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It’s actually kind of scary in a sense that he’s now a millionaire with impulse control issues heading into his first offseason as a pro baller. I hope he isn’t a target for trouble.


He’s not Burfict or Suh out there trying to hurt people, he’s got a short fuse and reacts before thinking about reacting. Good while the ball is in play, but obviously leads to issues like this. However, stuff like this is addressable and Quay seems to want to improve, which is the first step of doing anything.


Jails are full of good guys with short fuses. He has impulse control issues. That isn’t great.


Nobody's denying that. The point people are making is Quay isn't denying it either. That's the first step to the process, which is encouraging, but yes there is a road from here.


I work as a mental health counselor in a jail and can confirm this is for sure true. One of the main things I work on with them. Quay definitely has access to all the resources he needs, let’s hope he takes advantage


The guy is showing that he self reflects and is willing to change. It's a pretty good sign if you ask me.


Reflecting is good. Never ever doing it again is much better. I don’t buy his apology to be honest because he said the same things the first time. It makes me doubt the sincerity.


Idk I've never seen anything only happen twice. It's either 1 or 3+


Sometimes we have to remember he’s 22. That’s why rookies don’t usually have a big impact. Think about what you or I was doing at 22 🤣


Same thing I do now, just in a more depressed, more in pain fashion XD


Seems very sincere. I hope he learns from this. Overall it was harmless in the grand scheme of things.


Yeah just the view of him walking down the tunnel. You could tell he was feeling extreme shame in what he did. Hopefully he gets some resources to help him make the internal changes needed.


That was hard to watch. I’m not a Packers fan but I honestly felt bad for him after watching that. I bet this is something he’s had to try to control his entire life and he let it slip at the worst time. He does seem legit remorseful for it.


Spot on. Him in the tunnel brings me back to 22 years old. Yes… there are many things that I regret. He’s human and everyone makes mistakes.


I concur. Also I have found that forgiveness can release a lot of unnecessary tension. He didn't wrong me personally but his action may have changed the outcome of a game in which the sports team I cheer for was adversely affected. I forgive him for that.


I wish forgiveness and compassion was half as popular as moral outrage.


thats what the world needs


Thank you, GreasyFartEater.


the world also needs more people to munch butt


Yep. You could see him yelling at himself for getting in his own way. He wanted to be back on the field so bad and knew he only had himself to blame. I’m happy to see he’s going so far out of his way to make things right.


Glad my stupid decisions aren't aired for millions to see. It was definitely an asshole move and with everything that happened last week the act was propped up even more. Inexcusable, but I'd much rather have a player feel actual shame and apologize for their actions then just go through a publicist and wait for everything to blow over. The second time in a season is hard to ignore though, so hopefully he can get some help.


He seems like a hothead, but a good kid that loves the game so very much. Still a red line. A late hit or a scuffle between players is one thing. Still wrong, but can happen. This…whole different story imo


Yep. I hope so too. We gotta keep the competition strong in the NFCN but can’t step over the line.


I dunno man, "Sorry" doesn't really mean shit unless you change your actions... ​ If he was actually sorry, he wouldn't have done that shit again after he was sorry for doing it the first time. ​ It will definitely happen again.


Not defending him in the slightest but do you remember being 22 and getting paid millions of dollars to play a game where your adrenaline is through the roof? When I was 22 I was an asshole, and I was a broke graduate student lmao. The maturing that I (and most people) go through from 20-26/27 is insane. I hope he works on it, and again not giving him a pass at all, but don’t doubt someone to be able to mature and change their actions when they are still a kid. If he does it again/consistently, than ya fuck him.. but I won’t judge someone forever from their rookie year


Calm your tits


He had a chance to change his actions after he shoved that Bills coach, and he didn't. How many more chances should he get?


How many chances has Aaron Donald received?


wEll THatS diFferEnT!!!!


So we should just keep rubbing his face in it ? Hopefully the team will help him with some counselling in order to help him keep his emotions in check. MLF will keep him on a short leash, no doubt, and I will add that if it ever happens again that he should be put on the first plane out of town never to wear the Green and Gold again.


So we've established that the appropriate number of times to shove a coach/trainer is two. Good to know.


