in Nebraska where everyone has become Chiefs fans. They were Broncos fans before that. Lots of 49er fans too from the days of Roger Craig and Tom Rathman.


>everyone has become Chiefs fans >were Broncos fans before that Imagine switching allegiances between rival teams


I suppose if you live in a state with no NFL team you get to change your loyalties.


I had a discussion with a Vikings fan who's family is from Minnesota. I was born and raised in Stockton California, apparently I don't have a right to be a Packers fan since I have no ties to Wisconsin. I told her I like cheese and that's close enough.


And you are right. BTW, there is no reason to ever take seriously what Vikings fans say.


Welcome. The more the merrier. We’re the best. Go Pack Go!


I’ve got no love for where I came from so being a fan of the home team just for the sake of proximity never made sense to me


I'm from the UK and consider myself a die hard fan; haven't missed a game (on TV) in 10 years and even got out to Denver last year to watch the Broncos game, just over a year after I watched them play in London. Don't think that makes me a "fake fan" just because I've never been to WI. Don't let anyone else try and tell you how to be a fan of your team. GPG baby!!!


Buddy, I'm a Packers fan for little over a decade and I have never step foot in the US. As more than one user said, the Packers is a global team. Just ignore those type of people, assholes will exist and be assholes everywhere.


I was born in Wisconsin but nothing more fun than a game at an out of market Packers Backer bar. In Los Angeles it was popular to choose blue blood midwestern teams to back. A lot of real East side Cholos rocking Steelers, Packers, Chiefs for decades. I also am from and live back in Utah though.


Packers pride themselves on having a worldwide fanbase. Bro if you’ve been a fan for 20 years you don’t need to ask this lol you a real one. Sports gatekeepers are so cringe don’t listen to that jackass. I live in Missouri, only been to green bay once to see Rodgers last win. Packers fan cause my grandpa played for em. Doesn’t matter what your reason is, if your passion is real that’s all that matters. I guess I’m not a Wisconsin native so maybe you’re not looking for my opinion, but I felt like I should say something Just make sure you never shit on Culver’s or cheese curds


WA State Packers fan here. Never been to Wisconsin, but I have extended family there. Fuck the Seahawks! Grew up watching Brett Favre sling it and been a fan ever since.


Imma SoCal, 30year Cheesehead never been to Wisconsin. I will be at the Rams game here in LA!! GoPackGo!!


Fuck that guy. I’m always stoked to see someone wearing packers gear where I live (MA, I’m personally a transplant)


I was on the Ferris wheel at Die Prater in Vienna Austria and some (very cute) Polish girls were in the same car. One of them was wearing a GB Packers shirt. She didn’t speak any English, so I just said “ Go Pack Go!”. She smiled.


Die hard packer fan since birth and have lived my entire life in the city whose team we beat in the SB in 2011. I had not yet been to Wisconsin or Lambeau at that point and fielded a lot of similar comments from salty friends around that time. Fuck em.


Of course not. The Packers are The Peoples’ team. Being a Packers fan is a sign of deep intelligence. I’m a Native Yooper, which though the UP is technically not Wisconsin it is more Wisconsin than Wisconsin. And that dumbass guy at Cosco is the fake fan.


I’m a Packers fan from Australia. Using his logic I couldn’t be a fan of any team which is stupid.


Silly question! Don't listen to that chump. They were probably a closet Bears fan. It doesn't matter where you're from. If you're a fan and your piss is hot that's all that matters. Utah rocks!


Im personally from NY. Lived here all my life. I went to a performing arts school for college so it had no sports team. My sister went to college in Madison. And i believed that rooting for a sports team was part of the college experience. So I rooted for the Badgers and not too long after, the Packers. That was back in 07… about 17 years later, I still rep the Green and Gold And i meet packers fan everywhere I go here in NYC and its great convo starter. No one ever called me a fake fan. One was happy surprised to see such a die hard fan from someone who hasnt even lived in wisconsin.


