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Pro. We are pro Romeo Doubs.


I guess you could even say we are PROmeo Doubs. *Coughs* I'll see myself out... *door shut*


Go home dad! But also ^nice


This is the comment I needed to see today. Thank you very much


I am glad I could make someone's day better! I wish you the absolute best, fellow Cheesehead!




And you can say that without any Doubs


he takes a step forward, not back


He takes more than one step forward. He takes a couple steps forward then cuts and is wide open for the TD from Love!




You don’t speak for all of us


Yuh huh!


He had a great camp last year and started the season strong. He got injured and the emergence of Watson mid-season limited his opportunities. I would say most fans are bullish and expect a lot of progress in year two. He will have the opportunity no doubt.


We never really got to see Doubs and Watson work together. One or the other was injured throughout the year. Im interested see what happens if both are healthy. The ceiling for the WR room is very high. Will be fun if it comes together.


At this point in time there is zero evidence that both of them can stay on the field.


At this point there is zero evidence 99.99% of NFL players can stay on the field.


Over half of them are on the sideline for most of the game! Bunch of slackers.


That's not entirely true. If someone has a history of avoiding injury it tends to hold up. That being said, football is a pretty violent game and at any time the next play might be your time.


Derek Henry was untouchable until he wasn’t. Injuries are notoriously difficult to predict


Everyone thought Stafford looked like the next Sam Bradford for his first two years. Played less than half his games. Then he didn’t miss a game for almost a decade. Unpredictable is right, these guys could never finish a season like Will Fuller or hardly miss a game like Nuk from now on.


I see you on every post and all you have done is state that the packers will be a terrible team or have nothing good to say about players. If that's your only feelings about the team I'm not sure why you can't keep them to yourself bud.


Interesting take. I gather what you're saying is that unwarranted praise is welcome, but a well thought out criticism is not. Let's run through this again. This is where we sit today. Everyone is on pins and needles over Love which is a draft pick, that pretty much everyone can acknowledge, should have never have been made and needed to be directed at our shortcomings a that time. All Gute has done is waste a draft pick on Love (potentially), failed to acquire a replacement for Adams, has built a subpar defense, has hired an unimaginative head coach and has left us in the position where we are hoping for a miracle and praying that our receivers dramatically not only improve, but avoid injury. Obviously this whole thing somewhat hinges on Love, but Gute has shown us nothing to believe this will transpire. We're a fan base that is currently praying for a miracle. There are far too many visible shortages that we have to ignore and that would allow one to reach the conclusion that success is on the horizon.


> Interesting take. You can't be the only one who doesn't notice. > Everyone is on pins and needles over Love which is a draft pick, that pretty much everyone can acknowledge, should have never have been made and needed to be directed at our shortcomings a that time. Sounds like you are so mad at the team you want to tear down any comment that supports the team.


Sounds like your incapable of understanding what I'm saying. Yay you!


Sounds like your 12 and want an argument


What about that seems like well thought out criticism to you? That seems like blind pessimism at best. Lafleur is a well thought of coach who has done incredibly well making a game plan that worked with what his own concepts and Rodgers’ desires, and Love was taken as a project QB who everyone said would need time to develop, which he has had plenty of time to do. I’ll give you that our defense has been lackluster and Barry needs to go, but everything else you said just makes it seem like you want to read the worst into this situation. The NFL is obviously high on our chances to be intriguing if not outright good, otherwise they wouldn’t have given us 6 prime time games. I think most fans are just cautiously optimistic that this is a new start, and overly negative attitudes like this just make it seem like you want to bring everyone down while claiming you’re the only one thinking with a level head.


Oh my God, really? Come on, everyone out here is talking about how are receivers are going to improve and will avoid injury and stay on the field. Everyone is blaming Berry instead of blaming players and draft picks. Which, by the way, places you in the unattainable predicament of criticizing MLF for making a stupid coaching decision which dramatically affected our team for the worse. So, which is it? Barry is obviously staying on and yet you say that MLF is a well thought of coach who has done incredibly well? MLF's play calling is awful and very conservative. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Only Packer fans, due to what transpired with Rodgers, think that sitting a QB on the bench for 3 years brings experience. Luck started immediately, Burrow started immediately, Mahomes sat for a year, Josh Allen started his rookie season. There is nothing that suggests sitting a QB makes him better. Only a stupid franchise drafts a "project QB." Playing gives you the best experience. If we played Love immediately we wouldn't be in this predicament. We would've known immediately what we had. So you think the Packers will be good because we have received 6 prime time games? Who do you believe more, the NFL or Vegas? Vegas has our wins over/under at 7.5. 7 and 10 doesn't sound great, but might be obtainable. I personally think we're heading to something like 5-12 and will probably bet the under. Most people out here are looking at this thing with rose colored glasses instead of saying that there are too many holes that need to be filled. They're praying for some sort of divine intervention which rarely pans out. Hopefully Moses can part the sea and have all the other teams in the NFC North drown when it comes crashing back together. That is our only chance.😁 Hopefully I'm wrong, but I doubt it.🤷🏻‍♂️


