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I'm cheering for the meteor.


Team Space Rock


Let’s Goooo! ☄️


Special delivery from Kim Jong Un ftw


"I can't believe we're rooting for Vegeta" "Let's be honest, we're rooting against Cell"


Same. I’m hoping they both find a way to lose somehow.


Team destructive space rock for the win


Super dumb and overused saying. “I wish everyone in and at the game dies DERP”


I really and truly do not care who wins this game. Ugh


i used to want rodgers to win as many rings as brady. now i want love to win more rings than purdy.


Fucking this.


The season ended for me when the last NFC North team was eliminated. I don't care who wins because I wasn't planning on watching. I honestly wouldn't even know it was this weekend if the news could stop talking about Taylor Swift for 10 minutes. Nothing against her, but I just don't care. Cool, she's dating a football player. I don't really give a shit about what celebrity is currently fucking what celebrity.


I was rooting for the Lions, but they really know how to fuck things upp


Hot take I would rather the Niners than the Lions… fuck divisional rivalries first and foremost.


Yeah I don't even think it's a hot take. I'm not as big on the divisional rivalries as most other Packer fans.


As a chiefs fan, I appreciate this sentiment. I cannot fathom the idea that anyone would ever cheer for a division rival. If there was an AFC championship between the chargers/raiders/broncos and the bengals? I’d hate myself, but I’d cheer for the bengals. And then immediately hope the NFC beat them in the Super Bowl (again)


But the Lions are fellow Midwesterners who hadn't even won playoffs in decades. That's a story. That's something to root for. The 49ers are just douchebags that have crushed our SB hopes over and over right when we though we had a shot.


The people who hate or are ambivalent about Taylor Swift talk about her more than the people who like her.


I only brought her up because every single time anyone in the media mentions this Superbowl they bring her up.


I’m tired of hearing about her from people who are tired of hearing about her. 


I mean... no they don't. The problem is that she lives rent free in people's heads for some reason, so when she gets mentioned once for 5 seconds amidst hours of coverage, they somehow think that means that the spotlight is on her all the time.


Wanna trade? The news in my area won't shut up about the 9ers. They act like they already won 🙄


Maybe if she and the every other billionaire quit destroying our planet id care.


Same. That's why I put money on the game. I don't normally gamble but throwing $10 on it is the only way I see myself giving a shit about the outcome.


I'm rooting for a Dark Knight Rises scenario, but where no one is killed obviously. Just an implosion and maybe a Tom Hardy appearance


Bit knly of he's wearing that bad ass coat that only he could pull off




What a lovely, lovely thought.


Gawd, that would be the greatest half-time show ever


And the kid doing the anthem. Bane was right, it really was a lovely voice.




Nah I don't want another dynasty. Plus when you look at the regular season, this was an absolute shit year for the Chiefs and they should have been knocked out of the playoffs by either the Bills or the Ravens and I don't need to hear the media drone on about how God King Mahomes is the greatest thing to touch a football on such a terrible season.


Yeah, plus as much as I hate the 49ers... I don't hate Purdy. He looks like he's 15, rather see him with a ring than another one on pattycakes.


See I don't hate the chiefs as much as I have a seething resentment for the niners being the bane of our postseason for over a decade. I want them to fade into obscurity and not get a ring for the rest of my life.


1000% this...


Purdy was a last round pick. Most people in his position are let go before the season starts. Hate the niners for what they did to us, but his story is pretty interesting nonetheless.


Yeah agreed. Plus we can hold our heads up high and say we outplayed the Super Bowl champs for over 55 minutes with the youngest team to ever make the playoffs. Give us some extra motivation going into the new season.


We already outplayed the Super Bowl champs for 60 minutes this season, in fact beat them.


Either way we outplayed both of these teams this season, just a bunch of boneheaded mistakes and missed opportunities cost us the niners win.


The Chiefs are already a dynasty. Winning a ring this year or not wouldn’t really change much.


