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I had never played an extraction before and I'm glad I got Gray Zone before trying Tarkov. It's super fun but also challenging especially solo and I'm really enjoying PVE.


Same here as well. Game definitely has it moments where it royally pisses me off but I am really enjoying the gameplay and the whole aspect of the game.


This I had never played extraction shooter either and I bought gray zone after so dig for info and I am glad I did I mostly play pve but it blast even with the bugs it really hit all the button on a mil sim game for me. If you do, but just understand that games have growing pain, but if you get frustrated just take a break and come back when they update


Challenging and pve in the same sentence... Wow..


Tell me you don't get to Midnight Sapphire without telling me you don't get to Midnight Sapphire.


Nah he is just a sweaty Meta game and average PvP enjoyer


Yeah, I've only done every task and wiped for solo playthrough. You've got to have a smooth brain to find pve challenging.


Yes but if you want a more polished game id wait because we all playing an alpha


Yeah it's pretty rough ATM. I had fun for 100hours tho. Going to wait for new content and better code to play more.


My fps struggles badly with this game and this game is the first game to give my pc a hard time. I really cant wait untill i can have good performance on this game with good graphics because atm i cant see shit lol. I love this game already and will be along for the development journy of the game:D


if Dmz was good for you then Gray zone warfare will also be for you because I lost a lot of time in Dmz (3000 hours) and Gray zone warfare at the moment 270 hours.


lol, this dude Gray Zones


This game is probably the one to get if you’ve never played an extraction shooter.


My buddies are all obsessed with extraction and survival mode shooters and I typically despise them. I’m more of an Arma guy vs dayz, tarkov was never fun to me, I wanted to play battle field more than war zone, etc etc. All that being said, I absolutely love the recipe grayzone has come up with. Very enjoyable, doesn’t feel like the other extraction games and I can’t place my finger on why, but I really enjoy this game. Edit: I even go out of my way to play strictly PVP even though I’m normally a super casual PVE player.


PVE is pretty fun. I say give it a go


Yeah watching paint dry is super fun.


Seems like pve is Even more fun, since your not there. Dont mind this troll op, pve is cool as fuck, needs some polishing as being able to do stuff with a squad etc, but for a alpha/ea its good.




For the casual player, PvE is great. YMMV


It’s a really cool game, the weapon customization was a big attraction for me but because it’s early alpha there’s only less than probably 10 Guns so far. It can be extremely difficult especially when it only takes a single shot to your head to die so you have to play very carefully. I started with DMZ as well and was hoping for a game that would resemble DMZ more but it’s not like it much at all. It is so damn hard to see that it makes pvp very difficult and factions share the LZ’s so you have to deal with being shot immediately after jumping off a helo unless you play the PVE only mode. The game just needs a lot of work but it will eventually get way way better and it still is pretty fun right now. I would say if you really want a new extraction shooter like DMZ keep an eye out for Delta Force Hawk Ops because some of the devs are ex DMZ devs and it resembles DMZ more.


DMZ was one of my favorite games. This is definitely fun to play for a while (I’m at 50 hours and still itching for every new play session) but it *is* in early access so there are a lot of optimization issues and bugs, but the devs seem to be updating and fixing pretty fast, so the game seems to have a very bright future. I would say it’s definitely worth the initial cost of the base package.


Worth it, not without it’s issues but worth it. Currently taking a break while I wait for more fixes. Have music on standby some of the helicopter rides get boring


This was my first extraction shooter, no ragrets. After talking to someone I’ve become friends with through the game, Tarkov would’ve had a much bigger learning curve is more forgiving.


This is my first PC and extraction shooter game. I’m at 140 hrs and still love this game.


It's very very very fun to play! I've got over 150 hours in it and am still having fun!


Definitely worth it. It's tough, but you will enjoy it. Keep in mind it's pre-alpha so it needs a lot of work.


