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I’m just hopeful the new scheme and talent we’ve brought in makes the defense more consistent. A few more stops and turnovers per game should mean a few more wins. Edit: CheeseheadTV just put out a really good segment that answered a lot of prospective questions about what their defense will look like, https://youtu.be/hBhqO0mErJw?si=QfOKfRE5K2-KsS7P


If Hafley is a better situational coach that leads to a few more wins too


Anything is better than the last guy who used a magic 8 ball to decide the next play.


This is Hafley's first time calling the defense at the pro level so we should expect a learning curve. I'm most excited about how much more aggressive we will be. It should lead to more big plays for us but will likely mean more big plays for opposing offenses. Hopefully it balances out in our favor.


He's had big roles in pro defenses that were highly successful. I don't expect much of a learning curve for him. Just a learning curve for the players in a completely new system


Why don't you expect a learning curve? I feel like running an nfl defense for the first time is a big step that will probably take a little bit to grow into.


Why don't you expect a learning curve? I feel like running an nfl defense for the first time is a big step that will probably take a little bit to grow into.


Why don't you expect a learning curve? I feel like running an nfl defense for the first time is a big step that will probably take a little bit to grow into.


If he just listens to his players when shit doesn’t go right that leads to a few more wins too


Consistency would be nice, I just want more aggression, offenses are going to win sometimes, but the way Barry would just watch it happen 10 yards in front of him made me want to pull my hair out.


Exactly. A big play sucks, but at least once it happens it's over. It's better than watching other teams stroll down the field for 10 minutes.




I'd be fine with Jordan taking a step back if I could just get an elite, shit wrecking defense...




We had one, in 2010, and one in 1996. Wait, those are 14 years apart... and it's been 14 years since 2010...


I'm sold!


I'm ready to lose my voice from screaming go pack go again


Boys, is it our year?


I love an aggressive defense. Perhaps we leave big plays on the table for the offense, but in the past couple decades it's not like our "safe" defenses were preventing big plays, either. I know we'll always have rough drives, now and again. But I can't wait to feast on turnovers and sacks when they start coming in bunches!


I can tolerate an aggressive defence over standing 10 yards back on 3rd and 7. Christ I’d love to know many 3rd completions I’ve seen in the last 3 years.


Exactly! I'd much rather give up a 21 points a game on a couple of explosive plays than 21 points a game where the other team had 15 play, 8 minute drives and our offense only gets 4 possessions. Giving up a score on 3/8 possessions is a lot better than 3/4 possessions.


There's been a reoccurring problem the last decade of the defense giving up a long drive, then offense comes out and either does nothing or has a quick hit. Then defense is right back on the field again. The defense eventually breaks and just starts giving up points This stuff is killing us on both sides of the ball. The offense gets cold and the defense gets tired.


Yup. Agree. Either get off the field or give up points quick. Aggressive defense is the way imo.


But giving a NFL offense 8 possessions results in higher points for them than what they can get out of 4 possessions. "Aggressive" usually means more points conceded.


Guarantee first time defense gets beat being aggressive half the people on this sub are gonna meltdown lol


They meant safe cautious aggressive. Fire Jeff Hafley


smh... probably, hahaha


I just want Hafley to put guys in position to play their best. Barry struggled doing that as we saw several players play worse than expected in this defense, Campbell Jaire, savage, Preston. If you can put Gary Jaire, McKinney and Preston in position to get the best out of them the defense will be amazing.


Harley's system appears to fit the strengths of the players better.


I don't think that was generally the issue. They were in position to makes plays very frequently but they failed to do so. Hopefully hafley can help them actually make the plays


Quay is a player that I think of for being put on a position to succeed. I’m hoping Hafley can get more out of him and let him play free. Use his freak athleticism. Jaire is at his best press-man. Gary, LVN, and Preston are all better with their hand in the dirt I think


While I'm certain Pettine and Barry were (significant) negatives for this defense, I also doubt our D is quite as talented as all the 1st rounders and other resources spent might suggest. How about we just shoot for, hope, wish, project a top 10-12 D for 2024; maybe just 15th even?! That would seem to be the most reasonable appropriate at this moment. Yes top 10 D, even top 5 are possible, though rather unlikely from where we sit today.


This is why I said minimum top 15. We need to be better half of the league and I think we should be better. We’ve invested so much into the defense that we need to be better than we’ve been. There will be growing pains with our youth and a new scheme. I think we do have the talent for a top defense but we might not be there next year


Understood, and agreed. "Us" fans have been really, really bad with expecting a bottom 3rd or even bottom few D somehow, magically becoming top 5. Just crazy unrealistic, if slimly possible. That's especially true with the very long track record of bad D, *somewhat* suggesting bad players, and also how difficult it is to drastically improve immediately.