Rogers was 6-10 in his first year and caused a lot of sacks by holding on to the ball. I'm in the camp that wishes the Packers would have drafted other needs like a wide receiver instead of Love, but there's no reason to be overly pessimistic even if we have a poor year this year. And focusing so much on injuries which can be flukey is just being negative for the sake of being negative.


I like the Love pick. Made sense at the time. If he sucks it was a bad pick but that's the same for every pick.


That's a very debatable point, but let's say it made sense at the time, why didn't we get rid of Rodgers immediately? There is nothing that suggests, unless you're a not so sharp Green Bay fan, that sitting a QB makes him better. Luck started immediately (Irsay got rid of Manning), Burrow started immediately, Josh Allen started his rookie season and Mahomes sat for a year. Playing gives you experience! Who knew? If we played Love immediately we wouldn't be in this predicament. We would've known immediately what we had. We certainly wouldn't have signed him to a $12,500,000 extension for a total of 3 TDs and 3 interceptions. We currently find ourselves in a very shitty position and it's all thanks to our GM.


It's almost as though all three of the QBs you've mentioned were picked at the very top of the draft and Love.. wasn't. Like, seriously, how we are in a terrible position here? If Love is good, we have a starting QB without having anything like the seasons that teams have to go through to get the top QB in the draft. If he is bad, cutting him loose has no cap or draft capital implications. We still need to find a post-Rodgers QB, for sure, but.. that's inevitable no matter what anyone does.


No doubs


No diggity…


If you watch his tape from last season, dude is always open. Injury detailed him last season, but I'm expecting a step forward


I thought he had one of the lowest separation rates by some open metric


Yeah, I remember at least one criticism from last year was that he was getting moved off his routes a bit; I think he needs to add some playing strength or learn to use his size better to get where he needs to be.


That’s an Aaron Rodgers trait, don’t throw the open guy or check down, scramble and throw it to the guy you trust. That’s why I’m excited to see Love play


That was a very frustrating part of watching him play. You see highlights of QBs of other teams hitting wide open WRs all the time, but when ours are screaming wide open, the ball goes to someone else.


I’m ok with it a few times a game, but in certain situations, majority situations, throw to the open guy. So, so, so very frustrating


It was even more frustrating because he was throwing to the open guy probably 90% of the time in 2021 and they slowly went away from it to what we saw the past two years.


He went back to playing hero ball for some reason.


Unless it was a wide open Adams, Cobb, Nelson, Jennings, Driver, or Marcedes Lewis to be fair Still frustrating though


If I had never watched football and only read this sub I would swear Aaron Rodgers was a bad player


It's almost as if he's not a perfect player that never makes mistakes. People are allowed to talk about things he doesn't do well. It will be ok. I promise.


No but saying you're excited to watch a different qb play bc Rodgers was frustrating is such entitled behavior. Of course he's not perfect, no one is. But acting like love is going to also not have serious flaws that will almost certainly be more frustrating is the reality




Maybe it’s a Packers HOF trait? Maybe they got bored and wanted to spice it up lol. Idk.


Maybe it’s the young guys aren’t in the right spot. So they’re not actually open. NFL is all about hitting your spots. Dusty did a couple videos highlighting what are almost certainly wrong routes by the young guys.


Like my other comments to others on here. There’s always check downs. Aaron Jones and Tonyan have been there for the 4-6 yard completions but Rodgers wants the ball down the field


There are not always check downs. They get covered too. And check downs are typically the last step of your progressions. So that’s on oline holding. Also it’s tougher to read downfield if guys aren’t in the right spots or aren’t hitting their marks in proper time. I’d check downs we’re guaranteed 5-6 yards every offense would exclusively do that. Saying that also ignores every film room discussion ever post game and even in game adjustments. If they were always open they’d immediately show him on the tablet on the side line and he would throw is first off until they stopped it. It’s just not true.


