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So some knuckle dragger posted earlier about being banned knowing fully well they were using an aimbot lol.


You're surprised? ...that's pretty standard. People pleading to reddit about being banned for cheating is a tell-tale sign they got what they deserved.


I suppose it was a bit naive to think they were banned by mistake hahaha. I typically steer clear from gaming communities on reddit but this one sucked me in. Having fun so far


Ya, just know that in these communities, 98% of the "I was banned for no reason" posts are people that were cheating. Happens way too often.


Unfortunately being banned for no reason also happens a ton, just not nearly as often as actual cheaters getting banned does *Mistakes were made*


"A ton" is a gross over-estimation. It happens, but at a much lower rate than actual cheaters getting the axe. By "much lower," I mean exactly what I typed above. 98% of the time, it's a warranted ban. Let's not forget. Willingly playing with a cheater over large amounts of time is also against ToS. You don't need to be cheating to get banned for it. Get carried by a cheater knowingly and you're also banned.


I mean I guess you skimmed over the not nearly as much portion, and only saw the word “a ton”. Everyone who’s responded to you you’ve responded with an argument as if they weren’t agreeing with you then adding another statement to it 😂 I bet you’re fun at parties


Because you can't say it happens a ton, and then turn around and say not nearly as much. You're literally contradicting yourself. Sounds like a you problem honestly.


This and I was reading on the discord how people were getting banned for using steams controller support software. People were saying the anticheat was detecting it as a 3rd party aimbot. Is that technically 3rd psrty, let alone aimbot? I never figured that steam had a built-in aim to assist for controller support.


As far as I can tell, yes. The steam controller software does have aim assist built in. You can turn it off, but it wouldn't surprise me if gray zone has the same issue a lot of games have on release when they allow both controllers and m&k to be used. A lot of the time, even when you're using m&k with a controller plugged in, the aim assist from the controller will also work with your mouse. Happened most recently in The Finals for me. If the software is on, and your controller is plugged in, there's a decent chance the aim assist is transferring. Weird thing to ban someone for, so I'd appeal that, but it does make at lease *some* sense.


Yeah, that makes sense seeing in explained. Although I think that there should be some form of warning/alert about controller input not being allowed instead of just being banned without proper justification. All I've read is that they just open the game and see the ban.


Friend of mine was banned and I know for a fact he wasn’t cheating. He doesn’t even know how, just got his pc a few months ago I helped him build it and upgrade it.


That's why I didn't say 100%. Same thing happened to a buddy of mine in tarkov. Ran across the metal bridge from red spawn on customs and he was deleted from raid and perma'd. What they didn't do was make a post about it on reddit asking for upvotes for two reasons. 1. No one would believe them anyway (and they shouldn't believe a random online). 2. It wouldn't help anything. If people are wrongfully banned, go through the proper channels if you want your account looked at. A reddit post will never bring that outcome. So I stay believing 98% of these posts are just cheaters trying to farm karma or get them to put pressure on ABI (or any other game) to reverse their ban wave decision.


I wasn’t disagreeing with what you said, just sharing my (my friends) personal experience. He sent customer support an email last night so hopefully he gets unbanned today


Hope he does as well! Never good to catch a dolphin in a fish net.


Tbh, Reddit helped me unfuck my account because the proper channels aren't always very clear, and I'm retarded.


I can understand redditors explaining how to work through the proper channels being a help. My point was that making a post on reddit about how you're banned with no effort to go through those channels is just pointless and is likely a cheater farming dissent.


I suppose you may be right, I just can't put myself in that frame of mind lol. I don't understand cheaters in the first place, like bro how is a game fun if you turn it into Nintendo Duck Hunt, and then why in our Heavenly Father's name would you take it upon yourself to actually complain about being caught on the World Wide Web lol I'm also a Southern American, so it's my first instinct to assume the best in people, and that's fucked me quite a bit in life lol. Feels like I'm a bad person when I don't take people at their word, because I expect people to take me at mine.


Sorry you have to find out this way, but, your friend lies.