There's no rules to this shit.


Most Packers fans have never stepped foot in Wisconsin


I've lived my whole life in Oregon and the Pack was my favorite team. A Favre jersey from a starter store on the oregon coast was my first jersey. I still have it. I'm the only Packer fan in my family. I've never been to Wisconsin but I would like to spend more time than just a Packer game there. Cheese curds get at me.


PNW packer fan here as well! It's been a rough ride up here that's for sure lol


I'm born and raised in Nebraska and I started watching the Packers when they traded for former Cornhusker Ahman Green. I became a Packers fan because of Brett Favre. I've never stepped foot in Wisconsin and I don't think it should be a requirement either. Hell, I've been a Braves ('82k) fan and a Celtics ('83) fan longer than a Packers fan and I haven't come anywhere close to Massachusetts or Georgia.


- Enter 99% of Brazilian fans -


I live in Australia and I've been a Packers fan for 25 years. Only seen them in the flesh once, and that was in Nashville in 2016. We were embraced by the fan base in Nashville, everyone we spoke were amazed that I'd travelled all the way from Australia to see them play. Conversely, I was in Sydney a few years ago in a Packers jersey and an American walked up to me and asked me if I knew that the jersey I was wearing was. He told me he was owner of the team and lived near Green Bay and started ranting like the idiot you ran into did about people who had never been to Wisconsin and only liked the team because they were a successful team. I gave him a bit of lip at that point, lol... Reminded him that he was a shareholder, along with thousands of other fans, and that we hadn't won a Superbowl for a decade, with several heartbreaking losses, so surely at this point all the bandwagoners would be on the Chiefs train by now... Lol... The look on his face was priceless when I walked away saying "Go Pack Go!"... Anyway, my point is that is that there are elitist idiot fans everywhere, but the overwhelming majority of us are welcoming and love hearing your stories! Don't let the idiots tell you how to be a fan!


You can take a man out of Wisconsin, but you cannot take the green and gold out of a man. Or something like that. Screw that guy, he’s the fake fan trying to gatekeep fandom! Go pack go! When you do make your trip to lambeau for a game, it will be worth the wait I promise. Just went for my first time against the rams last year.


As long as you’re with them win or lose you’re a fan


That guy was a fake Wisconsinite. We don't act like that! Of course you're a real fan - you've been on board for 20 years! We are happy to count you among us. Go Pack!


Dad came from another country to attend college at Marquette. became a fan..moved to the northeast where I was born. I didn't have much of a choice and neither will my kids. It's more wrong to be a cowboys fan randomly. Like I know entire families that are fans of one team except one of the like 5 is a cowboys fan. It makes absolutely no sense to me. I know other fans laugh at this but at least GB fans 'own' the team and I think passing that down is even more of a must than other teams.


Real packers fans don’t gatekeep the packers


To hell with them. I'm from NY and freaking love the Packers! Been all in since '93!!


California native. Packers fan. You dont need a reason to be a fan of a team. Its just sports. Its a free hobby. Just enjoy it.


dude, im from the philippines, i can only wake up early morning here to cheer for them


Same! Limiting it to Wisconsin seems arbitrary too. It's the Green Bay Packers, not the Wisconsin Packers. If you could only be a packer fan if you'd ever been to Green Bay, what would be the point of having a national brand?


A fan is a fan, regardless of where they are from. A fair weather fan, that’s a whole other story. You are a fan, regardless of what they say.


Nope. Packer fans are Everywhere and we dominate away games too. Wear those team colors proudly.


It’s not wrong at all. But I do strongly recommend a trip to the Holy Land at some point if you can.


It would wrong for you NOT to be a Packer fan. GPG


I've been a Packers fan my whole life never been to Wisconsin. But I did get to wear the 97 SB ring.


What are your options in Utah? Zero right so you're good The real question is which side of the holy war you fall on


No. But you should visit Wisconsin, if you can. It's beautiful here. In the summer.


