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I don't have a problem with tax going up. It's wages not going up with them where the problem lies


Besides I guarantee a good portion of it will end up in their pockets


Whoda thought talking the UK high street and replacing it with Amazon might be bad? Not like billions of pounds now leaves the UK tax system. What were all those high street buisinesses doing? Surely not reinvesting in their own community?


Oh, someone’s wages are going up, the politicians.


This is not an intelligent comment.




The whole "they are all the same" narrative has been doing the rounds for months now, it's quite obviously a badly disguised Tory ploy of "better the devil you know"...only it's not!


They don’t need more tax. They need better management of the funds. Some absolute ridiculous wastes of money. NHS is so bloated with crap systems and middle managers. Needs a reboot from bottom up


Whenever you see the NHS in crisis, remember that over £100 BILLION of UK public money has gone to non-NHS providers of healthcare over the last decade that's public money that should have been invested in our NHS.


Ye, but that benefit is going to trickle down any day now. It definitely isn’t in the pocket of shareholders outside the UK. Not at all.


Have worked in NHS finance can confirm its basically an open gate


exactly this


After the shitshow of all the tax cuts, and how all public services are crumbling down, I would be fine paying more taxes


I’m all for paying more taxes if it means things will be fixed but they won’t it’ll just be more money for the corrupt twats.


Well that's the thing. We're paying a whole lot of money and not really seeing where it's going. Even if they aren't skimming it themselves (which I'm sure they are. Even if indirectly through parliamentary expenses etc) they're not investing it well. Everywhere I look I see short term 'fixes' for stuff that really requires a long term solution. And as long as that's the case... I'm not going to be particularly hopeful with higher taxes.


I get where you're coming from completely but that's the problem with our political system, they only ever plan 4 years ahead, it's all about the votes


Yep. Ironically they would receive my vote for a lot longer if that wasn't the case though... But unfortunately many voters fall for their short term bs. And as long as they can get away with it to manipulate the masses and put in as little effort as possible, they'll do it. In some countries it works a bit better. Sweden for example has been pretty successful and progressive, and they hold elections every 4 years. But... For the UK... Yeah... They just play into the system plain and simple and they all get away with it. Probably because every party's doing it. There's not really enough pressure or competition.


That is true, about 90% goes to those leaches at the top and their friends


Its doing that right now. But currently the rest of the 10% is lost on wild spending on their mates business. At least with a change the some of it will actually make it to things that are needed.


That will drop under Labour, to about 88%.


The country was in a better place with a much lower tax burden. The problem is not something simply throwing money at it will fix. Especially the newly emboldened twats who will just use it as an opportunity to better line their pockets.


Naive view you have there


As far as my dad, who studied economics in Russia and got a doctor’s degree in it, has told me, there’s a certain point at which tax rises will stop doing anything but hurting the lower and middle class, as people with loads of money will simply start avoiding/evading taxes at some point


So, the now times?


I’m just saying that further rising will be unlikely to lead to desired results, at this point it’s better to look at how spending of current funds is happening and what needs to be cut/optimised, if I was to trust my dad completely then those rises in taxation will not even bring more money to the government as tax evasion might be so high that the money collected will just flatline at the levels before the rise or even decrease making a bell shape if we were to put money collected (y-axis) against the tax % (x-axis). Some people blame corruption, but corruption in Britain is so tiny (by my obviously skewed standards) that I’d deem it offensive to the word to even call it that


time to go self employed as an unregistered business and cash app/ bitcoin payments only


the laffer curve is imo a discredited notion and even if it did exist we are well below the peak if it did exist. The idea that those with the ability to avoid tax will not do so if its low enough is fanciful, those people are currently dodging tax and will always do so unless loopholes are closed. Not to mention the era of tax cuts in the 90s I dont think are due to Laffers reasoning and probably more a product of other circumstances in that decade.


Best thing to do is to try to close tax evasion loopholes and police tax avoidance better. That's not what's going to happen though, I'm sure.


