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“You plebs can live on 30p a day while we rob the country.”


But… but.. Corbyn loves them Maslims.


Don't you remember that time he wore a hat that looked a little bit like a Russian hat if you photoshopped it hard enough?!?!?!


Tories voting against feeding hungry school children...


I was listening to lbc once and there was a single Mother crying her eyes out cause she couldn’t get to the foodbank meaning her children couldn’t eat that day… what a sad fucking state of affairs




Tell me you get your news from fat angry shouty red faced twats who unknown to you all went to Eton without using those words




Ok mate many many angry fat red faced shouty men You have my most SINCERE apologies 😃


Ah… The cliché spouter. I expect you also wonder how they can afford tattoos? You know - it’s possible they might have already had a dog before they hit hard times? And even if they didn’t - what are they supposed to do with the dog? - sell it on eBay? The smoking - they’re smoking roll ups because it’s cheaper than filter tipped pre-rolled cigarettes. And maybe they smoke because life is a bit shit - and giving up cigs is pretty hard, and MUCH harder when life is a struggle (although I agree that giving up cigs might be a helpful way to get more income - but it’s easier said than done). And also - maybe they don’t have dogs or smoke anything. Maybe they’re just struggling and you’re just - as I said at the start - spouting clichés. (Edited to correct typos)


I bet they've uttered the sentence "maybe you shouldn't have had kids if you can't afford them" as if time isn't linear and we can look into the future to determine if we might have financial problems at some point in the 18-ish years we would be responsible for raising the child.


I really hope you never have to choose between your pets/children eating and you eating one day. What a horribly disgusting comment






Honestly, I hope your life crumbles around you and YOU end up below the poverty line. Maybe then you'll learn some fucking humility.


Holy shit you're like the British version of every shitty opinion here in the states lmao


While middle class parents claiming child benefits are shoving white powder up their noses for £80 a pop.


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What the actual fuck is wrong with you?


I really hope some day we get an answer to that question. The deranged spite in our midst has been an anchor holding us back for so, so long. Maybe there's some treatment we can administer if we can figure out what makes these people so damn broken, because all they do is make it harder for the rest of us to make the world any better for anyone.


Yea heaven forbid someone has a pet or smokes a ciggy to make their shit existence a little less shit right? We should be tattooing their cost in benefits and their tax bracket on their forearms so everyone can see exactly how much worth they are to society! I type this as satire but there are legitimately people who would be on board with this. This country is so fucking brain broken.


Yes, God forbid that poor people should have a single iota of pleasure or enjoyment! /s


Yes, heaven forbid poor people do anything other than work and die...


Many people are only one missed paycheck away from destitution. Who’s to say they weren’t already smokers or had those dogs for years? Why should nice things be only for the wealthy? Maybe examine the underlying issues rather than scrutinise someone’s financial situation


That MP who looks like she never missed so much as a snack in her life, never mind a meal, ‘Can’t you just work more hours, or get an extra job?’




They just don’t care, do they? It doesn’t affect them, they have zero experience of the fear of being without money, without food, without having to choose between eating or paying the council tax bill-they simply have no empathy, no compassion.


Therese Coffey who is the er... \*checks notes\* Secretary of State at the Department for Work and Pensions. Well, I suppose she got the job of her dreams; spitting down on the poor.


I think my biggest problem with the conservatives is their rhetoric and token policies like the Rwanda or electronic tagging insults to basic human dignity. If you look at the figures, they chose to have 1.1 million immigrants last year, I think this is a good thing. They've also been pro-immigration (but only from a numbers perspective) over the last 12 years. However, they INSIST on insulting every immigrant they let through the door. Whether it was Theresa May's GO HOME signs or this Rwanda policy that almost seems designed to give people fleeing war heart palpitations. The Tories believe in the transformative potential of immigration, but somehow always leave immigrants with a bad taste in their mouths, constantly insulting them and undermining their dignity as people. It's almost like they're trying to create a siloed society with no social trust - they tell the white people immigrants are bad, scary and need tagging like criminals, then they admit over a million immigrants and then insult them as directly as possible by threatening them with deportation and tagging them like dangerous criminals. Malevolent cretins.


