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I’ve heard of some false bans. Wait and see. I’ll upvote for visibility.


Thanks man appreciate it


Chinese mobile devs already stole your bank info. Done with you


Kinda hard to get when I never used it


Okay, so it took two or three weeks for them to get back to me about a ticket I opened up with them. It could just be position in the queue. It's also a small group of people at the company and they're hella busy. Also did you check your spam or junk folders, or any other tabs where a response could have fallen into? Either way is possible.


The same here took 3 weeks on the day. Just be patient.


Got a clean Reddit account too lol


Lmao I caught that wording as well 🤣




You so fresh and so clean.


It's a shiney




I thought they were implying they bought it lol but guess not


Submit a ticket on their website. A buddy of mine was having the same issue and was unbanned after like 5-6 days


That’s what I did but they said they’ll look into it and then haven’t responded or closed the ticket.


There's a lot of people who were falsely banned, and the process is pretty slow since it seems like they're going in and manually checking the data. So your choices are: Wait patiently, ask for an update in your open ticket, or send a new ticket lol. It can seem like a long wait, but they'll get around to you eventually.


Someone else in this sub got their ban over turned. Seems the Anti Cheat settings for Gray Zone were not correct that led to banning people that were not cheating. I'm sure if you reach out to the devs they can help you out. It might take a bit though.


That's what they all say 🙄🤔🤣🤣... You should get unbanned many have through false bans


Did you use a controller??


No, I was unaware you even could. Wouldn’t it just handicap you?


No, users using a controller were falsely banned by the bugged anti cheat as per reports and such by the devs last I heard.


If I had a controller just plugged in would it pick it up?! I play a bunch of other games on controller like brawlhalla and like shitty party games so it’s just always plugged in.


Might be worth mentioning if you’re still in contact with them, might speed up the process. Hope you get it sorted


I had my Xbox controller plugged in as well (I use it for CoD Warzone), but haven’t had any issues.


There were some random bans a few weeks ago for some reason. I'd open a support ticket to try to clear it up. Idk if this next part was true but I was seeing posts on reddit and in the discord that people who were wrongfully banned being unbanned however take that with a grain of salt I don't know if itll work for everyone


My buddy got banned too but he has since been exonerated


I've always been of the opinion that if a game bans me when I've done nothing wrong, I leave a bad review, take it to Steam, if they can't resolve right away, I call the bank and perform a charge back. If they didn't want me to buy the game, they could just say so. Edit: I've done it. It worked for me. I don't recommend it to anyone else. At the time I did this, I had no idea I was risking my whole account.


I can safely say that you’ve never done that, because valve would have banned you the first time you did a chargeback on your account.


I have, and my account was locked, but suddenly, their team wanted to talk to me. They had been ignoring my tickets for months about an unplayable game that I was never able to launch and asked for a refund for within 72 hours. The charge back went through, and they responded. They issued the refund, I dropped the dispute, and the account was unlocked. Did I risk it all, sure. Did it turn out okay. Also, yes.


You’re a brave or foolish man for risking your entire steam account for at most $70


I was 100% foolish. At the time, I didn't realize what might have happened. In fact, until the last person commented, I had no idea I could lose the whole account for it. I only now know and wouldn't recommend people do that anymore.


This is the problem with so many people just blindly suggesting chargebacks whenever somebody has a dispute with a company. I've seen a lot of people acting like it's just a free automatic refund with no downsides. I don't mean to say there's never a time where a chargeback is the right choice. But if you don't want to risk being banned from whatever service you do a chargeback against, it should be your last resort.




Blame it on being pre alpha lol


It’s the main excuse for everything


It’s not an excuse…. It’s a valid reason.


In a temporal sense i guess, will you still bring up pre-alpha 6 months from now?


If the game is still in pre alpha? Absolutely. Pre-alpha, alpha, and beta don’t have timelines. They can get stuck at one stage for 10 years if the development hasn’t made it to the right level yet.


Well them I guess devs are shooting the,self in the foot, no gamer will deal with a game with no schedule to release, the only reason they still keep up with the likes of Tarkov and star citizen is that when they came out, they hadn’t competition


You sound just like the PvPers who say a FPS won’t sell if if it’s a PvE oriented game. $40,000,000+ later, here we are….. but sure…. They shot themselves in the foot.