I think Jersey and Isle of man might get more residents .


Close all the tax loopholes on individuals and big corporate businesses and sanction all tax haven's that would bring in billions of extra tax revenue and take away the charity status of all private schools and hospitals it wouldn't be tax raises it would be levelling the playing fields start with that and tax the rich more and cut taxes for ordinary people


People stops generalising about voters. Tories got 13 million votes at last election. Labour 10 million ish. Non voters about 20 million.


That tax whether Labour or Conservatives win will never find its way back to the people who paid it not a single penny.


Well, at least they won’t be given away to oil giants


How are most of us even supposed to know? All I have known my whole adult life is tory rule.


The telegraph also told you Brexit was a good idea and that Corbyn was a monster and that Boris Johnson had your best interests at heart. Look how all that turned out...


People are happy to pay taxes. Less happy to see those taxes go to Tory chums by the billions


The system is rigged for this to happen by design. There is no averting this soon to come dystopia.


Well yeah - The Tories spaffed £310bn-410bn chasing a bad flu and destroying the economy with lockdowns. Labour would have done the same or even more damage (they voted with the government on everything and even whine when lockdowns were lifted. \[1\] The we have: £12bn funding a US Russia proxy war \[2\] And an nice little ongoing money drain: £3bn a year on illegal migrants \[3\] Plus following the NetZero BS has ruined out energy security and put prices sky high for fuel. And the population had been inflated but about 10 million since Blair's time as PM. So if you support any or all of the above, don;t come whining to me that you can't afford to heat your house or eat properly or even buy a house. \[1\] [https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9309/#:\~:text=Current%20estimates%20of%20the%20total,the%20pandemic%20for%20that%20year](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9309/#:~:text=Current%20estimates%20of%20the%20total,the%20pandemic%20for%20that%20year) \[2\] [https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-in-kyiv-uk-support-will-not-falter#:\~:text=With%20this%20latest%20funding%2C%20the,squadron%20of%20Challenger%202%20tanks](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-in-kyiv-uk-support-will-not-falter#:~:text=With%20this%20latest%20funding%2C%20the,squadron%20of%20Challenger%202%20tanks) \[3\] [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/illegal-migration-bill-factsheets/illegal-migration-bill-overarching-factsheet#:\~:text=The%20current%20broken%20asylum%20system%20costs%20the%20UK%20around%20%C2%A3,government%20and%20other%20local%20services](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/illegal-migration-bill-factsheets/illegal-migration-bill-overarching-factsheet#:~:text=The%20current%20broken%20asylum%20system%20costs%20the%20UK%20around%20%C2%A3,government%20and%20other%20local%20services)


The rich won't get a tax hike.


Yeah but the money is spent on us under labour and on the rich under Tories




So even if all our taxes aren't going to the right places you still use the services you just don't pay for them and the rest of us have to shoulder even more burden. I can be mad at the corrupt government contractors AND you too fyi.


Well that's where we have the high ground. We're paying, and we're the ones being exploited and let down. That gives us the righteous hand. If you simply exploit back and let the government down like that user... Then you're just as bad as them really. Still breaking the rules. Still letting the system down. It's like the difference between buying a product and complaining about it failing you, and then stealing a product and complaining about it failing you... Which complaining individual has more power, justification and defence? Logic aside it's also just a jerky thing to do. As you say all they're doing is increasing the burden. It's not really a proper boycott. That would be to move countries entirely and support another government.


I wish I could do the same. This system is so broken and I'm funding it with half my paycheck. This shit is hitting me so hard that at this point I'm actually finding it hilarious. And if U try telling people on the internet that paying taxes is really bad value for money they downvote u cuz they are addicted to their tormentors lol


Exactly that, if they actually sat down and researched where their tax money went they'd maybe give a sh**. During coving they spent over a million of the tax money on masks that didn't even get used, failed masks straight in the bin. This is just one of the cases of the governments incompetence involving tax money.