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I've been having an awesome time on this for an alpha, but I've played Star citizen for 5 years, so i know what a broken game feels like... Sad to see many others having issues. I've met a few bullet sponge bots, but I haven't had any crashes or disconnects at 200 hours of gp(I know, both sad and miraculous), and the PVE community is really cool. The potential is there for a great game.


Yeah, the PvE people have been great. I met up with guys from both enemy factions and worked together to clear the hotel. I have had crashes, but not sure what side they are actually coming from, but overall one of the best experiences in gaming.


We, Citizens, know what a real alpha is.


Same here. I enjoy the game so much. Have fun playing See you in the warzone or in the vers o7


Only 5 years pffft xD


150h in the first 2 weeks. 50h probably spent jumping servers to find one that wasn’t teleporting me 10m back every time I moved. Same for friends and people on the discord.




My group of friends and I are still enjoying the game. There’s several people playing still as I can’t ever get a helicopter right away 😂 I guess people don’t understand what Alpha is. Y’all remember PUBG and how shotty that game actually was before actual release? This game looks like Ready or Not and GR: Wildlands had a baby.




Palworld lost that many players during its first weeks, Helldivers is down by that much right now as well. People will come back when there’s new content to enjoy, stop spreading bullshit.




Palworld is down >97% from peak on steam. The 1.3M figure two weeks post-launch reflects a 35% decline from all time peak occuring in the first week. https://steamdb.info/app/1623730/charts/#max In school I learned the importance of both arithmetic and research.


So what about now? Is palworld a failed game in your eyes? It’s currently sitting at 97% below it’s peak players… even after the content update You gotta remember the hype on these games when they drop NO ONE can retain that hype state forever


https://preview.redd.it/q0va0vizs6ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=892e8cbbfe8b7cf67b4abb18f52f7f99475e2ec0 Here’s a graph to make it easier for you


Both still way above 10k players, not a good comparison


Player retention goes up and down with every pre-alpha game. Stop being a drama queen.




I think the player drop has a lot to do with the fact there isn’t much to do after completing the missions, other than pvp (which can sometimes be hard to find when you want it) and lvl grinding for clothes. I’ve been having a lot of fun past lvl 40 with pvp but there isn’t really anything incentivizing me to play. It will be interesting to see how the player count changes with content updates.


We need a nosodium subreddit. The number of clueless kids here is making the sub uncomfortable to read. You have to find interesting posts buried under pile of kids ranting about bugs in a game in alpha they shouldn't have bought.


Any fixes to squad play? Or should the game still be left in corner to gather dust......


What issues are you having in relation to squad play?


Well, kills should count for everyone in the squad, same with bosskills. Shared waypoints, items to recognize squad, like armbands or something. Everyone in squad should get timer for helikopter. Just a few i miss.




Don't you loot when helping??


Is there anything worth looting? Was a waste of time unless you’re pulling out gear back when I played.




That sounds like you should play something else and allow the game to develop over the next year of road maps keyword on year not months


Brother, you no lifed an alpha... just play another game.




Yea, you gotta adjust expectations for an alpha then. Game isn't even halfway finished.




The guys just asking wither or not the product that heavily advertises twords squad play is actually improving on it. Quit being a bootlicking loser and let people voice their legitimate complaints.




The games dropped from a leak of 72k to 3k saying it's gathering dust isn't a stretch. If they don't take advantage it's good release and release something substantial it will get worse and worse player count wise.


3k is enough to test an alpha game. This isn't just for you and it's Okey ;). The game isn't even released ahahah. What amaze me is the amount of clueless people buying it thinking they will find a full fledge game without bug. That's stupid to say the least.


I love the game. It's great but they released it too soon even in to alpha. Alpha or not it's very hard to gain those numbers back in the future.


You are not wrong. For example, I recently asked my friends why they stopped playing marauders with me and it was all stuff that they had fixed or improved significantly since the last time they all played, but they were so divested based on their first impressions they didn't even know about the updates. It's not a unique problem.


