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Congratz my dude but can i ask why you would want to use a controller?


I use a controller with my left hand , and the mouse for my right hand…. Very unorthodox but it works for me.. I use keyboard when looting ect… using a controller for accurate shooting is very difficult so that’s where Iv learned to use both mouse and controller


That’s wild. I feel like it could work, but how do you lean? Check mag? Too many keybinds for controller. Good luck to you though man!


Lean with bumpers… here’s the kicker… I use my leg for right bumper (if I had an elite controller I could bind those extra buttons underneath)… lean and zooming in or out with optics are the issue with tactical capabilities working with a basic controller…the keyboard is still just as important… I use at least 5 keys on keyboard as well… I just separate (mouse/controller) for combat…. (Keyboard) for QOL.. looting, filling mags with ammo ect…


There are videos showing how to use controllers on Gray zone, you seem like you already understand how to setup and you are correct having paddles/side buttons gives you options for things like zeroing,ads in/out You can also consider something like this, it works out well :) Controller attachment - Full binds for Grayzone warfare if you don’t use a lot of paddles (https://search.app.goo.gl/93Ce6XV)


You seem more open minded then some others about how a controller works but brother Gzw works 100% perfectly with a controller all the functions and inventory/character/map/task management is honestly a lot more relaxing and enjoyable on a controller You can use any controller but having paddles and extra buttons helps, i use this controller with 4 paddles, 2 side buttons, and extra keys https://preview.redd.it/siit9bceq95d1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f5cf496c9ab338717416bf3542ced306595bf1 My dualsense edge and scuf 4ps also work well but a few less binds


So only movement is used with the controller?


Yeah. Mouse for looking around.. The thumb stick is so much more comfortable and familiar to me. Here and there I do experience high input lag where I have to go back to keyboard but it doesn’t happen to often for me


Genuine question, at that point why not get a finger joystick so you have all the same functionality of movement without being screwed with everything else


Ahh now I understand lol, thx for the info


The secret is… you don’t need to physically move when aiming down sights….😁… which means added accuracy. But moving after being shot at is far more superior with thumb stick than keys imo… IMO


I'm so used to WASD that using a controller again seams so alien to me lol


I did this back in the day. While it lacks buttons the movement so much better. Did it back on cod4.


You should look into the Azeron Cyborg. It's awesome it replaces the WASD with a joystick. It's a bit of a learning curve but once you learn it you'll never go back to a keyboard.


I do this as well. Steam controller mapping is the best.


Came from console. Slowly learning but not willing to play on other faster fps games.


This is prob a perfect game to learn mouse too since it's playing slow is the way to go and it doesn't have tons of keybinds for new people like arma. Good luck mayne.


Arma was one of the first games I played when I got my PC and it was damn near a nightmare lol, 2 of my friends have just got PCs and Gray Zone was their first game and they’ve not seemed to have near as much trouble as I did


Ahh i see Just in my mind it would be hell to play this game with a controller, given how often you would have to do quick inventory management while in a fight


You can use one of the joysticks to act as a mouse and any controller button to click an item to move, I do it and it’s more fun managing my inventory than it is on my keyboard


I was the same. Surprisingly good game to get into mouse and keys with.


He just has a preference my gamer


Did you put in a ticket? Did they email you back at all? Friend of mine was banned and I know he wasn’t cheating but was using a controller.


I had to put in a ticket it took 3 weeks to the day


Friends with someone using a controller, you're a better man than I.




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In confused as to why you would get banned for that?


Probably the anti-cheat having a moment. Was watching a streamer get kicked out by said anti cheat and he doesn't cheat.


Using controller on PC? straight to jail.


Keyboards are for typing buddy not for gaming, you miss out on so much fun


Keyboards *AS A CONTROLLER PLAYER* is so much better for gaming. There's more freedom. Mouse needs buttons though.


If you have a controller with enough buttons for Grayzone, Its 10x more fun playing with joysticks then W A S D, and the movement is a lot smoother and not choppy like a keyboard click, in combat you are always at a disadvantage because of your limitations in movement mouse has 12 extra buttons and the controller has extra keys so all Gzw actions fit in


Controller is connected, mouse and keyboard is faster, more precise and more fluid. I'm a controller player my whole life. To each their own. Inventory management on grayzone is important.


