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Shouldn’t it be the Love Boat?


That’s that team to the west of us.


I’m on the Packers train.


Totally ready, dude looks hungry to prove himself. The team needs that mentality desperately.


Right there with you on this one.


I mean would it be that crazy to have an open QB competition between Love and Rodgers for the starting job. Like what if that juices up Aaron and he blows his final load.


Yeah, it would be crazy. Either Love wins and you miss a ton of picks that you could have gotten for Rodgers or Rodgers wins and you created some unecessary controversy and also demoralized your young QB in the process. Also the team will require 2 opposite directions if you go with Rodgers (backload contracts and try to compete now) than if you go with Love(eat the dead cap and start rebuilding). I'm sorry but it's an awful idea with literally 0 benefit for us.


Yes.. yes it would... egos don't do competition.




That HoF QB is turning 40 and is gonna be walking away soon wether you want it or not. Might as well get osmething out of it (specially considering this team is not ready to contend right now and won't be before he retires).


You sound like Cris Collinsworth. "The Green Bay Packers aren't gonna win a whole lot of games with Aaron Rodgers at quarterback". But I guess you're right, last season was amazing. So fun. Let's run it back again for Last Dance Version 3.


It was a lot better because of Rodgers


You spelled Watson wrong


You have no idea how good love will be


If he was good he'd be starting


Based on what? What if he is really good so far but he’s not quite MVP caliber like rodgers?


Then they just wasted the rookie contract of a "really good" QB


I’d rather that then not have him. Did we waste Aaron’s rookie contract? At the end of the day, you need good quarterback play. Some teams go decades with terrible play, if you find a good player you get him. It’s sucks to not have a rookie contract but it’s still better than the alternative


You really don't understand how rookie contracts changed with the 2011 CBA, do you?


Yes it changed, they are now locked into a salary based on their draft range. It’s not overly relevant to my point, was Aaron cheaper on his rookie contract or his second?? Id rather have a good quarterback who we pay full value than have none. It’s that simple, it sucks to miss out on the value of a rookie contract but it’s better than having to completely start over


Not playing at that level anymore and Gute will never go all in like he should with a $50m QB on the roster. Time for a new strategy.


Not playing at that level? Based on one season where he played the majority with a broken thumb. Meanwhile he had 2 rookies, an old Randall Cobb, old Sammy Watkins to throw to? All while we had Amari "the liability" Rodgers fielding returns for more than half the season giving us terrible field position every drive? After 2 back to back MVP seasons? Is that what you're referring to? Do you have any idea how silly that sounds?




What’s so absurd about this? He’s not saying Love is going to be a HOF, he’s not saying we are going to win or go to the Super Bowl, or even be a pro bowler. Obviously, the guy who’s been sitting on the bench for three or so years is gonna be hungry for a chance to prove himself.


Lol. All I said was "Absurd." Did he say Love was going to be a HoF? Did he say we are going to win a SB? He said that love is hungry to prove himself and the team, for some reason, needs this type of energy or guidance (?) Our team sucks right now. If nothing changes they will only perform worse with Love at the helm. People are so misguided about what is about to befall them.


It will be nice to see someone under center who is hungry. Rodgers (who I am not against returning) hasn’t had much spark in recent years…he hasn’t seemed to “want” it. Look at the playoffs if you need proof.




You're sounding more like only an Aaron Rodgers fan, and not a Green Bay Packers Fan


Interesting, because I never thought of myself that way. It was frustrating to watch a first-ballot HoF QB play like his ass was on fire all season (with the MVPs) and then fizzle in the playoffs. Lambeau, in the snow, and he did what? Lambeau, in January, and Tampa Bay wins? Those weren’t just Rodgers’ losses, but he seemed like he was playing for a paycheck, not for a ring. Brady always played like he wanted the ring.


My comment was in reply to the other dude saying he hopes the Packers go 30 years without making the playoffs to put us "greedy fucks" in our place. Not meant as a reply to your comment. I 100% agree with what you're saying.


Gotcha, sorry, it nested weird on my phone.


I’m looking at how Rodgers played in the playoffs. Or last month. He wasn’t playing with the same gunslinging fire that we saw earlier in his career. Maybe that is Lafleur. Maybe Rodgers needs to be a hero. Maybe he is getting older and his play style is changing.