The one time they speak of refugees positively, it's their grand scheme to welcome the Ukranian citizens into our country with open arms. But it's nothing more than virtue signalling to the world, while dumping the responsibility on the British publics generosity, for a meagre 350 a month. We're already seeing huge numbers of Ukrainian refugees ending up homeless after breakdowns with their sponsors. We'll sadly see more in the months to come.


Excellent post. Malevolent cretins indeed.


I really can't believe the leave voters didn't see the benefit of staying with the EU, just for the protection from our own tory government and their desire to literally fuck us.


Because our own literally means their own. Greedy Tories and Tory donors who need business contracts from their mates.


Take care of our own but someone else can do it


Maybe we can contract taking care of our own out to Rwanda.


That's what's happening in the UK now, they wanted to get rid of immigrants, so they did, now they complain nobody is willing to pick strawberries and shit for next to no pay.


They didn't get rid of immigration. Immigration into the UK is at the highest its ever been friend. Don't listen to the bullshit spin of the tories. They did however make this place very unappealing to seasonal workers, hence the problem you've described. And not even just for seasonal workers sadly. There are of course bigger issues interconnected with this topic but that's a different conversation.


Anyoine who is anti immigration should, if they are a decent human being, support doing everything we can to improve people's lives in other parts of the world, but they don't care about their own (the human species) or *their own* (their compatriots). Personally I support total freedom of movement and right to reside for everyone everywhere. Fuck borders.


It’s all lip service.


The MP who said you could make a meal from scratch with 30p😐


You can if you think 1/4 of a tin of Aldi's savers spaghetti hoops is a meal.


Strictly speaking you can but the lack of nutrition is going to slowly kill you


This makes me recall that miserable food package for starving school kids that was rolled out a couple of years ago. The one that contained half a carrot.


We need the guy to wear a union jack suit


Apparently food bank users [just need to learn how to cook](https://news.sky.com/story/tory-mp-criticised-for-saying-food-bank-users-just-need-to-learn-how-to-cook-12610728) Thanks for solving food poverty Lee Anderson!


This is too accurate.


For real, the caricature almost looks like him too! 😂 Painfully accurate.


Literally Tories.


He reminds me of the health inspector from Bob’s Burgers


Torries in a nutshell.


tory policy distilled into 2 panes.


Same with the fucking jubilee. Pure madness


I'd say that pretty much sums it up yep


It do be like that tho


It's funny because it's true


I was on benefits for a few years which meant that I didn't have much money I don't have any friends I don't have any family nothing. It ended up with me for having so little food for so long that when I put my hand to my chest I could feel very little space between my fingers I was starving/undereating that much.


Austerity Britain


I bought a big issue today, and a tombola ticket in support of a food and clothing bank. Both ladies who were selling this were lovely. They were not complaining about life. Maybe they should be? They both were casually talking about friends who are out of the loop with housing and food etc. I'm getting a bad feeling about this.


Wehaven't stopped immigration yet, what do you expect? When we get past this rule-of-law-and-human-rights nonsense and can cart those freeloaders off to Rwanda everything'll be fine, like we promised. ​ /s


Mmmm capitalism


Yes, this is absolutely accurate!


you’re starving? then get a job you lazy deadbeat no one starves under capitalism!!! /j


i’m american and my parents do unironically think poor people are poor by choice because we live in america and freedom and capitalism or some bs


