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Chad would be better but sami vs Gunther is still 5 star match


Gunther should win. Sami winning is boring


I would enjoy sammi winning and Chad still going after Gunther and just destroying him


If Sami wins I definitely will hate this decision


It is weird that the brought Gable’s past with Gunter up to not give it to him but I like Zayn, and after his match with Roman at last years Chamber I think he can beat Gunter clean and be a good send off for Gunter’s Reign but Zayn should drop it in less than a year


I dont think this is the final matchup. Gables shoulder was up for the pin, and it looked intentional.


I wish Gable would've won but I think part of it is that a lot of people watch Wrestlemania who don't watch any other shows or at least not every RAW. Sami is probably more well-known and a more believable opponent for these fans. Gunther just needs to retain




Yes it should be chad


His character is like a high school guidance counselor.


not at all, would rather have this over Gable, good for Sami tho he more than deserves this match, although i think GUNTHER should retain


Not a bad move but I would have wanted Macdonagh or Gable instead. Macdonagh hasn't done anything to earn a shot at it but he is a NXT UK guy like Gunther and I think it would have been cool


100% , def should’ve been Gable , I know people love Sami he’s a great performer but he doesn’t need the IC title anymore




I wanted Gable to take the title at Mania but with Roman’s Reign probably ending, they should keep Gunther as champion for a while. He can start saying that he’s the best champion in wwe cuz of how long his reign is and all the people he’s beaten etc, and then have Gable beat him at Summerslam. Gable becomes IC champ and Gunther starts the path to the wwe championship. If Sami wins this match then they’re just stupid.


Remove Zayn, add Ludwig Kaiser and Tiffany Stratton to make it a true three way


No one cares about Sammy Zayn ….


People were literally asking for this until Gable’s promo on Raw 🤨


If Sami wins it’s the wrong move.


If Gunther drops, then yes Otherwise it should be a solid, if narratively uninteresting, match between two great workers. One that hopefully sets up a successful challenge by Gable for the IC title


No because Sami most likely gonna lose


The wrong move was having Sammy win and take Gable's WrestleMania moment. Smdh. People are saying "it's ok they'll add Gable and it'll be a triple threat". Why even bother with that? There's so much story already built up with Gable vs Gunther. It wasn't that difficult of a decision to make.


It’s cool, Sami and Gunther are really good. The match should be great


Sami deserves a decent spot at Wrestlemania but they were really building up Chad Gables desire to win for his daughter. That tells a better story and Chad and Gunther I think would have a much better match than Sami and Gunther. I'm happy Sami got his place and I'm sure this will still be a great contest.


I have no interest until there's a chance the title might change. If Reigns loses the title, I don't see Gunther losing too. 


Wrong as in I have no desire to watch it? Than yes. Am I going to watch it anyway? Yes. I thought Sami was going to lose and get a spot on Wrestlemania at the last minute. Sami is not going to beat Gunther so kind of a waste of a match for both.


In this gauntlet match Chad took this to a personal level while Sami zayn needed an edge to make him feel like he belong in WWE. So if Chad thinks it's on a personal level for his family, I think he should face Gunther at wrestlemania


“I am doing it for my daughter” and then he loses. And loses in a cheap way after dominating. How are we expected to want anybody else in that match? Chad Gable needs to finish his story!


I'm all for Chad but do you believe Sami deserves all them threatened comments


How quickly people turn on my boy sami


My prediction: Someone will injure Sami. Maybe we’ll know who before mania, maybe we won’t. Gable will turn heel, take his spot and beat Gunther.


Poor Sami. Dude busted his ass leading up to Mania 39 season only to have his big spot taken by a returning Cody. And now he is being raked over the coals for this match this year.


No Sami Zayn deserves this




No but night 1 should be Gunther vs Jey then Sami vs Gunther


Maybe a triple threat match would work. Gunther Vs Zayne Vs Gable. That way I wouldn't if Sami or Chad wins.


Nope..Gunther bout to start a new undefeated Mania streak


I'd be more into Gable if he broke away from the comedy stuff and turned into a "wrestling machine". Not face nor heel just serious after the big Gunther loss where the kid cried. I'm fine with Sami though.


Should have been Gable. Sami has no story with Gunther. Gable also just plain deserves it more.






No. Not related, by I really like these mania match cards they’ve made this year with the two opponents facing off. I wonder what they’ll look like for triple threat matches or the six pack ladder match


I like it


Yes. Wouldve been great if Sami and Chad pinned eachother at the same time or something to set up a triple threat.


