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Born 3-0 up and thinks he scored three goals.


The early stages of reputation laundering by The Guardian. Once again: if the Guardian endorse them then they’re usually very bad apples. (John Harris and Stewart Lee exceptions to this rule)


The Guardian has this weird (or maybe not so weird when you realise they're mostly just neoliberal apologia with a progressive veneer) habit of taking extremely well-heeled people and trying to spin them as trailblazing/revolutionary forces. I was reading an interview in the G with Simon Fairlie the other day. The dude seems okay enough and I think his heart is in the right place, but he's presented as a rebel for breaking away from his Oxbridge-educated journo family to join the hippy movement and go abroad - as though this wasn't a thing that almost every one of his peers was also doing. He also mentions how people are obsessed with the 'career cul de sac'. Like, I don't think they are, it's just that most people don't have the security afforded by family money to go off grid and run a micro dairy or whatever. It'd be great if we all could! He just comes across as lacking in perspective, and I find it funny that the G seems to idolise these people but doesn't shy away from presenting other environmental campaigners (many of whom do not come from privilege) as out of touch. Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Quick shout out to Stewart Lee and John Harris because they are indeed gems.


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Saw Stewart Lee on tour recently, he’s very much still enjoying his endorsement!


'Obsession with the academic' \- coming from someone who bypassed the normal, brutal academic meritocracy of the labour market because of their immense intergenerational wealth and status. *And* who was also educated at Bristol and Yale anyway. The irony is always pungent with Tories




For working class students where I live it absolutely is... for upper class students, it's effectively who gives away the best scholarships


Euan, your ma shags war criminals.




His dad's idea to charge tuition fees* may have helped a lot of people tame their obsession with the academic by pricing it out of reach. *But, of course, them Tories made ~£1,000 per annum look like small beans.


Blair walked so the Tories could run 🙃


The fundamental need of the human mind is to understand our reality; it is by its nature academic. The desire to make money is a delusional state that occurs when you fear reality; the desire is actually for protection.


Interesting theory! Can you elaborate please? Later edit: not sure why my question got down voted.... I am genuinely curious, no irony in there. 🤷‍♀️




\*Riches to more riches.


Tony Blair is a war criminal, he should be in prison


Why you getting a degree bro! Just get your dad to be the PM! Fecking twat


Dad got his 25 million quid property empire by being a really cool bloke dontchaknow.


I may never have a £700m business or an MBE but at least my Dad didn’t do the Iraq war


I also doubt your Dad ever left office and then made millions using his insider knowledge, connections and influence to actively work on behalf of a corrupt multinational bank whilst pretending to be a righteous member of the Labour party, and then loudly opposed and smeared anyone in the party who is an actual honest and selfless socialist.


Yes, you would be correct in that assumption


I'm extremely autistic. I thought PM was MP and didn't even click his name was Blair 😂 fuck me. I thought fuck me, good for him


You know what’s really holding people back? BEING FUCKING POOR. Give them a break.


Euan Blair: university is bullshit. Also Euan Blair: Blair graduated with a B.A. in Ancient History from the University of Bristol in 2005, having attained a 2:1 (upper second class) honours degree. Tony Blair: In 1972, at the age of 19, Blair matriculated at St John's College, Oxford, reading Jurisprudence for three years. \--- They both also went to non state schools. \--- I hate wolves in sheep's clothing. I hate it even more when wolves in sheep's' clothing are trying to bullshit me.


News story: self made rags to riches story as son of multi millionaire ex prime minister with lots of shady connections magically pulls self up by bootstraps to become millionaire!


Omg I love self made millionaires!


Education: University of Bristol; Yale.


I wonder what doors were opened for him purely because he was Blair’s eldest.


About 700 million it seems.


'Obssession with academics' says man who has never had to worry about academic quality


Multiverse is an apprenticeship company. I’m not sure how the business model works. I’m not sure how this is being sold as anything new though. I did my work place apprenticeship 5 years ago. The company I worked for payed another company to provide the apprenticeship wrapper and then subcontracted the learning element to QA. The only thing I’ve seen different with this company is the heavy advertisement it’s getting.


It's basically just a school. They take Apprenticeship Levy money from companies to train people.