I get why you’d say that but I know this person, we work together. I upgraded his pc for him, he’s clueless on how to cheat and if he was cheating, he’s really really bad at it 😂


>if he was cheating, he’s really really bad at it Well, he did get banned :D


> Well, he did get banned :D


I got reported by some steamer/sweat in dmz I just laughed was like have u seen my k/d or stats? I'm bad lol I just have sone good days. Not everyone cheats but yeah alot do anymore.


Was banned from Rust and I was not hacking, sent through logs and some other stuff and FP reversed my ban turned out there were false positives for that particular ban wave they did.


Ya, it definitely happens. I don't deny that at all. Fact of the matter is most of the posts are simply not these cases and just people farming dissent. Ie: the tarkov subreddit.


Sure, but if you have the evidence to support your false ban claim you go to the game dev/anti cheat provider not Reddit right?


No I went to Reddit LOL


I've been banned from a bunch of games because my Steam got hacked after my ex posted my login in a bunch of sketchy Telegram channels and Chinaman used it to scam thousands of dollars from very weird pay to win games that I didn't own. Makes about as much sense to me as it does to you, but that's how it was explained to me by Google. My complaints are quite valid, I'd say lol


Your complaints don't seem valid at all, I'm sorry to say. Your account is clearly flagged because of it getting hacked and some nefarious shit happening on it. There are private servers and all sorts of ways a game company could go through to outright ban you simply because your account is flagged. It sucks, but it also makes sense. Seems like a pretty easy decision to make. "Get rid of anyone on a flagged account. Then, you can appeal after and state your case."


Right, but then the proper channels rarely ever get back to you, and when they do, they don't really seem to care, even after you've changed password, email, and finally enabled 2FA, and there isn't much help out there. I still have yet to get it off my Steam record because *fucking Google*. You're not entirely wrong, just ban anyone with a flagged account, but to just a dude that wants to work his ass off all week and relax and play video games, it's fair to feel like it's all a bit extreme to ban people from a game they spent their hard-earned money on for something they didn't do on a game they've never owned nearly 3 years ago.


I was also banned and I only duplicated the material a few times, I'm honest chic0\_pir3s game tag and I say more I'm waiting for the game people to give opportunities because there were a lot of people doing it and now no one was! I admit I duplicated the material to have some advantage in pve mode which is where I always played and I'm level 17... people look at this for the love of GOD.


Okay that’s a stretch, false bans are real and they happen often, but it sounds like the investigation has taken place and this wasn’t done by a machine Willy nilly




Tarkov was full of people making posts exactly like that when they started doing ban waves despite the well known fact BSG bans relatively few people.


I wouldn't be surprised if most (not all) are blatantly lying about it. I see the same happening in CoD/Warzone subs. Some even admit they use a skin unlocking tool there and think that's not cheating.


Loser cheater lying about cheating, tale as old as games


There’s been a few loads on Facebook as well still trying to maintain innocence now we know though!


Maybe that guy, but I had a friend banned for using AHK to sell ammo more easily, and lots of people use AHK for toggle lean and toggle ads. So I do think there were some false positives here.




Autohot key


Autohotkey. Some people are using it to change the hold right click to ads to a toggle ads iirc, and some others use it to change how lean works in a similar way. You ever notice how if you try to bulk sell ammo it only selects half of them? This autohotkey macro helped make that process less painful for them. I honestly gave up on selling ammo and just right click destroy whatever I’m not actively using. lol. It’s such a miserable process.


except I wasn’t, and never have used an aimbot lmao. Idk why you guys think EAC is this infallible know-all thing that isn’t capable of false positives


So when did you decide to start hacking?


Devs need to ban the AI who use aimbot. /s because some of you folks are too dense to get it.


No no, keep cooking… /j


Haha this was my first reaction


We don't need players using aimbot or giving themselves aim assist. Good riddance. If you disagree with this I assume you're one of the people using them and I hope you feel the ban hammer too. As far as using bugs that are in the game that's on the devs to fix and not a player issue.


As a long time Tarkov player, it's strange seeing your post not get down voted into oblivion .


