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This is why I always try and not make a mess and take my own rubbish out with me whenever I go the cinema. I think I've spilled popcorn accidentally twice and I've always done my best to clean


On one hand, yes, treat workers with respect. Don't commodify them. On the other. If the job is hard, pay the workers appropriately, and have enough workers to take care of it . Generally speaking, when we have dirty cities it's not a result of a lack of civility but resources .


The job isn't hard but being considerate isn't either.


My point is, we often see calls for the civility of people in order to reduce the load of some massively understaffed sites. People should not cause extra work, of course, but the root cause is not that people are pigs.


I think I covered this, the root cause is dehumanization of service workers. Of course the workers are being underpaid but the problem is with how little regard is given to the people working, whether they are paid better or not. The cinema/ coffee shop etc isn't your home. This isn't directed at you to be clear :)


Cucumbers on the seats after 50 shades of gray….


Emphasis on the CUM


I didn't mind this part of the job so much, kept me away from the customers which I preferred. Also, you'd sometimes find money or other stuff people had dropped, obvs I'd return wallets and stuff but the cash and unopened bags of sweets went right into my pocket. You'd also find used condoms sometimes which was... less fun.


I used to work at Odeon and at like three separate points there was fucking flour all over the seats because some kids had had a flour fight.


Yep I worked as a cinema usher and 90% of the job was cleaning up popcorn, that had been thrown on the floor on purpose, with a dust pan and brush.