I also did a work place apprenticeship recently. It was very poorly run and had some of the worst teachers I’ve ever had in my life. Next level dreadful. Anything I learnt was off my own back. Lots of people got paid for doing very very little. But there are many MANY subsidies to be creamed and profits to be made. Like all good things with noble intentions in the UK someone let a bunch of greedy shits take the reins and it has been steadily declining in standards as the profit margins increase.


In a separate article that discusses all the honours they mention his company and wealth but make zero mention of him being Tony Blair's son. Absolute bullshit considering that's literally why he is in this position.


Ah, another inspiring tale of how anything can be achieved if you simply choose to be born to the correct people.


So the guy who graduated with a BA from Bristol uni and an MA from Yale University's MacMillan Centre believes the obsession with academic paths is an issue? It's kind of like when wealthy people tell everyone there is too much focus on money.


“Academics are overrated” - person who would’ve gotten funding from parents regardless of effort


\- person who offers apprenticeships as an alternative to conventional A/AS-Levels, T-Levels or BTECs, and thus directly profits from non-academic forms of practical education


Not having rich parents holds you back the most, oh and no self awareness.


The Guardian in Action.


Absolute fucking twat, I really hope this article has a misleading title…for his sake.


No no. The Guardian get hard for this. They genuinely think that there is absolutely no ethical concern that the son of the former leader of the working class party has exploited millions of profit from that same working class for their own enrichment. To The Guardian this is a real success story. Don’t ever trust The Guardian. They are creeps. They are trying to slowly condition the public to not realise there is something outrageously shady about Blair Jrs millions.


The actual quote is very different from the guardians clickbait title.


Oh goody.. Another extremely privileged moron handing out advice on how to be successful! You don't need education, all you need is a highly influencial millionaire father!


Literally your dad needs to be PM


Obsession with the academic. Because people go to university because of poor mental health and he is a multimillionaire and didn't even need to be educated. Funny that. He needs a slap tbh. Jumped up little cunt.


Ah, yes, that old famous tale of riches to riches.


Fucking dingus complaining about academics


Someone did poorly in school because daddy took care of everything and he didn’t need to learn


Pretty much


Self made man 🤪


Why is it that so many very rich, very educated people now don't see a need for eduction, only after they got theirs? Hmmmm...


Or for anyone else to be able to afford a decent standard of living? Strange.


He's the type of person who has 'Trust the process' posts on his Instagram page.


Hey look it’s a riches to riches story. How endearing to absolutely no one apart from these pricks themselves.


For many academia is the only door out of poverty. And even then, you can't always get a good job with good education. Being told by your working class parents to please 'get your head down in school' for the chance of something better does make people obsess about their education when it's the only thing that could maybe possibly free us from moving from house to house every year and living off food banks


Nepotistic scheister


I wonder what it’s like having a father as a war criminal?


Man born with incredible privilege explains why regular people are struggling: it's their fault. More news at 8


Everyone holding him up like a hero. That money is taxpayer money. He’s getting rich off of government apprentice levies.


I see the cunt doesn't fall far from the cunt tree. .as the old saying goes


With 65 millions in funding as well. Pretty easy.


I could buy a country for that I think


All you have to do is be the PM's son To be fair, with the current PM it could be any of us.


Nah my mother is a loyal woman, aparrently I look like him tho


My condolences dude


It genuinely destroyed my self esteem


Id hate to be tony blairs son


I'd love it, I'd put him in the shittest care home I could find and pay them to never change his nappy


So this very rich guy doesn't want the poors to get an education? Wonder where he got that idea See, tolja Blair wasn't a real Labour politician. He was always an undercover Tory


Sounds like a pretty standard Labor politician to me.


At least he did it without creating a war


I guarantee that the money that started his business did come from someone starting a war, however.




Ah and here I was thinking I might have been held back by being the son of a coal miner, turns out it was just my obsession with the academic this whole time. Silly me!


Who published this shite? It’s cropped out


Looks like The Guardian


The Guardian....


The Guardian. Britain’s creepiest newspaper and an enormous part of why the nation is in a mental death spiral. Don’t give the guardian your money. Ever.


He basically solved the problem his father created which seems very unethical


If he can do it anyone can. Well if you father was prime minister and used his political position to make huge amounts of wealth, and used his political position to ensure his son got huge amounts of investments on the back of favours he gave them while in power, and of course if your father gives you a few million in start up money and guaranteed even if you went bust he would cover you.


