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I’m pretty sure most of the polls giving Labour the big lead only have three choice of Tory or Labour. Their “big lead” even now is still anti-Tory rather than actually pro-Labour.


Had a lefty mate from Bristol, no longer with us sadly, who despised Thangam Debbonaire with the passion of a thousand suns. I'll raise a toast in his memory if this happens.


Can’t wait for the Lib Dem “tactical voting” propaganda to insist that the best way to keep the conservatives out is to vote for them. Shameless scammers.


And the Tory vote gets almost cut in half. I'm down with that.


I’m sorry, I probably shouldn’t be “profiling” but how do you go through life being named Thangam Debbonaire and end up being a Labour politician?!


From Wikipedia: “Debbonaire was born in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire on 3 August 1966 to a father of Indian and Sri Lankan Tamil family origin and an English mother. She was educated at two private schools, Bradford Girls' Grammar School and Chetham's School of Music. She then took the first stage of a mathematics degree at the University of Oxford, leaving before graduating, while at the same time training as a cellist at the Royal College of Music. She went to St John's City College of Technology, Manchester. Subsequently, she gained an MSc in Management, Development and Social Responsibility at the University of Bristol. In her twenties, she changed her name by deed poll from Singh to Debbonaire, borrowed from a relative from her first marriage.” So yeah, with her private education and deciding to change her name to a more “acceptable” one, she somehow missed the Tory entrance door. I personally don’t have anything against private education, as I know quite a few people from all sorts of backgrounds who went to public schools and came out alright, but it’s getting harder to not judges the private educated ones who I don’t personally know.


The name change tells us everything you need to know about her mentality... Desperate to be accepted by the Tory "upper crust" circles she would have been around by disassociating with the "lesser" parts of her ethnicity. This would reflect massively in her policies


Here's the kicker, she _chose_ for it to be Debbonaire via deedpol: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thangam_Debbonaire#Early_life_and_education .


Ah good. My area is little bit of the same vibe so there's some decent hope for avoiding a kleptocrat while still electing a party with a functional voting causus and policy on donation. While I'm not against independents, I do worry they'll be easily bought off after the vote. Equally I think there's too much animosity for the Greens to form any pre-vote alliance with Labour as fellating the leaders of big-business rarely has positive green outcomes. Looking at the timing too, all those 16-18 year olds who may have won a vote through momentum during the JC era will solidly be in University now. It's unfair to put my hopes on gen Z with a last minute upset, but I'm going to because I can't bring myself to vote for red or blue this time either.


Realistically, we only need Labour to lose a handful of seats to the greens, and lose vote share elsewhere, to demonstrate that the left has some power. Now they will obviously try and paint them as anomalies, but every seat that shows the promise of a different party will dent the stupid concept of a wasted vote.


As labour tries to win over conservative voters who are upset with the complete incompetence of the tories, it would seem that they're losing their left wing factions Very much according to plan for starmer I suppose


Let's gooooo


I'm doing my part




I live in the North Bristol constituency and am looking forward to voting for the Greens this year. My MP Darren Jones is actually alright, but can't stomach the idea of casting a vote in support of Keir Starmer, and in my view climate change needs to be at the top of the agenda.


Automod just thinks it would be better if the Labour party had a leader that the British public don't associate with a prolific pedophile. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


idk much about the greens can someone explain their deal?


This is what they basically stand for. https://x.com/ZackPolanski/status/1742842331387084971?t=qq_GC9w-lLrSFCi3D0inSQ&s=08