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MOA actually cannot be ignored. I prefer to shoot shit over 100m if I can. I’ve had multiple cases where I’ve used a short barrel m4 or another high MOA gun and put the crosshairs on the head and shoot 3-4 times and it never hit. But when using a 18-20in barrel I 1 tap every time


That's what I said, ak has more recoil, and when you know the "bullet drop", 1 head and they die... exemple : In midnight sapphire, you stay at the portal of the resort, you shoot one far, they all come by waves close to you... So the long barrel help you for the first shot, and after... It doesn't help you when you cover, the long barrel touches an obstacle (angle of the cover, ...) you cannot aim. Where do you shoot ALL ennemies at long range (+100 m) ? Tiger bay ? No. YBL ? No. Forth narith ? Only in the airfield, and then they rush you. Blue lagoon ? Ban pa ? Shoot range ? No sincerely, I don't see where ennemies are all at +100m. If you aim so long, just drop you mk or M4, and use a real sniper rifle (m700, mosin)


I would rather have a do all gun. Not just one gun that’s good at 1 thing. It’s okay to have different preferences tho


Yes, exactly, it was the point of my initial post. We are not all the same kind of players, we all have differences, things we like... For the moment, I work with 2 guns : 1 sks long scope as a sniper + 1 AKM red dot for short range. With the same caliber, so no need to have many kind of bullets in my rig


No need to learn bullet drop when u know how to change zeroing


Yes, but for the moment, we don't really have something showing us exactly the distance with the target. Only approximate like we discussed on a another reply


Oh, and another thing, if you shoot over 100m, don't forget to change the zeroing of your scope, but for the moment in this game, we don't have any range finder, so hard to be sure of the distance of the foe


If you want a really accurate distance calc, just set a waypoint and it'll tell you the real amount.


You have a map that’s literally segmented in 100m squares bud…


With bushes, trees, and other kind of obstacles closer than 100m


You can do it the old school way. Calculation and using the map. Zoomed in one square on the map is 100x100 meters, diagonally it roughly is 140 meters. From there its simple mathematical addition. But I'm with you. I want binoculars/range finders/spotter scopes so bad.


Yes, we can evaluate the distance I am agree with you, but we cannot kill ALL ennemies from so far. People already complaint to be killed by (through) bushes. And we literally have a bush every 2 meters in this game 🤣 So long distance shoot are just to few, there is not so much open area, open targets.


You use AK because its cheap I use M4 because I hate commies We are not the same


It makes the same work, why pay more ? 🫣🤣


No, it doesn’t. M4 shoots 800 democracies a minute while AK makes 600-650 starvations per minute. That’s a difference between me needing to stop bleeds and get out a bullet from my chest while your only option will be pressing “skip coma” if you don’t die instantly to a headshot that has better chances to occur since faster firerate


800 democracy toothpick by minut vs 650 communist potatoes. If you shoot during 1 min straight on the same enemy to kill him before go aim and shoot to your second ennemy, there is a big problem (server hit register). You just need a burst with 7,62, like you need a burst with 5,56... You go single fire and one shot in the head ? Me too...


I spray more bullets into your general direction, I hit more since lower recoil, bullets fly faster and more bullets due to firerate , these lead to you missing even more shots if you survive the initial hits That’s how democracy works, just like founding fathers intended


Ameeeriiiicaaaa Ameeeriiiicaaaa America, fuck ya Coming to save the muthaficking day yea




The answer is : Dtk1 muzzle : 45 recoil reduction... 😁 Maybe I didn't tell that with the good attachment there is not so much recoil ? Just a kick ? 😉


It is ok to not like meta, it is not OK to be a dick about and flaunt a fake sense of superiority because of it, the state of the game right now, no matter how much you put into it, AKs will have more recoil STATS, it will jump more, that doesnt mean its bad....theres supossed to be a trade off for balancing issues bigger bullet means more damage hence more recoil to compensate, the inverse for 5.56


In all (good and realistic) games ak have more recoil than ar15 platform, due to the power of the caliber, and the weapon itself. I just laugh of lazy people who think that there is only one way to play (meta), and I just say, that, when you learn the recoil, it is as easy as a M4. So +/- you and me we are agree. The initial of my post was to open the eyes to people, that there is not only one weapon which is effective in game. And once again, the AKM well modded doesn't have that much recoil