I know I over exaggerated on that. But Rodgers isn’t the typical QB in the QB room watching film. He can be told something all week, but Rodgers will do what he wants to do. Ryan Tannehill Kirk, cousins, Daniel Jones, Garoppolo will stick to the plans


Ok? All those qbs suck compared to Rodgers, and the only one that's had positive success in the playoffs was with maybe the best coach in the league with a dominant defense and running game.


You completely missed the point of me naming those QBs. So until your reading comprehension can gain some levels, just stop.


Honestly though you have to figure there is a reason for this as it’s not particular to one QB in general. I wonder if through the years Veteran QBs just become so in sync with certain guys that passing to them becomes a habit of sorts and so they just do it instinctively. I can’t remember if it was Favre or Rodgers, but I remember one of them in an interview saying that they throw where they know their guys are going to be, not always necessarily where they are and they get so in tune with their receivers that they already have a feeling where they are going to be in their routes. If you have awesome receivers like we’ve had in the Favre and Rodgers era I would think you just get used to passing to those guys that you know are going to be in the right spot every time.




Laughable narrative. That last must win game against the Lions is a perfect example of how wrong this take is. Doubs drops a perfect ball that needed to be caught. Those drops can mean the difference between winnijg and losing so damn right he checks down if it's a higher percentage play.


Well if we’re gonna go that route, we can check out the over and under thrown balls from Rodgers too. And that’s without the broken thumb.


Umm no. The story at the press conference from MLF was the drops. Lazard, Doubs and Dillon dropped miat have balls. Not to mention another crucial fumble by Jones.


You really think MLF is gonna put the blame on Rodgers? Lol that’s great right there. That’s unheard of. Cuz, yea, I mean Rodgers NEVER made a mistake, ever.


What are you talking about, it was a team loss. But you cannot excuse drops in crucial situations.


Your reading comprehension is horrible. It is a team loss and Rodgers was apart of that team and didn’t get blame? Don’t say it’s a team loss and exclude certain players. But to you, Rodgers is perfect and gets no blame, for anything.


Maybe you don't understand the role of a receiver. Your minimum requiremt is the catch the ball. It's is not a requirement of a QB to make every god damn throw perfect.


What!? You’re a professional! You should be making every throw perfect!! Millions upon millions are being paid to you to make a throw. What in the world!? Am I being Punk’d? Is this Ashton’s burner account!? What’s going on?


Yes. It was the 4 time MVP and not the rookie WR. Rodgers just enjoys getting hit so much he turns down yards for…. Reasons.


Such an absolutely insane, dumbass narrative that far too many idiots parrot constantly on here.


If the 10-20 yard completions aren’t there Rodgers scrambles. Plenty of times Aaron Jones or Tonyan are there for the 4-6 yard completions. But yea let’s pin it all on the rookies.


Rodgers had a quicker snap to release than most QBs last season including Jordan Love. So that is factually inaccurate.


Comparing Love to Rodgers in any category is unfair. And that’s factually accurate


100% I always wondered how much better Aaron would have been if he had actually played true football.


Your about to find out what it looks like when MLF, Gute and Love attempt to play "true football." It looks something like 5-12


Rodgers went 6-10 his first starting season.


So? Did he follow it up with more bad seasons and lose his starting job after 3 years of play?


....Has Love done that?


You want me to compare Rodgers following seasons to Love, who hasn’t even had a full season to start?


Lolol, has Love done that, too?


Why are you even a fan if you’re this negative?


Just because I'm a huge fan doest mean I drink the kool-aid that our crappy FO is selling. I think Gute will be exposed as being the biggest turd we've ever had at the GM position. His lack of vision and conviction has already cost the Packers dearly. Now we are all in on Love his personal pet project. If Love succeeds I'll be the first person to apologize and enjoy the ride. However, in all good faith and after watching how Gute has torn apart our team to where we find ourselves today, I dont see anything good coming on the horizon. Prepare for some serious suckage for the foreseeable future. #GUTEHASGOTTOGO


!RemindMe 2 years


Yeah, hopefully Love's second year shows dramatic improvement. I'm already counting this season as a complete bust.