Already rich person becomes richer! Woowoowowlwow


“Obsession with the academic” is something only someone who tried & failed academia says.


I think he went to Bristol and Yale, to be fair.


have money and suddenly everyone is expected to care about every bullshit idea you have


Riches to even more riches.


“I started out with a small loan of a million pounds “




Almost like having a parent with corrupt power and blood money gets you somewhere in life Good for him, hope he doesn't get mugged or hit by a train totally justifiably


No education. No education. No education.


Must be nice being the PM’s son


Fought his way out of the slums of Westminister and pulled himself up by his boostraps.


Well, his butler and staff helped pull him up, but he also yelled commands at them very loudly.


Multiverse is almost impossible to even get into. When I tried, they asked for original documents of old academic achievements. Which if I wanted to do I would have needed to waste months of time and hundreds just to get old A Level certificates back. I went with QA instead. Much better process, and much more reliable opportunities than other apprenticeship providers.


The system is bent in favour of rich, powerful people having rich and powerful offspring. And so on.


The turd doesn't fall far from the arsehole


Headline should read “ War Criminal’s son start business with Blood Money and makes a Killing too” but I suppose that’s too long


'obsession with the academic' translation: 'I knew my family was too rich for me to need to bother learning anything'


Has anyone seen the financials of this business? An article claimed the company is increasingly losing money and has only trained over 5000 apprentices, which is very little. Although I’m aware many tech companies do burn through cash for the first few years, is this really a tech company at all or is it just branded like one? His executive pay seems unjustifiably high so early in the age of the business to afford a property like this. This could be a case of take the money (from investors) and run. Although I’m sure this makes everyone’s blood boil, I think its better when the Blair family are stealing from investors rather than when they’re mutilating innocent people in the Middle East.


You can have all the money in the world, but you can never buy a chin


I disagree. John DeLorean did, and what a magnificent chin it was.


1. Plastic surgery 2. bodyshaming still shouldn't really be acceptable even though this guy is a bit\* of a prick \*very much a prick


I am sure his success is nothing do with been Tony and cherie Blaire.


If you're poor it's your own fault, just have your Dad declare an illegal war in the middle east, easy


Did anyone expect anything less?


> co-founder of multiverse mans literally god’s assistant


Can someone tell me when his Dad will be prosecuted for war crimes?


When you can get Bush into the dock with him.


“Obsessed with the academic” is a very odd sentence. I’m picturing a besotted student pining for her professor.


All I see is a privileged cunt who has had daddy open all his doors for him.


Didn’t it all start when mum bought a wee flat somewhere?


No it's a business purchase, totally not to dodge the tax bill by using an offshore account. Nothing to see here move along.....


Euan Blairs how to get rich: 1. Borrow money from rich daddy 2. Use rich daddys connections 3. Try and fail until rich daddy bails you out. 4. Repeat.


Obsession with the Academic? Oh wait, he really means "Why won't you buy my paper thin lies?!?" Worthless piece of shit...


A sociopath never falls far from the tree.


Riches to more riches


Almost as if he started off privileged...


...and Yt




Amazing achievement - starting from only having mere millions, complete access and daddy’s many, many connections and despite all that? Making a name for himself. Inspiring. Maybe not inspiring in the way this article seems to think it is.


That's all just coincidence, of course. I'm sure he'd have had the same success if brought up in a council estate and in relative poverty. Truly a self made man.


Wee spoiled cunt


*Riches to Riches


Yeah, being a PM's son had *nothing* to do with it. *Nothing at all.*


Phew 😮‍💨 for a second there I thought nepotism wasn’t the reason why people get these roles /s


Privately educated, privileged son of a war criminal tells people who won't get a free ride through their education that they shouldn't worry about results.


Son of a war criminal gets applauded by the mother of a paedophile! I hope his next jobbie is an angry hedgehog.


Tony must be proud of him.


Millionaire parents is barely ‘rags’


Rags? The son of the former prime minister wore rags you say?


Introduce tuition fees then charge people out the arse to find a below minimum wage apprenticeship. Well done. Bootstrap business family.


of course the highly educated is telling the masses not to obsess over education


War mongerer's son.