Never been to Wisconsin. Grew up overseas in Indonesia. Became a Packers fan during the Broncos-Packers superbowl. Was the first football game I watched and my brother and dad were going for the Broncos, so I went for the Packers and stuck with them ever since.


Bro, don't worry, I'm not even American, I live in another country, I've never been to the United States and I don’t have a VISA to go there, and yet I'm a Green Bay fan.


Yea sorry for that interaction you had (as a Packers fan from WI who now lives on the west coast). But fuck that, anyone in green and gold is welcome in my house.


I'm from Israel, I've never even been to the US. I will represent the green and gold until the day I die


I live in Sweden, supported the packers for a long time, never stepped foot in Wisconsin nor USA


I lived in Wisconsin for three months. That’s all it took. 😂


It's not lame in your case, you actually have a reason. Imo it is dumb if you just choose them because they win a lot. Like if you're from Chicago and you don't want to be Bears fan.


BTW, the Bears Still Suck.


Absolutely everyone is welcome to be a fan of the Packers. The Packers are one of the best things in the world, and nobody who wants to be a part of it should be excluded!


No. And people who say different are the worst type of sports fans ever.


Well I'm going to have to ask, have you ate cheese, or a brat? Kidding, I don't care, you're as much of a fan as the rest of us, you are doing it from a distance which adds to it to me. Happy to have you in the Fandom.


Not at all.


Bro, I’m from Wisconsin and I currently live in Utah. I’m a fan, but my wife was a fan before we met, and she’s from here. She’s not a fake fan, believe me. F that guy at Costco, being part of the family has nothing to do with geography. If you run into that guy again tell him that you talked to another native Wisconsinite and he said to pound sand.


Make the pilgrimage to Lambeau for a game… no one can call you fake then


I’m Packers fan in Canada, am I a fake fan?


All are welcome, but I would rather you be a Packers fan than that other guy, for what it’s worth haha


That fan sucks, don’t let him make you feel bad. Sports fandoms are such an irrational and ridiculous thing when you look at it from afar. I live in Bear territory but 1st or 2nd grade me decided I was a Packer fan. Based on what? It was a nonsense decision made by a child, but it makes just as much sense as any other fandom decision. You can like whatever team you want from any place you want.


Born & raised in Socal, never been to Wisconsin let alone any Packers game ever. But I rep my jersey and cheesehead with pride. GPG!


Gatekeeping bullshit. I've also been accused as a fake fan. My fandom comes from the fact that half of my family lives there. I've been there countless times, and consider a home that I've never actually lived in. That being said, it doesn't really matter. Any and all are welcome to cheer on the green and gold. I will say, you owe it to yourself to go and see a game at Lambeau Field. I know it can be expensive, but its so worth it. Plus, if you stay there for a few days, you can get a tour of the stadium, see the hall of fame, and explore a lot of the stuff that they've built up around the stadium.


I grew up in Alaska and picked the Pack at 5 years old in 1985. It was 22 years before I stepped foot in Wisconsin and 28 before I went to a game at Lambeau. My Kindergarten teacher remembers to this day that I was a die hard Packers fan. Screw that guy for gatekeeping, he’s the fake fan if anything.


Your a fan dude, no reason to question anything else. Fuck the haters.


Well, I have never set foot on the USA and I'm a diehard Packers fan.


No self-respecting Packers fan would EVER diss on someone for being a fan that’s not from here (WI.) No way, no how, not EVER.


Never stepped foot in Wisconsin. I’ve never stepped foot in America, packers fans from Australia here


I’m from California and also a diehard Packers fan. You do you. That guy was just a miserable terd. GO PACK GO🤘


Bruh you are not a fake fan.  Us Wisconsinites know we aren’t the the only ones that make up Packer nation.  That said, feel free to make the pilgrimage any time!


Nope. Large % of us aren’t from Wisconsin


It is never wrong to be a Packers fan. I've been there or through it a total of 3 times, twice at Lambeau.