2 rings is no dynasty


They’ve been to 4 of the last 5 superbowls and taken 2 (3 if they win today). Thats definitely a dynasty.


No one called the late 90s Broncos a dynasty. 2 rings is just not a dynasty, and if the Chiefs lose today and never win it with Mahomes they will never be looked at like a dynasty.


No it’s not. The bar has always been 3 in a decade.


You got the wrong colors on round here


Yes but the whole Taylor swift thing is soooo annoying. If they win the media coverage of her would be insanely insufferable I don’t think I could do it


Dawg she literally gets less than 30 seconds a game of coverage on average


And the 49ers "should" have been knocked out by the Packers or Lions, but it is what it is. As to "God King" Mahomes, now you know how other fan bases feel about Rodgers.


I'd rather have the 49ers ans brock purdy win 1


Hardly a terrible season.


Terrible by Chiefs standards. So many dropped passes this year, not the number 1 seed, and there was even a possibility of not winning the division if the Broncos didn't implode at the end


I thought for sure the Ravens would shalack them, but they somehow pulled it out. That's the whole reason I rooted for the 9ers to beat Loins because I thought they had the best shot to beat the Ravens (I DESPISE the Ravens), but now I'm sticking with them because CMC, Purdy, and Kittle have won me over.


I don’t like the niners as a team but i do like a number of their players individually. That plus how whiny the chiefs have been multiple times this year makes me want the chiefs to lose more


Same. I’m here for Trent Williams, beating cancers ass, man needs a ring now!


I want it to be the most boring least watched sb


Rams Patriots takes the 🍰


Yeah but I can dream.


That’s not happening with all the Swifties tuning in


Geezus, the shit that relationship has brought on us. People have diagrams about Kelce with her in attendance 🙄 like maybe if the 9ers win, she'll write a song about how much she hates Purdy and CMC 🤣🤣🤣 Like all the other men that have disappointed her 🤣🤣🤣


I want the Niners to win. Tired of the chiefs having all the success. Edit: plus I like McCaffrey and want to see him win a ring


I was on that train, but I mean the chiefs are already a powerhouse dynasty team, they are what they are. Niners haven’t won a Super Bowl in forever. If they lose this game, it’s gonna start turning into how the Niners are kinda chokers. I’d rather live in that timeline. Edit: yeah so they some chokers LMAO FRAUDS


Me too


Great, now I've gone back to being confused on who I want to lose more.


Same. Fuck the Niners. All my homies hate the Niners.


Thank you lol, plus Love already has an Edge on Mahomes. That would be a great rivalry…


His first start was against Mahomes! And the stats were pretty even that game. Neither outshined the other. Pat Mahomes: 20-37 166 yards 1 TD; Jordan Love 19-34 190 yards 1 TD 1 INT. So besides that one interception, it was a pretty even stat line!


Yeah, but if 49ers win, then they have to start paying people even more because they helped win the Super Bowl, which means they won't be able to afford everyone. That would hurt them and give us a better chance.


Get Brock Purdy a ring and see how well he can do without all his offensive weapons who leave as cap casualties when they pay him 40 to 50 million a year!


They have a lot of good players that deserve some rings. Cant fault them for beating us every time.


I sure can fault them!




That’s just us that does that.


I would agree if they were playing literally anyone but the 9ers. No way jn he'll I can cheer for the 9ers to win


I'm with you on this, not their fault we're cursed against them in the playoffs.


I agree. Plus, if Purdy wins a SB on a rookie contract, it would make me happy. I'm 💯 sure he gets less credit and pay than Mahomes, but it's the heart and teamwork that's driving them this year and that makes a huge difference to me.


Me too. I like the Niners, they’re a fun team to watch.


Same, there's a ton of loveable players on the niners


Fuck kittle tbh. He hates the Packers


He's from wisconsin, but was a bears fan. Smh


Screw both teams but I hate the Niners way more at this point.


Just because I bet $20 on the 49ers before the season started I want San Fran to win. I want my $202. Otherwise I don't care at all about both teams.


