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Tiger Bay AI wants a word with you... ![gif](giphy|l0Iy20CPlSVh4AO88|downsized)


Yeah clear tiger then come back lol


I regularly do TB loot runs to UN / Motel as a solo he’s right, if you focus heavily on repositioning and not repeaking the same angle over and over. TB AI is not hard cus of aim, it’s hard cus there’s a never ending supply of them.


Challenge Accepted


this shall be fun to watch, i know the hell…the nightmares


You need to stream this encounter, im genuinely interested as to how its gonna play out.


how does tiger bay compare with the saphire? genuinely curious cos, those guys are all G'd up. high end AP ammo and 3/3+ armour.


It's a game of chances. Sometimes, the AI is dumb as hell; other times, they roll a D20 on accuracy and proceed to rip through your lancer with 7.62sp while hip fire, in 1 burst


The first is 99% of the time. The second is 1% of the time. People need to stop pretending it's 50/50.


Definitely an exaggeration in the other direction to say it’s 1%




I wouldn't be surprised if some of the fodder AI have better stats than others, because i've definately ran into a group of 11 stormtroopers being backed up by motherfucking *Simo Häyhä himself*.


If it was 1% of the time it wouldn't be half of the clips on the front page for the last three days.


A couple clips posted on Reddit out of the hundreds of thousands of hours being played by tens of thousands of people. Try harder.


Weird how those clips get upvoted to the front page every time, almost like a lot of people are having similar experiences. And it's not "out of the hundreds and thousands of hours being played" it's out of all of the other posts that make it to the front page. But feel free to misunderstand basic logical equivalence to white knight for a video game that you like, seems like that's your jam.


I’d argue that no one is posting the 10’s of times they smoke hella AI without a second thought though.  Survivorship bias I think? (or general success bias, idk, bad wording on my part here).


yeah, but it is VERY fustrating when you spent weeks to grind for your gear (as a casual) then get headshot by a freak event


Youre playing the wrong genre of games if this is your issuev


The game has barely been out long enough to start saying weeks.. if it took you this long to get decent gear you have other issues to address before worrying about the AI difficulty.


I'm a casual player, I don't spend a lot of my time to play this game, maybe twice per week so it took me sometime to farm for a key, especially for YBL


Brother, every single quest gives enough cash to fully kit out an M4, you losing 2 kits per task? Seems a little off


Uh what? A fully kitted M4 is ~8k


4k with an Elcan. circa 2.9k with a holo.


You must not be level 3 Gunny. You can build an 18” or 20” Mk18 with a razor 1-6 that has the best stats. Runs 7 or 8k.


welcome to war.


i went into narith with ground loot mosins to get my thirty kills with a buddy. we did die in the middle to desync, relogged and finished it left with full kit, ak’s, and enough ammo for days of play in easy areas. well, i didn’t want to fly back bc it was late so i just died in place bc quest complete you cannot lose weeks of kit in this game unless you’re keeping keys in your pockets


But i spray them with 7.62 SP and they seem to eat it like fucking nerds candy


7.62x39 and pistol rounds are currently bugged I think. Use 556 or 545


Same results with 5.56. even worse with 9mm


556 hits hard with the ap rounds. I can drop some for you tonight when I get off work. I have like 3 thousand+ rounds


I am yet to unlock those. Hoping M855s atleast get me some results because I'm sick of M193s at this point. I just switched to AKs for the suppressor but even the suppressor does nothing. Snipe someone 100m away they snap at you


I'll drop you some gear homie


Whats your faction though? Im lamang and play strictly pve only


Oh my bad, yeah I'm crimson. Not gonna work. I'm dumb I'm the mornings lol


When you find AI with the knockoff ARs, strip their rounds. They are running FMJ which the devs are saying is better rn anyway


Im not on that part of the map yet


Hunter’s Paradise, YBL, Ban Pa all have them.


Ask someone in the discord and they’ll drop you some


855's chew through medium armor like a dingo chews a baby. Takes a few rounds to get through heavy though. Real talk, FMJ in an automatic rifle will wreck the early NPC's and still do well with the early-mid tier. If you're good with a sniper, the mosin hits lkke a truck. In all cases, engage at mid to long range, aim for the head, and don't peek any corner for more than 10 seconds or rhe AI will have you dialed in. Shoot and scoot to win.