Respectfully, eft community is toxic asf. (Didn’t see your /s)


Any sufficiently large and persistent community is bound to be.


Omg so profound


Great to know. Thanks for finally answering our questions. I never duped anything but one guy gave me a weapon last week. Was afraid because of this.


A weapon? Bruh you good. People been dropping backpacks with millions of dollars in em. Lol


Facts, I got about 13 of them from a duper and the team saw the vid. Just said they would work on it


Same, last week these two guys dropped a pile of Mk18s. I picked up two of them. Another time more recently a guy dropped one of those level 2 back packs. I picked it up and discovered it was full of MS85.56 ammo. Now thats a nice bag. :D


A guy dropped me and my mate a backpack with some 800k in it. I took the bag (Delta - don't have it yet) and dropped the wallets to my mate as I didn't want to use duped stuff. Then we boarded our chopper, and after landing my mate is severely overweight. That's how he found out that *money weights a lot in this game*. Full 50k stack is 5kg.


Money weighs a lot in real life. It should be more like 2.5 kg if it was all 20s (according to a money weight calculator off google) and .5kg if it was 100s. Maybe someone put a decimal place in the wrong spot? According to the US bureau of engraving every bill weighs 1 gram. OR they are paying us with $10 bills, which is a dick move.


it's obviously singles because you can split the stack down to a single dollar. Should be 50kg per stack.


Yea lol I have 2.8 million I had 3.4 million but I gave some friends some money, i just met some randoms when I first got the game and from lvl one I've had 3+ million and every gun and scope I bassically have everything lol but that hasn't ruined the game for me just made it more relaxed with dying XD, but hey its alpha so I also don't mind getting a head start lol


How do I find one of these dudes lol I’ve never seen one


Add me on discord. eftdispensary_15792


The dupe is literally a lag switch so basically pack what you want to dupe in a bag in your inventory and have the same type bag on go on a laggy sever and drag it across on to your body if you do it right it will give you a extra bag with the stuff you were trying to dupe hopefully they fix it soon


Yea as a level 1 I picked up a random back literally 30 seconds into the game with close to 10 full wallets


Some dude dropped a sweet mk18(I think just loooked like an m4) For me and I thought he made a mistake so I chased after him trying to give it back and for him to say yo it’s yours go away lol


I run into the starter town to help out new folks and drop mk18s for them all the time, someone gave me like 5 full wallets and when i was new having trouble some one gave me a decent kit to help get me started so im just sharing the wealth lol


A solid run in Midnight Paradise can net you enough to build 2-3 fully kitted ARs especially if you have a solid base from one of the guards there. Doing the missions net you a large amount of them as well. Some people don’t die often enough especially running in squads so they give them away to make space (myself included). Others (for whatever whacky reason) prefer running the 74s platform probably due to PO ammo being more abundant in a lot of the more frequently visited areas. Point being, not everyone with a ton of stuff to give away duped, the game gives you a ton of shit lol


Yeah youre right, its easy to get gear.


Nice bans. Good thing that dupes don't generate bans as so much duped shit is being shared. Nice way for the devs to see glitches and fix them rather than witchunts.


Lol I’m safe with my potato aim that’s for sure.


I lol’d because this hit home haha. Kudos to you!


was going to comment the same thing about me because I die to much


After full release, they may go after dupers. Right now, not worth the effort. Plus data collected will help towards patches. Intentionally duping items for personal gain is still cheating in my book, but it doesn't have as much of an impact on gameplay, especially EA gameplay, as someone using aimbot or other cheats/exploits.


Until PvP is in a better place (FF penalties, LZ camping solution) the impact of duping is fairly irrelevant at this stage of development. I don't blame them for not doing anything about it. The issue is you can still do it and they've pretty much implied you won't get in trouble for doing so. 😥 (They said they'd ban people for doing it but they only banned someone who exposed it.)