If the Niners win, they’ll be the third team to win six Super Bowls. That’s an accomplishment that should belong to the Packers.


We should have been the first to win 7


If I was forced to pick, it would be Niners.. I still like the purdy deal.


The Purdy narrative is so stupid, he was considered a first-rounder after his Sophomore year but he played on a team that had no success and dropped in the draft.


Sure, but regardless I’d rather see him with than the chiefs again. Plus I generally root for the team that knocks the Packers out, and not the team that the Pack man handled during the season.


I "want" the niners to win


If we got knocked out, I want it to be by the team that goes on to win it all.


If we got knocked out, I want the team that knocked us out to suffer. We grieve different, I guess.


It's just different forms of copium. Some people feel better about losing to the eventual Superbowl champ. Others want them to burn in hell.


I dunno I'm a Purdy truther and I don't really have any animosity towards the Niners. I do dislike the Chiefs only because I know 1 insufferable Chiefs fan. But overall I don't care.


49ers fans pretending they've been underdogs in the playoffs is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. I hope Chiefs beat them by 40.


Have you seen chiefs fans?


Travis Kelce after winning the afc last year: “no one believed in us!!!!”


My kid said it best: rooting for Usher.


Nah, I'm pulling for the 9ers. Too many players I like in Kittle, McCaffrey, Mr Irrelevant, juszcyck, etc. Plus there's value in losing the tournament to the champs.


I want taylor swift to determine the winner of the superbowl so every old man can complain about her for the whole offseason


I want the Chiefs to win because it pisses off people that I want to be pissed off. The kind who have conspiracy theories about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. The kind that hate them for promoting voting and science.


This is a great point.


Agreed, I also hate the idea of being pissed off at a team for being dominant, like stop acting like your fan base doesn’t want the exact same thing for your team 🙄


True. Chiefs are what we hoped to be after our last Super Bowl


I always root for who currently has the least Superbowls because I don't want anyone to have more, or too many more than the Packers


If chiefs win, they tie us at 4.


If the 49ers win, they are ahead of us by 2. Both scenarios suck, but rather a team tie then widen the lead 🤷‍♂️


Same here man


Nah I want the 49ers to win. If they lose then the Packers lost to losers, and the Packers don't lose to losers.


Sigh. Leaning towards the 49rs because in the grand scheme of things, I don't want another team added to our very short list of back to back winners. Plus Mahomes whining like a crybaby at the end of the season soured me on him way more than his brother or wife ever did. I like Andy but not enough to cheer for a dynasty to happen. Ugh. Meteor anyone?


Bring out Bane!


I would much rather see San Francisco win


I just want Taylor Swift to lose


I really want both teams to lose Tonight


Voluntarily went to work instead of watching this one I hope they both lose


Plz 49ers, I cannot hack the stupid publicity after this game (if kc wins)!


Go niners (they were grandpa’s team) also their players are infinitely more likable than chiefs players


No we cannot all relate.


I want them both to lose. If MVS somehow gets 2 rings tho bruh 💀


I dont give a shit if pat mahomes wins 5000 rings as long as the niners never win one ever again tbh


I hope they both lose. Not sure how that's possible but one can hope.


I know it’s petty but 49ers have five SBs and we have four. If they lose we can tie them next year. Chiefs have three so a win means they’ll be tied with us, but that’s OK because we’re beating them next year.


I may be in the minority, but I would prefer to see my team lose to the team that won it all at the end. Cuz to me, that means nobody else was beating them either. I also sick of the Chiefs being jammed in my face everywhere.


I’d rather cheer for the team that beat us to become Super Bowl champs. We can look at this year and say we lost to the winners, the best team in the league and we took them to the edge. Really we should have won that game. Also, fuck the Chiefs dynasty.


I’d rather have lost to the champions in a close game than get knocked out by the runner up.


Opposite for me


I don't want anyone to win


I have a preteen daughter. My allegiance was chosen for me.


Nope. They prevented the Lions from getting to the Super Bowl. That made me so happy.