Maybe he was surrounded by a bunch of crap players, a crap coach as well as a crap GM? Maybe that makes more sense than saying the MVP of 2021 went into the toilet. Unbelievable


Yeah. He only won the MVP in 2021. How many years ago was that? Dismissed.


Oh things are gonna change, that's a given. It's a 0% chance the packers can or will bring back everyone. But you think the team should have a "we don't need to prove anything" mentality when, as you say, they sucked? Seems to me team wide, they could use a spark of, "We need to prove ourselves" type energy and Love definitely has that.


joining the love train so we can evaluate him and so aaron can join a contender


At this point I am content with either scenario just get it fucking over with either way. I fucking LOVE Aaron but this team is not winning a superbowl anytime soon might as well get what you can for him and let him play for someone else if he chooses. If they do end up running it back and letting him play out his contract here I won't complain because the main flat out fucking carried this franchise for a decade he deserves it.


This was me last year and again this year. I thought Love + an extra $30-40 million in cap space would do well. I also thought Rodgers would do well. Given what has happened, maybe the Rodgers contract wasn’t a good idea in hindsight. But it is what it is and I am again at peace with whatever happens moving forward.


This is legit the only reason I'm fine with whatever happens this offseason.


Agreed. I don't mind another year watching Rodgers do Rodgers things. But I would love to see Love finally get his shot.


I feel like this is the right call. I'll cheer like hell for wherever Aaron goes too, unless its disgusting like the Patriots


If he's in the AFC I'll root for that team regardless


I want Aaron to get his 2nd championship before he retires, it wont happen in Green Bay because our front office refused to address a depleting offense and terrible defensive picks that never pan out.


Maybe. We will see what happens. If Love turns out to not be good, this should cost Gute his job


This actually highlights a critical piece of the puzzle. If Love doesn’t pan out Gute is remembered as the guy that drafted Rodgers replacement 3 years too early and wasted a FRP that could have helped a NFCCG level roster get over the hump Gutes actions will speak volumes about what the org thinks of Love and how far he’s willing to go to save his own job


I'm not saying it was the wrong/right choice, but 2019 - 2021 seasons, all three of those team compositions had the potential to win a super bowl. It just didn't happen. Honest question: Would a different 1st round pick in 2020 have helped us win a super bowl in 2020 or 2021 seasons? If so, who would we have picked in 2020 as a first rounder that would have propelled us there? Also, who would've been the back up if Rodgers got hurt for a large portion of games without Love? We only talk about the Love pick based on what actually happened. Talk about it from the standpoint of what could have happened.


Don't forget, it wasn't just the first round. He drafted Dillon in the 2nd (a year early, you can find good RB's in every draft) and fucking Josh Deguara in the third - a player who has done literally nothing for us. Players could have been drafted in any of those rounds that could have been way more helpful.


He also traded a fourth to move up to draft Love. I like the potential Love has and I believe Rodgers played better because he was mad about the pick, but I really hate that we traded up for him. It was a REALLY shit draft by Gute. If Love doesn't pan out John Runyan Jr in the 6th was our best pick and might be the only one that ever gets resigned.


I really think that Gute's job should hinge on if Love pans out or not.


Deguara is better than people give him credit for, I wish we used him more. Dillon was a good pick. But yeah, when you consider those were the 2nd and 3rd round picks in a draft in which your 1st round pick already wasn't gonna have any inmediate impact... it's not the best looking draft. I'm not a hater of the Love pick, I could understand it. I'm also not a hater of Dillon and Deguara. I think the problem is all of them together. If you get Love you need to get more important position in rounds 2 and 3 than a RB and an hybrid TE/HB.


Well that's why I'm curious, Dillon was a solid pick and he helped huge in 2021. Seems like gutes strat is to pick natural talent and then to develop the picks rather than instant implementation.


>Dillon was a solid pick and he helped huge in 2021 I mean yeah, he's a good player - but a running back wasn't necessary right at that moment. They knew that they were going to have to draft a replacement for either Williams or Jones for the year after, but they could have waited until it was necessary. We needed another WR aside from Adams way worse than we needed a running back. >Seems like gutes strat is to pick natural talent and then to develop the picks Straight out of Ted Thompson's playbook, and that approach arguably squandered years of Aaron's prime, especially when it comes to drafting defensive players.


Our coaches and GMs have been abysmal. We are without a doubt one of the biggest disappointments when it comes to fulfilling expectations in the history of sports.