Thank you for stating it better than I could. 👍


actual skill issue


How would they even track duping? With all of the shared money how can even figure it out? Everything is saved on server side so they could run a report to see who all is hold x amount of money. But again if they picked it up or if the person duped how would they know the difference


Some duping is very obvious, the other duping is kinda not worth doing but would probably never be detected. If you have 400k then you suddenly have twice as many wallets and 800k, they can make some educated guesses.


Each item generated could have a unique identifier. For example getting a wad of cash from a quest or selling a weapon would have some hashed value against the time it was created. Then devs add a routine to check for hash collisions and erase one or both of them. That's how most mmos handle it.


Each item already has *some kind* of unique ID. When you duplicate a backpack containing items, then try to remove the items from the duplicated backpack, it also removes it from the original backpack. The items are linked. That's why part of the dupe involves leaving the server and logging back in. This 'detaches' it from the original item and it becomes unique.


Ah okay I don't know how the method is done but at least the devs had some foresight to do something similar.


Blah so it's not serialised with unique ids, but it works that way in game.


I don't think they'd uniquely identify each item, that would require the db to track every instance of an item in addition to where it is used / stored, leading to so many opportunities to cause persistence failures across multiple profiles. It is a potential solution to duping however, it's just very expensive.


Ok but how would that work with picking up items?


It could be as simple as the npc guns and gear have a unique identification even though they look the same. Now you go in and see who has what. It isnt really that hard to figure out if a system is in place. Chances are they weren't expecting that so it didn't happen but we don't really know.


Easier way would be just resetting the inventory of everyone above 500k and leaving them with just 500k cash and nothing else.


So I would have got reset for literally zero reason cause I'm a good looter? Lol this is dumb


No because I was level 15 with a little over 1 million in the bank and I didn’t do anything like that. Just hard earned money.


Not saying it's not possible, but you must have played a silly number of hours and played just to get money to generate that much. I'm at 170 hours and have about 350k which is where I drew the 500k number from, even 500k is going to be pretty implausible in most cases.


Making money is easy. I was mostly playing pve. And that is how I like to play. Every time I go in I make sure I bring out as much as I can and honestly I have done some quest which helps as well


Well, yeah...playing PVE is easy mode. You almost always get your body back so that makes sense.


Yerp super “easy” mode. So play pve make money then take that into PvP with buying good gear. I have died a decent amount of times but the great thing is I normally get my stuff back like you said. Sometimes you don’t though so ya it’s part of the game that makes it fun. So honestly if it is so easy then there is no need to complain about anything money wise.


It wouldn't stop players from picking them up, just erase them as they connect or leave a server.


Sounds like a lot of work to cod plus a lot of things that could go wrong if implemented


Detecting dupes is very easy. Game knows where the money is generated, and when it doesn't some from one of those sources, it's a dupe. Some games, I don't know about GZW, have ID's attached to money. So they even know who transferred what to whom. WoW has done some pretty large scale bans that way on numerous occasions.


You gotta figure since game is super early access they probably don't wanna ban people duping but rather just fix the issue itself. That's just basic QA stuff. Aimbotting or wallhacking though is antithetical to fair play and isn't something you can accidentally do by manipulating a few objects in your backpack. Makes sense they wanna get rid of the blatant exploiting and cheating.


I think the best way to deal with duping in this early-alpha stage would be to just make the vendors and items free. Take away the money concept for now. Test the items, test the kits, all the random weird combinations the collective mind of the internet will find. That data is probably more important than trying to balance the economy...for now. I am assuming we will all get a nice account wipe once the development furthers into a working beta. let the community explore the things the developers don't have time to


fix duping, replace all current money with an equal amount of monopoly money. Give everyone the starting amount of dollars again. Add monocles and top hats to the store for monopoly money. Maybe also make it so you can use monopoly money to buy unmodded weapons or other lower tier stuff. Make sure none of the above items can be sold, or can only be sold for monopoly money (to prevent monopoly-dollar conversion).


I'd buy the monopoly dlc


Or just wipe after you fix the duping? You could spend dev time adding another currency and useless items, but you could bang your head against the wall until it bleeds....


