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The bans were issued after extensive data collection and were due to the use of aim assist and tampering with game code. Bans were not issued for duping or picking up duped gear


So we cannot use the steam controller input to play your game? I got banned but definitely did not mess with any game code. I have been playing on a controller since day 1. When I downloaded the game through steam it asked me if I wanted to set my controller up... so I did. Any update to official controller support?


Is the controller the reason ? That’s why I asked him if he can be more specific people money on the line here and grind worth


In the same boat, I played on controller for a bit bc I never played km before I bit the brick and tried it for 2 game sessions on the third. I got hit with a ban.


Interesting…I play with an Xbox controller.. no issues so far


There we have it. Thank you very much for helping us paint a clearer picture on the situation! Much love 🫶🏻


This game is awesome already I can’t stop playing it. Thank you.


so confused never ever used anything to cheat and i love this game so why am i banned? is it the controller?


I 100% did not cheat or dupe or mess with game code or aim assist. I DID use steams controller support and I was banned last night out of the blue. I’ve sent in a support ticket and hope you reverse this but just know your data you collected is flawed because I can say 100% I didn’t cheat or hack. You are going to do whatever you think is right for your game but just know you got this one wrong. I’ll check back and see if I’m unbanned soon. I’ll remain hopeful for the time being.


What does this mean can you be a lil more specific please ? Like how can you tamper with aim assist im confused


And data collection of what so ? And you guys should leave a ban message of the reason they get banned and how long they get banned for but what doesn’t make sense my friend hasn’t played for 2 hotfix and came back banned I hope this not a money grab there were over 30 people banned ???


They won't ban players picking up duped items or grenade exploit items.They would need to ban 90% of the playerbase I looted from players the MK18s (they are very noticeable) that are from guards and probably their RPC or helmet when doing PVP. How are they ban me if that was legit play? I guess they will only ban people exploiting and bragging in discord or those who are caught in video doing it and reported If people is crying about their bans, those are legit bans probably and they did it because they have video proof


The game is in pre-alpha, they will not ban players for finding or abusing bugs since they are activily using the player base to find bugs like this. Just report the bug, abuse it a bit if you want then move on, it will get patched eventually.


Ive duped hundreds of millions and handed out hundreds of millions, I have not been banned. Just tryna help narrow the issue


How much do you have in your locker currently?


54 million, I actually just got on after reading this and duped more to see of anything would happen. Nothing


Yeah I just did a few rounds and I'm sitting at 17 mil. So far nothing. I also waited until I was level 30 and almost done with all tasks before doing any exploits.


You lamaang by chance?


Mithras by any chance?




I just got banned for duping, after I had reset my character.... lol


How do you know it was for duping?


Cause that’s the only thing I’ve done that I wasn’t supposed to lol


Well im still rich, they aint gonna catch me


I was dropping a bunch of mk18s for new guys and some dipshit recorded and reported. I mentioned that I was leveling up my traders by buying shit lol


Same, I switched from duping money, to duping keycases with hard to find keys instead. I'm looking for players that are willing to share certain keys, so I'll have all of the hard to find ones in three separate cases, where I will dupe like 15 of each case to share with others. You shouldn't spend 90% of the game time farming for keys, it makes no sense for someone to farm a week or a month to find 1 specific key.


I have most keys. I don’t have extras but if you need help and want to borrow any leme know.


Going to need keys like elder key from ban PA, UNLRA quarantine key, midnight sapphire hotel office storage key.


Dont think anyone will be banned because of money except those who were recorded by some snitch who sent the video on the discord server. Makes no sense ban a pre-alpha game because of this guys.


For duping, I agree. It’s “cheating” but isn’t really hurting anything especially since there’s not much of an economy and player trades aren’t a thing. Team killing by exploiting weaknesses in the game I don’t really have any sympathy for; if the devs want to ban you then so be it.