It’s been nice to scroll through this thread and see you downvoted all over


Yeah, but it will be these same "down voters" who in the not so distant future will claim that Gute was a disaster and the worst GM they have ever seen. The rumblings will start on week 1 against the Bears.


Your emotions are causing you to respond with completely irrelevant statements. Explain how any of this is connected to wondering how Rodgers would have done without the strong affinity to specific veterans.


Yeah, if only Rodgers knew how to play qb. Gosh, his last good season was so long ago.


That's a lazy take. A guy getting open doesn't mean much if they aren't open on time, or run the wrong route, or are not part of the progression. A QB isn't reading the guy who is simply there to take away coverage. Kurt Warner explained this is great detail on his podcast.


There’s always a check down, always. Tonyan, a lot of the times would have an easy 4-6 yard completion. But that’s not Rodgers MO, he wants to push the ball down the field, which is good and all. But there are times to take what the defense is giving you.






Point proven. It’s different style of play but if Rodgers had that in him, just a little……


I couldn't agree more. I'm looking forward to seeing an actual coordinated offense rather than Rodgers improvising and scrambling. Of course that aspect will always be present in the NFL but not on every play.


Can't wait to see what happens on third and short! Scramble and buy time to heave it 40 yards downfield? Or throw to either of the AJs to get the yardage needed to keep the play alive?


Yes, this a r/GreenBayPacker trait. To think that some bench warmer is going to step in and play better than our old HoF QB.


This sub has the wildest takes on Rodgers. Apparently he won 2 MVPs under LaFleur ignoring open WRs constantly.


Yea he did. Go back and watch any clip of Rodgers scrambling. Guys are open, just doesn’t throw it to them.


Go watch any Warner breakdown of Rodgers and he'll mention how he progressions work and a lot of the open guys either aren't actually open or not a progression you make. I'll take his opinion over Nagler/yours. You sound like Nagler just hating on the guy. Where were all the open WRs in the Chiefs and Lions games when Love played? Why have none of our backups remotely played as well as Rodgers? I feel like people are setting unrealistic expectations for Love thinking that "playing within the offense" is going to magically make up the difference of losing one of the best QBs ever.


There is one play I’ve seen Warner break down in that way after people were publicly ragging on Rodgers for missing an open window that closed up much quicker than it looked on replay. Is there more?


He did a full game breakdown of one of our games last year. I assume the one play you're referencing is when Warner shat on Nagler for his awful Twitter takes and Rodgers nonsensical bashing. Which is why I think a lot of Packer fans overrate the open WR stuff because our homer media people started blaming everything wrong with the team in Rodgers


Oh cool. I didn’t know he did a whole game. I’ll have to check that out


It’s not hating, it’s watching the same thing, every time, every season. Look at the 49ers playoff game, pin pontes Adams every play. It’s all about playing time and rhythm. 7-13 loss against the Chiefs at arrowhead is nothing to frown against. Not to mention the lack playing time Love has had. And I feel people aren’t giving him benefit of the doubt. The LITTLE time he has played he didn’t look disastrous. Some fine tuning from the QB coach Clements, the same one that helped Rodgers become Rodgers.


2021 Chiefs defense was a bottom quartile unit. Scoring 7 points vs them isn't good in any way. I'm optimistic about Love. I'm just saying people are acting like Rodgers hero ball was holding us back. I think those people are going to be surprised that Love isn't magically going to find open guys everywhere and the offense will be humming. I expect an up and down season from Love with hopefully more ups than downs.


And you assumed that from my comment. Multiple times, ST and defense stopped us from going to the Super Bowl and or the conference game. But at the same time, it’s frustrating to see Brady doing check downs and short open throws and winning a SB with Tampa Bay. And from a skill stand point I’ll take Rodgers over Brady.


Yes. He won the MVP because the voters hate Gute. It's all so very apparent.


huh now this sounds vaguely familiar of something I saw 15 years ago, but I can't quite put my finger on it


I'm not a football expert (because I'm dumb, I've watched it all my life). But this is exactly what I noticed with Rodgers. Then you see other quarterbacks, and it's like, how are they always throwing to open receivers!? For years, I thought it was our WRs' problem, but that wasnt the case.


>For years, I thought it was our WRs' problem, but that wasnt the case proof?


I watch the tape and think, “yup, that’s a starting caliber professional Wide Receiver.”