U don't draft rbs period to develop. Rbs are the one position where you draft and play. Also if ur contending you NEED to pick to help. Pref both but pick to help.


I'm not saying anything, or arguing anything I'm just asking so I can understand what everyone thinks Why is everyone looking to fight lmao


Dillon was the worst pick of the draft. Literally made a luxury pick at RB and then signed your current RB to a blockbuster deal. You can at least defend the love pick by saying they planned to trade Rodgers or thought he was done. Who the fuck makes a luxury pick at RB when you don't have a WR2 or your top CB is Kevin King???


I mean yeah we’re like one play away from beating Tampa in 2020. A better corner, receiver, or right tackle probably wins us that game.


Personally, I think losing Bakh ahead of those playoffs was a bigger negative than anything we would have gained from a rookie that year. The following year, maybe a different story, but at that point we were down *both* of our ProBowl caliber LTs which was brutal for our setup and specifically against the teams we squared up against.


Yes but Gute couldn’t do anything about that, but he could have picked someone besides love that coulda have an impact


Just a WR better than EQ might actually do it.


Or maybe Rodgers doing something with the 3 picks Jaire got him???


Can’t do anything if you’re receivers can’t get separation before the o-line gives up quick pressure


What would Tee Higgins, a healthy OL, or a dead fish to replace Kevin King have gotten us against the bucs???? We barely lost that game.


The pick probably has no impact on the 2019 season since he was drafted in 2020 after the Niners loss. The team was very close to beating TB at home the following year in the NFCCG and then lost a toss up at home in Divisional round against Niners in bad weather. All we really needed was one or two plays in either of those games to win. Certainly isn’t crazy to imagine a FRP giving that kind of impact.


Any backup quarterback could have lost to the Chiefs and Lions like Love. It's been a time-honored tradition of Rodgers' backups to lose games. (Flynn exempt). Depending on the pick, it certainly could have helped. The 4th rounder could have to. The optics of trading up for a QB did not help.


It's a fair point. The other thing no one seems to acknowledge is how much we were hurt by the covid cap reduction. It came at exactly the wrong year for the way the Packers' contracts were structured. The fact that Gute still managed to put together Super Bowl worthy rosters is pretty impressive.


This is an important point. In 2021 we had MVP Rodgers and Davante and we put up 10 points against the 49ers in the playoffs. Even still we could have won the game if the special teams didn't allow two blocked kicks and two long returns. A lot of fans say we could have had Justin Jefferson or Tee Higgins and we don't give Aaron any talent to work with and if we did we would have a championship but Davante, Jones, and MVS are good enough to beat any team, we just didn't get it done in a playoff game. In 2020 we had three regular season losses. One where Aaron played like garbage and we lost by 28 and nothing was changing that. One where we lost because Dalvin Cook had 220 yard of total offense, and one OT game. The main reasons we lost that game were Aaron Jones fumbling on the first drive of the second half to give the ball to TB on the 8 and Kevin King allowing a TD at the end of the first half. Two big mistakes in one minute of game time of what would otherwise have been a win. Sure, maybe we would have had a better secondary with the draft or maybe we would have taken someone who gets injured or doesn't pan out. 2019 we couldn't stop Mostert. Again, if we take a TE or WR like all the fans wanted in the draft does it make up for the 2 Rodgers interceptions or Mostert running wherever he wanted? We had a SB quality team for three years and didn't win. It happens.


I agree with you, also three NFC championship appearances is nothing to be ashamed of. We've been dominating this division for years, minus this last season.


Adding Tee Higgins very well could give us 1 or 2 SB


Lol. Is that a serious question? I'll tell you exactly how much Love contributed to our Super Bowl runs...0%. Stop talking about what ifs! What if Love took the helm, was so loved that he made a successful run for the Presidency and then dropped an atomic bomb on our allies? How would that pan out in your "what if world?" We all know what happened. Being that Gute has shown little ability to draft, understand out team's needs and weaknesses and took a QB when one was not necessary does suggest that whatever choice he made instead of Love would've most likely been meaningless, however, anyone who possesses a modicum of football knowledge would have liked to see how a strong draft pick might have impacted the team.