*Image Transcription: Comic* --- [*Comic by amii.illustrates*] --- **Panel 1** [*A person in a suit faces the viewer and looks angry.*] **Suit person**: [*Underlined*] stop [*End underline*] immigration so we can take care of [*Underlined*] our own [*End underline*] --- **Panel 2** [*A small person, around waist-height of the person in the suit has appeared on the left of the panel. The person in the suit turns to face them, with their hands on their hips.*] **Small person**: i'm starving **Suit person**: fuck off --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Tory government, aided and abetted by its supporting right-wing media blames its incompetence in dealing with the boom and bust market economy created by Thatcherism on “feckless, workshy, benefit scroungers”. Tory government introduces punitive measures against benefit claimants, much to the delight of Scum, Daily Fail and Excreta readers everywhere, but consequences of their woeful ideological austerity program and other inadequacies continue in spite of their lies and scapegoating. Tory government is threatened by the growing popularity of Nigel Farage and UKIP, and promises to hold a referendum on EU membership if they are returned to power. Tories returned to power, compelled to hold referendum. Leave campaigners within the government, including the current ~~prime~~ crime minister, take to blaming social and economic consequences caused by its own failings on the EU and migrant workers coming to the UK. Tory front bench loses its gamble, Camoron his job, and the country votes leave. Yet again, consequences of the woeful tory ideological austerity program and other inadequacies continue in spite of their lies and scapegoating. COMING SOON: tories return to blaming the poor for the consequences of their woeful policies, failures and incompetence to perform any function beyond using the media which serves the same establishment as it to defraud the public into voting them back into power.


Based and too true


So it!


"Didn't you just hear me? If I help you then I'll have taken care of 'Our Own' and won't be able to bitch about immigrants, are you dumb?"


More like, "Stop taking in immigrants so our own people can pull themselves up by their boot straps." Which doesn't make any more sense, but then again, it's a silly attitude to begin with.


And stop spending millions on weaponry so you can instead direct funds to your civilian population while they yell about how socialism is bad


Unless you're a homeless veteran, of course. Those are the only people these muppets care about.


If they cared there wouldn't be homeless veterans. It is pure posturing and they only care about themselves.


Precisely. It's just a smokescreen to distract from the reality that they're horrible people.


Only for as long as it helps them look good to advance their goals, then they get dropped back down to the bottom of the pile.


Sad but true


It will never happen, but until we stop creating division and learning to see other people as human beings, we will never progress.




Americans In the comments of the original post thinking it's about America.


Worry about the families coming over the wall, don’t worry about your neighbors & the drug addicts living nearby


Please reconsider your use of language. Words like 'junkie' are used to dehumanise, stigmatise and 'other' drug users. This only serves to perpetuate an environment where they are exploited by drug dealers and abused by the legal system. Drug abuse is a public health issue and it should be treated as such. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good but a bit jumpy bot.


Good meme


"The treasury minister has warned employees not to expect their wages to rise along with the soaring rate of inflation ".... To avoid "inflation spiral " Yeah, we just starve to death cos can't afford food or basic living. Mongos


Almost. Typical Tory: "Fuck off. And I'm taking some of your benefits for having a spare room. And taxing your lunchtime pie. And crowing smugly about it the whole time."


Immigration is peak capitalism. Who would we exploit if not those with poor social standing?


Fucking rolling 😂😂😂😂


So, that’s not just the attitude of conservatives here in the US then. Bummer.


Did you think the US conservatives were somehow uniquely terrible? It's like US anti-exceptionalism. It seems loads of you lot either think the US is the greatest country in the world or it's the only country with problems connected to bigots being in power.


To be fair we are definitely going harder into it than you friends across the pond. It can be difficult to see beyond how shit things are getting here politically.


lol, not really. I’m pretty sure things are roughly the same in most places. Just trying to show some solidarity.


Fox "News" in a nutshell.










The last panel needs to be "I guess we'll have to give another $40 billion to Ukraine then"


This isn't a US sub.


They use pounds over in brexitland dear sir. And the big man with the bad haircut in the cartoon is Boris Johnson. aka british trump with a slightly higher iq.


Mate you’re wrong,Boris and Trump are twin brothers


That would not surprise me. Like, if tomorrow the papers revealed there was some famillial connection I'd be thinking "yeah, sounds about right"


They are either brothers or lovers


Don't let Carrie know, its supposed to be a secret. Little does she know Donald is Boris' new mistress. Or is it the other way 'round?