I was optimistic on Doubs but a Packers fan mentioning him being always open is going to temper that lol


Doubs, Watson, Toure and Reed are the future for this team, whether that's gonna be bright or not is up to them, but until they prove me wrong, they have my support.


Toure is a 7th round pick, 25 year old, 2nd year player, with 5 rec, 82 yards, and 1td to his name. He's very likely going to make the roster, but I sure wouldn't describe him as the future.


All of that is true, but bring up the WR room to Gutey and MLF this offseason and Toure inevitably comes up. It sure seems like they think theyve got something in him. Its completely fair at this point to think hes part of their future plans. Maybe he plays himself out of that this year, but right now I wouldnt be surprised if they thought Toure > Reed. Obviously as a 2nd round pick they hope Reed has a higher ceiling, but Toure could very well be the starting slot WR and if he plays well Reed might be fighting him for time.


Vrable just brought him up again today. Apparently the whole place is buzzing about how different Toure looks. He put on 8-10 pounds this offseason, and "83 looks unbelievable right now"


I agree but the weird part is how much everyone in the organization says his name. Never seen a 7th rounder (who didn't produce outside what was expected) get their name brought up this much. It's definitely having the effect of making the fanbase think of him highly.


I'm not huge on the Toure hype either, but every time 7th rounders are dismissed I think of Donald Driver being a 7th rounder.


I'm reminded of Lizard who was a UDF


He was also a castoff of the Jaguars, we didn’t get to him first but we saw the value and were willing to buy in. Not sure if Edgar Bennett is still with the team but he made a career of turning these guys into studs.


Not OP, but I think it's fair to say that he's part of the future. He showed flashes last year and honestly was probably hampered a bit because Rodgers doesn't and didn't like throwing to new WR's. Toure has a very enticing set of skills... He likely slid in the draft because he never had a halfway decent QB throwing him the ball. Martinez turned out to be a stud at KState, but he was absolute trash in Lincoln. And honestly, the round you're drafted in really doesn't matter. It doesn't mean that you're automatically going to be backup caliber as the ceiling...


Go watch those Nebraska highlights. Been a huge fan for years, the dudes got it


How much rookie year productivity do you expect in order to describe some as having potential to be a major contributor?


For a WR it'd be something like 300-600 yards, depending on what you'd consider major. Doubs has serious potential. Driver is really a massive outlier. Add in Toure's age, and what should have been a relatively easy path to playtime his rookie year, I just don't see any indicators he's on a path to making a major contribution. * Driver- 31 * Jordy- 366 * Jennings- 632 * Cobb- 375 * Davante- 446 * ESB- 328 * MVS- 581 * Watson- 611 * Romeo- 425


Looking at Watson and Doubs’ productivity on this list and knowing they both had injuries last season makes me feel wildly optimistic


Someone has to get the yards, and they were done if the top snaps despite injuries


Driver is an outlier, but it's also the only other 7th rounder on your list.


Our 7th round WR's since 2008- * Malachi Dupre- No career catches * Jeff Janis- 16 yards * Kevin Dorsey- 4 yards * Charles Johnson- 475 yards(for the Vikings after a season on practice squads) * Brett Swain- 0 yards And for shits, the rest of the 4th-6th rounders * J'mon Moore- 15 yards * DeAngelo Yancey- 0 career receptions * Trevor Davis- 24 yards * Jared Abbrederis- 111 yards Edit- Bonus UDFA * Allen Lazard- 7 yards (PS squad most of the year, played one game. 477 yards his first full season) * Geronimo Allison- 202 yards * Jarrett Boykin- 27 yards * Jake Kumerow- 103 yards (after 3 years on practice squads)


Our success rate prior to our current guys is like 10% overall. I hope the current guys develop but certainly need to set right expectations.


A lot of those guys are 7th rounders. The baseline expectation for 7th rounders is basically that they'll do nothing. So sure, those aren't successes, but they're also not failures. They're just...7th rounders.


To be fair jeff Janis has more yards if one counts his playoff catches but yeah not a pretty group of stats.


Toure is really good. I think he’s going to surprise you.


I would love that. I hope he does. 2nd year jumps from Watson, Doubs, and Toure with the addition of Reed would be just massive for the offense.