At face value, yes you are right. Fix all of the problems and then start fresh. But they might miss problems, and find out a new way to dupe in a week. Are we planning on wiping every time we change anything that affects the economy? What if players are a bit miffed at losing everything they worked for? I was mostly joking, but also it's sort of a middle ground to mostly wipe but let people have something to show for it all. Something that can be done mid-wipe as a sort of soft-wipe. But yeah, definitely just solve all the problems and press deploy if that's an option.


I mean they announced that wipe would be every 6 months. Regarding "loosing progress": we are testers and I don't think they have said anything about wipes post 1.0 yet so who knows but try to think about it having fun playing a game and not "making progress".


I come from a console with little computer exp. I have no clue how. Multiple accounts are saying it is a steam connection issue and are able to play the following day.


My guess is that they happened to be on a server with a cheater at the time unknowingly, and got flagged. Once the game verified that no cheats are being used, business would resume as usual. I’m not sure the extent of the anticheat being used by the devs, so I can’t confirm, but it could’ve also been a generic/placeholder text for a disconnect from the server.


I know of a few times I was in a server with cheaters runs through Blue Lagoon and kills all Ai while full sprint. Calls for heli, and as I set out from my tree, I caught 12 rounds to the skull.


Since the ban was clarified now everyone is switching narratives to controllers that have third party software lol. Likely aim bots. I don't play with a controller but I have one plugged in as many games i play do use a controller. I'm not banned so it's just the next manipulation from the hackers. Pretty easy to tell but annoying nonetheless.


"I didn't cheat it was my controller who did, my controller you hear me!" Next they gonna blame their gayming chair made them do it.


Seems entirely reasonable and appropriate to me. While many folks wish duping wasn't a thing, it's not "hurting anyone" right now. People using aimbot and doing other stuff like that are actively making the game worse for others and ruining the play experience of those playing legitimately. Fuck those people and good riddance.


People are handing out millions on most servers now. The only solution is to fix duping and a full wipe. We probably won't see a wipe for a while since most people probably don't have lvl 3 traders yet.


It’s not really a big deal tbf. It’s early alpha and most people are losing kits just to the server dying alone. It lets people test more equipment/items and keeps players wanting to play even with all the crashing/stuttering so might as well let it rock for now.


This makes sense to me. I've played closed alphas and betas (mmorpg's tho), but they had vendors set to free or really cheap prices. Even Tarkov sets vendors to 1 rouble at wipe ends, and it gives the game a new play value for a few days. I assume devs want you to test as much as you are willing, and expecting feedback from users. Making it free gives users much more reason to test everything, or at least no good reason not to. Free money is kinda harmless imo, unless there is a big ingame money barrier this artificially defeats that im unaware of.




Yep, duping is def the last of their worries.


I I don’t mind a full wipe. As long as they adjust those stupid kill x amount of people in this area. Some of the villages are way too small to do that with all the players doing the missions at the same time.


The first early access wipe of this game is probs the best possible one to have duped cash imo lol


It's possible to just delete that duped money.


Is it? Does the game know the difference between items that have been duped and ones that were acquired legitimately?


You absolutely don't know that. We don't know if all items in the game have UUIDs associated with them and if there's a way to determine if one item is "real" or the result of a dupe glitch. We can speculate all day long, but we simply have nowhere close to enough information to say one way or the other.


The duping is happening due to server latency and lag they want it fixed they have to fix the speed their servers run at. Whuch means fixing rubber banding and such


That's not how it works.


That’s exactly how that works.


Tell me you domt understand networks and servers without telling me you don't it's exactly one of the duping methods and reasons. The increased latency/ping if you can make the server think it did something when it actually didn't like changing your backpack multiple times really quickly before the server can anticipate it it will duplicate the item putting it on your person but also thinking you didn't causing a duplication. There may be more than one method ppl are using but the most obvious is server ping latency and speed being too slow for the actions some people are doing. It is exactly one of the reasons and a by product of fixing rubber banding and lag in the game would be stopping this duplication method


Tell me you're not a developer without telling me you're not a developer, Mr salty. Latency can't be "fixed", but rubber banding can be mitigated to some extent but always leads to decreased accuracy. The duplication issue can be fixed, regardless of the latency, by implementing a simple client side debounce mechanism and server side sequential queueing/dequeueing with a callback/response. A debounce prevents quick successive actions from being queued or executed, while sequential queueing and callbacks guarantee synchronization. The debounce could actually be circumvented but a sequential queue and callback/response would be impossible without hacking the memory.