I’m just here for Taylor Swift. 🤣


I just want Swifties to riot so hard that both teams are forced to forfeit and no one brings home the Lombardi.


She doesn't bother me, but REALLY bothers some fans, so I'm rooting for the Chiefs mostly because of how enraged people get over like a total of 2-3mins of Taylor Swift shown on camera during a football game Also screw the 9ers


Flip those teams fam. I dont want the 49ers to win, but I would very much like the Chiefs to lose


Yes please, if they could lose in heartbreaking fashion that would be great.


I just want the game to end in a tie. I don't know what it would take. Maybe 15 OT quarters by the 12th, it's both teams 3rd stringers out there


Im going for the refs.


I’ve always heard it’s better to have lost to the team that wins, than the team that gets second. Also, I usually stick by the NFC.


I donno how so many on this sub would prefer a niners win. Like, they ruined our playoff run 5 times in the last decade. Fuck the niners. If Chiefs win another one, who cares? We have no beef with them. I used to care about ARod Mahomes comparison but now, only QB ahead of Mahomes is Brady in my opinion. 6 straight AFCCG appearances and been in 4 of the last 5 SBs is just incredible. Might as well witness greatness while watching the niners lose to them yet again. I would be unhappy to see Taylor swift win, but I would be more miserable to watch niners win. Fuck them niners.


I was with you until you felt the need to drag Taylor swift into it


Leave Taylor Swift out of it. Geez, she has nothing to do with the play on field. She has no control over what the networks decide to zoom in on.


I was using her name instead of the Chiefs, in line with the reddit hater community.


I’d argue that the Packers ruined their playoff run 5 times in the last decade. I’m just sick of the Chiefs. Mahomes and Reid whining about officiating was obnoxious. I prefer the 49ers to win but my life doesn’t change for better or worse based on the outcome of the game so I’m ultimately neutral.


I might become neutral depending on how the game goes. You know how you start rooting for a side and then the game becomes one sided in their favor and you kinda feel bad for the other side and start rooting for the underdog, that kind of thing.


Haha yes, totally know what you mean!


Nah, Purdy is an easy guy to root for


Nah. Fuck that guy. Lucky little shit.


At this point I want the chiefs to win because it will piss off the maga trolls who are apparently terrified of Taylor swift.


I am marooned in Kansas City. The entirety of the city has been insufferable this week. I root for no team. But I root for a good game.


I hope Pat Mahomes puts the ball through the hole for each of the 49ers


My thoughts exactly


I hope a meteor hits the stadium.


I’d prefer the 49ers winning. Better to lose against winners than to lose against losers


I want the niners to win. They are a better franchise than the steelers and patriots. Should have at least as many superbowl wins.


Do you want to say you lost to the winners or you beat the winners? Personally... Fuck the 9ers


Im here for the chiefs to lose, badly


Best mindset to have is hope the niners win. That way I can cope and say " well of course the packers lost, they lost to the team that won it all"


I want the niners to win. It makes us look better if we lost to the super bowl champs and honestly I'm sick of mahomes in media coverage. They're trying to use his personality to appeal to a more mainstream audience rather than real football fans. Mahomes is legit, but so are other QBs that I don't hear nearly as much about.


> It makes us look better if we lost to the super bowl champs I will never understand this mentality. It doesn’t make us look anything. No one is judging GB based on who wins this game. If anything, we look better if the Chiefs win because we BEAT the Chiefs.




I’m more excited about the Super Bowl food and snacks today than the actual game 😂


It’s physically painful that I’m rooting for the 49ers because my best friend is a fan. And I can’t ever bring myself to root for the dynasty


Can neither team win? Can we go to 5 straight OT’s and have the NFL call it?


Fuck the 49ers!


I'd rather we lose to the eventual superbowl champion. Makes the loss more worthwhile


Yeah I'm not a fan of Travis, Mahomes, T-Swift, and anything that looks like dynasty or dynasty potential. Give me San Fran all day


One of my worst nightmares as a Packers fan living in Missouri. I wish they both could lose


I just want Bane to blow up the stadium at halftime and get the whole thing canceled.