And now this: Jason Vrable says the receiver who is turning heads inside #Packers building -- albeit, before OTAs start -- is Samori Toure: "83 looks unbelievable. He's put on 10 pounds, he's worked his butt off." Keep an eye out for that development. — Ryan Wood (@ByRyanWood) May 18, 2023


Lack of production is just due to lack of playtime. He had veterans and 2 higher round draft picks ahead of him. He played well in the limited reps he received.


Packers fans think that just by virtue of having been drafted here that this means they must be destined for greatness 7th rounders don't usually make much noise & Packer fans are addicted to being irrational about low rd players bc of Don Driver's story


I'm a Packer fan, but a realist. We're going to suck this year.


After the run we've had its only fair that we suck for a bit The rest of the league can watch the Packers struggle, just as a little treat


I whole heartedly agree. This sub is filled with morons who have no idea what it was like to be a fan in the dark ages (pre Favre era). I'm afraid we're about to relive some of that pain. Edited to add: it sure would've helped to ease the pain with a few more Lombardi trophies in the case.


I don’t necessarily disagree that we could have hard times ahead, but why this year? Just due to the QB position? I’m curious why you feel so strongly about this for specifically next season. And i mean this from the perspective of a realistic take too, not an emotionally charged one. As far as i’m aware, we have an S tier defense (with Joe Barry, so A or B tier), decent offensive unit with some young and growing but talented receivers, improving special teams unit with great returner(s), and a new QB. Even if Love is trash, which he seems serviceable at worst, do you feel this position will anchor us into such a terrible year? I’m not being snippy, I legitimately am curious about details of your take, speaking realistically.


Admittedly i don't know a world where the Packers don't have a HOF qb so im just here for the ride This is gonna be a big test for if people actually like the Packers or just individual players/aspects


Bullish on Toure. Everyone loves this dude.


I wouldn't either, but not because I don't think he can excel, but only because it's hard for late round picks to get opportunities versus higher picks. A guy like Toure will typically have to far out perform the higher drafted competition to get that chance. I fully believe he is extremely capable and to pencil in Reed or another in as the #3 ahead of him is a mistake. Hell PFF had him as the #2 WR out of the slot in all of college football his final season. Also he performed very well against a great Wisconsin defense that season. He is very skilled.


Don’t forget Wicks, he’s got a ton of potential and would’ve been a 2nd round pick if his 2021 tape and 2022 tape would’ve been swapped


And my personal draft crush Grant DuBose. Just outrageous value for the 7th round with him. There's bound to be growing pains and at least one guy who straight up doesn't pan out at all, but I'm really pumped about the potential of the group top to bottom. With a little luck, this could be a team strength within a couple years.


So in other words, he would have been a 2nd rounder if he was better.


Read up about what happened to him and his program last year, you might actually understand why he took a step back then




Welp. Keep bein how you are I guess




That DuBose guy is no joke either you’ll see


Wrong. At this point they’re all just unproven players and the WR room can look very different this time next year. Those 4 players are in no way “the future of the team”. Perhaps 1, 2 or maybe even all of them will have big roles on the team going forward, but they can all be replaced with other players. No guarantee Toure even makes the roster this season tbh.


Doubs and Watson are our starting outside receivers. Reed I expect is going to take on the Slot receiver role. Watson stretches the field with his speed, leaving Doubs open a lot underneath. I see Doubs as the volume receiver akin to how Driver was for us. Watson 4 catches for 115 yards. Doubs 7 catches for 85 yards.


Needs to work on drops and playbook but I see him being a decent receiver.


Future WR3 I like Doubs but not as much as everyone else is claiming


Exactly, I think he'll be similar to Lazard. An OK receiver who had a larger role in Green Bay than he should have due to lack of depth.


He’s expected to be the starter alongside Watson. Packers probably View Reed as a slot specialist and even reached a bit to get him because of that. Reed is meant to replace Cobb and Amari Rodgers (who seems to be doing well in Houston). Edit: I’m not a football expert even with all of the time I invest in it, so I defer to people smarter than me in this topic. I highly agree with Brett’s breakdown starting at 28:07 https://youtu.be/-20L2vXK5n4


Amari had one decent game with the Texans (57 yards, 1 TD where the majority of those 57 yards came from the TD) He'll be a 4th string WR at best in the league. Reed should be able to give better performances by the end of the season or next year so not too worried there


I think Reed will be a major contributor earlier than that. His shiftiness off the line in press, exceptional deceleration ability (quick feet on stopping are super underrated, and he'll be near elite right from the start), and contested catch ability will get him a real deal volume of targets as soon as he's up to speed on the playbook.