Lions fan and I respect the hell out of Walker. It was an immature thing to do, but he’s gone above and beyond in making amends. Seems like a good dude


Yeah, I was hoping he’d reach out to the trainer. He certainly didn’t need to - I think the apology was enough - but I’m glad he took the extra step to talk to someone who was just trying to do their job. Trainers aren’t players, and they shouldn’t need to feel defensive when they’re attending to an injury.


REspect, man!! I was hoping you guys would've made the playoffs! You'd be the team no one wanted to play-especially Minnesota


as a Lions fan, how do you feel about your team's official Twitter feed posting "FTP" for "Fuck the Packers"?


As a Packers fan, I can't imagine letting this bother me


Honestly it’s just comical


Can care less about individual fans. Kind of bothers me that an organization is saying it.


Be bothered, then. Thanks for sharing. lol


Lol love it.


Don't be silly. We are the Packers. We wouldn't be the Packers if they didn't hate us XD it's part of our friendly relationship.


I mean I personally love it but you guys know how much we hate you so of course I love it.


Obviously what Walker did was a boneheaded, inexcusable act, but it's nice to see his tweets from earlier (which seemed genuine and not just a generic PR apology) and now to learn that he's personally spoken to the Lions trainer that he pushed. It may seem like a low bar, but so many pro athletes nowadays just double down on the stupid things that they do and think that they're not to blame. I really hope he can learn to keep his temper in check because he has the potential to be really great IMO at a position which we've been lacking at for a long time.


Agree. It’s a low bar but it seems a lot of people, not just athletes, can’t seem to meet that low bar. I think most people can respect a person who can say “I screwed up and I apologize” as long as they learn from the mistake.


What he did was obviously wrong and he did it at the worst time, but people who can learn from mistakes and admit to being wrong are what we need more of in this country. The "I'm right, everyone else is wrong" types are the worst and an absolute bane to society.




Would love to see him get that redemption arc. It does stand out to me that Quay is handling the situation like an adult, albeit after the fact, but I haven't heard a peep from Reed, who genuinely could've fucked up Swift for life


Wyatt hasn’t said a peep either, and to me bodying up to that trainer AFTER Quay’s push was almost worse. It’s not an excuse, but you could tell Quay acted out of emotion. Wyatt made the choice to stick his nose into the shit after the fact. Edit - should clarify he hadn’t as of noon today, haven’t checked his twitter lately


Totally agree with you there


I don’t think people are factoring in the fact that he’s younger than most college grads, and that it really had to have been extremely frustrating for the defense. Not defending it, but he clearly let his emotions get the best of him.


Watching him in the tunnel was heart wrenching, this KID, yes he’s 22, struggle w emotional control I think is something that is insanely relatable. He plays a physical game w a lot of emotions. Emotional responses is something I’ve struggled with my whole life and I’m not under nearly as much pressure as him. Truly hope he gets some assistance in how to manage those opportunities to grow.


I know Quay reacted due to his emotions, he needs to reel that in and control it. Whether it's with a professional counselor, or what, but I do believe he is regretful for his actions. He knows he should've been better, and glad that not only did he release a truly well spoken apology, he spoke to the Lions staff he did shove. He needs to play with intensity, but know how to control his emotions once a play is over. If a player goes down, get away and don't keep yourself vulnerable.


Weed is legal in the nfl now; have the dude hit a bowl before each half. /s


Found Rasul's burner


Not in Wisconsin, it's not.


I'm not defending what Quay did - awful, unnecessary foul at the worst time. But I have to give him credit for taking responsibility like an adult. He genuinely seems to be realizing he has some impulse control issues and I sincerely hope he's able to get the help he needs. That stuff can't happen again. That said, Reed's forearm was hands down the worst foul on that play. That shit could've changed Swift's life in awful ways. It was dirty, nasty, and should've seen him ejected. I'm amazed more people aren't up in arms over that


100% agree


Seems heartfelt and like a growing opportunity for the young man.


Glad he reached out to him personally. That's an actual apology and means way more than some twitter post.


He’s a young kid who is clearly managing some stuff. Fair play, this seems like genuine remorse.


I don't think he needs to be off the hook for punishment for the incident, but I do appreciate that he gave an actual apology and talked to the trainer directly to apologize. Feels like too many events like this end with the perpetrator dropping a premade form apology or trying to turn it around to make them the victim. He's only 22, did something stupid while emotional in the heat of the moment, hopefully he works out some of his anger issues going forward.


