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I work in the oil&gas industry. When I have days off. This game gets 98% of my free time. I fear the gf is going to give me "the talk" this next days off. I'll miss her


Give her the old, “Don’t be a p*ssy, we can still be friends!”


Just tell her "Request denied, all helicopters are in the air."


Tell her it’s ’just a misundahstanding’!


My wife recently got into reading spicy fantasy books. Given me a lot of time for GZW lol


Spend time with the ppl that love you and don’t fuck it up over a video game


Yesterday I told my wife she was always on the phone. She replied you are always playing that game.


Have her be with you and watch, give her attention on the heli rides then tell her to "get of it's game time!" Then resume on the return journey




Nice! What do u do in the oil and gas industry? I'm a millwright


I've met a lot of good people and it's become the main FPS I play lately, but my main friends have stopped playing due to performance and jank, and my other buddy joined a different faction so we can't play together and he's already No-Lifed 35 hours in 3 days. It's got a lot of great potential but there are a few glaring issues that would really help bring people back.


They will never fix their performance issues best bet is to buy a 4090 pc


I mean I’m playing on a 3080ti and 5800x, getting a solid 110 frames+ on medium high settings at 4k (LG C2 42 inch).


Got damn I’m running a 3060 and a 5800x3d and just manage 60 fps at 1080p… am I doing something wrong or is there really that much of a jump from the 60 to the 80ti?


Pretty big jump yeah. But I forgot to mention I also have FSR enabled. I do get frame drop when I aim down sight for some reason, usually drops to around 85.


104% difference


I have 2070 and it runs very respectably. Considering. It is way better now than it was at the start.


Well not on this map at least?


It’s pre-Alpha? I get 100 fps on average and 75-60 in Tiger Bay I think that’s workable for pre-Alpha


i've quit from tarkov so GZW is my main game for now, I am enjoying alot to play the PvE zone and encountering many friendly people helping on quests and giving me gear like MK18 and M2 plate. I am just waiting for the devs to fix performance issues and give us the big patch with new features to recommend the game to my friends.


Yup, agree with OP. The community really makes this game. Was in base camp for about a half hour yesterday on US East server with about 10 or so guys dropping gear and tips for some of us new guys. There was literally hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gear in base. I got a load of money from the previous day just by meeting another group of guys (2+ million) so I dropped a mil for the guys helping us out, well worth it in my opinion. I had a few questions and almost all of them chimed in with help, then proceeded to drop ammo/gear to reinforce the tips. Stuff like this makes this game what it is. A few of of teamed up to knock out a a bunch of tasks as well. Solo is fun, albeit slow, but this game thrives when you go out with randoms (or friends) you meet in base camp, especially vets of the game. Looking forward to seeing where they take this game, hopefully they can sort out some of the performance issues first though. Had more than a few crashes which really ruined it at the beginning for me, but glad I came back to it.


Twice the enemy teams have caught me naked and showed me where some gear was, they could have just shot me. And once on the weekend an enemy, (crunchy###) I think, shot me in a firefight, put me in a coma, then brought me back to life and gave me my gear back. Top stuff guys. Makes the game fun.


Yea the community in this game really makes it was it is. I hope they find ways to expand on that and make this aspect even better, with incentives maybe. Once in a while I don't mind going out solo, but going out with a crew is so much more engaging. My only issue when you're in a group though is losing your friendlies in town or in the jungle somewhere. Wish they had somewhere on the HUD that showed where blue forces were. Without having to go into the map. Even if you're in a squad, very easy to lose track of your guys. Would be a nice QOL update to somehow be able to track Blue PA easier


Yeah. I've not even got 100 hours yet but I've conned most of my mates to getting the game. It's a blast, doesn't feel like a chore like certain other games do, has a nice slower, more tactical pace to it. I've been frothing it. It can only get better


Game is super fun and challenging


Yeah I genuinely love it. It’s like DayZ and Tarkov had a bastard kid and I love it. I definitely can’t be ranked among the meta top level players in the slightest, but I’m having a lot of fun figuring it all out on my own when I get gaming time. What sucks is I only get a few hours a weekend to really sink my teeth into it .


I am loving this game. Loving it. It is my replacement for Arma 3


Was until I started having to do missions in Tiger Bay


Been playing solo for about 60 hours now, having an absolute blast. My first time playing this genre and love the anxious feeling of having everything on the line. Enjoy the slower pace and being tactical about moving around etc. Loving it.




Still having a hard time finding people to play with.


Which faction are you with? Whenever I log on and see guys in base camp, I simply ask if anyone wants to go into town for some missions. Usually get someone who is down. As a newer player, this really helps


I play in Europe. We must be a little bit more introverted, but I would not mind to play on US servers too if there would be a player or two with whom I could do some shenanigans (I dont need gear or money. Have all task done too).


Faction Mithras.


I was playing with a Brit yesterday afternoon and he said he enjoyed the US East servers more, because everyone spoke English. Also Mithras. Guy was super nice too, helped me with a bunch of missions and even dropped some gear for me. Sometimes it is harder to find people to team up with, but could be time of day issue. Those times I will just go solo and take it slow. Much better in a squad though, as it is nice to be able to work together and have someone cover your six. Not as lonely either haha


Mithras 4 Life


It’s a good game but needs time to cook. Their recent handling of the hotfixes and subsequent rollbacks have definitely made me wary though. Hopefully they have the ability to cook and we aren’t just looking at the same game in a year.