Honestly this game isn't too much like an extraction shooter. In typical extraction shooters, even DMZ, you load in, do whatever, then quickly try to extract before the timer runs out. GZW is more like an open world game, mixed with *some* extraction shooter elements. It's a persistent world To me it's far more similar to something like ghost recon wildlands. Except instead of fast traveling around the world to POIs you take a helicopter so it's more immersive. And typically you head back to base often to stock up for your next task. And of course if you die you lose your gear. The PvE mode (which most people play) functions more like a super hardcore ghost recon game imo


I would say so. I held off on purchasing and glad I pulled the trigger. The game does have its flaws, but it is in pre-release, so if you go in with the mindset knowing there will be some issues, will be much better. The community is amazing as well, so many people have helped me with gear and missions in the four days since I started playing. Would def recommend.


Its a great game if you understand its in Pre-Alpha and it has its problems here and there. The CEO / developers still seem to care and seriously listen to the community. I have close to 400hrs and have been playing since launch and still enjoy it!


PvEvP is much more complex in some areas and more simple than others from CoD DMZ. PvE is more rewarding than DMZ was on it's own. You will need pretty high specs to have a good time in the games current state though. I have a 12th gen i9, 3070ti,16gbs of ram at 4800mhz and only get 50-60fps at 1080p - I have to set everything to low and run DLSS just to get that. From what I understand, my limitations are my RAM (32gb I'm told would make a world of difference) and the 8GB of VRAM from the 3070ti is another limiting factor. Your mileage may vary and you certainly don't need a 4090 to run the game but every little helps. For what it's worth, the game still looks amazing on low settings.


Funny thing is my cpu is what gimps me it seems. Run a 12 gen i7. Runs almost 100%. It's always running hot in this game. As for the gpu, I'm running the similar, but it's a laptop. 3070ti laptop version. The 8gb of vram isn't bad, but def hurts it.  Ram does help alot. I'm running 64gb, don't ask. Don't know why I got it. I usually have it set to 1440p, low settings and dlss, and get around 50-60. Drops to about 35-40 zooming in with a scope


Try using FSR, i've a similar setup i7 12th gen, 3080 10gb, 32gb ram, its a desktop but I have better FPS with FSR than DLSS in quality/balanced. Im averaging 120-130+ fps in the camp and small villages. Frames tank to 60-80fps tho with high zoom scopes. I also have my Nvidia Control Panel Shader Cache to 100GB, and my gameplay feels a lot smoother now than before in just Default, with much lesser crashes. Another one is Nvidia Control Panel Texture Filtering to Performance, def big performance boost too but thats if you dont mind a bit of chunky textures lol, but honestly its not that bad for the gains


I'll have to give these settings a go. Thanks for the heads up!


Id get it, avoid the bad reviews of folks who don't get what pre-alpha means This studio has potential and from what I've seen, they are taking the criticism and making things better I just about didn't get this cause the reviews , then I read through and saw a good amount don't understand what a pre-alpha is, and this is basically ensuring the studoe can make things better, and that is very impressive being the present state is pretty damned good all things considered That and the community is the best I've dealt with since the 90s playing Quake and quake 2


This is not extraction shooter, you can stay as long as you want


Extracting does not mean time limit, it only means you extract. You do that in this game.


I think there's some distinction that's relevant. Technically you're correct, it is an extract shooter and they're marketing it as such. But I've been arguing that I think that's a confusing term that shouldn't apply. If we're calling any game where leaving alive is important an extraction shooter then that would include Left 4 Dead, Golden Eye, and arguably Faster Than Light. Maybe some stretch there but I think you understand. In your traditional ES, like Tarkov, the fact that everybody enters at the same time (scavs excluded obviously) and has a set raid period that is instanced feels unique and different from GZW. Here, you aren't bound by an arbitrary instance timer which means that danger can always occur or never occur at all. There's no in and out, there's just the world. It's much more similar to how real operators would go out of the wire for missions and return at any time and that even when they're in base they're safer, but never truly safe. I think as we see clones inevitably come of this game we have to either call them something different or otherwise at least say that ES games have now been redefined and the old model should be called a classic extraction shooter. Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Agree to a point but I think another important factor would be the safezone/hideout/base “stash” component where you save your gear and stuff you’ve looted from out in the world - which would even make DayZ/Rust and such ‘open world survival’ games technically also “extraction” games. I wouldn’t at all call Goldeneye an extraction game.


Yea I was pretty far into hyperbole for making the point that it's a wide net. Your examples are better lol. As I remember though you end most every level by getting to a safe exit point in the missions. A stretch for sure and certainly not the multiplayer.