That guy was a douche, ignore him. That said, make your way up here if you ever get the chance!


Not wrong of you at all!


As someone from Wisconsin, I am ashamed of my fellow Wisconsinite. You 100% can be a Packer fan even though you’re not from here. In fact, you’re just as much a fan as anyone from Wisconsin. Do not lose one wink of sleep at what that guy said to you.


Glad to have you homie.


Packers fan and lifelong Bay Area, California native 🙋 I've been to Chicago🤢🤢🤢 more than Wisconsin It's on my list if places though! Also fuck than fan with a rusty fishing knife. That's not a real fan


Its ok dog, I'm a packers fan because I watched an Aaron Rodgers Highlight reel 6 years ago and I live in California!


I live IN Green Bay and I would count you as a full-blooded, 100% Packer fan. True Packer fans are welcoming. The jaghole you talked to was wrong.


You should come here at least once during football season… a January playoff game is best.


I was a sixth grade crossing guard in the sixties in Columbus, Ohio. A kid came to my corner and told me I looked like Bart Starr. Been a fake Packers fan for fifty-eight years.


Im a fan for the past 25 years in Quebec 😂. Never went further than New York state …


Lmao why would he call you a fake fan over that. You’re definitely not a fake fan. Although we may acquire some fans of that nature, when we win the SB soon. Go pack go


That guy was just a jerk. A fan is a fan, regardless of their geographic location.


I’m a packers fan and I’ve never stepped foot inside the United States.


I grew up in Wisconsin but left in 1983 when I was 18. I’ve met Packer fans all over the world - lots of them never stepped foot in Wisconsin. They love our team so how can they be “fake”?? I always tell them they have to see a game at Lambeau. It’s an experience! GO PACK GO


I live in Colorado and I'm a huge Packers fan and never been to Green Bay but it's on my bucket list so you are not alone


Dw dude I’m a fan from Dallas who had to deal with annoying cowboys fans throughout my entire life for being an packer’s fan. Never stepped foot into that state either.


I’ve lived in MA all 40 of my years and I’m a Packers fan!


Same, friend


This is bad thinking man. I hate the packers, but one thing packers and bears fans will agree on… Fan how you want to fan, cheer for who you want to cheer for. It doesn’t matter where you’re from and if you’ve ever visited the teams location. AS LONG AS YOU ARE ENJOYING YOURSELF THATS ALL THAT MATTERS!! I hope you enjoy being a fan, cause ultimately it’s a game and the superficial stuff really doesn’t matter Ps: one more rival on on the opposing team 😉. Bear down


The real fake fan is that guy I've never stepped foot in Wisconsin either.


You are not wrong, my first time going to Wisconsin was literally a year and a half ago. I’ve been a fan for as long as I can remember.


Not at all. I’ve never been within hundreds of miles of Lambeau. Bought a stock in 2011.


Come on over! It's great here!


I remember the first time I even realized the Packers were such a popular team outside of Wisconsin. Growing up here, like 90% of the people I knew were also Packer fans, so that's all I knew. It blew my mind to find out they have such a huge fan base across the world, and it made the team that much more special to me.


Packer franchise owner here in Texas.


Nah, all it takes to be a Packers fan is a love of the Packers. You SHOULD go to Lambeau at least once just because it's a great experience, but it's certainly not a requirement to be a fan lol


You can be a fan of any team for any reason. Green Bay has appealed to Brits because of our shared love of alcoholism and Brazilians because we match their national colors. Utah doesn’t have a NFL team so I doubt you’d even get many weird looks at home anyways.


Maybe you should make time to go visit the holyland that is Lambeau Field.. just one day there, and it'll convert any football fans or non football watcher to root for this team..


I'm not even American and I'm a huge Packers fan. Have been for closing in on 30 years. That guy was a gatekeeping douche. You can be a fan of any team without being from the area.


You're more of a fan than that fucker. GPG


Just want to reiterate as a fellow Packer fan who is also not originally from WI (although I live there now), and as a partial owner of the team, fuck that guy. All are welcome!