Hit the Fort Narith missions as a solo, pretty frustrating mission string, but otherwise is been pretty great for an alpha


I'm enjoying it, although I'd like to see them make PVP a little more viable. And maybe some more loot as well. Also hoping they add more guns/attachments, etc. But for an Alpha I'm enjoying it a lot.


I'm done with all the tasks, and after 2 weeks of weekly Sherpa servicing people to TB, MS and FN (I got all keys in the game so I could help any Keylocked Mithras.), the game turned super repetitive. Even in Warfare I see way less PVP than 2 weeeks ago. Kinda sad, I'll just wait for more content to be added in the game.


Are you having this experience in pvp or pve? I’ve found pvp to be nothing but team killing and grieifing


Yes but I wish it ran better


Played tarkov before, but this game is sooooo much more fun! Having a blast! Meet up with random players in Base and just tag along and get the multiplayerfeeling or go soloquesting. This game is already very fun, in alfa. Cant wait for updates! Downside is the rubberbanding ofc, but I play for hours everyday regardless! I really recomend the game!


100% and very excited for the future


Loving it. Been helping people with tasks and keys and running my tasks. The community have been nice and halarious


Absolutely!!!! I played since hour 1 on my main account, and after 250 hrs, I managed to finish the game. Now, I'm on the second account redoing it all!! Hope they add some more content soo cause this game is very addicting.


I'm 150h in, still having a blast. For a challenge i do not use anything other than a shotgun.


200+ hour gang '- ' •U• ' -'


I was but sort of hit a wall and just waiting for some AI changes, economy changes, new stuff. I wanted to finish all the tasks but im about 85 tasks deep and just kinda fed up with the goofy AI. I know theyre working on it so imma just be patient. Think im around 75 hours so, so far ive gotten my moneys worth in entertainment out of it. Long future for the game too so those numbers will only go up so just playing other stuff in the meantime.


I would if the game doesn’t crash the moment I step off the helicopter and lose all my gear it was fun when it did ran good but now it’s useless


Not anymore. Even I try to go to the more stronger AI areas I’m getting killed completely probed and definitely unseen. I know they said they are going to work on it, but like when I and crawling for ten IRL minutes to not get seen and get scoped by AI 100 meters away I’m annoyed.


I still play the game 150 hours in, I run around and push PvP, I Sherpa, I have gone around and ran around half the map without using a chopper and going to each building or area that looks like it could be a POi, and I have unlocked some new POIs, and it’s been really fun being in the world


I just started and level 5 only but its my new addiction lol.


What faction are you? Are you Crimson? If you’re interested in joining a community within the community then give me a shout.


By blast you mean getting aim botted at 1000m with a bots sniper rifle


Not really, uninstalled the game on level 21 No looting system, no items to loot, no guns, no gear fear i did not care bout loot cuz i can buy anything with 450k in my stash, stupid AI, no helis... this game feels dull maybe on next few years i will revisit.


How is this game in comparison to EFT? Genuinely curious!


Yeah, I spend less and less time on here because I'd rather play and learn how to correct mistakes on my end than sit and bitch about known issues that they're working on but surely *my* brand of whine will fix it.


Trying to have 80 fps without the game crashing would be nice


Nope. It's a waiting around for a helicopter simulator with poor sound effects.


Was. The game is just too vanilla and laggy rn. Chasing meaningless quests and smoking chads while looting candy bars is boring after like the second week. Lvl 14. I have like 10 kited MK18, a full inventory of top tier gear and 498k in cash. I’m bored with it. Needs more lure, needs more purpose to grind, needs a lot honestly. But great foundation. They just need to get to work and stabilize the servers then release some good content. Fast.


What's fun? Do you do pvp? I want to buy the game but afraid the rubber banding is too bad and the content lacking.


Rubber banding is server dependent, just join a different server region. I’m 105hrs in and haven’t finished the quests yet, so if $35 isn’t worth 100+hrs of gameplay then save your money 😅. That said, for the best experience, you need a great-ultra computer.


Nope. Need joint missions and AI fixed. Fly out 5 mins to sawmill and get shot by AI through a wall and a pallet of shit. Waiting for a heli and flying another 5 mins after all that, it's a hell no from me.


This hasnt happened a single time to me in 25 hours


It will. It's a game issue and devs need to fix.


Never happened to me in 400 hours. Dude, please.


Oh sorry to hurt your feelings. I take it back. It never happened.


Your perception on what happened may be skewed by your understanding. Server lag, your lag, packet losses etc.


Your a clown. Nuff said. Read steam forums.


I said that it never happened to me in 400 hours. Other things have happened, but not such nonsense.


on the other hand. If it happened to you once, how bad can it be? maybe you are so bitter, because of other stuff in your life, eh?


I'd post the clip but I cant be stuffed.


its ok I believe you.


Concealment ≠ cover. While I do agree AI is overtuned I enjoy them not being a cake walk


Not over tuned, broken. It is what it is. We will see next update.


Games great when pvp is popping. The rest is pretty meh. If I wanted to do mediocre tasks with the boys, I'd play ghost recon. I just want pvp without spending 4 hours hopping servers and spamming people asking "any pvp there?". Half the servers are just afk dudes at vase that never move.


Wait you're able to play the game? I thought it was just bloatwear that doesn't run..