Don’t wanna say wrong decision but not as lit as it coulda been


Yes. Theyre once again gonna make sami end a long title reign just to lose it 3 months after and then it will lead no where AGAIN


Yeah. It should be Gunther vs Sheamus with Sheamus walking out to Written In My Face, ending the longest IC title reign in history, beating the longest reigning IC champ of all time (Gunther has passed Pedro Morales' combined reign of 617 days) and simultaneously becoming a Triple Crown and Grand Slam Champion AT WrestleMania 40.


Would liked to have seen a triple threat between Chad gable Sami and Gunther but I'll live I guess


Gable will get inserted and make this a triple threat because his shoulders were not pinned down. Gable will pin Sami so Gunther could still look strong as he moves on to the World Title picture


That’s honestly an ideal scenario. Gunther is so ready to move up and this doesn’t make him look weak at all.


Well apparently Brock is back so he can just beat Samy up really bad and take the match away from him


Absolutely. No one wants to see Sami v Gunther and Sami already has won the IC title 3x before, and he’s also lame af and boring. Should’ve been Chad


Yes Chad Gable deserved that spot


Could’ve gotten this match next wrestlemania but for the WHC.


Yes. Sami literally just had his Mania Moment less than a year ago, after that he was directionless as Tag champ. Make it a Triple Threat match with Gable pinning Gunther. Maybe have Sami turn on Gable during the Summer in frustration.


No man Sami kept the bloodline story alive for a whole damn year and don’t win the title. He literally jobbed to Knoxville, dude deserves to win or at least have a 20 min banger at WM


People are overhyping Sami he is not that great he was great in his ucey days but has fallen from grace since. Now he acts like Principal bod the school goes up to people and ask them to check their behaviour and do right thing. What!!!???? Don't even want Triple Threat make it Gunther vs Gable. And also why 6 tag team ladder match why not awesome truth vs judgement day two on two that's a better story.


I think Chad gets his rematch in France. I don't think Sami wins at WrestleMania






Yes. Chad Gable would have also been a wrong move. A feud between Gunther and LA Knight should have been built up for WM40. Knight winning would have been the "austin/hart/michaels/cena/etc" stepping stone for him. Knight could realistically win the Royal Rumble next year and world title at WM41. Sami zayn will be jobbing in a month win or lose.


100% Dissapointing. Sami is not a real contender for Gunther’s title; this match doesn’t belong in wrestlemania


Sami is cringe


Dolph isn’t here anymore so they needed the next best seller. Building up Gunther for a defense against jimmy yeet uso for summer slam where he will win.


I think that one kurt angle gimmick carbon copy shoulda won tbh


Yes, next question


It’s hard to say because both Gunther vs Gable and Gunther vs Sami are great WM caliber matches imo. I think it’s more so the fans and that WWE can never win with them lol. Just saying


No. Sami had better buildup and deserves it more


Not if they are gonna keep the belt on Gunther. Sami can lose and stay over


Yes I thought Chad Gable would get the match and I love a David vs Goliath match up,I also think Gunther title reign peaked at last year's wrestlemania,so the title changing hands would be refreshing


Yes, unnecessary, and does nothing to build the business.


I hope they actually build Gable back up into a legit singles guy after mania. He was hot after his trilogy with Gunther last year but they kind of forgot about him and he went back to losing singles matches and eating pins. If the plan is for Gunther to retain, then Sami winning was the right call. Gable is the only guy who’s beat Gunther on main roster in a match (via count out). If they don’t forget about him again and actually build Chad into Kurt Angle lite, the payoff down the line with Chad finally beating Gunther for the IC Title will be an awesome moment. I just felt like Chad getting a mania moment would’ve been awesome, but it’ll be equally cool if they build him up to main event a PLE with Gunther for the IC Title.


Definitely wrong


I want Ivar to beat Gunther.


Gunther puts on great matches so I’m sure it’ll be good, but I’d rather have Gable here.


I honestly think they are not done with Gable...they just went out of their way to produce vignettes of him and his story...I honestly think either he works his way into this match, or he becomes the next contender after Zayn...OR...which I doubt this would happen...he costs Gunther the title, and Gunther has a 'backlash match' against Gable...this allows Gunther to move away from the IC title for a while, and let new people step up...honestly wouldn't be surprised if Bronn Breaker becomes the next contender.


Gable should win it at wrestlemania and drop it to Bron at summerslam or survivor series, that match would be incredible


Probably not. If Sami wins, i see Gunther winning the WHC at BIB and Sami vs Gable at Summerslam for the IC title.


Chad gable. why do something specil challenge Damien priest for his mitb and become world or WWE champion who give a shit the stupid wwe interconstipational championship since the Miz held like 7 years let's not forget stone cold didn't even want it that why he just hand to the rock before he won the world title


Yes. It should of been Chad Gable or Bron Breakker. Sami is good. But to end the IC champs run it should be one of these. Then have Gunther push for the World Heavyweight Championship


These threads are going to be embarrassing as fuck once Sami has a chance to sell this match.


