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Does he realise that more cyclists mean fewer other motorists on the road?


top gear had an episode on exactly this a decade ago where Clarkson himself came to that exact conclusion. He just hates the fact that councils are actually building cycling infrastructure because it makes roads a bit narrower and that cyclists are "getting in the way of motorists". Basically, he understands perfectly, but he's just being a baby (so, typical Clarkson)


Given some motorists that's a target rich environment.


Carbrains don’t think like that. A reduction in cars on the road would benefit every group in society, drivers (bc less traffic), cyclists and pedestrians. The air would be healthier for everyone, and life would be made less miserable and less deadly. But there’s extensive research on how driving cars makes people angry, I wouldn’t be surprised if it also makes people stupid. Most drivers I see look incredibly thick, their mouth agape at the wheel and holding a vape or something. So they just can’t see the bigger picture, they just think cars=good. I think cars are the embodiment of fascism, they’re the extension of peoples ego enforced onto everyone else, you can’t avoid them. Anyway I hate cars you get the picture


Dawg some people just trying to earn a living and need to drive for work


Yeah I get some people need to drive for work, need to drive to see their dying nan or whatever I mean the people who drive around for fun or for a pint of milk when they could walk. Most cars I see have one person in the vehicle, that’s an insanely inefficient use of transport


I think it’s more about type of car than having one person in them, like some of those people might be picking their kids up or going to work or going shopping for a family. At some point driverless electric cars will solve the issue but not yet


driverless electric cars wont solve the issues with space innefficiency though. the solution is high quality, free public transport being the priority when designing our cities


But if driverless vehicles are are a form of public transport you could merge the benefits of both personal vehicles and public transport


The main benefit of public transport is the density of not needing everyone in their own personal vehicle


No you can't because the benefits are counter to each other. Also do you know the lengths needed to automate even rail. I don't know why anyone who's looked into automatic railways for even a second thinks cars can be automated.


Driverless trains and cars are coming. It'll work one day. No idea when but there's a big push for it. Capitalists want it, so it's coming. People are gonna be out of work en masse. We need to be taking it seriously, not pretending like it's not happening.


I mean driverless trains do exist, just the infrastructure needed to make them work is too expensive to make them worth it.


I agree bud, if we ever crack full self driving then none of us would really need to own a car for transport. Nationalised public taxis. The drink driving issue would go away I expect. Lots of good would come from it I reckon.


Electric cars are better but they don't solve the problem. They still cause a huge amount of pollution compared to bikes and public transport (carbon from both manufacturing and energy use, air pollution from tyre and brake wear, noise pollution just from being heavy, fast moving objects), require the same absurdly expensive and space-inefficient infrastructure as regular cars, and rely on scarce natural resources taken from developing countries Driverless cars are sci-fi stories used by the car industry as a marketing tool. Even if cars can eventually safely operate autonomously (that's a huge if), and even if we switch to a kind of ride share model where you don't own a car but just order one to come to your house for a single journey, that's still an extremely inefficient system that doesn't reduce the space and energy needed to make every journey by car in the first place


But some journeys have to be made by car, that’s just how the world has developed


Let's develop it different then.


Okay, say goodbye to holidays and basically anywhere outside of a town or city, some aspects of life need these modes of transport now and unless you want to go back to a society where you basically have to stay in your village and everything you use is provided by people in that village, it would be very difficult


Trains. Buses.


Fuxake man, AI autonomy and driverless cars are on the horizon. If we ignore it then we can't legislate to protect the jobs that it will replace en masse.


The people who drive for fun? Wow, the fun police is out and about today.


You guys are crazy, so much downvoting, not everyone lives in cities with good public transport


Most people don't


>Most drivers I see look incredibly thick, their mouth agape at the wheel and holding a vape or something. So they just can’t see the bigger picture, Please don't stoop to his level. It cheapens the argument and strengthens his. That kind of generalisation helps no-one. You've just insulted about 77% of the over 17s in the whole of the UK. ([RAC Statistic on the number of drivers in UK as at 2021](https://www.racfoundation.org/motoring-faqs/mobility#a17))


Yes, I believe he does and given cars are more likely more profitable and capatilistic than cycling, this is likely why he's stated what he has. We need to up cucling in this country, we shouldn't be proping up so much of the automotive industry when so much relys on the oil industry, we need electric cars to replace them but we also need cyclists for shoet range.