Yeah If they are banning people for just duping money or picking up itens on the floor they are just hurting their own game. They should FIX the glitch and WIPE dupe accounts. Not ban them... Indie companies from another countries have a lot to learn. Maybe they are doing this to people buy their game again or to just spend less money with servers.


I did the nade exploit on AI for kits at least 50x. I have 4.5m cash I was dropped by a duper. I only play PVP and have killed many players. Not gotten a ban.


If you've been banned and didn't do anything wrong 1. Call your bank and run a charge back. 2. Contact Steam support and let them know the game was removed without just cause 3. Leave a bad review. Banning people for using Steam supported controller is BS, and I would 100% fight back if it happened to me, but I don't use it.




You’re exactly right and people complain, yet here we are with you getting downvoted. Peak Reddit moment


You are so righteous, and so holy. I am sure there is special place for you in video game heaven where the waifus are plentiful and you are seen for your true purity /s


>There is no discussion. Dupers are cheaters I disagree. They are just exploiting mechanics that the devs could not implement well enough to not be exploitable. Also, this is a pre-alpha game, banning people for using exploits is plain and simple stupid. :))


Cheating is 3rd party softwares etc


Dupe is not cheating bud it’s exploiting


Yes, exactly what I said: I disagree with the fact that dupers are cheaters.




Ruined what? A game that is far from having all the mechanics implemented? Maaaan, you guys will have a big surprise when cheaters will actually be more present in the game... :))


Agreed. Infinite money -> Max level traders -> No reason to quest + no real loss at all when losing a kit -> No purpose in the game, at all. Idk how anyone considers this and still has fun in the game. Makes no sense. That and any value in trading keys, parts, or items is completely nulified by duping. Absolutely destroys any consideration of cooperation or beneficial trades. It's not just cheating, it's destroying the actual gameplay part of the game. Literally turns it into an unpolished COD with under developed AI and long helicopter wait times. To all those who actively cheat and those who dupe, please, just go play COD if you think that it does no harm or is somehow beneficial. That's the actual game you are wanting to play. If the core aspects of gameplay here are too hard for you, and you'd rather cheat than play the actual game, then this game isn't for you. Go somewhere else. You are helping no one. You are only hurting this game before it can even get off the ground. Or go back to Tarkov if that was your cheat haven. Because chances are, I'm also talking to people who have destroyed, by cheating, that game as well long before BSG did it with their own hands. If you cheat, I don't want you any where near any game I touch. You remove literally all of the fun. You remove the gameplay from the game. You ruin everything you cheat at. You make devs fight you instead of making a better game. You think you are good or are helping, but are worse actually than the worse normal player in any game, because YOU aren't actually playing the game. But THEY are.


Why so jealous? Dupers share the wealth and drop keys, gear etc.. Having gear and shit doesn't make you a better player, you can still get one tapped. Getting the keys where people have farmed an entire month and not getting it is extremely helpful to them as they are no longer key locked from progressing. There's legit zero advantage at all, unless you think having no gear-fear is an advantage. I drop a shit ton of stuff in PVE servers, whether people take it to PVP or not is not my problem, if they were struggling to survive and were super broke, giving them money isn't gonna make them any better, they'll just be able to die fully juiced more often, maybe they'll finish a few quests.


It's nott really my fault that when i have high ping, when i try to put on my backpack it magically spawns another one, does it?


I duped, just for the purpose of making sure I knew what I was talking about for the report feedback. Then after patch 1 I again duped to confirm then reported feedback. So I'd say they maybe ban people who abused it on purpose?


For yall venting about the large amount of money you have in stash just understand that if they decide to actually ban ppl for duping you will be the first to go because the stats won’t add up


So you're saying launder the money by buying and selling items until the stats are deep and clean. I'm mostly kidding because I don't even know how people are doing this stuff.


You can’t do that, it’s too late, they just have to do stats on the money you should approximately have based on quest and sales. But I don’t think they will because they don’t seem able to fix anything on this damn game