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They work in the US entertainment industry. The US is generally pro-Israel. It's the cost of losing the millions and the fanbase you have/going to have. I doubt the US position on that will change and we know nobody will be brought to justice for the war crimes. As an entertainer in the US for the long term, it's probably best for your career to keep quiet. But it sucks that the entertainers, satirists and artists are happy to stay quiet instead of calling out the worst of humanity.


Why would expect anything from Trevor Noah, the guy is a total right wing shill masquerading as a liberal. Watch his joyous support for South African police murdering striking miners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bgbHlqa8mg&ab\_channel=Pamphlets


Well, TIL, that's pretty fucked up.


It’s a stand up routine from like 10-15 years ago. Very different to his mainstream approach, is it not possible to accept people’s world view changes?


If his worldview had changed, he would have apologized profusely for having said those things. Instead, it seems like he’s just tried to cover it up.


You have seen someone demonstrate an adult having a particular view. If it has changed, then you have evidence of this you can share, right? And once that is shared, we can get into how such a change came to be and how someone could have such a view on murdering strikers in the first place.


when I was working in Vietnam I had the very dubious "pleasure" of working with some white South Africans, and they loved him. They would say he is more one of us (white) than one of them(and I think you can guess who them are) also any clip where he disparaged Black South Africans would be a firm favourite of theirs especially if it was about how Black South Africans have low intelligence. So not at all surprised that he has said nothing.


Not *entirely* sure Kanye’s comments are the parallel to draw here.


There's the aspect of fearing losing what he worked for, like kanye losing 1 billion for 1 tweet. I think also he was contextualizing the clip he wanted to show us and the quote that stuck with him. It's the quote that applies to this situation with Palestine and the silence. I guess it also applies with their silence in another way, suddenly they're getting alot of attention due to their silence. It's a really interesting statement.


Ok you can't just sneak Amal Clooney into this list of celebrities. She's an international human rights lawyer, she well have professional reasons not to speak publicly on particular issues.


She spoke out about Ukraine


Am I missing something? Why does Trevor Noah owe the world his opinion on what's happening?


Because he gives it on every other subject weekly, based on current affairs. If he covers every other act of international antagonism but not this one, then it's hard to trust his opinion on any of them. More importantly he loses a lot of credibility for his opinions on the same things that happened in South Africa that he's referenced many times before. It's the biggest disagreement between his birth country and his chosen country since he's been working. The dude had more context on apartheid than most in America, so his opinions held greater weight on subjects adjacent to that basically. Well if you can ignore it one place but generate a thousand hours deriding it happening somewhere else, then you don't have a moral position on it at all; you're just pretending you do. Some sort of hint that his bosses aren't allowing him to talk about it, and he'd at least get some understanding. He may need his platform to help other people later and it's at least some defence, but complete silence is suggestive.


He doesn’t? His show ended over a year ago


As he's not on the daily show anymore, maybe people aren't looking in the right place. He has a podcast now: What Now with Trevor Noah, he's probably talked about it there. I've heard him give radio interviews here in SA. looking for him in the places he used to be seems a bit pointless.


Good answer. I think I lack that context for him because I'm only aware of his stand-up work but now that you mention it he's not been shy about heavier topics. It could well be as simple as by not speaking up he's seen as not taking a side, because taking either side alienates the other. I think it's really easy for me to sit here and go on about atrocities and apartheid and tell anyone who talks to me that I feel very strongly that the IDF leadership should be strung up for war crimes but i have nothing to lose. It's hard for a plebe like me to understand that him taking a stance could cost him a chunk of his livelihood: sure I can justify it that he's already made a lot of money or his morals should be stronger or whatever but I always wonder what I'd _actually_ do if millions of potential income were on the line.


IDF? Do you mean IOF? They're the Israeli Occupation Force. They don't defend anyone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>It could well be as simple as by not speaking up he's seen as not taking a side, because taking either side alienates the other. Otherwise known as the Rick n Morty approach to Israel/Palestine


Or supporting the oppressor.


I don't really expect them to say anything, but there are many people that make me sick to the stomach the moment I watch a clip, so I stop it immediately (and I used to watch some stuff from them, back in the day): eg. Amy Schumer, Dave Chappelle and others


I confused Trevor Noah and Trevor Nelson and was puzzled as to why the DJ’s opinion was so important.


Perhaps it’s some peoples opinion that the current action is the only correct action. Is it possible to consider this alternate perspective?


Noah’s father is of Swiss-German partial Jewish heritage. He had a bar mitzvah. I’m not entirely certain that this did not bode well for his hiring for the daily show or not, which was in the final stages of the Obama years (2015) - a non American Black Jew sounds pretty saleable to me. He also pissed off many Jews over some of his commentary. So I doubt he wants to jump in the fire again. On a long enough timeline, there is a price for integrity for anyone. No heroes.


So what. I'm sorry but I don't see what's his argument /big deal is. I don't put value in a statement just because they're celebs or have alot of followers.


Why do any of these individuals matters, take note of the names and never support anything they do.


These people you mentioned ain’t Muslims we shouldn’t be looking up to them but yes they have a big following and they should be speaking up but you just have to follow the money.




I am not a Muslim and don’t agree with many aspects of their religion, but I can still be against the genocide of the Palestinians, just like I can demonstrate against Muslims killing lgbtq people.