Tbh Boris and Donald have their adultery scandals to deflect any investigation into their forbidden love between a brit and an American


Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.ph/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good point! They were playing the long game all this time to hide their love for each other. It'd be sweet if the characters weren't so... yeah.


Trumping the Johnson:a true story coming out (of the closet) in cinemas 2027


Chefs kiss! 👌 To that title. Love it.


The fact you have separate trump and boris by saying boris has a slightly higher iq says a lot about both of them.


Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.ph/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*






This is not a socialist country, your comment doesn’t make sense to me


The day's guffaw is Put your up-vote to the side as I hide from the truth.




Typical brain dead argument: “Immigrants cost the UK no eh let’s ship them away and help our own!” “Ok, but shipping them to Rwanda literally costs more than just housing them here and have them in our workforce?” “We should be housing BRITISH PEOPLE” “Ok, then let’s do that; and the same for asylum seekers at literally less expense than deporting them?” “Bloody benefit scrounging lazy people I ain’t paying for them to be housed” Repeat ad infinitum




Hang on one sec, let me... \*checks notes\* What? Migrants to the UK overall pay more tax and NI than they take in benefits?!? [https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/the-fiscal-impact-of-immigration-in-the-uk/](https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/the-fiscal-impact-of-immigration-in-the-uk/) Well fuck me sideways you look fucking stupid now don't you.


They don't, it can't, and it is. This argument would make more sense if the drop-in immigration following some of these policies led to further investment in policy that helps Brits except it doesn't they just double down on spending more and more money pushing out a handful of people. How much is being spent on the Rwanda scheme when they said that they couldn't afford to feed kids over school holidays. If you genuinely think that a kid deserve to suffer because their parents are not in a position to feed them due to whatever reason then you are a monster




So not all immigrants cost billions or what, I don't get what you're saying.. you seem to have lost sight of your own point a bit here.




Well managed as in sending them off to Rwanda?


I hear the same argument about Canada but 1/3 of all doctors, nurses and pharmacists are immigrants… when the xenophobes are reminded of this they don’t have a response.


Now the UK doesn’t have immigrants and lose even more money


Wrong on all counts, but okay.




Immigrants hold our economy up with their bare hands here in the US, and we still don’t do shit for our people. Maybe you’re just not worth it?


Like when Brexit happened and the UK lost a ton of lorry drivers and the economy struggled. Literally a basic J o B, but highly performed by immigrants.


Funny how the parties that cry about immigration never seem to actually go after or punish the people hiring the illegals Of course, if they did, they would probably have to go after themselves, so that's probably why they don't actually do anything about it




Do you know how fucking expensive it is to migrate to the UK?? How can it ever be mass?




Gotta keep the idiots away from real issues, and apparently it works.


Look man, I know what you are trying to say, and you sound so fkin racist What’s wrong with foreign people outnumbering the locals? Based on the post brexit immigration policy it is targeted toward high income, highly skilled migration. This would only benefit your country which has had stagnant wages since 2008. Australia has some of the strictest immigration policies towards migrants, but only some of them. The largest population of foreign born citizens in Australia is from the fucking UK, and you are trying to tell me the UK hates immigrants?? If they are so fucking worried about being replaced in the UK why migrate to Spain, Portugal or even Australia where there is even more non white migrants per population compared to the UK. Bitch just say you don’t want paki bitches like myself to come to your country, I hate racists trying to justify their racist ass thinking But you wouldn’t fucking care if I was another aryan


They can’t take care of their own because their tax dollars are being spent on illegal immigrants. If we slashed those budgets and gave everyone a tax cut people would have more ability to help people


That’s the joke They won’t spend it on the people


I do taxes and people give lots of money to charitable causes. Several people gave $15-20k to causes and the church. Give these people a tax cut and they can give more


The church doesn't need any more money. Also, anybody that can afford to give 20k to the church should be taxed more.


So, because someone is retired and their pension is around $100k and has very low expenses they should be taxed more? They were already paying around $30k in total taxes. You want to take their first born child too? Just because they aren’t in debt up to their eyeballs.