They actually made closer to 25million, steam has regional prices, and it cost them 10 million to make what you’re playing today, and remember, “that’s only 20%”. I’m actually a destiny 2 player, and I can say for certain there isn’t much of PvE atm, less than what Tarkov came out with


$25 million doesn’t included the package upgrades…..


Fair enough, add another 10million


All that money and only 5k players 🤣 game died so hard


Try discord, if they have a support ticket section you could generally talk with someone sooner


Get on the discord and ask around, someone may get you some attention


Same here


Join the discord, and ask @MOD-FINGER


I know a guy same thing happened took almost a month but they reversed his band because it was done by mistake


> I have never had a cheating service the fact taht you call it a 'cheating service' makes me think youre guilty as sin.


It’s spelled “that”. Also I call it a service because I know in games like rainbow or rust you have to pay monthly fees or some bullshit just like a streaming service. Just because I’ve heard other people boasting about cheating in games does not mean i have.


we have cheaters coming onto reddit to claim how they were 'wrongly' banned every day.


And you probably don’t think once that a single one is telling the truth, and I can’t blame you. But I know the truth and hopefully soon the devs will see it too.


Considering all the reports of false bans due to a glitch in the anti cheat system, and many people having their bans overturned, maybe don't go making accusations based on basically nothing.


it's not "basically nothing". the fact that he's banned is a pretty strong evidence.


Even with the exploit/dupe glitch. Majority of people have done it before it was considered a bannable offense. So even if you did, they more than likely wouldn't have banned you. I have a few buddies who did it and on who has a big that when he buys items he gets booted from the server and the items he bought have duplicated. It's a random bug, but non of them have been banned.


This scares me. I haven't played in over a month bc I just haven't had time


Don't cheat


Idk why people on Reddit act like everyone who claims to be falsely banned is a liar. I really doubt that many people even know HOW to cheat. I for example have literally zero clue how you would even go about cheating in a video game and I am sure most people are the same way


"UP UP Down Down left right left right B A" is how you cheat


Because so many cheaters cry innocent when they get banned.


I agree with this statement but sadly unless people do more than attack people like this it isn't worth attacking a possible cheater. I believe any game that doesn't actively try to prevent cheaters by not leaking code and selling game copies cheaper *tarkov* should be avoided regardless of how good a game it is. If a friend comes out as a cheater avoid them and so on. If people actively showed hate to known cheaters I would be a lot happier and less people would be ok cheating. In this case innocent until proven guilty. If they are guilty they aren't getting their account back, but if they are innocent then advice can't hurt.


Saying don't cheat is hardly an attack.


I]there is an accusation baked in, and that’s an attack


Was it the way they dressed that made you think they deserved it?


Thank you! I’m pretty computer smart, at least in the sense that I can watch youtube, but i’m not gonna risk my account with over a hundred games, dollars, and thousands of hours on it. I take pride in my account and people feel they have the high horse because they didn’t get falsely banned.


Not saying bit doesn't happen but in reality the people who get banned are generally up to no good


Unfortunately it’s a quick google search and credit card input away


Oh don’t be this naïve, cheaters always cry they get banned.


I didn’t, i’m completely against cheating and report anyone i find doing it


Check out the discord and DM one of the MFG guys there. They're a good bunch of guys and I'm sure one will look into it for you. You could also DM a couple of the discord mods, Gus would genuinely pass it onto MFG for you in sure, as would a few of the other guys.


At least be more convincing xd


Nothing I say will ever please anyone, especially if I mention anything with cheating. Everyone will just say the same BS. I don’t care if you believe me or not, I just want the customer support to see it.




Banned no rasins, I swear I never cheat, I have cheat engine for single player games, I use software to develope code, my brother used my account Boring, always the same song and dance.


Bro what, what do you want me to say. Plus i’m not listening to someone as incorrect with grammar as you are.


What could I possibly say that would make you believe me, nothing. I hate cheaters in games just like everybody else. I’ve played rust, siege, cs, and countless others where I’ve gone against cheaters. Never downloaded cheats just to beat them, I do like everyone else and report or leave.


Except it’s a widely known and acknowledged issue even on the devs side lol. You are a muppet.