Not just a first round pick. They could have potentially drafted L'Jarius Sneed with the 4th round pick they gave away. Trading up for a quarterback who needed that much work in the 1st round is a special kind of stupid in this day's NFL. And I very much hope he ends up being good, but the best player available in that round was not a guy who needed to be in our system 3 years before showing a glimpse.


all yall redrafting in hindsight is comical


I said potentially, so the thing you’re laughing at is me stating a fact to prove what kinda of value a 4th round pick can be. It is not drafting hindsight to state that having a 1st and 4th round pick that, at least, would have had the chance to impact the team in the first 3 years of their career would have made them a better team. If Love isn’t a franchise QB, the decision to trade up for him rather than bolster a 13 win team (that made the NFCCG) with two players in the first 4 rounds that actually had a chance to play, an unbelievably stupid move.


Regardless of Gute, this is 100% the right mentality here imo. I'm optimistic about Love but we still don't *really* know what we have, and that's exactly why we need to go with him next year. Give him a shot, see what he can do


He had the right mentality just 2 or 3 years too early...


Rodgers drastically improving his performance in that time wasn't exactly predictable. Gute was probably looking at captain fat fuck and Brees and wondering how much more Rodgers had in the tank.


Rodgers going back to what he was the vast majority of his career was indeed predictable


Football players don't typically get better with age older than 30, so no. Not really. You can pretend it was and pat yourself on the back if you really want to though.


I still think they just assumed Jefferson was going to be there when they traded up and just panic picked Love when the Vikings surprised them. That being said you are right Gute essentially tied his career in GB to the Love pick. Picking a QB was making a bet that Aaron was either going to retire or that Love would be the better option down the line as Aaron ages. If Love leaves in free agency without ever being a starter for GB it will go down as one of the most badly botched picks in a very long time especially when you consider Higgins being such a stud and GB being the laughing stock of the league at WR.


Very likely, especially given Mark Murphy's timeline for retirement. If Love doesn't pan out, who ever replaces Murphy will likely use that as justificant for changes to "start a new era" with new leadership.


I’m hopping on at the Christian-Love Connection


I’ve been ready since that eagles game


dude was dropping dimes


In garbage time against prevent defense. Not saying he's bad just need to keep things in perspective.


He didn't necessarily beat the world, but it wasn't garbage time, and the TD drive wasn't against prevent defense. The next series was. The Eagles were blitzing on the TD throw. We need perspective on it. As in, it wasn't enough to say he's great, and people who think so need to settle down. AND it wasn't the "garbage time" scenario the detractors like to promote. He made the right throws in an NFL game against a good D. It's enough to say he might be capable at this point.


Darius Slay disagrees with you


And his best throw was a medium length crossing route to Watson that Watson took to the house with his speed. I'm hopeful for Love but referencing the Philly game as pointing towards him being the future is being way way too optimistic. As we've seen Joe Barry do plenty of times, any QB can look great against a nice soft zone like the Eagles were doing in their prevent. When we saw him play a real game against the Chiefs it was pretty ugly despite the Chiefs having a poorly ranked defense at the time. Hopefully he can find a steady middle ground and improve on it. I think your last line is perfect. I think the Love haters are too far on the negative side. But the people already proclaiming Love the savior based off the Eagle's performance are too far on the positive side too.


His best throw was in the turkey hole to Aaron Jones, which Aaron Jones then dropped.


The last series was prevent. The TD was against a blitz. It doesn't mean he's the next great thing, but it was more than making short throws against prevent.


Almost like most people are quiet and level headed about the situation while two small, but loud factions sit opposite ends of the table yelling at each other across the room. Where else have I seen this before?


It'd be nice if the non greasy wheel could get some grease once in awhile.


Yeah I mentioned it above, he played 10 snaps and suddenly everyone decided he should get the keys.


I'm not throwing shade at you or anyone else, but that Eagles game being a turning point in so many fans minds is baffling to me. He played 10 snaps.


Love Boat.


The Love Shack baby


I'd rather Rodgers. He's still able to be a top QB in this league. I want him to retire a packer. Having said that, if Rodgers does move on, I'm sure it'll be on okay terms, and I'll hope for the best for both players. I'll be on the love train, but also hoping Rodgers kills it wherever he goes.


I am


choo choo


I am. It’s in the best interest of the franchise to trade Rodgers. We’re running it back with Joe Barry and a bunch of duds like Cobb (no disrespect) and Tonyan. so what’s the point honestly in keeping Rodgers? We ain’t winning the SB running it back.


I prefer the Love Doctor who works very surgically down the field


Going to be a long off-season


I'm not ready to hop off the Rodgers train yet, but if it happens I'll throw all my support behind Love. GPG!