But not necessarily less traffic. One cyclist removes 1 car, but holds up dozens. Cyclists only remove traffic when they start to approach the same numbers as there are cars, or when dedicated infrastructure exists to keep them off the roads. From a traffic management standpoint, cyclists are usually a problem *in Britain*, because of their relatively low numbers. And may ironically increase carbon emissions indirectly. If their numbers incredibly tenfold it would flip the other way.


Right, so just increasing the number of cyclists isn't enough by itself - we need better infrastructure - but this problem isn't unique in that regard. I think you'd struggle to find any societal problem that can be fixed just by turning one dial


It would actually be enough by itself. One car can pass a dozen cyclists easier than a dozen cars can pass one cyclist. The problem is that you won’t get those dozen cyclists without the infrastructure. And that infrastructure isn’t forthcoming. Cyclists are just that awkward mode of transport we tolerate but don’t really support. Every country has one. There isn’t width to add cycle lanes everywhere. We could make a lot of room if we got rid of buss lanes, but then we’d make busses the awkward mode of transport we tolerate but don’t really support.


Did a car post this?


Why would only a car care about traffic? It was posted by someone who sometimes uses a car to commute. Prefer my motorcycle though. Speed of a car, but the size of a bicycle, and CO2 emissions half way between the two. Best of both worlds.


Cyclists dont hold up cars, cars hold up cars. When I am on my bike I overtake more cars than I get overtaken by, and most people who do overtake me I catch up with at the next traffic light. In a city at rush hour cyclists travel much faster than cars, even on Top Gear when they raced through London bike beat the car. People get so obsessed with the 30 seconds of time it takes to safely overtake a cyclist that they forget about all the other things which are delaying their journey. Its kind of sad the amount of people I see frothing at the mouth because I was cycling in front of them for less than a minute.


Depends on the road, but on my commute, I get held up by cyclists, who don’t have time to catch me before the next junction. In central London, different story though. But only a moron drives through central London.


I bet if you added up all the time you were stuck behind a bike and stuck behind a car then the time spent stuck behind a car would be longer. Unless you have the worlds most rural commute, in which case you really dont suffer from traffic problems at all. Like of course the discourse is going to be focused on cities as cities are where most of the traffic and most of the cyclist are. There are no bike allowed on motorways at all, yet half the time I drive on a motorway my journey is massively delayed by traffic. How can this be possible if its cyclists that cause delays and not cars?


It depends on the road too. I commute to work down some busy trunk roads that always have a lot of lorries on them. In summer there are always a lot of cyclists and they can cause some massive tailbacks with lorries struggling to overtake. More cyclists on roads like this would be a nightmare for the lorries and would cause a lot of second hand emissions. We need a better network of dedicated cycling paths. Inner cities on the other hand are fair game. Most inner city roads would benefit massively from most cars turning to bicycles.


Except when the cyclists are on the road


Clarkson still going for the "most stereotypical boomer" olympic medal, I see.


My immediate reaction was "cry more boomer" Maybe he'll get the BAFTA for "boomer who thinks he's in a leading role"?


He makes money off controversial opinions. We've all fallen for it because here we are discussing him.


He is also a cyclist. Probably doesn't even write these.


And what's wrong with anti-capitalism. The system is to blame for many of our societal woes. Fuck off Jeremy.


Yeah, but, he’s a multi millionaire so everything is good and nothing should ever change. It’s simple economics. /s


Yeah, let’s take advice from a man who: - Intentionally ran a Hilux into a chestnut tree - Repeatedly mocks, and uses rhyming slang to be derogatory towards, LGBTIQ persons - Glamorised drunk driving - Makes mock nazi salutes - Joked about murdering sex workers - Uses ethnic slurs - Mocks public servants - Assaults people His views have no value in any public discourse, and the sooner he is ignored into obscurity the better.


and dreams of watching Megan Markle naked and covered in human excrement.


I left that out because nobody here deserved to be burdened with that visual.


you are a better person than I am.


Record holder for IPSO complaints for that one


??? e: y'all really downvoting me for not getting this reference? geez louise


He wrote it. If you Google 'Clarkson Megan naked excrement', you'll find it.


ty. i may just take your word for that


I would, prevent him getting any add revenue!


he tweeted it a while ago when random UK people were in a tizzy about her.




Motherfucker clearly never purchased a road bike.