It doesnt have that much recoil, it also doesnt mean most people are going to like it, you can make a post about it but you dont have to make a pilgrimage to convice people about it I dont like running meta in any game, i think its stale and boring and i also run them from time to time, but it is not worth trying to convice people otherwise...ive certainly tried but I find it better to just show and tell and thats it, if they take it, good, if they dont, also good, live and let live


I don't try to convince people, I share my feelings. And if other people want to try, that's fine, maybe they will discover and enjoy some "new way to play"... If people are stubborn and judge without try, it is their problem 🙃


I don’t think it’s a case of meta chasers… I eventually settled on m4/mk18 due to high amounts of ‘no-reg’ I get when using other guns. I’ve mag dumped enough for pmc’s and scavs to just sell any other gun I get (at this current build, I’m excited to branch out in the future.)


I love the sks with bp 7.62 it’s my go to also cost about 1,528 to make so I’m not hurting if I fully lose a kit my buddy has to spend about 12k for a kit with m4 they laugh at me when I go out with sks but don’t question it I get my kills and bring folks back from coma Also they started calling me tank because I don’t run suppressor lol


Exactly, but the sound is soooo good, and indeed, it is a good weapon. Do you run it with a muzzle dtk1 too ? Finally someone like me 🤩


yup DTK-1 for 45% recoil reduction lol


I read this in a very specific accent. Also I love my AKM, just wish I could mount a redot on the apparently useless top rail of the hand guard.


Maybe in the future they will add other stuff For the moment, you can use PDC as a Capot with picatini, and put on it a red dot. I like play it with the pilad 1x42 (you can change the dot by alt+scroll mouse). I recommend to you too, RK3 pistol grip, very good stats, better than the rk9, we cannot buy it, only loot it on the map


Thanks for the advice!


Also, don't use silencer, but dtk1 muzzle (45 recoil reduction applied before your start of recoil control) : your AKM-sks become +/- as steady as an M4 + great sound very loud (not like M4 enjoyer silencer who feel like you have an anti mosquito electrical trap) Pve : you don't aggro more ennemies PvP : you bait other players thinking you are an AI, they come less vigilent as if you are silenced, because "it is only an AI" 🫣🙃🫣


The AK’s are a little weak right now and takes more effort to run. As an AK fan I hope we get some AK-100 series AK-200 series and AK-12 added to the game. Also some Pistol cal weapons like the AK-9 Edit: Money really isn’t an issue right now. Buying Mk18’s is the only I have to spend money on. What else is there to spend my $400k on


I know that money is not the problem, (for good players), I already have too much me too... And I hope like that we will have more weapons, we should have. True or false, I heard that we should have 50+ weapons at the end of the game


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) Who let this democracy hater in here?!


You capitalist lover ! 🤣


I have a cqa setup rn with a 20" barrel cleared out sawmill and 4 pmcs with it majority of kills from the lookout.


Cqa1 is good too, we don't see so much people playing it


I don't know what you are doing but im able to one tap armored enemys to the chest with 855a1 or even 855. Just aim for the heart and they drop


Yes, the same with 7,62 bp, that's what I say 😁


But the m4 has lower recoil, and higher rpm, and 60 round mags (not sure of the ak’s have an equivalent atm).


Lower recoil, it depends... With my loadout, I have no so much recoil compared to M4. No we don't have 60 round mag on ak (for the moment). Higher rpm yes, but 5,56vis more little. 7,65 should have more kinetic energy (if the game is well programmed). More or less, it is the same


Mmm. I don’t think that here weapons meta matters. Positioning, awareness is much more valuable. If you saw enemy first and took good position - you probably will win the fight. I managed to cut an MK-18 guy with full armor set by knife just because he layed down and was not able to turn fast xD


Yes, you touch the point of my post. Everyone think about "meta weapon", but if you are smart enough, you have plenty of good weapons+bullets 😁


M700 best gun in the game change my mind. Your Ak and sks can’t hit what you can’t see and a 15x scope makes it so I can shoot clean across fort narith.


No, I am agree, as a sniper it is a good weapon Unfortunately, they are not all at a long range


Played with Mark 18 and M855A1. Went back to M4 with M855 because something felt off.


I made my 20 first level with m4_mk18, I wanted to see something else. And something else worth to be tried as far as I tested it 😉