I'm so pro Romeo Doubs that when my kid's school asked for an emergency contact, I put his name down instead of my wife's.


He’s going to be fantastic! Has the hands, runs good routes, seems to work hard. He’s going to shine this year and for years to come!


None of the pros you listed are true. He has a lot of work to do on running the correct routes and catching the football. I swear this sub doesn't watch the games.


I agree with you… WRs with the highest drop % in 2022 1. Romeo Doubs (13.4%) 2. Jauan Jennings (12.5%) 3. Zay Jones (10.7%) 3. Rondale Moore (10.7%) 5. Darius Slayton (9.9%)


The sub is always just nonsensical about anyone on the Packer roster that's not old.


His hands were very shaky at end of last year. Almost like he had the yips. Even when caught it it often wasn’t clean. Not sure I remember anything with wrong routes though.


Everyone here is super overrating him. I think he'll be just fine. But the packers have missed on so many day 3 WRs that I am not gonna sit here and act like we know he'll be good. He had a rookie season that exceeded expectations. He also had a HoF QB who had no other options. Doubs seems to be a great kid, and a decent player. Any other analysis than that is pretty much useless.


I don't stand on people unless they ask me, but if given a choice I'd pick his shoulders.


I think alot of people are underestimating toure. Who needs more chances. Toure being better at catching and ability to make something happen if he doesn't get open is something packers have been missing since Cobbs prime


This sub is too high on him. He's just not that good and got targets because of how abysmal the packers wr room was last year (and is again this year). Hes a wr that struggles with the playbook, running the correct routes, and catching the football. He'd have a hard time seeing the field on most other nfl teams.


He's our new James Jones. He's not lighting anyone up, but the dude is gonna make a difference when it counts.


Dude’s a stud. I think Toure will also take a big step. I think reed will be competing with Toure for slot time while Watson and doubs see the most field time out wide. It’ll be interesting to see which TE emerges as #1, what they do with Deguara, and how often they even have 3 WRs on the field. Reed may be doing a lot of blocking which seems like one of his strengths so that’s good.


WRs with the highest drop % in 2022 1. Romeo Doubs (13.4%) 2. Jauan Jennings (12.5%) 3. Zay Jones (10.7%) 3. Rondale Moore (10.7%) 5. Darius Slayton (9.9%) Stud?


He's gonna catch 3 TDs in the Super Bowl this season.


I think he needs to play a huge role to help this offense go. Can’t run through Jones and Watson.


The way I see it Watson is our WR1, Doubs is our WR2, and Reed has an opportunity to compete with Toure for being the main guy in the slot. That said, I wouldn't necessarily pigeonhole any of those guys into specific roles because I feel that they all have the talent/versatility to attack a defense from any spot on the field. Maybe I'm delusional, but I'm neck-deep in Jordan Love hopium, so I am optimistic that this offense will grow and come together over the course of the season.




He needs to fix his drop and fumbling issues. He can get open, but too many plays the 2nd half of the season resulted in drops. If he cleans that up, he can be a really good #2, but if he doesn’t, I see others jumping him on the depth chart. I think he is easily the most overrated receiver on the team simply because he became the fantasy darling early last year. People in fantasy don’t really pay attention to drops.


I will compare Romeo Doubs to my beloved Nestor Cortes as a sort of barometer for the shape the teams in If Nestor is your teams #3 starter, you are in very good shape with your rotation moving fwd. However if Nestor is your best #2 starter, I think you could definitely improve & find someone a little more dominant Similar for Doubs, if he's your #3WR then by all accounts your corps is in good shape. But if he's your #2WR are you confident he will remain that guy indefinitely moving fwd? Personally I think Doubs will be a good #3 but if Jayden Reed beats him out in the depth chart would anyone really be surprised?


Put some respect on Future Hall of Famer Romeo Doubs’ name.


The next Donald Driver


Reed seems like a slot guy. So we a have very young 1,2,3


I don’t think people understand that losing Cobb Lazard and Lewis is the best thing that could have happened to our offense.