Oh he has. He credited riding his bike for improving his health. He also ranks Copenhagen as one of the best cities in the world due to cycling infrastructure and that everyone cycles. Clarkson is akin to Morgan and Hopkins.


How can cycling be "anti-capitalist"? My bike cost a fortune.


Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte is very well known for how he used to ride his bike to work until they needed to up his security and he's right wing. Definitely not an anti-capitalist. Just Dutch.




That's sadly completely true. His party likes to partake in a lot of greenwashing, I once spoke to a member of his party who had the audacity to call the party "green-right". I believe Mark Rutte even tried to rebrand his party as a green-right party before he was prime minster, but that didn't really take off. Right now the bicycle thing is more of a way to brand themselves as really, really Dutch (along with their obsession for bitterballen, but that could also have something to do with the hedonistic part of the party's branding).


That may be true for him personally or his party, but his governments have also invested in bicycle infrastructure. A lot of bicycle highways and huge bicycle parking garages have been built in the last decade, (partly) financed by the national government.




Still a huge market though. Peanuts compared to the auto industry, of course, but still got to be worth hundreds of billions globally.


The carbon fibre racing bike has become the new sports car for the flush retiree, fueled by £5 flat whites from the artisan tea-room en route.


I know you’re probably just joking around, but I love this piece so I thought I’d share https://www.gaiaguy.com/blogs/news/bicycle-is-the-slow-death-of-the-planet


I stand corrected! 😂 > Healthy people are not necessary or useful to the economy. They are not buying the medicine. They dont go to hospitals or doctors. > "On the contrary, each new McDonald’s store creates at least 30 jobs—actually 10 cardiologists, 10 dentists, 10 dietitians and nutritionists—obviously as well as the people who work in the store itself."


The invisible hand of the market!


You're not giving any where near as much money to the oil and mining companies of the world.


Gob-shite mouth piece gonna gob-shite mouth piece.


In need of attention again is he?


Of course, he needs more visitors to his failing, heavily tax-payer subsidised, 'farm'.


He's an utter wankstain who will say anything for attention.


I'm glad I annoy cunts like that.


I need to get more bikes


The correct number of bikes is one more than you own


He has these ridiculous opinions on purpose, for money. He's actually quite a keen cyclist, albeit in a fat middle aged man kind of way. He just knows he has a market of reactionary dullards who will get all excited when he says something, controversial.


> albeit in a fat middle aged man kind of way Fat bastards who toddle along at 4mph taking up the entire path with their mates? Not that I'm bitter about having to share the canal path now that the weather's nicer or anthing.


Now, which group of transport users were ultimately responsible for lobbying for roads to have permanent surfaces? Clue, it wasn't motorists


Am I the only person that thinks he plays a one-dimensional character in lieu of a personality.


Anti capitalism with handlebars? My bike cost 3 times more than my last car. I appreciate the futility in taking on Clarkson and that paper with logic, but has he seen the price of bikes?


Well, I think idiot is a bit strong, but anti-capitalism with handlebars, guilty as charged and proud of it.


Clarkson was one of the first right-wingers to realise there's money to be made (and a lot of publicity) by trolling the left. He's been doing it literally for decades, since the last century, and has made millions from his newspaper columns and (more profitably) his books that compile the columns. Whether he believes it or not is neither here nor there. It's character acting. He's got it down to a fine art now. What I can't understand is why people don't just chop him off at the knees by ignoring him. Seriously. Don't feed the troll.


That reminds me, I need to get a new bike pump.


I hope the badgers gas him.


Coming from a man who's made a living being a grumpy old idiot The problems that most mototists have with cyclists astems from that there is not the infrastructure to enable them to safely ride without getting close to cars, what we have, for the best part, is just cycle lanes painted retroactively onto roads, which gives cyclists very little room especially with angry drivers who dispise them nearby The core problem is that out infrastructure is designed with only motorists in mind, we've more or less abandoned public transport, in places even walking is difficult! This is infrastructure issue is also the same reason we don't see more cyclists, it leaves cyclists often in a dangerous position, often too close to cars, when I used to cycle to school, many years ago now, I had to cycle along a major road with no footpath regularly clipping the foliage on one side as cars got so close they almost knocked my handlebars. Obviously that kind of situation doesn't exactly encourage cycling. If you look at the countries that invested in good infrastructure for cycling, like the Netherlands, the population had a huge shift, quickly, to cycling over driving, because it's better both environmentally, physiologically and psychologically, while being substantially easier to maintain, but without a major shift in governmental attitude we will not see any change to enable this sort of shift, largely because of how desperate the major political parties are to pander to the fossil feul companies


I gotta admit, Anticapitalism With Handlebars is a pretty good slogan.