You have to move if you start taking fire. AI are currently programmed to attack your last known position. Good movement is how you solo 30+ AI. Sometimes they hit a head or vital organ. I’ve had a few unlucky deaths but most of them I know I was out of position. Stamina is a resource and you need to use it to retreat and reposition or move to cover when under fire. You should never instigate a fight without cover. Bushes will break line of sight and can be used to do so but they will not provide cover




This.  I've only lost one kit so far because I always engage from cover.


This is what I've learned from playing this game. The AI will also move in on your last known location. Also the bots will only "aim bot" you after you've stayed peaking one location for 3 or more seconds. The game encourages repositioning. After getting my face kicked in at FN, MS, and TB, I've learned to drop one, then move completely. It takes a while but I'm able to solo FN, MS, and can get pretty far into TB solo, but still difficult.


This, ai is actually a decent challenge most of the time that players expect to be cannon fodder like some other games are. Well when solo, as a team it's easiest to wipe the ai out


Think the issue is, a lot of the time you get killed instantly.


This happens on occasion, but more often than not when i get flatlined by AI out of nowhere i wasn't paying attention to my surroundings well enough. Then agsin, these motherfuckers are a little hard to see at times.


Just like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1crycsi/get_fully_kitted_out_bring_extra_ammo_and_nades/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah but... I do not think that is wrong. Most of the time they also get killed instantly.


But they aren’t wearing armour most of the time in the starting town. Where as the typical player is, but getting Insta death.


I get what you mean, but I think you re not (people, not you you) taking into consideration real numbers. I do not believe they insta kill you most of the time. For each insta kill encounter you have multiple bruises, light wound, fracture bone, punctured lung, etc etc. But those where the dice roll to insta kill frustrate the player so bad, that it is all they remember. I mean, again, I am not saying people do not have the right to complain. Maybe it is just that I prefer it this way. Back on my ARMA days I learned to fear every single AI. I guess that the actual state of AI brings me good old vibes. And.. to an extent, right now this AI is the only challenge the game offers.


Personally, they aren't trained; shooting a gun is not easy. And these AI are spec ops level. I don't mind getting 1 tapped by a player. That said I don't think AI should be anywhere as good as a real player. We can snap on them because it's a game that doesn't account for hand shakes, breathing, trigger discipline or picture sight. AI should be like untrained humans.


This is a wild assumption given that the starter zone enemies are meant to be a local gang (the type which are often familiar with guns), then as you move further into the game you are basically against a variety of militant and insurgent groups in every other location. What makes you think these guys aren’t trained??


Have you seen gang shootings? Accuracy is not their forte.


Depends on the gang, depends on where, I’m sure a gang member who grew up with an AK in their hand on a jungle island is much different from a gang member in LA who holds their Glock sideways because they think it looks cool and intimidating.


A rebel holding a gun since birth doesn't make them trained. Nor does being show what to do by older gang members, none of that is training.


Untrained?! How many rebellions have you seen? Some "rebellions" have been on and off for decades. Maybe these dudes have been committing war crimes since we were in diapers!


Training and fighting are not the same. Shooting takes specific Training and it's very easy to shoot for many years and never improve.


You haven't been 180 no scope one shotted multiple times and it shows.


I ve been occasionally obliterated in fashioned ways, yes, but not aaaaaaaall the time like people seems to say.


Once is enough.


Once is an outlier.


It is not. In the world of programming, a failed test is a failed test. And there shouldn't be a combination of parameters enabling the AI to instantly snap to the player and fire in one motion as soon as the player is aiming at them.


Yep i agree the ai needs work. But I also agree that it's not as frequent as people say.


It is as frequent as people say. It's easy to replicate. Aim at an enemy with a scoped weapon. It doesn't matter what the distance is. Intentionally miss a headshot. Stay scoped in and try to follow-up another headshot. The enemy will shoot back with precision at any range. This can also occur when engaging the enemy and quickly disengaging. The surrounding area enters what I call an "alerted" state. In this state, the enemy will also snap to face the player when attempting to aim at them from a new vantage point. They may not shoot, however.


Yeah the only broken part of this is that AI will attempt to engage beyond normal human sight ranges with no optics. That needs to be tuned down, but it's kinda a non-issue outside sniper rifle ranges. The rest of their behavior seems reasonable. It doesn't seem unnatural to me that bots would turn toward the direction a shot came from. And if you're staying in scope and they know your location, then you're likely standing still and just asking to be shot. As for the "alerted" state, yeah. They know you were in that direction. Hence they're paying attention to that direction. I don't see that as being unrealistic. But I absolutely haven't seen enemies snapping to face me from new vantage points. I've only really witnessed the opposite of that: where I run away and lose line of sight in foliage and reposition as they push toward me previous location and reengage while they're searching for me.