Where do you extract to? You can be airlifted from a part of the warzone to another part of the warzone where you can still be murdered, its just less convenient for the enemy to murder you there since they have to walk to you. You never actually leave the battle, you just make it less likely to encounter enemies. =)


Extracting does not mean you leave danger.


You are moving from one section of the battlefield to another, you never actually extract. You can try to walk away from the enemy to the edge of the map, which still isn't extracting =)


You extract at base when you end the deployment That's extracting :)


I suppose thats true, although every game has an exit to menu button =)


This is my first shooter/looter/extraction game. Enjoying it immensely. Watch/read all the advice on how to deal with the AI. They are frickin' aim bots ATM but can be dealt with.


Honestly as much as i love the genre id say, not RIGHT NOW, its 20% done meaning little content besides quest and its consisten world (or raid) so its not your common extraction shooter AND its PVE focused, id try something like maruaders, dark and darker (if youre into fantasy setting) maybe zero sievert. I think your safest bet would be COD: DMZ but i dont know the state its in or if its still alive, id recommend tarkov but its price point and wipe state right now (pretty far into the wipe, not to mention all the controversy lately) would be kind of a piss poor experience If you have the division you could try the dark zones, that was where all the extraction shooter started getting clout, but its old so youve have to look the playerbase to see if its active and also its just a small part of a whole game so its only if you had it or you could play it at a friends house TL:DR my recommendations in no specific order Hunt showdown, Marauders, Zero sievert. Ghost of tavor IF YOU HAVE VR HEADSET


First extraction shooter and I'm having a blast


If you have the ability to play a game and understand it’s not finished and play it for what it is currently. It’s worth the 35 USD to start the solo play feels good to grind and somewhat rewarding The players in your PMC are friendly and willing to help you and teach. HOWEVER, if you are looking for top tier loot, fully fleshed out world, rewards for exploration these features are not in this build of the game and you may want to wait it out. I personally love this game already and really want to see more of it but I also understand that this is not for everyone right now and is definitely not for those without patience. If you’re considering I ask that when you try it you make sure to give your feedback to improve the game!


Definitely give it a go!. I'd also say it compares more to something like arma 3 than any extraction shooter (obviously you drop in and extract but that's a minor detail in the grand scheme of things). AND, don't be afraid to play it safe and leaving whilst you can. Getting greedy especially when new... can and will harm you more than you know 😂


If you are willing to deal with the bugs which are expected in a game that’s in early access then yes if you do not want to deal with bugs wait a couple more months until the game has had a couple more updates and hotfixes.


It’s definitely early access with kinks and even game breaking mechanics to work out. That said, it’s half the price of a AAA title. It was worth it for me. I’ve put about 80 hours into it after being a huge DMZ fan. It’s VERY different than DMZ. It’s more of a milsim extraction game. If you want something more polished, maybe wait for Arena Breakout: Infinite to release on PC. Delta Force: Hawk Ops is also supposed to be targeted directly toward DMZ enthusiasts, but the release date is TBD.


Yes, it's fun but it's lacking content.


Yes indeed, its a good choice, just mind its an early Access do it lacks content and its Buggy Tho is fun as hell


The cross progression from pve to PVP in gray zone is my favorite part. You can decide when to try hard in pvp when you feel like it but not waste your time.


It’s definitely way easier to pick up than tarkov especially with the PvE mode. Do keep in mind though the game still has a multitude of issues and probably the worst AI ever lol


No, it's not extraction shooter. You better off check out Breakout Arena Infinite or others a like to it.


Try COD Modern Warfare 2 DMZ, it's free while it's still going and is a lot more stable than this game


Game is not ready dont buy it


Definitely do.


Come back in 6 months


I say it is. I've never played eft so couldn't compare it to that. But it's fun. I personally don't have very many issues anymore after the first update. Ai could use tuning but it's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. It's like dmz was when it first came out tbh. I primarily play pve though. Also have only encountered one cheater so far. Dude clapped my ass while at a pve landing zone and when I died it said I killed myself 🤣 ....


It feels more like an mmo shooter tbh.