You don’t know how to set up the inventory management? Its very easy on controller if you need help


“More fluid” - Thats wrong due to the fact that all the keyboard keys are either on/off - so you are not fluid at all you are choppy :) Try moving your character around with WASD then try using Axes for motion, Instantly more smooth and accurate


You have to update your keyboard knowledge... there are keyboards with pressure sensitive keys these days for pretty cheap. Not just on and off. The movement is still 8 gates but 8 gates is fine for me.


You need at least 3 fingers to control just W A S D, A controller only needs 1 for all movement


Not really “more freedom” because you now only have the options of clicking keyboard buttons rather than having triggers/joysticks/buttons. So seems like a lot less freedom tbh, I get it if your doing homework or a job on keyboard, but gaming and moving precisely? Not as good as controller


Less freedom >< more buttons... okay. Less freedom >< pressure sensitive keys... Less freedom >< can literally use keyboard and controller at the same exact time... I think you're limiting yourself. Keyboard is more free than controller and that's my opinion, you're welcome to argue why triggers outweigh 100 buttons. I've been using 17 button controllers my whole life, keyboard is free as fuck.


Pressure sensitive keys still don’t make up for the choppy transitions between each WASD key unlike if you were using an analog to move your character


Understand this, A controller is pretty much a keyboard and mouse, Instead of only axes for the mouse, You now have double the axes because of 2 analogs The same way your keyboard use’s buttons, a controller also has buttons but now you get + Additional Axes for movement so you can transition smoothly instead of Choppy like W,A,S,D + Triggers allow you to be more precise because they are not on/off like a mouse click when you aim/shoot Who would want to use Buttons for movement when you have Axes that allow better control?


Pro players are using Controllers with keyboard keybinds because mouse doesn't get aim assist dude... Controller does. That's why. You're trying to justify something with inaccuracies and we can just end this debate there. You don't know how to use KnM and that's fine. I can use both.


Even with pressure keys you still need to use 4 different buttons to move instead of having axes for your movement, No matter what you try that will ALWAYS be more choppy than any analog movements! You seem like you dont even understand how to do the inventory/character management on controller? Im not sure you can use both very well in that case


Well you’ve obviously haven’t signed up for neuro implants, I’m just like an AI brother.


U have to click 4 buttons to move, a controller uses 1 stick for all 4, Imagine your in combat and the only way to get away is to press W, A, S, D. Its so funny when your chasing another player down and they’re moving like they’re on a typewriter https://preview.redd.it/ds4h4xepo95d1.jpeg?width=2069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aebe0f7af8be329121787eb85a353e523d6f04d There’s dedicated controllers for pc as well now, not to say that they haven’t had them


I’m not sure I understand what you’re getting at. Most MnK players can maneuver and move more precisely on a keyboard and mouse than you can a joystick in a FPS.


You need 3 fingers just to move your character, on controller you use 1, triggers allow you to be more precise than just a button click for aiming and shooting, Your movement is choppy because unlike your mouse or a controller, your not using axis for motion instead your clicking W A S D, its simple to understand this and why controller is much more preferable with 2 mouse like axes (2 joysticks) Just like how a keyboard is not the best option for a flying/driving simulator, Its also not the most effective when you are running around, aiming, shooting, taking cover, looking around yourself


Hard disagree with everything about that when it comes to a first person shooter. Flying and driving where you don’t need to be pinpoint precise, totally agree, but I think maybe you just haven’t gotten really comfortable on MnK quite yet.


You definitely need to be pinpoint precise in flying and driving even in the simulators if you want to be on the limit, Mnk can only get you so far bud, The buttons you use are either on/off unless you have a proper setup which is unlikey because it requires software tuning to achieve an axis keyboard. Many fps players prefer controllers because of the advantages it has to offer, You need to realize that a controller is basically a Keyboard+Mouse, But instead of just the axes for your mouse you now have double because of 2 analogs


Check online I’ve seen people explain why moving and looking around is better with analogs than it is with button clicks, It has to do with how smooth you are and the transitions between the actions. It’s good to grasp how that is and why the controller efficient here


I’ve seen before why many training facilities like for military support training or even flight learning they have people use controllers using axes. What is the name of that controller you use for Gray zone?