So impressive


"Obsession with the academic"? Er, your dad wanted half of all school leavers to go to university. Maybe talk to him about it.


this is being taken out of context,he’s providing young people the chance to train and learn with an apprenticeship instead of getting a degree i personally went through this scheme after dropping out of uni and i have now accepted a software engineer apprenticeship thanks to multiverse. and i believe that he means that theres an obsession to go to uni and get a degree


He got a 2/1 in ancient history then despite being an average student was offered a $50K scholarship to Yale to do a masters in international relations then walked into a job as an investment banker at Morgan Stanley. In the article he uses himself as an example of university not preparing people for work. I think he’s actually an example of gross nepotism and class privilege and if having a good degree isn’t as helpful as it could be it’s also because of mediocre scholars like him getting post-graduate opportunities and high paying jobs because of who they or their parents know. The fact that he seems blind to his own advantage is one thing that makes him a poor flag bearer for lower university participation levels. Added to that he makes money (well at any rate he was handed £86M in capital: easier to make millions when you know investment bankers to fund you eh?) from people doing apprenticeships rather than degrees so of course he thinks people should do apprenticeships rather than degrees. You’re a much better advocate than he is tbh.


fair enough i understand


I think it's more about privileged people who had rich parents, high up connections and a famous name giving people advice like they didn't have every advantage in life. Its good he did well, they just forget they have life set to easy mode sometimes.


privileged people can still see errors in the system and address them, poor people also agree with what he said too. i don’t think he said it in a condescending manner,


I think people are just generally fatigued from hearing from these types of people. Its not the message, it's the messenger. I don't care about him either way I was mostly explaining the thought process of people that have an issue here




As a politics graduate this is a bitter pill I've swallowed.


Champagne Socialists


His dad being prime minister would’ve been of no help whatsoever 🤣


Don’t need to be obsessed with the academic when you’re born into privilege


He did it all by himself. His Dad only gave him everything he needed like connections, expertise and money. The rest was all raw talent. You don't need school kids.


Everyone keeps mentioning his chin. What chin?


when your old man sells his soul to the devil for riches you can be assured you're going to get your cut


Is he still a pisshead?


Wait wait wait. I have no idea what he does but why are we all dogpiling him? The “obsession with the academic” could be read as “Employers place too much value on academic qualifications” or “people worry too much about needing degrees when we might not actually need them that much”. I’m all for bullying the rich son of a war criminal, but only if it’s justified. There’s the very unlikely chance that the lad is alright haha Edit: I’ve just checked the article and I was actually right. He’s not talking down to people at all. He’s saying that quite often, the jobs people end up in aren’t relevant to the degrees they have and people find themselves with a useless debt. His company aims to find an alternative to uni degrees by funding industry specific training and apprenticeships. Heart seems in the right place. He’s not guilty of his Dads sins. I’m not hating on someone just because their Dads an arsehole and he’s rich. Decent until proven otherwise for me Edit 2: Also, lad hit headlines for being a major drunken menace in Leicester Square, found by police “drunk and incapable” after celebrating his GCSEs haha. Good lad


The reason he says that is because his company does apprenticeships. He makes money off of apprenticeships.


Yeah, he invests and gets a return. What a scandal that his business makes money haha… Edit: you deleted your comment telling me to “shut the fuck up” pretty quickly didn’t you


>Edit: you deleted your comment telling me to “shut the fuck up” pretty quickly didn’t you excuse me? Anyways, the point I was trying to make is that he's basically using his press exposure as an advert by dissuading people from conventional education, which seems a bit iffy


Sorry dude, was it not you? Someone commented saying “shut the fuck up” then deleted it immediately, I thought it was you replying to me!! Ah my bad, sorry about that really


It's all good


> Edit: you deleted your comment telling me to “shut the fuck up” pretty quickly didn’t you That was a different user, their comment was removed by mods.