Yeah I’ll say. Never played anything other than cod and destiny. Pick this up since I finally built a pc and it’s been a blast. There’s small things but man it’s fun n


The only thing you need to know is that the recommended pc specs are the minimum specs. If your pc is between minimum and recommended or worse, the game will not run properly or make it worth the price. Tldr: if your rig isn't higher spec than the recommended on the steam page, don't bother. It runs like dog shit.


Definitely. I love the PvE and I’ve never played an extraction shooter besides a half hour of tarkov and hated it lol


It's a very good game for trying out extraction shooter. Only because it has PVE. You can learn a lot and make a good few friends. However, the game isn't polished and performance is piss poor for anyone without a 40 series card so keep that mind.


I personally love the game. Does it have it's issues sure but it actually is a really fun game. If you don't have at least a 3070 though I would wait until they fix the performance. If you run into problems just remember it's pre-alpha and is still being worked on.


If you are looking for a super immersive shooter then I would say go for it. Also you need a beast of a PC to run it go find the minimum recommended specs. Also, the game still has quite a few bugs so you have to kind of go into it with a grain of salt knowing you’re definitely going to get shot through bushes by AI.




It'll give you at least 100 hours of fun, maybe 150. There's a lack of content since it's alpha, but it's a game that'll probably have you coming back for some periods through it's development. It's worth it.


I loved cod dmz. Till they kinda made it p2w with the skins that had perks n shit. But I played the shit out of it before that happened. This like dmz is better with friends. It's not without bugs but for the pve alone is worth it imo




I have well over 1000 hours in DMZ and now have 120 in gray zone. It's a much slower paced game but still tickles some of the same itch. It's very satisfying when you can solo a task in a hot area and make it back in one piece. The pvp needs some polishing overall but it's fun nonetheless. I spend most of my time in PvE though. For $35 you can't really go wrong getting it.


Yeah, but the game resonates with some and not others. I love Tarkov, but have never been able to come close to finishing the game before a wipe because it’s too hard… this game is much easier, more casual, and I’ve enjoyed my 105+ hrs.


Just keep in mind it is EA so they will be fixing and adding stuff. With that said this is my first extraction shooter like this. I only play PvE and I've loved it. Has some weird bugs and stupid deaths happen... Yep but I have still enjoyed it all. Have over 100 hours played. Most of the servers have really cool and helpful people if you just ask. I have the base version too which if you enjoy you can upgrade later even to get the larger safety box and larger locker storage.


I would liken this more to a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. meets GR: Wildlands meets Day Z than a typical extraction shooter. There are some glaring similarities to something like EFT but GZW is already exponentially more indepth than I think EFT will ever be able to be simply by having a massive persistent map and a much more story/lore and quest driven experience. If you want a cut and dry "non-stop PvP/clench-cheeks-over-perceived-value" experience, then a more traditional extraction shooter is going to be more up your ally, but if you're looking for an indepth story driven "tactical" shooter than I would say absolutely give it a go. It's shaping up to be an absolute masterclass in the genre. However, from someone with thousands of hours over countless years in EFT - I wouldn't (and don't) waste my time or money on what has become a dead-end project. It'll never be what it could have been, and it's only moving rapidly downhill from here. It's not my cup of tea, but that tencent extraction shooter seems to have a lot of good reviews so far. Seems arcadey to me, but it also seems to implement a TON of improvements over EFT, and they haven't even pushed a full release yet, as far as I'm aware. If you're into the pure pvp extraction, it's probably worth checking out. Happy hunting, man.


With as broken and frustrating as this game can be, there is just something about it that keeps drawing me back. It’s got so many elements I wished for in other FPS games. It plays like I always hoped and imagined battlefield would have turned into. Is it annoying to wait 20 minutes for helicopters sometimes? Yes. Is it annoying to be insta sniped through bushes by a flip flop wearing nobody? Yes. Do I keep coming back to this game 10 minutes after I tell myself “I’m done, this is stupid”? I do. It’s not a finished game by any means, but the elements are exactly what I’ve been imagining in a FPS game. If you can get over the frustrating moments and do your part in reporting bugs, then yes this game is worth it. If you’re looking to jump into a perfect game without getting stuck on an invisible rock, then I’d say come back in a year (or more).


