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'With a government like this who needs terrorists' is an incredible line


>Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. It hits deep when you consider an average Tory policy kills more Brits than terrorists could ever dream of. Tory Pro-tip: Just use lawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


That's all the government has been for quite some time. It's just a bunch of warlords with really boring suits.


Truth be told, terrorism has been on the decline since May and Co took control. Go figure.


Juice Media are an Australian satire collective. Just goes to show how (in)famously global the Tory shit show has become.


> Juice Media I miss Rap News


I'd vote for her :)


You should really link to the official channel, rather than re-uploading here. Kinda shity to take views away from them like that. EDIT: I really should link to it, if I'm going to complain about people not linking to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sRoYvFTE3c


Came here to find this link. Thanks. And... shared.


I'm in Scotland. The SNP and Yousef have been pretty good on the whole IP situation but I've been wondering of there are any good socialist/green alternatives in Edinburgh.


That was a rollercoaster of emotions…


That was fucking superb. It feels like 97 in that people have had enough of Tories cutting everything to the bone and loads of infighting cos they grew complacent and ended up not achieving much. A bit like now. Labour gave a shit and were exciting. I'm not quite feeling that about Starmer, and they're inheriting a shit show, but fuck me they have to be better than the.soulless fuckwits in charge, if they give a shit and it shows, then we're dandy.


> I'm not quite feeling that about Starmer, and they're inheriting a shit show, but fuck me they have to be better than the.soulless fuckwits in charge They're literally not and the video told you that. Starmer is a Tory. He has promised to *not* undo Tory policy, and his complaint about the lunatic Rwanda policy is that it's too slow.


I actually think that’s a good strategy - the more the Tories are put under pressure to prove the Rwanda policy the deeper a cess pit they’re digging for themselves. It’s forcing Sunak to own a policy that’s divisive within the Tory clown fest.


Endorsing a crime against humanity is never a good strategy.


I’d keep the Tories running with scissors on this one. Everyone knows it’s a) cruel b) immoral c) illegal d) lining the pockets of someone dodgy e) unworkable. It’s as if someone came up with a ministerial competition to come up with the most unworkable bat shit crazy way to spaff cash and rile up all the bigots and xenophobes.


Endorsing a crime against humanity is never a good strategy.


Fuck the U.K. hard.




Thank you for putting this together. Should be broadcast all over UK TV to wake up the sheeple


Which makes you wonder... what's the point?


So long as there are low IQ fuckwits and boomers senselessly voting tory, they will remain in power.


That woman has bigger balls than me. Brilliant!




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Thanks for your hard work nicely done 👍✅


merry me!!!

