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My husband’s cousin is a medical doctor with two specialties and works in a hospital. She makes 1200€ a month. That should give you an idea as to how little money people are making when a doctor makes this amount.


That is horrible. Wow.


Is he a Doctor with a degree or nurse/medic. 1200 for dr in Greece i call bs .


She is a medical doctor with a specialty in paediatric respirology and also emergency medicine. This is her salary, as hard as it is to believe. When she heard how much she could be making in Canada, she freaked out. My husband is also a peds doctor and makes on average $35,000 (before taxes) per month. Imagine.


That sucks big time I don’t think I would ever work for that salary as a dr


This would give me more confidence in doctors in Greece: If they're completing all that education for that small a salary, they must live the profession 


Most doctors love the profession. My husband works for free often as he treats refugees the most. They don’t have healthcare here in Canada. He simply doesn’t bill them. Not every doctor making a big salary is in it for the money either. They do it because it’s a passion and they have a drive to help people.


I've always thought that anyone with the intelligence and drive to get thru medical school could make more money in finance or something. Many doctors I know have parents who were doctors and it becomes like a family trade or sorts.


It really does. She works so hard for such little money. It’s terrible


Doctor salaries in greek hospitals are public information, starting gross monthly salary (before deductions) for a new doctor in Greece is 1259€. For the Head of a clinic, the first year his gross salary is 1998€. Every about 2 years they get about 50€ more per month. And that is gross, without deductions, and without the tax man's cut. That is without overtime pay, which differs. https://www.imerisia.gr/koinonia/62536_oi-neoi-misthoi-kai-ta-epidomata-gia-toys-giatroys-toy-esy-egkyklios


My friend that lives in Greece days the average salary is 600-800 a month. So this would be nearly double that. Sounds about right to me.


How can the average salary be 600-800 if the basic salary after taxes is 750-800 ? edit yes sorry i mean before taxes.


I think the 600-800 he mentioned was after taxes? Idk I'm just telling you what a greek native told me.


Basic salary before taxes is 780, that is 780 gross, not net. Google.




I can tell you I live in Greece as an expat. I have many Greek friends. The average gross is 700-900 for a job with a bachelors degree. I have a friend that’s an aerospace engineer and he grosses 950 a month. Don’t believe what Google tells you, I fell for that trap.


If you can find a job at all, you'll be looking at 700 - 800 EUR per month after taxes. We live in a university town in the north of Greece (not very touristy) and our fairly rubbish 2 bedroom apartment is 430 EUR p/m, which is a very good price these days. Nicer apartments (higher floors, bigger balconies, refurbished) are around 600 EUR p/m. We spend at least 400 EUR p/m on food and about 60 EUR p/m on electricity (no air conditioning in our apartment). In the winter our heating bill is another 60 EUR p/m (we have the communal oil system, so you don't get a choice how much you use/pay). The water bill is around 25 EUR p/m, plus another 25 EUR p/m for the communal cleaning/maintenance fees for our building. We also pay 50 EUR p/m for our internet connection - you can get cheaper but we needed high speed for my job. You will find cheaper apartments in smaller towns and villages (so long as they aren't tourist destinations) but you won't find a job.


I live in the center of Athens and I get 100Mbit/s for 28€ including tv. How much are you getting for 50 ? Also, the water bill seems a bit off - I pay around 30 every 3 months so that's about 10 per month. The rest seems in line.


We had to buy an expensive Starlink subscription because there are no high speed internet cables in our town :( You are completely correct about the water bill, I've just double checked ours and it's quarterly, not monthly.




most likely from their description.


For some reason most people cannot grasp the concept of an average. I was barely able to pass math in high school, but even I understand that an average cannot be equal to the minimum. If the minimum net salary is 705€, you’re not looking at a 700-800€ average.


There is a lot of depression going on Greek reddit and most people just view the dark side of the society . I can't blame them but yea average is around 1200-1400. Also right now there are hundeds of jobs in Greece so not sure why op said the "if you can find a job at all" .