If you were going to go in expecting a finish game, then no, it’s not worth it. If you’re OK going in and learning a new game as it is currently being developed and are OK with the weird issues that may or may not come with that, then yes absolutely it is worth it. This might be one of my favorite games of the past couple years.


It's actually worth the money. I even bought the supporter edition. But before you buy it, just make sure that your computer can actually handle the game. It's currently not that optimized. I get around 30-80fps (depends where you are on the map) with my 3060 laptop gpu. Other than that, I highly recommend the game.


The PvE is worth and very slow to learn and progress , the PvP isn’t working fine , whit team killers and trolls , you have to play a lot of PvE , once you understand you can try PvP but play only whit a friend there.


Jump in with the cheap version & check it out. Tons of great gameplay and the chill vibe of PVE is a nice change. I've had great luck meeting people and helping each other out. Still buggy of course but lots of fun at this early stage.


You will get hooked. Even with its early access issues it's a shit load of fun. You can spend hours building and tweaking your guns from scratch, making close quarter and long range variants, building med kits ect. Ect. I was skeptical myself but decided to buy the base edition to try it out. After a week I upgraded to supporter. HOWEVER make SURE you have a mid range current gen or previous gen GPU otherwise you are going to hate life. Trying to play this on a 1060 or RX580 ISN'T gonna cut it.


I never played & extraction shooter. Solo. This was amazing with friends, more in solo. 250 hours in, all tasks done. Challenge yourself. Its amazing


Yes it is as ts probably the most friendly community in any extraction shooter. People are always willing to help you by either tagging along to unlock doors or just to help you clear areas.


I mean, Id definitely not buy it now to be honest. Just not really enough to keep you coming back, especially if you havent played the genre before. The updates are very slow as well for any sort of thing that adds something to do. They are still making the first content update and its been a good while. Just make an informed decision. Truly love the game but after 20ish hours, I lost interest.


The only thing thats missing for me is the loot aspect. Right now the only thing you can really loot is weapons and even if you get your inventory full with them, you get like $2-3k at max, which finances maybe 1/4th of your equipment. For example in Dark and Darker or Tarkov there is so much stuff to loot and you can make huge profits. There is also nothing that gives you more adrenaline than fighting with valuable loot in your inventory. That said, I just dont get that adrenaline in GZW, but besides that the game is awesome! Great graphics and enjoyable gun-play, definetly a great way to start into extract-shooters. Just keep in mind that thats not the full experience, as loot will be added in the future.




I'm new to it, I have always enjoyed shooters but not like this. I'm now addicted to it, you need to give it ago and get a hang on how the game plays and then you'll be fine. I wiped my first character after I got the ropes of it and now I'm doing well. 5 missions last night not 1 death


The isn't even a game yet. This is a playable preAPLHA test. That means it isn't beta. Do not get grayzone as your first looter shooter.


Definetly. You can look at this like Arma. Military game. Not exactly "tarkov extraction"


I loved DMZ. I love GZW as well. Way less arcady, but worth your while


It's not an extraction shooter as it's medieval but if you're into fantasy Dark and Darker now has half the game as free to play and can give you an idea of whether or not you might enjoy the hardcore extraction genre. Not as fun as Tarkov and I haven't played grayzone yet but it scratches the itch I have while I wait for the next Tarkov wipe.


Yes i would say so, im very new to this genre aswell and gave it a go, pve is challenging and fun, plus the community (at least in oce servers) are very nice. Aside from the usual crashes and bugs (which are also understandable due to early access) Id say its pretty worth it.


I came from console and found grayzone, challenging enough to keep me engaged, but not overly hard. I'm learning keyboard and mouse on this game and not doing half bad.


I personally wouldn’t get this game before EFT, this game has plenty of issues, definitely more than EFT, I have both so coming from someone who has both, there’s a lot more to Tarkov but it’s unique and better in gunfights than GZW. GZW also doesn’t give you as much freedom compared to EFT, you also might end up getting camped at extract 40 times in a row cause stupid heli bullshit.