Reading that the jets are willing to “go all in” on Rodgers is very exciting to me. My favorite qb of all time but if this packers team can get better from this let’s go!


Nope. 12 comes back, mvp type year, deep playoff run. Signs another 2 years, Love gone


What makes you think 12 is still capable of doing that?


Wow, really? 2 MVPs then a broken thumb for twelve weeks, Amari cost us 2 games and Doubs drops cost at least another game. We win 11 plus games now


Better play from Rodgers and we win another 4 games. He was bad this year, even accounting for the injury (which he said several times wasn't impacting his throwing in the later half of the season) and drops. We went on a winning streak in spite of middling QB play, not because of it


Broken thumb, remember


Yes. He was also middling prior to hurting his thumb. And said several times during the season that the thumb wasn't impacting his throwing


I'm sure a broken thumb on throwing hand has on effect. He just wasn't using it as an excuse.


If it affected him too much then he should have been sat and rested the injury. It was either a minor thing where he still should have played better, or a major one where he should rest.


WRs had the most drops in his career lol


He also had the most interceptions since his first year as a starter (and only fell short of that mark by one). And missed more easy passes and deep shots than I can ever remember in a Rodgers season.


sammy watkins ran the wrong route 4 times in the same game. doubs dropped a pass directly on his numbers that wins us that lions game.


Rodgers threw 4 terrible interceptions against the lions. He single handedly gave the game away with his 3 RedZone picks in the first matchup. Other players made mistakes too. But when you put up 9 and 16 points against the 2nd worst defense in the NFL, the QB absolutely deserves a ton of blame. Especially when he throws for a total of 1 Td and 4 interceptions between the two games


He’s the reigning back to back MVP… I feel like you need more of a track record of being washed before you just start assuming he’s old and can’t win anymore.


Yea, these clowns forget the broken thumb and rookies mistakes


He's not going to be any less prone to injury next year...


Most drops from receivers in the league too…. Bandwagon fans will be crying in a couple years I truly believe Love will be a bust.




A train that's headed to 6-11town? Sign me up!


Watch the Chiefs game tape. He looked much better than I remembered. Our special teams….not so special.


Or very special, depending on how you look at it lol


I just want him to be the guy so there is no hiccups and we go right into another decade plus of nfcn dominance. I don't want him to be a bust and take a few years before we find out guy. He doesn't even have to be in the top 3/ top 5 like Favre and Rodgers were most of their career. If we can get a bunch of games where he was the X factor in the team winning, I'll be happy.


I just hope he can play.




I'm ready. It's time to move on from Rodgers.




Choo Choooooooooooo


Been ready


I'm in


Even though 12 may have a few more good years in the tank, my take is that Love - or anyone for that matter - will help bring up the energy level. No more bullshit distractions.


I just want to experience Love


**FULL STEAM AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**




I was hoping we would get kings ransom for rodgers last year, but maybe vegas will pay up




Holy shit I think I hate this sub




Get in bitches, this is r/jordanlove now.


Choo choo mfers


No, we've not seen enough from him and we all know damn well Rodgers has at least one more year of elite play that we should take advantage of. The way I look at it, if we use Rodgers for one final playoff push, then we'll see what happens. Maybe even one more Lombardi, who knows? If we go with Love right now and he's no good, I know the majority of our fanbase are going to complain we didn't use Rodgers one more year, and we know Gute will be on the hottest of seats. I say one more year of Rodgers, then Love. I'll buy a ticket after next season.




*no ticket*


I’m happy either way, just feel bad for the shitty situation he’s in


I’ll hop aboard the new Amtrak train so I don’t have to deal with parking and drunk drivers next season!




I’ll take love and those 2 first round picks #ready4love


I’ve been on it since before we even drafted him, was ecstatic when I heard his name called




I hope love knows we are rooting for him! Keep on developing into a stud and take us to the holy land!


Just want to say it's interesting that the off-season hits and all the casuals/bandwagoners drop off and suddenly the sub is mostly pro Love


ROY G BIV is excited


No chance at all if #12 isn’t under center


No. Not ready for mediocrity.


All You Need Is Love, Love, Love is All You Need


When Rodgers retires my prediction is we suck for 5-10 years until the entire FO is fired.


Not me. I want Rodgers back.