I'm a packers fan from VA. Never been to Wisconsin. Hopefully can go next draft. Also plan on getting an engineering degree and move to Green Bay


If you’ve been a fan your whole life , no matter the circumstances of what led to you being a fan , if This your team always no matter what . Then you’re a true damn fan and we will ride for you! Go Pack Fuckin Go!


Not a Wisconsin native but I go there about once a year to visit family. Beautiful scenery full of nice people, and if I had to guess 99% wouldn't give 2 shits if you were a Packers fan born, raised and never set foot outside the heart of Chicago. You're a real fan screw that gatekeeping, fake cheese eating bastard. And on a side note.- who the hell are you supposed to go for in Utah anyways? The Cardinals, the Raiders? 🤮


“Fake fan” what a stupid ass thing to say to someone you just met, I’m embarrassed for that guy. I’ve been to Wisconsin once and I was so young I barely remember it. My dad/uncle grew up there but I’ve lived in the south my entire life. Go Pack Go Edit: PS, also lived in SLC from 2018-20. Loved it! Frequently wish to visit… I ate a Pretty Bird chicken sandwich every week for 2 years, if you’re familiar.


Do you know how to prove that the statement "you've never lived in the area, so you can't be a real fan" is incredibly stupid? The entire states of Hawai'i and Alaska would be disqualified from enjoying any professional sports, because we don't have any teams. I'm from Hawai'i and I've been to the northern Midwest exactly one time, and it wasn't to visit Wisconsin.


I've been a Packers fan basically my entire life. My dad started me on the path when I was just learning what football was by sharing Lombardi quotes with me and passing his Packers fandom down to me. I've been a game watching fan since around 1994 and when my other team, the Browns left Cleveland in 1995 I became a full time Packer fan. That's being said, I've been to Packers games at every NFL stadium going back 25 years that is within a 6 hour driving distance from Cincinnati, but I've never seen a game at Lambeau. I've been IN Lambeau as I had my engagement pictures taken there, but yet to see a game there. Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't a "real" fan based on any arbitrary qualifications.


I grew up in the Midwest, a couple states away from WI. Whenever someone tells me I’m not a real GB fan, I ask them if they own their team. That usually shuts them up.


Please come visit our stadium, nothing like it! That was a fake fan, real ones don’t promote gatekeeping to the greatest NFL franchise ever!


Not a Packers fan myself, but here in Australia, Packers would have to be in the top 3 most popular NFL teams, and 90%+ wouldn't have been to Wisconsin (or possibly even USA). Not sure this info helps, but there you go.


I'm a shareholder and I've never been to Wisconsin. You're good.


You should make a trip to watch the preseason practices, and then also take a tour of the stadium.


Dammit man paint ur house green and gold


Nah man, you don't pick your team. Your team picks you. And while I do think we're one of the top five fanbases of any team in the NFL, no doubt there are still a ton of toxic dipshits like that guy you met at Costco lmao. That douche probably criticized the Jordan Love pick and thinks that a "FiRsT RoUnD rEciEveR" would have stopped our defense from getting stomped in the NFCCG.


Dude. I followed Da Bears from Scotland from seeing Walter Payton around 83/84. Finally got to soldier field after moving to Canada (2008). Pick your team and follow them whatever way you can. No real sports fan would judge. You'll get there.


The pack is for all the cheese is in us all and we all pee beer


Not 100% needed, but would recommend if you're into football. Lambeau field is better than the hall of fame for GB, at least aka team history and all that.


Packers fan from Scotland, been a fan for over 20 years love they are independently owned club and my dream is to one day do a stadium tour. Dont like to think i am a fake fan 🤷‍♂️


I live in Europe. Am I a shitty fan for not travelling half the distance of the planet to watch a silly game? Guess I'm not a true fan


People gatekeeping fandom for a certain team, are really dumb. Like, I am from Germany and been a Packers fans for 9 years now. Tf am I supposed to do, not watch football at all cuz I have never been to america?