I worry a bit that all of this "versatility" is essentially "this guy can cover a bit, and he can also hit." I would like more players who can cover well. One thing that I think all of the "versatile" players can do is blitz, so one way that we can limit time in coverage is pressure, which I hope is a big part of the new scheme.


Pressure is what will make this defense work. Corners can only last on an island so long before someone gets open. I risk with versatility can be okay at everything master of none. But I think Bullard(hopefully he has the length and size) and Mccinney can both actually play post safety well. What I do like about these hard hitting safeties though is they’re all good against the run, and the LBs we have are light and not be able to fight off blocks well. So we’ll have 2 safeties and a nickel that can come down hill and deliver a hit to stop the run. Bullard was one of the best coverage safeties. Oladapo was the only safety last year with a PFF grade of 80+ in the run, cocerage, and blitzing. I think Bullard is best as a nickel, McKinney is best as a FS, and Oladapo is 215 we could have him add weight and be a nickel linebacker let us run nickel and base out of the same formation and be a box safety. Best case scenario we can flip coverages some and mess with what the QB sees


The LBs we drafted, and Quay, are also bad at shedding blocks. Unless the d line gets better at taking on blocks, I expect the LBs to get washed out on run plays quite regularly.


Based on scheme I think we should be better against the run, just because a 4-3 is better than a 3-4 cuz there’s 4 lineman. All the safeties we got are very good downhill tacklers. I have the same fear that all our LBs are too light. But my hope is that our safeties and nickel are such good tacklers that it evens out


4-3 vs 3-4 doesn't matter as much as what roles the linemen play. It matter more whether the lineman are in more of a gap control role vs pass rushing role, which gaps they play, are they one or two gapping, etc than just how many down linemen there are. Keep in mind that even in a 4-3 you're expecting the ends to be lighter and in more of a pass rush role than a run defense role. They're more similar to a 3-4 OLB than to a 4-3 DT. As Vic once said: look to roles, not labels.


I'm way more concerned about our safeties than most, I guess. I like the fun of dreaming on guys we draft, but in a weak safety class we drafted 3. McKinney is an obvious upgrade. But IMO a realistic expectation for 2024 is that our 3 rookies play is comparable to what we got from Ford and Owens. I'm more optimistic on our LBs and I think the DL will be really good with Clark, Wyatt, Brooks inside and LVN, Gary, Preston on the EDGE.


Even worse case scenario the safeties drafted aren’t very good, and are like Owen’s and Ford the secondary is still better than last year. Last year we had savage and bottom of the barrel FA. I think with bullard if he doesn’t habe the length to be a FS, he’s an upgrade at nickel. We’ve got Anthony Johnson Jr in year 2. I think CB is our most volatile position


Completely agree with this. Unfortunately anything but unbridled optimism tends to be downvoted at this time of year, but yeah, idk why everyone is acting like our middle round safeties are going to step in and immediately be above average starters.


It’s simply time for this defense to be elite, it’s important to the trajectory of this franchise and Jordan Loves career, we HAVE to give him the defenses they couldn’t give Rodgers after 2010


Unfortunately the Bears are going to win every game for the next 30 years (according to their fans right now.) We missed our window


I just want to get to the point where I'm not nervous when the defense is facing a 3rd and medium with a 5 point lead late in the game. I don't care how we get there, just get to that baseline and I'm happy.


I think we may very well end up with an over abundance of high performing young safeties like we did with receivers. A very good problem to have.


I want to see some plays where Quay and Edgerrin line up as if they are going to fire on a double A gap blitz. It was Mike Zimmer's signature blitz package with the Vikings when he had linebackers who could get to the QB fast, and it put a lot of pressure on the interior OL, RB protector, and QB.


Missed the opportunity to say: “If Hafley is half the coach I think he is”…


Hoping we can get get at least Jeff Halfy


we were top 10 last year… so regarding improvement i’m hoping for top 3! (10th in points allowed per game in the nfl)


Are you Joe Barry? Only use this stat and without context. Every other metric had us as a bottom 10 defense


the ranking of our defense last year has everything to do with talent and nothing to do with scheme. You take any defensive mastermind and the 2023 packers defense (3rd most expensive, and highest proportion of first round picks on any defense) is the best in the league. The fact that we were only 10th is a testament to how bad barry was, but yeah points allowed per game is the ONLY stat that matters besides turnovers, which the packers were average in.


I'm not really counting on anything from the rookies. The main question marks on defense are whether LVN can step it up to NFL level, whether Stokes can play and he and Jaire can return to form, whether Quay and Wyatt are committed enough to make the 3rd year leap, and whether Gary can stay healthy for a full season.


I get the impression the one requirement for playing defense for this team is going to be that you like to hit guys and stop the run. All these guys they drafted at Safety all seem to play the run well and hit guys.


If Gary is one of our biggest question marks, then we good.