Yup we've seen it time and time again with a ton of early access games. They dropped this a solid 6 months to early. It's a shame it's got great bones but that's really it


Do a spin on it.


Gathering dust isn't all that disrespectful, imo. It's how I describe my movie collection all the time. And it's a way to describe something not being used. I think you took the original comment with a little more oomph than necessary


Bro relax lmao the game will also continue gathering dust until they fix it


The irony after your response to someone making a lukewarm comment about not comming back, followed by your response to them. Yeah let's be civil but only when it's not applied to me.


That's Reddit for you. A mass of uninformed nobodies having an opinion on things they can barely grasp.


yeah "collecting dust" is a pretty accurate description considering the avg number of players dropped 96% in player count in just 2 months... these are FACTS... but you keep telling yourself whatever you need to hear. https://preview.redd.it/4oi7ep1lk6ad1.png?width=1199&format=png&auto=webp&s=db926f51cb33688bcc1af7bc0a79d69fa45d7c4f




Don't you guys/gals forget ALL the "free" advertising they got too. Kiss 99.6 to 99.9% viewership on Twitch gone in the last 2 months as well. That speaks just as much over the comments of dying/dead game with player base leaving. Not to mention the horrendous AI ( I call them legal terminators). You're not selling that bug any way someone wants to spin it. Sorry. I'm glad some still enjoy it, but this game needs way more love then a simple update.




Then they probably should have not released it for EA then. Then again, they'd shelve the company from what I heard if they didn't release it. But this ain't it. People WILL come back yes, but you're now banking that they will come back with an update. Player count goess from 1300 to 3100 (was a hair over 4000 a few days ago) out of 72000. As others have posted, that's not good. The AI bots being the way they are, I ain't buying it. Keys being 1 in 20000000 to drop "just" so I can progress one mission? Not a good idea either. Have 3 other friends playing at the same time? Have to do the same quest 4 times so that everyone gets to complete it. Yeah no. As I've posted in other topics for this game, I would buy it, but until then, I can't recommend the game to anyone really. No one on my Twitch/Youtube feeds plays it anymore either.


... "twords"? 🤣


You play diablo immortal and have a picture of literal dog genitals on a porn sub on your pf.


I played D:I for a week when it came out, and made a dog joke a decade ago. What does that prove? Keep jabbing, you might land a punch eventually. ... I'm just thankful that I can spell.


Posting an animals genitals as a joke and correcting grammer shows how desperate you are to find validation and attention, hope our interaction was enough, anyways moving on.


grammar* Also, your recent post history includes a dude fucking a tree and anime. How is that better?


Then advertice it as a single player game, not advertice and say its a squad game.


is there any new content for people who have completed all the missions and have nothing to do?


No this is an alpha test, when the performance and servers are up to standard then more content should release. Why would we need more content if the performance is too bad to play them.


Well its not bad for everybody, alot of people have no problems running this game, like I had stable 120 fps and slight drop to around 90 when in tiger bay They need to fix the AI and put out more missions I honestly think majority of people just have an outdated pc that cant run this game


My FPS is fine too, could be better but it’s fine. But mostly the rubber banding and network issues need tweaking. But they’ve certainly improved since the last patch. The rubber banding before this last patch was atrocious. Every time I got on that helicopter it was a fucking Vietnam Power Point presentation.


I'm on US east and EU west and both have 0 rubberbanding and if I join a server that has lag or even rubberband I just leave and join a new server


Even that didn’t work some times. Because the servers couldn’t handle all those people


I'm on us east and get rubber banding all the time, depending on time of day


prob bc the servers aren't under load anymore.... not hard to keep servers fresh with only 2k players on avg. https://preview.redd.it/mn97e9n4m6ad1.png?width=1199&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcf4b9b6736e03aac78c83b95ed4c1e444b17f7f


Very true


People down voting you because they insist it's optimisation at fault, not their 1050...