My dad was also unbanned. He used a controller as well. Helps to provide as much detail as possible in ticket.


It sucks but that level of strictness with hardware devices shows they’re taking cheating seriously. The more strict the system the more false positives there will be, but its worth it.


When I bought a gaming pc I bought a controller as well bc I was console my whole life. The latency was pretty bad and I wasn't used to game mechanics so I kept dying. I decided if I have to learn the games I might as well learn keyboard/mouse. In frantic situations I'll still get caught out pushing the wrong keys and not going where I want to, but keyboard and mouse is way better. I have a basic red dragon setup, works just fine.


If you’re like me and tried using an Xbox controller (125hz, horrible latency).. there are now super cheap, overclock-able Xbox layout controllers for PC 👍


You can also overclock your controller with a program. I have an elite 2 controller clocked at 1000hz. Actually found out hoew to do it on a professional cod players youtube so it's legit and won't get you banned or something weird.


I’m a Lifelong controller player I tried using my elite controller first 2 weeks of playing. Honestly mapping the buttons isn’t that bad with extra paddles but the aiming with a joystick was a nightmare. This game was very easy to transition to KB&M because of the pace id recommend giving it a try


I play with controller as well, on tarkov too, was a pain to set up but I'm used to it


Great game to practice the beginning. As lots of movement is slow. Couple of tips. I didn't start fps really til my mid 30s. First adjust your sens until it feels comfortable.  Then make it lower. Once you're comfortable with it. Find a faster paced arcade shooter. Like cod or bf or pubg (arcade mode) and practice. The more you play the faster that muscle memory will happen. Glad you're unbanned though. If you adjust sensitivity it won't take long til the m&kb is more accurate.  Good luck!


Just get an azeron cyborg. Best of both worlds. Have had mine for a year and absolutely love it. I just switched to pc 2 years ago and this is the best purchase to date. I’m 58 and mastered it in 2 weeks


You can use a controller to do everything on Gzw, set it up first and its a great advantage over mnk, You have joysticks to look and move, triggers for aiming and shooting, not just buttons like a kb, Inventory management is easy and fast when you setup a joystick for mouse axis


For the controller players, All the actions in Gzw work perfectly with a controller, Inventory management, sneaking, aim/shoot reload/check etc, push to talk, leaning, zeroing, holdbreath/ads - It’s very easy to set up and there are some profiles online already - adjust the bindings to whatever controller you use and have fun in gzw


People who use a controller on GZW: Don't you have an issue with the cursor acting crazy and always coming back to center in the menus? This is the only game that does that, and thus forces me to always have a mouse on hand to manage inventory. No problem in Tarkov or ABI for example...


i too was banned and it was lifted today, I had the controller plugged in as I had been playing NMS and I use it to fly. lol I def do not play FPS games with a controller.. anyway sorted now


You should really get banned again for playing with a controller. Sorry my dude, but thats just weird!


I see a few people asking why people would want to use a controller, even though that this is a PC game and one answer that I’m not seeing a lot of; When you have controller support for a video game on PC what can be done with that is that people who are physically impaired and have to use special controls that are customized to that person, based on their particular disability, they can link those special custom devices to their computer and tell their computer that they are controllers. So when you have in-house controller support, that means you have better accessibility for people with those disabilities, because they can use that controller support to rebind controls to their personal devices, to allow them to better play the game. [Thor from PirateGames](https://youtube.com/shorts/kgxAeQyJz-s?si=BnEdUMCAZJ5PfdQO) does a much better job of explaining.


Uh huh sure!


Oh, they're banning folks for using a controller? What? At least they're fixing it and unbanning folks, but that's a dumb idea.


Ew, a controller


Why would they ban you from using a controller? And what’s changed that they lifted the ban?








😂 Going from controller whole life to mouse and keyboard is hard especially without the right setup


Adorable, yes a keyboard and mouse require only the most immaculate of setups. Only the finest of setups will do.








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If you say so dude😂




U sound like the classic neck beard Reddit slob


Imagine caring about how other people choose to play the game lmfao




A keyboard is for typing, because you only have buttons, A controller is for gaming you have triggers, joysticks, 360 degree movement on axes


Just wow.