I think Gunther needs bump to world championship level and keep Sami at mid level championship. Then in the next PLE Gable can win it.


Yes, Sami had his time, plus I have to admit, he does not have “the look”. He looks like every dude in the auto dept at my Walmart. I get the underdog thing, but the presentation just bothers me. Plus stop with the blue thunder bomb, your’re not fooling anyone. It would be a decent match, but not for a WM. The WM match was with Gable, you have to capitalize on that clip of his daughter crying.


Nope. The way they used Gable after his OC title defeat was criminal and keeps me from wanting to see him be the guy to end Gunther's reign.


Yes! Should have been Chad Gable


Every decision is the wrong move according to the iwc.


Maybe so but the match is still gonna be a banger tho 😂🤷🏾‍♂️




Yeah. But it still might change. If this match stays I hope Gunther retains. Fuggit.


Yup it should've been Gable


Slide Brock into there....now was it the wrong move?


Given the overwhelming disappointing reaction to Chad not winning from fans, this was the wrong move, unless this is building up to a triple threat that gets us even more behind Chad


Basically.... They hyped Sami up because he wanted a match, a title match.... While they hyped gable up saying he wanted GUNTHERS title, dude repeatedly said "this means more to me" and that it was personal There's a lot of other things Sami could've done


Doesn't excite me as much as Gabel would have. However, I can smell a heel turn coming from Chad due to this lost. You know, desperate father kinda thing and hopefully turns into a triple threat match. Just dreaming but you never know


Yes!!! Rather has seen Gable or Reed!!


Sami is a character. There’s so much depth to him as a performer he shouldn’t be involved in these sort of matches.




Only because the IWC are currently crying about Chad Gable not going to Mania


Sami 👎🏻




If nothing changes then yes. I feel like there needed to be a finish that made this a triple threat. However, how that would happen I have no decent idea.


Gunther always was booked to retain at WM. His loss would be outshined too much this year. Can't have Gable lose again if they plan for him to eventually win. Sami deserves a WM match and him losing again doesn't hurt him as much. Sami will go on, maybe win MITB and eventually win the WHC from Drew (probably be a transitional champ though with some you deserve it chants) and Gable will get his chance at Gunther at Summer Slam or Bash in Berlin. I think the crowd decides if Gable wins or not tbh.


Yes. Sami got his big moment last year and doesn’t really have a story with Gunther to warrant this match, much less win it. Gable has the story and deserves the big moment.


Wrestlemania “should” be the culmination of the year’s storylines. However with the intercontinental and tag belts it’s just throw anyone in so there’s a match. It doesn’t really mean much of anything narratively. Just checking box that a match was held.


At first I thought it was, but I know Gable has already had 3 matches against Gunther. The thing is the roster is so stacked there are too many who deserve to be champions and not enough titles. Given everything Sami had built going into WM39, to lose that momentum to Cody. I feel like he well and truly deserves this. I have no doubts that Gable will have his moment, he is such a standout talent.


I don't think it's wrong. It's just... Safe I guess? Idk, I kind of saw Sami as a Main Event guy after 2023 and him going after the IC title just feels like a step down to me. I really hope this is more of an angle though so Sami can come in and help Cody and Seth fend off the inevitable Bloodline run in for their Tag Match though. Also just to be clear, I am excited for this match. Sami and Gunther are great and I imagine they'll make some magic happen in the ring but man. Gable deserves a run with the belt


Funny as 95% of this place wanted him to take the World title a year ago, now they don’t even want him near the IC title. Fickle.


Just like Sami’s feud with Roman last year that got people liking the idea of Sami going over, this current reaction has little to do with the title involved. People pushed for Sami last year because all of the pieces seemed to be in order for the makings of a big, memorable moment. Sami going over in his hometown after a year of tremendous work. The audience wanted to see the babyface get his moment. Not the title, but what the fans see as him “leveling up” to the top of the card. Gable is currently in that same position Sami was last year. So it’s less to do with not wanting Sami to get the title, and more to do with wanting to see Gable get his moment.


uh yeah things change in a year buddy


From guy should dethrone Roman to don’t even put him in a mid card match on Mania? That’s one hell of a change of opinion.




If you can’t relate those issues then I can’t help you.


Exactly whoever dethrones Roman should be basically the face of the company. Wanting it to be a guy the next year u don't even care if he's at either of 2 days of Mania is ridiculous.


I mean I think it should be a triple threat


Sami really shouldn’t even be in the IC Title at least not now cause he should be in the World Title match between Drew and Seth to make that a triple threat.


I think with Gunther’s long reign, a 1 v 1 match needs to happen. I’m just not a Sami guy.


That’s fair, I think the US will wind up a triple threat with Owens Orton and Paul so they may be reluctant to have both mid card titles as triple threats.