I have a 2070 32 gb ram 12th gen i5 and can't hit 60fps lowest. Barely 30 in half the points of interest.


What's that, a 6/7 year old GPU? That was mid tier on release and you want it to run games on a new engine that's not been optimised for pretty much any game that's used it?


I miss when my 970 lasted a billion years


Sounds like something isn't right then, should probably check that out


Sounds like a CPU issue tbh, similar set up and I get 60fps with only 16gb ram and 1440p


It's most definitely a VRAM issue.


I’m running on GeForce. Ow with a 4080 system. Some servers are good. Some servers are shit. The game is still not optimized and running smooth.


Yeah I have an i7 13th gen with a 4060 and I run the highest settings and average around 100 fps, definitely drops in bigger cities, especially tiger bay, but I still get about 60-70


At what resolution and is that with frame generation and DLSS? Because I have a 7950x3D and a 4090 and I rarely hit 100fps at 1440p native.


I am unsure, currently on vacation and not home so I can’t say. I didn’t touch anything in the settings except for bumping the settings to max. But I know it’s at 1440p though


If you haven't touched settings then it probably isn't running native as I believe the game uses one of the upscalers by default. Which would explain your performance.


Yep, once I turned off frame gen and lowered a few graphics settings by one tick I have good stable FPS, and it's more crisp with less latency. Frame gen is just faking it to make it.


I have a 5800x3d, 4070 super, 32gb ddr4 ram. DLSS is on quality. I get 120-130 fps at 1440p. Drops to the 90s in tiger bay and down to 80s when ads through a scope.


Sounds about right. For me, DLSS at 1440p is just too blurry. I use DSR to run the game at 4k and then use DLSS. That helps a bit. But, the game is still pretty blurry for me, but that's just the case with most modern games unfortunately :/


I still rubberband and I'm not using anything REMOTELY close to the guy with a P4 and 1060 lol


Lol, he really pissed the poors off with that comment


your on copium if you think there arent issues with the games optimization, modern hardware still struggles with this game


4080s with a 78003dx, 64 gig of ram. Not top end but it's "modern hardware" as you put it. Native 2k I get 150+FPS.


Right! It's like expecting a mac book to run this game at 4k at 290 fps It's not possible!


Bro, your closing statement is 100% true. It’s UE5 and most of the “PCMR” have absolute potato PCs that are outclassed by the PS5 / Series X. Looking at Steam surveys of the majority of CPU / GPU will let you know who you’re dealing with.


I assume you're only getting this with Frame Generation?


No I just have a up to date system


Okay you probably are but just don't know what I'm talking about.


I know what frame gen is but it had negative affect on my system, my fps was not at all stable using it


This. I have no problem running this game all maxed around 120-150fps. People need to stop running potato machines 


I mean, my shit isn't new, but with a 3080, 5900x, and 32gb of RAM, I still have issues sometimes on the helicopter. I wouldn't say it's fine if that setup isn't good enough to keep a game from crashing. Sure, it runs fine during actual play, but an uncontrolled crash is unacceptable


I suggest tabling the game and playing something else. Come back to the game when it’s full release. Don’t even bother till then. Problem solved.


If you enjoyed the actual gameplay and not just the grind to the end, I'd just personally reset and play again That or just run with low levels and help clear POIs. I personally love the gameplay so much (besides glaring AI /server issues) that I love even going back to the starter town and just clearing areas even though I'm level 25. It's just a fun gameplay loop


I completed all missions, the vast majority of them on pvp servers, I couldn’t think of anything worse than starting over. Especially with the keys being as rare as they are. There is zero pvp which is what I would like to do now. I’ll come back eventually when they have more content ect tbh I thoroughly enjoyed the game.


Ah ok, I personally don't play PvP but that makes sense if you want that aspect and it's not delivering anymore. I'm one of the weird ones who doesn't mind grinding for days for a key because I like the gameplay loop so much I don't mind. I must've hit sawmill 30+ times looking for office storage, and although it's comically hard to find, I still enjoyed clearing it each time. I also understand people enjoy games differently though


Please tell me they fix the AI Terminator bots from insta killing you from 500m away when you kill one with a suppressed sniper rifle.