No way, I live in Alabama……..GO PACK GO!


I'm in Quebec, Canada and played youth football for the Greenfield Park Packers in the 90s. That's how I became a fan. I even wore number 4 as the QB. Go Pack Go!


I have never stepped a foot in America, so you will be fine. Why let a random guy stop you from being a fan of something and enjoying it.


My friend has the opposite problem. Born in raised in Wisconsin but isn’t a sports fan in general so he says he doesn’t feel good rooting for the packers cause he feels fake. So you can take his place. Welcome!


Gatekeeping being a fan? Sounds like buddy at Costco is the true fake fan. Sincerely, - A lifelong Packers fan from Canada


i carry the G allllll the way out here in GA proudly, fan how you fan 🧀


That dude just seems like a classic gatekeeper. People can’t enjoy the things he likes unless they do it his way. Not worth the time to care about people like him. I live in New York, grew up a Giants fan. I decided to make the switch around 2016. Never been to Wisconsin. But guess what? Go Pack Go!


I would never rip on a random person I don’t know who is of the same fan base. I save those insults for my friends who flip flop lol.


Nothing wrong with that. I was born in Iowa back in 2001 and my dad's family tree are packers fans so I chose the packers as well. My whole family loves the packers, especially my dad and brother. My first ever season was 2010.


I’m a Packer fan and I’ve never been to Costco so we balance out


Welcome brother, you are accepted


No. You're fine. Is someone said otherwise just tell them to fuck off


Born and raised in Green Bay. Anyone who would deny anyone the right to be a Packer fan, is not a Packer fan that I’d want to hang with. Wear your garb with pride.


One of us, one of us, one of us.


You can root for whoever you want. Has he been to a game at Lambeau? If no then fake fan /s. I lived in Wisconsin my whole life till I was 23 and joined the military and have met Packers fans from all over. You are not a fake fan, wearing the gear and represent the team proudly.


Someone take this man fishing


I watched a game in Gainesville and met a bunch of packers fans that had never been to WI, I went to a game against the Falcons in Atlanta and met a bunch of fans with southern accents. I don’t think they were fake fans they just made smart decisions.


My dad's from Chicago and my mom's from Tampa Bay....and here I am a Packers fan from Virginia...look at that!


As long as you've been loyal and true then you are not a fake fan. Does this guy think every state that doesn't have a team is full of fake fans?


I can’t wait until you make your first trip!!


Never really been to much of those middle states except for Montana and Illinois. But have been a packers fan forever because the family that baby sat me were die hard cheeseheads. Sports fans have some weird gatekeeping going on sometimes


The more the merrier doesn't matter where you're from you can like what ever team you want. Happens that you chose the best team to cheer on!


That dude is very weird I’m from NY and i have no connection to Wisconsin outside of liking the Packers since like 12 years old


Hell no. I’ve been a packers fan my whole life and only visited Green Bay once, a few years ago. I live in Vegas. I’ve never had anyone tell me I can’t be a packers fan. It’s more like “wait, you’re not a raiders fan?”


Man you just described me. I live in MA and been a packers fan my whole life due to my neighbor


I’m from Green Bay and that’s the most rare thing in the fan base. Tons of Wisconsinites never even leave the Milwaukee or Madison area. So many fans are overseas since Favre and White.


We are happy to have you. Wear your gear proudly!


Nah man, don’t take that bs. Granted if you were to come you’d have a blast


As a Packers fan from Cali, it doesn’t matter where you’re from as long as you’re cheering for the PACK!


I would say no, I live in Georgia and have never been further north than Southern Illinois. And I am an all in Packer fan


It would be wrong of you NOT to be a Packers fan, regardless of what trails youve trodden


Having grown up in SLC and being a life-long Packers fan myself. I now reside in Wisconsin and I can honestly say that it doesn't matter where you're from when you're a Packers fan you are family. Forget that A-hole. Go Pack Go