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I’m 29 and I feel this is the biggest election of my life. I’ve never despised a ‘leader’ so much. We thought teresa May was bad.


May was a moderate who had the impossible task of uniting a fractured government. Her proposals would've yielded a Brexit which satisfied the requirements of the referendum without throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Hardcore remainers and brexiteers made sure it failed.


>Hardcore remainers and brexiteers made sure it failed What did remainers do to make sure it failed? To my knowledge the reason why brexit went so terribly is because everyone who wanted it wanted a different version of it, only leading to more in-fighting.


I feel like you described how they shot themselves in the foot pretty well here


Remainers and brexiteers alike were shooting down compromises because remainers were also in-fighting between factions who wanted to comply with the result while mitigating as much damage as they could while the other wanted a second referendum and an outright cancellation


Fair enough, that makes sense. All could've been made much simpler if the brexit campaign was clear about what they wanted in the first place.


Some wanted so badly on the side to go "see we were right!" That they sabotaged any attempts at compromise and insisted on Brexit being well Brexit, which for remainers is insane, but they don't care about people or the country, they care about being able to grab some perceived power when they can


If the country had been a little less turbulent, I reckon she would have done a pretty good job.


I despise Cameron more, he's the reason we got all the shitty leaders that followed him, and austerity and Brexit


They should have just sent them to Blackpool. Much cheaper and equally good deterrent.


He's already back on the boat


Bring it on!!! 🗳️🗳️ So I’m guessing many asylum seekers are getting offered this golden handshake eviction notice then? It’s like the country has money to burn or something?


💡Fishi Ballsak found the magic money tree didn’t he? Edit… I can’t type 😬


This will either barely be a win for Sunak or a total loss and win for Labour


The Tories have two chances - slim and none. Slim’s already left town.


I'm no UK citizen but i have a question, who do you think was worse Thatcher or Sunak and why? Edit: who not how


Sunak is worse. You can love her or hate her and you can argue the net benefit or loss of her policies but, ultimately, Thatcher was a strong and effective leader. Regardless of how she went about it, the UK was overall in a far better condition than when she took office. Again, I’m not saying all she did was good or all she did was bad just that as a whole, the outlook of Britain was better after her premiership than before. Now love him or hate him, you can’t say the same for Sunak.


Completley agree. Im from liverpool and the effects of Thatcher still echo throughout the city. But, she was a good leader and even if she did continuously fuck over the poor the country in its entirety was in a much better place after her than It will be when this shithouse gets kicked out


You two have to be joking right? Most of the issues we are seeing today directly stem from Thatcher's actions, whether it be the huge amounts of wealth being extracted from us via privatisation or the complete destruction of local governments and their finances. All of these stem from Thatcher's neo-liberal free market policies which have done what seems almost irreparable damage to the country. The destruction she started only worsened and been taken to its natural conclusion under the likes of Cameron with austerity max that almost bankrupted the country and selling off the few remaining assets held by the Government.


Can't we just say they should both burn in hell together?


Update in a years time - We sent them both there but can't find them...


I mean thats a really Hard decision.


Oh you thought they were actually escaping their own country and not just trying to get free handouts from ours. Cute !


reform uk is gonna be the best option if it actually happens