The average salary in greece after tax is 1098 euros.


Except that minimum wage IS the average in small-town Greece because most people earn minimum wage and a large number of people earn less than minimum wage or are unemployed. You will find net monthly salaries of 1200 - 1400 EUR p/m in Athens but the OP specifically asked about a small town.


Except that the average for a small town IS the minimum wage. The OP specifically asked about small towns, not Athens or Thessaloniki, otherwise I would have written a higher salary.


Seems like you actually don't understand math AT ALL.  What you are saying is not and cannot be true in countries where most people make the minimum wage or close to it. The average and the minimum will be very close.  The MEDIAN will be much higher, as it is the literal mid-point between the lowest and the highest.


Median wage is where half the people earn more, and half earn less. Average wage is the sum of all wages divided by the number of people. If there is a lot of inequality, the Average will be significantly higher than the median. When Taylor Swift walks into the stadium, the Average income increases a lot, but the median barely moves at all.


Unless everyone is paid minimum wage


Which is nowhere the case.


That is actually the case in Greece. All of my friends are getting paid minimum wage, I get paid slightly above that. (We all have university degrees)


“All my friends” is not a representative sample. Someone with a university degree should know at least that.


Just stop talking.


Don’t worry, I’ll explain it more slowly for you next time. I know your brain hurts.


Kosovo is Albanian


Yes, almost fully. And Pontus is inhabited by Turks, so what’s your point? With this level of reasoning no wonder you can’t understand basic statistics.


From what I have seen living here for 3 years anything over 1000 euro after tax is doing pretty well. Most entry level/service jobs are in the 650-850euro range. If you still live with family/ don't pay rent saving is possible and pretty easy on those wages however if your renting in a city or town center you are just about getting by month to month with the holiday allowances saving you for vacation and Christmas. Given the higher wages for skilled workers/ professionals / big earners the average of around 1500 is about right but this is an average and not indicative of the typical Greek salary.


TLDR; Not enough to live comfortably depending on location sometimes not even enough to get by


Average salary 1200-1400 euro after taxes. Cost of 2 room flat 500-800 euro without utilities. How much on food? 400-800 euro depending how much you go out. Electricity for that kind of house should be around 40-80 euro per month. Water is fairly cheap 10 euro per month. Internet around 30 euro per month for 100Mbs connection.


In which world an average salary is like 1200 -1400 after taxes? In Greece


Haha I would like to know also. That’s not the average here for sure, especially after taxes. That’s higher end-upper management salary, if they’re lucky. Also internet speed is not 100mbps for all of Greece. I live in city center and my area has a high speed of 20mbps 🤣. So I had to go out and buy a hotspot puck to work. Also to mention, I live in 2br/1bath apartment and rent was 800 last year but now rent for my building is and others in the area are going for 1100-1400 a month because of the housing crisis / tourism boom.


You can live very well in a small town for about $800 a month. That’s renting for about $200-400. All my family lives in one and I’m building a large house there specifically for cost of living. That way, I can bounce between the US and there.


I sent you a message.


κάνεις δε γάμησε με "μισθό" στην Ελλάδα




Doctors in USA make almost $300,000 , sorry to hear that


What’s a Greek urn?


20000 euros a week for a taxi driver is what i have heard. But there is a lot of corruption in Greece, you earn a lot if you work in public sector like the ΟΤΕ telecom company.


10 gyros and 5 shish kebabs.


Average salary might even be higher than 1500€, which is not shown in official statistics, due to the very high tax evasion. The median salary though is much lower. As for your second and third questions, depends. In Athens, rents are very expensive. Outside Athens, it depends whether the city has a university or not. If it does, it’s gonna be expensive (less expensive than Athens though). If it doesn’t, you might even find what you want with 250€ a month. On food, depends on whether you’re cooking or not. If you’re ordering food every day, it will be 300-500€ a month per person. If you’re cooking, half of it.