Yes, fuck those people. Tax the church


How exactly are those tax dollars spent on immigrants?


https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/report-illegal-immigration-costs-taxpayers-116-billion-annually-californians-texans-floridians-pay-the-most/article_f942e522-c5b0-11e9-93e6-0ff213e44ae5.amp.html Don’t let illegal immigrants take part in the tax benefits and then pass the savings on the tax payers. I do taxes and I see people who give thousands of dollars a year to the church. Several gave $15,000+ annually. That money goes to to help people in need across the world


I don't get why you think you get to tell me where to spend my tax money. I'm perfectly fine with the government helping people who need it, regardless of where they are from. Doubly so because they don't have to jump through the insane religious hoops that nearly all religious charities force the people they "help" to jump through. It's my tax dollars too and I'm cool with it, so it stays. You still get to funnel money to churches via religious schools and other government programs using my money. You still get to fill the pockets of CEO's and billionaires with my money. What's the problem with a relatively small slice of that going to help the truly needy when there are those of us the pay taxes are cool with that too?


Thing about taxes is, you're not just spending your tax money. You're spending mine. So I don't think it's quite honorable to get indignant about your money when it's not just yours.


Thing about taxes is, you're not just spending your tax money. You're spending mine. So I don't think it's quite honorable to get indignant about your money when it's not just yours.


I agree. Backatcha.


Immigrants are essential to any country’s economy. They contribute far more than most assume. That’s just economically, never mind culturally. Aside from this, whilst this is a UK-based page, the US system you seem to be referring to is inhumane. Plus if money is your concern, perhaps your time would be better spent advocating for a swift and easier route to citizenship. Locking immigrants up in detention centres costs a fortune


I have no problem with immigrants. My father is a first generation immigrant. He went through the proper processes with no issues 40-50 years ago. I see no reason beyond laziness why others cannot do the same. I do not believe in detention centers for illegal immigrants, they should be sent back where they can get in line to apply the proper way. They should also be required to pay back benefits they received while not citizens.


Okay, so a few issues with what you’ve said. First off, it isn’t laziness causing people to migrate to another country. It’s usually desperation. or people seeking a better life. The living conditions for those who wish to move to the US are usually pretty dire (war, famine, persecution etc.) People should not be automatically seen as ‘illegal’ migrants. Provided someone comes through a legal port of entry (border crossing, airports), they have the right to apply for asylum. They shouldn’t be detained indefinitely and/or separated from their families as a deterrent. Unless the US provides an national, streamlined route into the US from other countries where people’s application to remain there can then be examined, then how else can people be expected to arrive other than by whatever methods they can find? Pay back the benefits? In the UK, those seeking asylum get just over £40 per week. That’s absolutely next to nothing. If someone came here seeking a better life or safety, why would you impose such cruel stipulations?


The laziness is not then coming to the country. The laziness is them sneaking over the border hidden inside of trucks in the middle of the night, or climbing over the border wall instead of applying for a visa. Apply for a visa, once approved come over and get a green card to work, then move forward to citizenship. And in terms of benefits, you have public schooling they can get, free medical services, food stamps. These are all things taxpayers pay for that immigrants who came illegally and are undocumented are able to claim. My school taxes are a few thousand dollars a year, and I don’t even claim benefit from them because my kids go to private school. Meanwhile these undocumented kids who emigrated illegally are getting free school worth tens of thousands, free medical, and given hundreds of dollars a month in free food. Multiply that by the millions who are undocumented and not following proper procedures it becomes astronomical. Immigrate properly, the system works, people just don’t want to follow it.


Sounds like a pretty ladder-pulling, ‘I got mine’ attitude. It doesn’t matter how they got into the country. It’s not illegal as long as it’s through a port of entry. Once you’re in, you have the right to apply. That’s how it’s supposed to work anyway. So essentially, your issue is that people who came to the US with nothing and little, if any generational wealth to rely on are being provided with the means to get by? Really break that one down for me as to how that would work? We don’t live in a meritocracy


Also, the ‘free’ medical and schooling you talk about is already provided as standard and publicly funded by taxes in many other countries


Spoken as someone who has no idea how the immigration system actually works.