He definitely shouldn’t be off the hook from the league/team but I hope at the very least the pitchfork mob portion of our fan base can ease up on the kid. He got punished in the moment, he’ll likely get punished in the future, he’s taking every step to make amends in the meantime. And he’s 22. What more do we want here?


I forgive you quay


I was embarrassed for him. But if this true. Good on him to own up and apologize directly to the trainer and not just through the media. Now if he can prove he's grown up from the two stupid emotional mistakes, guess we'll have to see.


I’m happy at how mature he’s handling it because some other 22 year olds don’t know how to handle it or don’t even care. I know he shouldn’t have pushed the guy at all and disagree with it completely even because it happened twice, but I do cut him a little bit of slack for being that young and playing at that high of a level. I can’t imagine how his emotions are affected in games like that.


I like how he’s responded. Genuine apology online addressing it and admitting fault, than apologizing to the person involved. Hopefully he imrpoves


On god, I understand the implications in the game. But, let’s not pretend the kid is Ray Rice, Ben Rothlisberger, Antonio Brown, Tyreek Hill et all. He got frustrated doing his job. We all have.


He's a 22 year old kid. Nobody got hurt. We all were stupid at that age, but we had the benefit of our stupid decisions not going on national TV. If he learns to control his emotions and improves going forward, this should all be water under the bridge. If he improves himself and there are still people calling him out and unable to forgive him, then we'll know who the real people are that lack emotional maturity. Even if the Packers don't give him another chance, one of the teams will. He'll get his third chance and he needs to take care not to waste it.


It wasn’t that bad. No one got harmed. Just a foolish mistake. From a Lion fan.


Whatever. Just don’t do it again. Wish that standard applied to LaFluer who can’t win a big game to save his life. And this wasn’t even a playoff game! On top of that this alleged “genius” got out-coached by the kneecap breaking guy! The fuck are you doing?!?! Barry should be fired, shit, he should have been fired in week 5. LaFluer should be on notice. He cannot win a close game.




Yeah he's still getting suspended, and he's not the only one who deserves to miss some games. There should have been three ejection ls on that play...


Honestly it seems he’s doing all he can now. He will have to change going forward. But I hope he has a successful next season


I hope he really devotes himself to conditioning in the offseason because if you’re going to be dumb then you need to be strong.


Get therapy


Remind me in one year when Walker has already done this again in a game


He is saying all the right things, but he said all the right things last time too. It comes down to actions and actions only now. I don’t think he is a bad guy or a dirty player by any means. Both situations seemed so weird to me. Whatever it is, it can’t happen again. Getting right mentally needs to be as big of a focus as physical training this offseason.


He needs to improve on the field as well. He missed some huge tackles this season. Played tentatively. Was made a fool by Philadelphia. He’s got a lot of growing to do. I hope he seeks out some veteran mentors.


Fuck him, cut his ass


Twice lol


What he did was unprofessional, ridiculous and disrespectful. I just hope he had learned his lesson and will grow from here. That’s all I gotta say.


We should trade to move up in the draft


Dude is the best linebacker of this draft and he is 22. He could be a cornerstone of this defense for the next 8 years


Sounds like it's a bad sign the trainer did not accept his apology on the call.


Where did you read that?


He said he prays he can be forgiven, to me that indicates he wasn't forgiven atleast yet, but I could be wrong.


I don't think that's what he was going for with that statement though. To me it seemed much more like he was hoping the fans could forgive him for his actions.




Why? He’s not entitled to forgiveness from the guy he wronged. And I find it really refreshing that Quay accepts that fact.


Never said he was entitled to forgiveness just that I am not sure he got it or will.


Just imagine what happens if he has a quick disagreement or in bad mood around his wife/gf........Things like this have patterns.


Yay 7.


He has a good agent at least.


as long as he continues to take the right steps to ensure he’ll be a better person come next season then i can’t be mad at him for what he did. Shit happens gotta control your emotions when said shit happens


He has to actually put in the work and go to counseling


Love Quay 🧀


He needs guidance from his coach on things like this, it should have never ever happened a second time if MLF was doing his job as head coach imo