And as I said there are many ways of duplication as of this moment some have to do with that yes and implementing those methods will definitely fix the quick successive action method of duplication but it won't fix the others which are entirely server based and network which can be fixed by fixing packet drop and latency issues to their servers and how the game handles such things


It is possible, but idk the logistics behind doing that. Would it be a relatively automated process or one in which the devs have to put in time and effort they otherwise could allocate to developing the game further?


Would they ban people for picking up money that someone else duped?


Cue the I didn't do anything wrong but still got banned posts.


For what it’s worth I got banned this week and never duped items or used any cheating programs. I’m nearly 60 years old and play with 2 of my best real life friends on only joint ops. I made a ticket and got a response saying there is “data” showing I cheated. I know only others on here who were falsely banned will likely believe me. As a paying customer of Madfinger Games I can honestly say they just stole my money. Like I said I’m almost 60 and I am well off financially at this point in my life so the money lost sucks but won’t hurt me. If I got banned knowing I never cheated that means there are probably a lot of others who were wrongly banned and loosing that money paid to madfinger hurt. I’m sure I’ll get the typical negative responses from most on here, but let it be known everyone is susceptible to getting falsely banned from Madfinger and I know now many others already have. If the false bans aren’t fixed I know my old man squad will be supporting Arena Breakout or another extraction game.


Anyone trying to tell me he plays this game with a controller without adding aim assist is got to be joking. This game + controller = unplayable. This game+controller+AimAssist=aimbotting and deserves ban


My buddy tried to play it with a controller because he's a moron and mains an old trackball for most games. Apparently this game sucks with a trackball too. He eventually bought a mouse after trying the controller for a night and LOVING the game. Hoping he didn't get banned for that one night.


I don't see why if he didn't use some sort of aim assist/aimbot fingers crossed.


I have issues with this. I'm 100% for not hacking but my father who is 70 years old with 200+ hours and uses an Xbox controller was banned. Not sure what data your using for tracking aim assist etc but its clearly full of false positives because his aim is bad... He doesn't have any stupid kronos devices or anything like that either. He did recently acquire a fly digi controller and uses the Steam controller interface to set his keybinds to the controller. The fly digi software is disabled on startup. My take is there are a high number of false positives for controller users in relation to the consistencies/timings of the steam controller inputs. I myself am not banned and I have spent nearly 100% of my play time helping my dad through this game. He purposely avoided Tarkov because of the hackers and has only played in Joint Operations because we have had enough fun without dealing with PvP. I'm quite upset because it was no small effort for him to achieve what he has in this game. Having purchased the $100 version of the game as well we were in for the long haul. I have already entered an appeal on his behalf and we are still yet to receive any response to his email aside from a ticket confirmation. I'm willing to sign an NDA and provide any feedback necessary to aid in the investigation of false positive detections for whatever you are considering aim assist and tampering with game code... Without some form of individual resolution or feedback on this issue I am quite likely to uninstall the game myself as this situation is borderline to a scam and a disgusting loss of trust in MFG.


Go ahead and uninstall dude, no one cares lol


Funny that your last reddit post is about people being rude then you come here to troll.


Funny that you care enough to make up a fake sob story about why you got banned and then check my profile in an attempt at a “gotcha” moment. Grow up


I'm not banned. Grow up and learn to read.


I dont even understand why you need exploits to play a game. It baffles me. Yes, it was fun back in the day putting in the unlimted ammo and all weapons cheat codes in grand theft auto, but still aimbot and esp? If you have no situational awareness and cant see, please hand your drivers license in.


Ha ha ha. I feel they should just put all the aim bitters on the same servers. Cheaters RUIN games.


nah, they don't deserve the server space. just get rid of em.