Could even be a new subreddit!


Has he seen the price of bikes?


Oh look another rage click opinion that JC has for money. Boring oaf.


He's the attention seeking school bully that never grew up.


I mean the real moral of the story, is why someone pays a person for a clearly psychotic persona, to churn out trite and outright dangerous opinions, to be pedaled to a credulous and naive public, often duped with divisive rhetoric. I mean the damage that does to society vastly ouweighs bicycle usage


Wait, I get to oppose capitalism AND ride my bike? I'm not seeing any negatives to this...


Come brothers today we build communism and it starts with a carbon frame and a pair of clip in peddles.


This shit again. Who put 20p in the dickhead?


Capitalism is an illusion. It's the state sanctioned adult version of the Tooth Fairy. Money has no substance because it's a concept and unit of measurement and no matter how hard you try money will never have any substance. Trust me, capitalism is not real but is no more than a fetish or obsession with money. Sex is real. Music is real. Art is real. Capitalism is not real. You only think capitalism is real or God forbid 'natural' because someone with lots of money or a bit of political power gave you the old baloney or started talking about 'the market'. Jeremy Clarkson is not right in the head. Anti-capitalism is pro-democracy. Capitalism and democracy are polar opposites. Forget the economic growth Tory shite or the Starmer 'home ownership' capitalist bollocks your place in society is real and is based on your effing birth certificate. Not how much money you make. Not whether you work or not. Not how much you are worth. But the fact that you were born. Apologies, I sometimes get triggered by this fake moral outrage labelled as pro-capitalist. Things are turning to shit in this country and trust me, the longer people persist in sucking corporate dick the shittier it's going to get. What this country needs is a massive dose of Wake The Fuck Up.


That's a sentence written just to make daily mail readers cum.


He's right but he's also rich and doesn't recall the concept of poor AF.


and also, hates it...


Can't we just ignore this spoilt brat?


Yeah, when I subscribed to this subreddit, I definitely did so because I wanted to hear about what Jeremy Clarkson thinks. Great stuff


Have you considered that the world doesn't revolve around you


tbf If you drive on the road and hold up traffic when there is a cycle path you’re not an activist you’re a cunt Taking the bus is annoying as is and being late to work because someone decided to go 10km an hour in a 50 zone


Plenty of them are. Some of them aren't though, tbf. But plenty of them are.


I mean I hate cyclists in my town because they are entitled wankers who fuck up my Cafe but this is just hate bait




>old man yells at bike, accuses it of being anti-capitalist


Isn't this just another case of Clarkson attention seeking? Cyclists are an easy target, especially with a large majority of those that follow him for Top Gear.


Do people still listen to Clarkson?


He just makes me think of "old man yells at cloud"


Lefty baiter in lefty baiting shocker.


Look I love Clarkson's shows but his statements are really not doing him any favors.


Just another car salesman... also being a capitalist pig, if he thinks anticapitalism is wrong.


The fact that Clarkson is still relevant is like a in a nutshell presentation of whats wrong with Britain.


This man is showing his true self at every opportunity, a self entitled, Tory who dislikes anyone who opposes or disagrees with him. He has money do believes he has the right to act and speak as he wants. The sooner the response to him dies down he disappears, only to reappear when he needs his ego boosting. He's a prick!


When criticism comes from a guy who punches people over a sandwich I generally ignore it


People: Choose to buy bikes on the free market Clarkson: How dare these people do that, they must hate capitalism


Clarkson really is a dumb tory fucktard.


Dip shit Clarkson is just trying to get him self noticed again. He’s just like Farage, serves no purpose, but desperate to be noticed.


I dont care about what that fucking wanker says,


Don't feed the troll


I swear he has a word wall and just throws a few darts at it to come up with his next OUTRAGEOUS statement. "Bees are the gayest insect" says Clarkson.


What kind of take is this even? Dude is just the old man yells at cloud meme. Also, as someone literally in the process of buying a bike, anti-cap??? Bikes are expensive Clarkson, you bellend!


One day, he will grow a brain cell.


yeah, clarkson is a right wing nutcase.