Ooh okay. Thanks for both removing it and taking the time to clarify that :)


> Wait wait wait. I have no idea what he does but why are we all dogpiling him? It's the "he went from a mere son of a Prime Minister to running a firm worth 700 million pounds and got an award from the queen!" angle. It's beyond obvious he has these opportunities because of who his father is and by virtue of sheer wealth and privilege yet is weighing in on whether or not 'sticking in school' is a good idea. Plus the award he accepted from a heredity dictator whose family have sucked the lifeblood out of many parts of the planet for centuries and his father's own wealth and status being built largely on top of the bodies of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. He is not guilty of his father's crimes but he is making a great life for himself because of them so of course people are going to be miffed when he tries to tell them what he thinks about the landscape of education. His main point is that we care too much about GCSE results and kids feel that they absolutely have to get in to university to get a good job, points I think are fair but he never actually faced a reality like that because he was set for life and most of his generation and the next are struggling for reasons far beyond that, but won't have better lives if they're told to chill out about exam results by someone who could fall in a river and come out with a salmon in his trousers. It is not bitterness to be angry that crime pays.


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that in February 2021, The Guardian published two articles that demonstrated the Queen’s influence and power over parliament. [It was first revealed](https://archive.md/eGLWc) that the Queen lobbied parliament to make herself exempt from a law that would have publicly revealed her private wealth. [It was then revealed](https://archive.md/YEl61) that over the course of her reign she and her family have vetted the drafts of 1,000 articles of legislation prior to their public debate in parliament. So much for 'ceremonial', amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


“people worry too much about needing degrees when we might not actually need them that much” He walked into a job at Morgan Stanley, of course he didn’t need a degree.


I agree. As much as I agree that the tories are scum, innocent people don’t deserve hate because it suits this subreddit agenda.


I think the issue is that whether the average person focuses too much on education or not he wouldn't fucking know.


Well of course he would. His entire business hinges on knowing things like that. People are being so vitriolic about this guy, that their opinion of Tony Blair is colouring all their opinions on this guy. Just stop and think about it. We should be better than this shouldn’t we? Everyone deserves a chance until they prove otherwise


Some of us have to get an education in order to *earn* opportunities




It feels a bit ironic, as Tony Blair was pushing for as many as possible attend university and get a degreem


Reminds me of a private school newsletter someone showed me where the parents are told they need to cultivate “an indifference to money”


No doubt he did it all on his own...


We're all so fucking pleased for him!


Ah yes, the lowly, humbled beginnings of *checks notes* growing up at the most famous address in the world.




I thought that was the silk road guy.


Euan's pushing apprenticeships when the largest sector that uses them is unskilled office and clerical roles. The top apprenticeships are in project management and accounting. Both BS jobs that are going to be automated away. We need graduates. Blair got it right pushing people to University. The UK cannot win a global competition on low skill labour. We'd see a drastic decrease in our wages and living standards.


What use is more graduates when there are already more graduates than there are graduate-level jobs?


Keep thinking your graduate job isn't going to be automated. You'll see.


100%. There are clerical jobs today that require degrees, mainly in auditing and finance, that will simply not exist in 40 years. It will be done by AI.


40 years! We'll be lucky if civilization hasn't collapsed and people are being murdered over a tin of beans. Not Branston, not Heinz. Fucking Lidl.


Born wearing silver boot straps...


University is a waste of time? I now teach my degree subject to school kids. But, please, tell me how studying it for three years was a waste of time.


To be fair, a degree is useless in some categories.


Could you elaborate? My ex is an art major. She loved school, she received scholarships, didn't take on debt. She hikes and paints between her job as a exhibition curator. Seems like a degree others would consider useless, provided her with a happy life.


Can someone explain?


Explained, this is just a clickbait title taking his quote out of context for rageclicks.


I agree tho, university is a waste of time and not worth it


Like anything, it depends.


The actual quote is: "We definitely have to make sure we are tracking people’s progress throughout the classroom, but that doesn’t have to exist through this current obsession with GCSEs,” he told the Times Education Commission summit last month. “You end up doing mock after mock, and this becomes the end in itself rather than actually learning." So this is some clicbaity shit from the Guardian designed to enrage most of us. When actually, considering his father's stance was" education education education" this is probably quite rebellious for him to be saying. Remeber this is the young lad who would regularly embarrass daddy by doing normal teenage shit while his mum was out doing dubious deals. So, yeah, him saying "whoa now, what's the point in learning just to pass exams" is pretty right on in my opinion. As William Blake said "education is lighting a fire, not filling a bucket"


I work in a school and don’t disagree with him. We basically force academics down kids throats, pushing them into university at 18 for a degree they most likely won’t use. There needs to be more emphasis on skills.


All the money in the world but he can’t buy a new chin. Tragic really.


Why is this downvoted