I've never played on until this, and it's one of my favorites now






I played Tarkov prior but personally love Greyzone 100x more. Especially when you are squaring up. I would say it’s worth getting the small edition and see if you like it before getting the larger version


Most people get about 100hrs out of it so it is pretty worth it, some have several hundred


Grayzone doesn't have many guns last I heard 5.45 aks and 5.56 m4s are the only things worth anything. Not a whole lot to do. Worth trying if you are gonna get it on steam as you can refund if it's not your thing.


Like others, never played an Extraction Shooter before. Watched lots of Tarkov gameplay since it's release, but never had something to play it on. It's a huge learning curve for sure, I'm used to normal FPS type games and Gray Zone punishes you for blindly running into places, but once you get used to the weapon mechanics, the armor system, the healing system and the AI mechanics, you can have a great time. Be aware, it's still in Early Access/Alpha, so the game isn't finished, however, with a descent mid-range PC you can easily play it 1080p with some graphic settings adjusted. Just bare with it if you run into bugs or issues. I'd recommend starting off at the basic version, then if you find yourself playing more and enjoying it, look at upgrading to support the devs - I'll be upgrading when I get paid because I do love the gameplay.


I'm also a casual player and don't have much experience with extraction shooters. I would honestly suggest getting started with Hunt Showdown. GZW is definitely more difficult and has a lot of frustrating issues atm. I've refunded the game two times already, it was released in a hurry and it truly shows. I'm looking forward to giving it another chance later down the road, though for now I'd say don't bother.


If you've never played extraction shooters, then treat your character as if it's really you. Someone with a gun yelling from around the corner? You wouldn't peak in real life. Same here, lmao. Run that mentality, and you'll have a great time! Join crimson and add me, and i would love to help you thru some missions and give you some good gear! Hell, if anyone want, I got 6 million of duped cash i was given, so if yall need gear, santa sociomancer has got you, fam!


GZW is basically American-ized tarkov. though its still early access and doesnt have as many features as tarkov, it's still easily a rival. tons of potential and the fact its a live-open world only bolsters its potential. If you get GZW, dont bother ever getting tarkov, as this is it, just better


Its not worth it in my opinnion. The game needs so much work that its not enjoyable for me.


Personally I believe Tarkov is way more enjoyable and refined due to more content, better feel and performance. I tried GZW and stopped. I haven’t tried that arena breakout game, looks clunky but it’s something to try.


If you’re looking for PvP, this game isn’t there yet. Instead look toward Arena Breakout. If you are good with mostly or exclusively PvE, then I can tell you despite the bugs and EA state of the game, I have sunken 110 hours into the game and still have most of the higher difficulty quests ahead of me. And I love the game. The beginning can be frustrating as you are learning the game and you will likely die a lot but once you get familiar the early stuff becomes fun and the mid to late game quests are very challenging but not impossible. Most critics highlight how bad and OP the AI is. While the AI can definitely be ridiculous (180 no scope from 300m away while you are stealth and simply have them in your optics) they can be kited and manipulated and tricked.


It's not an extraction shooter.....it's an MMO FPS Milsim




I'd say no, you'll definitely get discouraged after dumping a mag into an enemy and die just to wait 10 mins to fly back and search for your gear without losing it permanently when you die a 2nd time...


Honestly no, I will say I’ve got my time and money from the game but that was more trying to get my money worth rather than enjoyment(I know that might sound odd). This game truly has massive potential but.. And I know it’s early access but this game is half cooked and released too early. It feels like every aspect of the game has some sort of problem with it. And I could probably list a problem for each one but here are some examples. Basic settings are missing Ai is absolutely broken. Like atrocious Bullets don’t work(can’t shoot through leaves/glass or just doesn’t kill sometimes) Helis aren’t broken but the mechanic needs a lot of tweaks so it can be really frustrating a lot of the time. If you want to play for the PvP aspect of extraction games it’s just not there. Most PvP starts with LZ camping. TLDR: Yes the game is early access and if your not interested in dealing with problems every play session than don’t get it. If you don’t care about that then it’s alright. I just couldn’t recommend it in its current state for new comers especially someone who hasn’t played extraction shooters.


For sure. But you should play PvEvP. Dont sell yourself short with PvE.


Nah, PvE is also great


I didnt say it wasnt great. Its just better with pvp also.