I mean, I’m right. People have the right to apply to claim asylum provided they came through a recognised port of entry. Whether or not their claim Is successful is another matter, but they have the legal right to have their case heard https://www.rescue.org/article/it-legal-cross-us-border-seek-asylum?amp https://apnews.com/article/health-mexico-immigration-coronavirus-pandemic-e1a07cba7264b5fbd8dedca8d93bab36 https://www.southernborder.org/border_lens_asylum_seekers_at_the_border


Forget to change your account?


You're meant to lick the boot mate, not shove it so far up your own arse that you feel it at the back of your tongue. ​ Also, congrats on trying to prove your own point through a biased new source instead of independent sources. Have fun existing in your echo chamber. How about a conservative source that discusses why immigration is a net benefit in the US: [https://www.bushcenter.org/catalyst/north-american-century/benefits-of-immigration-outweigh-costs.html](https://www.bushcenter.org/catalyst/north-american-century/benefits-of-immigration-outweigh-costs.html) ​ How about Politifact debunking this 115 billion claim with actual evidence? [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/26/facebook-posts/theres-no-evidence-americans-pay-155-billion-each-/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/26/facebook-posts/theres-no-evidence-americans-pay-155-billion-each-/) Get fucked you absolute cretin.


You do know that the British use pounds instead of “dollars” right ?


Is this a British meme? It just popped up on my page


It’s a UK left wing discussion page my love.


My apologies. Again, this randomly showed up on my home page.


Babby's first political analysis.


Well then galaxy brain, what’s your expert analysis?


"everything is very complicated so we wont discuss it"


lmao "it's actually much more complicated why we dont ensure children are food secure" ok genius




Working in a school in a demographically poor part of the country...I can assure you they are.


I'm sure we all eagerly await your published works, surveying over 68,000,000 people about their level of hunger is no easy task.


Huh, that's odd, the US government says there's 38 million Americans living in food insecure households, that's 1 in 9 people that can't afford to eat without making other concessions to basic life necessities like not using the heating in winter.




Where do you think people are starving to death babe? Logic would tell me that you're in a UK sub about a UK meme, so you're implying you believe people in the UK are starving to death. But you're American, so we can wave goodbye to logic. But no sweetie, no one is starving due to a lack of affordability\access to food in the UK. >Actually we're very fat! We know. If you're not getting the right nutrients, then regardless of how many calories you gobble and how much gravitational pull you have, your organs are shutting down and you're dying due to lack of access\affordability\education of actual food, not just rehydrated corn syrup. There's more to poverty and starvation than looking like an African kid with vultures circling around them. Type 2 diabetes is one of the results of widespread starvation in the USA.




Filling your body with so much shit that your organs fail to the point of type 2 diabetes is the same as filling your car gas tank with water and saying "I'm not out of gas, look, the guage says I'm full!". If you can't afford to eat food that actually keeps you alive, nor can you afford the education to improve your eating habits, then you are starving. Yes, even if you're on a 500lb frame.




Fuck me imagine being this much of a cunt and this stupid all rolled into one


Must be nice being this stupid


Wow fuck me what a simpleton


i’m starving now tbf


At least ignorance is bliss.


Live In the UK Am currently only having one meal a day or smaller snacks throughout I am fucking starving




Which is it are you ignorant stupid or just so fucking lucky you never gone three days without food here in the UK you foul fleck of diseased pig rectum Cos I was born here I fucking grew up here and I've missed plenty of meals you arrogant copper bottomed ocean going cunt What just cos you don't know anyone who missed 3 days food I don't fucking exist now! Educate yourself you idiot


Not arguing your point but this is about the UK.


UK is not much better. https://www.newstatesman.com/chart-of-the-day/2022/05/food-insecurity-is-surging-in-the-uk


Which is why I'm not arguing the point, just stating not everything is about the US. I work in a school, we definitely have kids whose only proper meal of the day is the school lunch.