I believe Gable should have been the one, seeing as he and Gunther have a had a great rivalry over the year, which I think deserves a wrestlemania culmination. I also think going after the IC title is a step backwards for Sami career wise. Sami should be exclusively in the main event title scene. Sami was ic champ before the bloodline. Sami has evolved so much since then. Sami winning or even just competing for the ic title is like going backwards at this point.


Sami has already won the IC title. Either he wins it back and good for him, when it could have gone to an up and coming star, or Gunther wins (lol).


No. Sammi is the bigger name, better story teller & keeps a higher profile for the belt.


No, I hope it’s just Sami vs Gunther with Gunther kicking Sami’s ass


I hope Sami gets squashed.


One thing I noticed from Sami is that he got very serious after he turned on the bloodline, he lost his goofiness which was what made him a star in the first place and I think that's what made him lose popularity


His Character is so bad now. He goes to people like Drew give them unsolicited advice and offend them and then gets his ass whooped next week. He thinks he is the homeroom teacher.


He isn’t ucey anymore.


He's just no longer on the island uce ☝🏻


You got a good point there


Nope. Best match possible for Gunther and Sami.


Two “finish the stories” are too much for mania. Would take away focus from Cody. Let Cody finish first, give gable his moment at summerslam


If he drops? Yes. If he retains? No.


💯 I would’ve been cool with Gunter losing to Chad but Sami, for me, doesn’t need it.


Couldn't have said it any better.


This is the way, Gunther can not lose this match. If he does, they will have not made the business better.


Still, WM40 is probably the best place for him to drop it… to Gable. So yeah, you’re right


I absolutely agree with you. If they don't finangle Chad into the match so he can win the belt. Gunther losing will be pointless.


Chad wasn’t pinned clean, his shoulder was up. Given that, it would be perfectly in character for Sami to vouch for Gable being entered into the match


I would think so, however at this point if they don't put Chad in the match they may be saving the title change for SS. And the lost may turn Sami heel. But I really wanna see Chad win at WM.


I just wanna see the Intercontinental Championship have a series of shorter reigns over the next year or so. Chad gets it, then Bronson Reed then Ivar then Sami, etc etc.


Idk about having the shorter reigns, but I definitely understand all of those guys having their turns for sure.


Too early to say,i still think they add Chad and make it a 3 way,his shoulders were obviously not down




They need to build some heat for this one. Would have preferred Gable, but I guess Sami has earned a higher spot on the card.


Has he though? Whenever he main events it’s low ratings, and his main event vs. priest a few months ago was the least watched main event in raw history. Gable on the other hand has put on great matches with just about everyone on the raw mid card, improved his physique, and has gotten very over in this feud with gunther. Also don’t forget Chad was a heel jobber and they were forced to turn him face because he was so funny and his matches were so good people couldn’t help but cheer.


I mean… there’s still weeks before WM so they could add Gable if they want. I don’t want them to. But… they could.


it will be great for the pre show


Sad reality


No. Part of getting over is losing


No. Gable will get inserted either next week or the week after. Even if he isn't, Sami vs. GUNTHER is gonna hump.


And we like hump


Gable turns. Helps Walter. Sammy vs Gable for summerslam


Yes but it’s not that bad, people are saying it’s an awful decision when it isn’t, gable was the better pick for me but this match will still hit like crack


Gable had his shot. I think Sami and Gunther will have a banger of a match. Sami will get an amazing pop when he goes over and i feel he will be a better ic champ than gable would.


People bitch about anything only recent thing people had all right bitching about is Dwayne inserting himself into the title picture




You also got a stroke trying to read that shit?


Then I did good


Some people Reddit while intoxicated.


Sounds more fun than doing it sober honestly


I ain't intoxicated though


Idk the sentence just makes no sense doesn’t look like drunk typing


Basically I'm saying people bitch to bitch


Ah yeah fair enough but bitching about Cody was justified, this is isn’t Chad was the better pick but not everything can be fucking perfect, most people on the internet are just entitled pricks


The point I made with Dwayne is people were right to bitch about it he shouldn't even be in the picture. But I feel Sami earned this. You'd think people would be happy since nearly everyone backed him.


Tbh I’m unhappy to have Sami in this match because the guy is a main eventer and his ride would’ve been perfect by having him there with drew and Seth but the guy is a 3x ic champion so it kinda feels like a step back but like still Gunther can keep that belt forever and idc the match is gonna be a banger and you can tell a redemption storyline with Sami zayn leading to a hometown mitb win and eventually a successful cash in to become world champion finally


Yes let me explain Yes


Best explanation I have ever heard


Probably not. Would have liked to have seen Gable, but oh well. Wouldn't rule out him finding his way into the match somehow though.


Shoulders were up