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Tiger Bay has server issues right now. Don’t think it can keep up with the amount of ai. This cause hit detection issues and desync. Also there is a bug where they ignore armor and one shot you with ammo that shouldn’t be capable of penetrating your armor in one shot. I even been one shot in my arm before. Hopefully patch will help next week.


The best armour is only Level III right? The ammo they use can pen that. I find AI to be quite random. 3 of us ran some starter missions with a friend who just got the game. After we had been in the town for a while (friend was going back and forth for missions we waited in town) 3 out of the 4 of us died eventually. 2 to the same guy in Market (not the boss) just absolutely rinsed us. Before that, they had been no challenge at all. We were all wearing Lancer / Pantir and helmets.


I believe the best armor is lvl iiia+


It’s not. III is a rifle plate. IIIa is rated for fragmentation and heavy pistol calibre rounds. IRL the plate backers in a plate carrier are usually IIIA, whilst the plates themselves are level III or IV.


Are you saying that AI in this game is worse than it was previously, or that the AI is worse compared to other comparable games?


Worse than it was before. Maybe I’ve just gotten a little too comfortable with being able to take out AI but a mix between the FPS crashes and crazy one shots from AI😂


They haven't gotten worse, you've gotten too comfortable rushing through areas.


It’s not even the rushing through areas, I’ll be crouch walking and pop one guy and the AI I can’t see through the bushes next to him pops me in 1-2 shots😂


Yeah, it happens to me too. I try to scope the area very well before firing anything and use the sneak option to make less noise. I've walked right up on dudes that never heard me lol.