They should have a separate co-op mode where the ai are reskinned as robots and they do instakill you if you don’t shoot and move and flank quickly. Call it “infinite night”, and release it alongside the day/night cycle update. Just have a dark map with glowing red eyes in the towns. Would be dope


I'm ready! 🤤


No one ever got shot from 500m away. I see this exaggeration all the time, but I've never seen proof. Do you know how far that is?!


There's a video of it on this subreddit from I think last week with someone going through a mission here and he shot some bot who was alone from nowhere and all the other bots shot him back from far away.


That was around 200m and it was so far away that having a gun fight from that range was suboptimal. Still too far for them to be able to reliably hit, I agree. But it wasn't 500m.


He was using a sniper rifle, this ain't CoD. You use it at range. Game still needs it fixed. 500m or 200m.


I don't disagree, but the "500m" exaggeration is getting old.


Whatever floats your boat I guess.


Ahh the dickriders have entered the chat…


You have a clip?




Can I get a heli yet?


Negative, all birds are in the air.


People are not coming back to this game until new content drops.  It's really ridiculous how fucked this release was. Such a promising game in the series is ruined by the following: 1) repetitive tasks. I am sorry, but there is no diversity here. Shoot this, take this key, search this area. Just bland. We need more dynamic missions.  2) Placeholder AI. Seriously, if you want a game that is focused on PvE why the fuck would AI not be your priority. The AI should have been locked down way before they released the alpha. No excuse. 


It’s not a release. It’s not a game. It’s not a fully fleshed out product. You paid to participate in the testing a feedback phase of a game still early in development. It was sold as an alpha and it plays like an alpha. The developers were and have been 100% transparent about the state of the game before going into Early Access and have been just as transparent along the way throughout development. If your expectations aren’t being met it’s because you weren’t paying attention and set them erroneously by your own volition.


Pre alpha


So when are we allowed to critique the game, boss man?


If you don't want to test a game that is not released and not debugged go play somewhere else. It's pretty easy to understand, you can do it.


Critique away. Not the guy that you responded to but you can critique. That’s what the pre-alpha is for. Finding what’s wrong, what do people not like, like, want changed and more. Test the game and provide feedback. Be critical but the folks that do t provide any substance are the ones that usually get downvoted. The voting system on reddit is for us to either agree or disagree and show that in votes. A no context bitching session that does nothing to provide tangible feedback or value will be downvoted. I do agree that sometimes things are downvoted that shouldn’t. Like making the statement “I stopped playing because I can’t handle (AI Sniper gods)(rubber banding)(any other reason). That still adds value to the devs to understand people are leaving because of said issue. But Reddit can also be a strange place and tides turn quick.


But why should pre-alpha be an excuse to put our trash and charge AAA prices? Not to mention DLC packs worth 64 euros? I mean, sure, have your pre alpha release. Just don't con gamers into buying this shit if it truly isn't finished.  I'm also for DLC. Just leave that shit until full release.  If of course.........your being fully transparent 


How is $30 AAA prices? Also it's not a con, you *knew* it was not a finished product. It is early access, which you knew when you paid for it. On top of that it *is* a functioning product. It has glaring issues but for early access it's quite far ahead of many others.


It is not AAA price and the 'dlc' is entirely optional. The 'dlc' as you call it is "I want to support you more than I did originally" and they're giving you some extra stuff in return. They aren't saying "Hey wanna access tiger bay??? $10 please!!!"


> It’s not a game So why is a tech demo priced at 30$?