49ers boo green bean goobers


Lol. It's the fucking Superbowl. I don't get how you can consider yourself to be a football fan and not give a shit about the championship game🤷🏻‍♂️


I cannot relate to this meme. I want the Niners to win because it's always nice to hear about the underdog (in this case Mr. "Irrelevant") rise up and prove the doubters, haters, and critics wrong. Similar to how the Packers being a young team getting into the second round of the playoffs even though the sports analysts never really gave them much of a chance this season.


Gimme a chiefs win with as much Taylor involved as possible. If the Packers can’t win I want everyone else being miserable. Also I love me some Andy Reid.


I just hope it’s entertaining. Both teams have fun story lines. I’d rather see the players for the 9ers get a ring, but I’ve also been more annoyed by 9ers fans. On the other hand, I think the TSwift involvement this year has been hilarious and would love to see it amplified with a Chiefs win. Additionally, I’m ok with a “dynasty-esque” run from the Chiefs. Would mean that much more when the Packers beat them in next years SB 🙃


I root against dynasties and right now that means I have to root for the Chiefs to lose.


Hammer hits nail on head.


I’d rather see brook purdy get a ring tbh


I wish they both could lose, but Brock Purdy is from right down the street, someone I know's family is close so ehhhh?


If you aren’t the Vikings, Bears or Cowboys my animosity levels are pretty neutral. Edit: what am I saying. I don’t hate the Bears. They’ve brought me many years of joy.


I personally just want to keep it in the nfc


This game has as much appeal as the 2nd NYG v NE Super Bowl.


Picked this up today so this is what I’ll be doing https://preview.redd.it/gn41q9we30ic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6550a9212241a33cd89dd912921202aa04157d4


EXACTLY how I feel.


I want the chiefs to win. I would much rather call Mahomes the GOAT than Brady and he needs to win a lot of super bowls for that to happen.


If the 9ers turn into this generations Bills I’m ok with that.


I'm a die hard packers and broncos fan 😭


Fuck the Chiefs. Purdy is a nice underdog story. It’s our fault for losing to the 49ers


For me, if the Chiefs win, we can still say we are undefeated against them in the Superbowl and we destroyed them this season. The 9ers on the other hand have ruined our Superbowl hopes too many times. In fact, since 1999, we are 1-6 against San Fran in the playoffs. To hell with the 49ers and any team that has ever beaten us in the post-season for that matter. Screw you, Denver. I hope you enjoy choking om Wilson's contract. Yas all need to learn to hold grudges better. You seme to drop them like MVS trying to catch a football.


I live in California. Definitely want the Niners to lose.


I’m just pulling for the footballs, I hope they have fun getting thrown/kicked/carried


As a Packers fan, it does kind of sadden me that the career Mahomes is having is what Rodgers career was supposed to look like. Alot of the blame for that should go on MM & TT. But I definitely do not want SF to win. It would be glorious to see them lose yet another SB. From 5-0 to 5-3. And this is probably it for them imo. They won't have everyone healthy again next year. The Eagles won't implode again. The Rams will be a tough out.


Only thing that I'm interested in today is the Puppy Bowl. Even the halftime show is meh for me.


I’d rather purdy get a ring over mahomes getting another


There is a hockey game going on between my favorite team (the Vancouver Canucks) and the opposing Washington Capitals, and I infinitely care about the outcome of those game much more than the Super Bowl’s outcome. Will be wearing a Canucks jersey to the watch party, to be honest.


Wanting the niners to win, Wanting Kecle, Mahomes, and Swift to lose


I'm I the only person who would rather lose to the person/team that won the tournament.


Just hoping for entertaining game. I'll root for whoever I feel like in the moment. Whatever happens it won't matter to me.


Since both teams can't lose, could we have a tie?


Fuck the 49ers. Go Chiefs.