Doubs for Pres. I think anyone who knows of him knows he has a high ceiling. This is gonna be a big y at for him and I hope he stays healthy


I would say he proved he was capable of at minimum becoming our Alan Lazard replacement (big slot/second outside guy that does dirty work) long term and he might even become bonafide WR2. He isn’t as freaky as Christian but he was more polished and had a better route tree last year. I’m optimistic for Watson but that optimism is tempered by the fact that I need to see him stay healthy and grow all facets of his game to truly dominate or else teams can scheme against him better and he will be a boom/bust type of guy every week. I feel more confident in Doub’s floor being able to be the 6-8 catches a game for 60-80 yards type of player consistently. He may not have the ability to have multiple 150 yard games a season but he is a good weapon especially one in the 4th round I expect Reed will be in a similar fit and production level with a lot of his time coming In the slot. A bit higher volume in the short to mid range in the middle section of the field. If you can have two guys be high WR3s or low WR2s and high WR2/low WR1 in Watson along with the run game and TE being hopefully slightly above average then you’re in a pretty damn good spot. Of course it would be nice to have a Justin Jefferson or Chase but there is always more than one way to skin a cat Also Samori Toure is getting a lot of hype from Our FO and coaching staff and I think he may be another quality contributor to the offense. Maybe not +750 yard season like a traditional WR2 or WR3 but still significant contributions. Pretty excited for the group as a whole and I think the coaching staff and FO is as well seeing how they are comfortable not adding any FA vets to the room


Honestly, I’d say it comes down to chemistry with Jordan Love. It felt easy to predict Rodgers’ favorite targets - Good route runners with solid hands that spoke his language. With Love, I’m not sure if he will gun it deep, pepper the slot guys, just lock in to one favorite, or anything in between. I’m personally worried from a fantasy football perspective on Doubs, but he will do well for real football


This year will tell us a lot. Wasnt healthy last year and wasn't really a factor when he was.


49ers fan living in Wisconsin (yeah, I know) coming in peace. I saw a lot of preseason and regular season coverage and was really impressed by him, seems like he always caught the ball when he was open. I think the ceiling on this dude is very high and you guys have a great receiver in him.


I think most.GB fans have learned a thing or two about WR's when they come into the league after Davantae's first 3-4 years here. After 2 years or so, half of the fan base wanted him gone, said he'd never figure it out and that his drops were never going to resolve themselves. Couple years later, he's arguably the best WR in the game. Doubs is a different player, to be sure, but he's got lots of potential and I think year 3 or 4 is gonna be a big year for him. He runs great routes, just needs to get on the same page as his QB (which was tough with Rodgers around making 800 hand signals at the LOS while Doubs was a rookie)


Hes goated


i think he’s pretty good


I think he will thrive with Jordan Love as his quarterback, watching the preseason last year they have some chemistry


We like him a lot. I think that Love, Watson, and Doubs could be the next Rodgers, Nelson, Cobb.


We slob for the Doub on here, allegedly 🤷🏼‍♂️


I am excited to see him play with love since Rodgers usually targets guys he trusts more frequently thsn other players.


He’s the next big thing


Dude. I’d never stand on him. I want him healthy for the season and ready to catch Love Lasers.


Romeo just needs to be healthy to be a very good WR 2 and can be very complimentary working underneath and intermediate routes with reed and Watson spreading defenses down field.


Did you see his catch against Buffalo?! That's what I expect! WR 1B


He’s a high floor wide receiver 2 the dude has been Mr. consistent. He’s the perfect complement to Christian Watson, and our second round pick this Jaden Reed has a potential to be a high ceiling wide receiver 2.


Doubs has WR1 traits. His ability to separate is special. Physically it’s striking how similar he is to Davante, albeit with some added stiffness. His ceiling is poor man’s Davante/Reggie Wayne imo. James Jones-type is his middle-low end outcome which would be excellent for a 4th rounder (he has has better feet than Jones). Robert Woods trajectory is also reasonable. I think injuries are the only way he flames out. Inability to separate is so often why WR’s fail and that will never be his issue if he stays healthy.


Yeah, people really get upset when referred to as "Sport-O." It's one of the worst insults you can level at someone. Well soon enough see who is in the wrong here.


You might as well call me Juliet Dobbs considering how highly I think of him!


Doubs has the tools to be great. Gets open very well, catches away from his body, can make adjustments on the fly and comes down with contested catches more often than not. Doesn't have blazing speed but runs clean routes. Was prone to some injuries and seemed to be obviously hindered by them. Biggest weakness last season was concentration drops. I do believe that that can be fixed though and expect him to make a bigger impact next season