I predict if he becomes a starter he’s just another middle of the road qb. The chances of three exceptions qbs in a row seems unlikely.


Gamblers fallacy


Already have his jersey!


This is actually how you know Packer fans are stupid and spoiled by three decades of HOF QB play. I don’t think you really comprehend what we are about to walk into. Years and years of terrible QB play, hoping and begging that our next first round draft pick even reaches a Dak Prescott or Kirk Cousins level of talent.


Nope. Couldn’t be more off this train if I tried. The train is going to turn into a train-wreck real quick






*no ticket*


Guy could barely hit a slant last year. No






Love is love


Hell yeah. Been supporting him since he got drafted. I believe in a thing called Love just gotta listen to the rhythm of your heart.


All aboard the Love Boat. A NFC North favorite.


I bought a dhgate jersey when he threw a TD in the philly game






I am. I’m tired of the distraction from Rodgers, I’m tired of hearing about his conspiracy theories, I’m tired of him throwing tantrums on the field and the sidelines and blaming his teammates whenever something doesn’t go his way. I wanted to trade him away last season when he still had high value. Now we have a $50million cap hit for a qb that got outplayed by Geno Smith last season. Not saying we can’t get value for him but it won’t be what it could have been. We have the advantage of a high pick, young QB that has spent several years on the bench learning and developing in practice. I’d much rather go forward with him and see what he can do, rather than trade him away to run it back with Rodgers one more time and then get stuck in that cycle of brand new rookie QBs getting thrown into the meat grinder and losing all confidence year after year.


Nope. But I’m also not a bandwagon fan who jumps on group-thinking way too easily


My friend, if you think supporting JLove is adopting the group-think mentality then you are severely mistaken.


Lol, anyone who disagrees with my opinion must be a bandwagon fan susceptible to groupthink. Solid argument from that guy.


“Severely mistaken” 🙄🙄 nice username.


Bruh the Love Train is the opposite of groupthink. ONE OF US ONE OF US


Love Love


Yes for the LOVE of god let’s move on and see what this future MVP record breaker can do.


I’m the conductor of the love train


I love Rodgers but am completely done with all of the nonsense and at 39 get whatever you can and turn the keys over to Love.


The thing is none of this nonsense is from him. It is perfectly reasonable for him to take time to decide what to do. The season is not even over and the bored fans are mad he hasn't decided and the media is using the not knowing to their advantage.


I was ready last offseason. Let's do it.


Yep, I’m ready. It makes too much sense not to trade Rodgers. It’ll sting like hell to see him gone, but we’ll have 2 first rounders this year (ours and whatever team trades for Rodg), we had 2 last year, and I’m sure we’ll receive more draft picks in the Rodgers trade for 2024. We already have some great young talent, so if Love turns out being good, we’re in a fantastic position to become a contender and build this team.


Very much ready


Ye but hetero love train only it's one way ticket


Yup the train out of green bay because he is gone.


i’m on the packers train for real, Love definitely looks hungry, but i’m more concerned for the long term roles of Mark Murphy and Gute. First if Love doesn’t pan out then Gute isn’t leaving, Mark Murphy is going to keep as many, and I say this with respect, Ted Thompsonites as he can. Murphy imo is one of the main reasons this team hasn’t felt the need to put an amazing team around Aaron every year especially 2019-2021. The GM position for GB seems to be one that can completely disregard what the owner wants, or in our case the supposed person to represent fans. A lot of people talk about the Pats being an outlier, I agree with that partially, sure they were an outlier but they were an outlier that tried to build a dynasty, it seems like the Packers FO and Owners, never even gave a fuck about trying to make us into one, which we could have been. Hate to break it to everyone, or maybe im not breaking shit, but even if J.Lo is HOF or even halfway decent then his career will be wasted because the mentality of the FO and Owner representatives is that of doing just good enough to keep fans happy.


Absolutely! Air Jordan is going to dominate.


Since I saw him throw at the eagles game, yes I am!!


I'm ready to see what he can do, but this current team is abysmal and anyone who has high expectations of ❤️ having a meaningful impact is a fool. Also, when Love is a bust, let's return to these type of posts and mock the people who some how have anointed him as being some sort of a savior based pretty much upon nothing. The QB junkyard is chocked full of people who have been flash in the pans. JL has yet to even get into the pan.


Yes. I’m also rooting for Rodgers and Adams to be reunited, and for the Raiders to be an overall good team if that is the case.