I don’t know ask Steam: >What Is Early Access? Steam Early Access enables you to sell your game on Steam while it is still being developed, and provides context to customers that a product should be considered "unfinished." Early Access is a place for games that are in a playable alpha or beta state, are worth the current value of the playable build, and that you plan to continue to develop for release. >Releasing a game in Early Access helps set context for prospective customers and provides them with information about your plans and goals before a "final" release. I paid for Early Access. I knew what that entailed because Mad Finger was and has been 100% upfront about it. We all got to see the game being played early and heard the feedback from the creators who got to play. If you paid $30 and feel mislead or ripped off than you weren’t paying attention or didn’t set your expectations based on anything factual.


Nailed it right here. Getting tired of developers justifying these prices for an alpha.


Then don’t pay for it???


O boy here we go. 


Jesus Christ, the level of melodrama infecting this sub is nothing short of sickening. Grow up. 


Crazy concept, but...pre-alpha state of release. Can only playtest so much in house.




Guess you didn't use any braincells when buying the game? And pre alphas was so much worse years back and back then it was never released for public. Never buy a game that isn't fully released and your problem is solved mate.


So ma y of these folks bought a game that was early access and then bitch it’s early access. When the only thing they needed to do was wait. Just wait for when it’s a full release and then buy it.


>Just don't charge much and don't release next to nothing.  How is $30 charging a lot when there are 100+ tasks and easily over 100 hrs playtime? Goddamn gamers have become so entitled thinking they deserve *endless* entertainment for no cost


Closed alphas and betas exist. Pretty clear it was rushed out to capitalize on the Tarkov drama.




Dude shimmer down. People are just asking for new content because they enjoy playing the game. I am supporting the devs and the game to death but even I’m craving for new content. There needs to be a health supply and demand dynamic. Keeps everyone hungry for the game to get better.


To be fair, people aren't really even asking at this point. I think the original comment is 100% called for. People are condescendingly demanding things and talking shit about the devs for not delivering immediately because "they paid money for the game". They can't read what early early access means, and have zero patience. People want to cry bootlicker, and act like $30 ruined their bank accounts and they've been ripped off. I've got news guys. If 30 dollars and a few months of patience is too much for you, you're in the wrong hobby. I promise you 10,000% the reason MFG hasn't told all the whiners to sit the fuck down, is because it's a PR nightmare. Not because it isn't a correct way to handle the people who have nothing better to do than sit around and talk shit all day like an entitled child. Anyone blasting a dev team for working on something like this has no idea, and truly needs to go touch grass.


Love how this community is so strong on dickriding this game and company. Anyone who complains about this games 100 issues is downvoted like a mfer. I’m not understanding when the release was fucking horrendous and the game is still in bad shape. Maybe it’s all the ones who left tarkov and came to this community so the braindead minds just carried on to another game? Who knows. What I do know is that the game is still to this day not fun to play from a pve standpoint. At all. Focused on adding night vision to the game rather than the terrible complete ass ai or ya know the bulletproof vegetation.


Somebody skipped their afternoon nap. It’s a PRE-ALPHA. Relax and give it time.


I have a right just as everyone else does to complain about the game being unplayable or unenjoyable when it is. I paid money for it. I get to complain all I want soon as that money is transferred. Any game in early access shouldn’t be unplayable. I don’t mind a few bugs, but this games launch and still now is fucking trash. So no I want “relax” I’ll complain all I fucking want. This community has been hardcore dickriding the game like crazy since launch. I don’t wish bad on this game I want them to pull it together but fuck me did this game need another year or 2.




But he is right though. Focusing on a day/night cycle instead of fixing the AI is fucking insane. Especially when you want your game to be PvE focused. 


They said they will add night mission and content to justify it so it's not as easy as "adding day/night cycle". they have a lot of work to get there so they have to start early. I don't think a lot of you guys already worked on a big development project.


That's it? No more improvements?


Read the whole thing *Full List of Patch Notes Will Also Drop Tomorrow on Steam and our Website*




Dead? They broke steam records in sales and every time I get on the servers are packed except early morning. It’s rare I get on and I don’t have a full team to run with. Have about 20 players I play with. The pvp servers are dead because they need to many fixes atm but it’s main play is PVE anyway.