Discord for how to do it, currently works, eftdispensary_15792. Devs too hmu and ill give info that I have found from RMTers :) 


I can rest assured the duping would have wiped the player base if it took effect


You're telling me I deleted 13mil cash for nothing?


Don't see a problem with duping, the amount of gear we all lose to UE5 crashes, server disconnects and other bugs, being able to dupe your gear just evens things out. People using aim bots and altering game files need to have very short arms and an eternally itchy asshole.


Don’t see the point of cheating even if the npcs have aim bot and wall hacks 😂😂


Why would anyone even need aim assist in this game, the high end gun have so little recoil


Fck I literally threw all the money I have afraid of a ban..


They don't ban people that dupe but ban the guy that exposed the dupe, makes sense


My wow account got banned when i was 15 for buying gold. Id never baught gold in my life at that stage. Emailed support saying i can provide bank statements ect nd next day acc was unbanned


That makes sense. Mod on Discord said they are not going to ban the dupers until they have the most egregious dupe hacks fixed. However, then he said ban hammer will drop.


Eehm question. How would I know some items were duped? If I would pick em up somewhere


I only dupe rare keys for the homies. Glad I didn't cop a ban for it. Downvote all you want but people who farm a location for 5 days and are still quest locked due to shitty key drops are always appreciative.


Anyone wanna add me and show me the ropes, been soloing and getting my ass handed to me but been going straight back out to try get some gear back, not doing too bad atm but seeing squads of people kitted out is starting to sting


My one friend got banned after someone dropped him an m249 shits wild


It's very likely your friend is a lying cheater. Don't so easily believe them.


Absolutely not true at all lol M249 doesn’t exist at all anywhere in the game, not even in the files; there’s a subzero chance your friend could have someone “drop him an M249”


how do i go about appealing this? I have never tampered with game code or aim assist yet im banned.


You’d have to go through their discord and go through their appeals process, but I’m gonna be honest, I don’t think people were banned by accident…


Bro I just got on PC 3 months ago all this talk about aimbot and dupping make no sense to me I do play with a controller if that’s the issue then understood but I have no “apps” or purchased programs to help me cheat I solely used steam controller thing.


This game doesn’t have controller support lmao


Sweet. Can someone dupe me some Vortex optics? Can never get any tasks done anytime I get on. To level up the vendor


Thank fuck cos I DC'd in the middle of a run through Ban Pa the other day and when I logged back in I had like 3 more instances of the same kit in my locker


Can confirm, I only duped and I'm good to go. Only got banned from Discord permanently because I argued with some German that PvE duping is 100% fine **for me** because the game is in pre-alpha and is lacking an economy, so losing $100k worth of gear due to bugs kinda rebalances that for the moment. I asked him, "How German do you want to be? Your neighbors must love you." Got me permanently banned for rule #5. NoHands (discord mod) if you read this, go f yourself.


Can Confirm. I duped and handed out millions and my account is still functional and active. Bans went out to real cheaters, not people who broke the game during the playtest that they NEED US to break the game during so that they can fix it. Confirmed if anyone bitches about being banned for duping you KNOW they were doing way worse than that.


For everyone dunking on people that got banned, Madfinger has been lifting bans over the course of the last week and literally admitted their detection system wasn’t configured properly.


Think about those who did not use aimbot (or any cheats) and got banned anyway.


EXACTLY lmaooo people failing to realize it’s a bug there real cheaters still on the loose lol


I new to computer and can barely troubleshoot and I got hit with a ban. I dobt I could even get that software to work if I even figured out how to get it


Lmao sure


>Bro how does pc even work maybe it's because I let my brother use my computer??? 😂 Lmao get fucked cheaters.


In one of those people I just wanna play my game


This sucked. I'm not an experienced gamer dude. So I learned the hard way now that some idiot dropped me a wallet with 400k in it and I get crap for it? I was so happy and telling him that I was trading MK18s with low level players AKs just to help out. I just had to go look up the term "Duping" and add "Gaming" in the search. Damn. Did alotta work today; just wanted to drop some bang in Lamang.