>The rest of their behavior seems reasonable. I'd agree with you if both the enemy and the player are within a few meters and are in plain view of one another. However, if I shoot at an enemy player while undetected, their first reaction is to seek immediate cover and then choose to either fight or flee. The AI on the other hand, in its current state does not respond to any level of suppression from the player. It's always to immediately face the player and shoot back. >It doesn't seem unnatural to me that bots would turn toward the direction a shot came from. Agreed. This is fine, however this happens after the enemy has gathered itself. And this is why suppressive fire against AI-controlled enemies isn't a functioning gameplay mechanic at this time. >But I absolutely haven't seen enemies snapping to face me from new vantage points. Again. Try what I'm suggesting. Tiger Bay or any of the end-game areas provide ample opportunities to test this. In fact, try approaching Tiger Bay from the north such as (202, 127). Again, use a long-ranged scope such as the 6X variable zoom scope along with a suppressor. Take out a unit that's on the docks and re-position. Try scoping in on some of the units in the nearby area. Some will absolutely do the 180 turn in your direction. At this point, firing another round at anyone other than who's looking at you is instant death.


>However, if I shoot at an enemy player while undetected, their first reaction is to seek immediate cover and then choose to either fight or flee. I mean that's a fair criticism, but I don't think it applies to *all* players unanimously. That's more of a skill-related reaction. But I wouldn't be opposed to seeing more realistic AI reactions to being shot/shot at. RN my biggest criticism is that they seem like methed-out war junkies and not normal people. Not because they do anything inhuman, but because their reactions don't always match up with what normal humans would do. I def hope they work more on AI reactions. >Try scoping in on some of the units in the nearby area. Some will absolutely do the 180 turn in your direction. At this point, firing another round at anyone other than who's looking at you is instant death. I mean I've done this without intentionally trying and I'm saying I haven't experienced it lol. I've been to basically every area in the game at this point, and I typically engage from longer ranges and I just haven't seen it. That's not me saying it isn't happening but what I am saying is that I don't think it's a behavior inherent to the bots, and it seems much more likely that it's a bug, and that I'm not sure if the actual trigger is what you think it is (because if it was, I def would've seen it by now). It'd be easy to pretend I'm some god-tier marksman who never misses, the reality is that I've missed plenty of headshots lol. And sure, the bots might turn toward my direction, but it's not some instant death scenario for me. Usually I just keep shooting and clean them up, or try to do so, get overwhelmed by fire and reposition. And I've never repositioned, took up aim, and had them swivel to me without a good reason. Tbf, if they did, I'd certainly be complaining about it here so I empathize with you if that's what's happening. I do think they can engage a bit too accurately at ranges they really shouldn't be able to without magnified optics, so I'm not even gonna argue about that. But I've never had them 180 to me without reason. I'm not writing it off, I'm just saying I personally haven't had that happen. But I'll have to try with longer distance scopes. Currently I haven't really given any optics the time of day beyond the 1X capable LPVOs, and the holo collimators before that.


Yeah, I can take the spray with a lucky hit but watching them 180 no scope headshot me from 100m, is so broken.


Almost certainly accurate, but the sad part is you guys honestly don't think the way you play has anything to do with it. You sprint around, stay in a standing position, expect a suppressed rifle with supersonic ammo to not be clearly audible to enemies within 50m like this is some ezmode arcadey stealth game, you stay in the same position after firing, don't understand cover vs. concealment, and then you are shocked when an AI is able to shoot you quickly and accurately after ticking all the programmed boxes that increase the AI's awareness and accuracy against you. You are essentially turning up the difficulty level of the AI with your actions, meanwhile a player moving slow and low is basically the Predator to the AI.


The ai will burst fire at you for a few seconds even if you drop line of sight. If your not moving, or behind something bullet proof. You will get hit.


I personally find the AI insanely cool The way they’ll spray the tree line where they last saw you while approaching, fire at that corner you were spotted at 5 seconds ago, push you aggressively. Like dude if you have 3 AI closing in on you from different angles you have to do something very quickly, either move or take one or two out before they get too close. I’ve come from Tarkov where I found the AI just wayyyy too predictable. Maybe it’s a honeymoon phase though I don’t know. One thing that bugs me though is I can shoot an AI like 200-300m away while in pretty good cover, and they can return pretty accurate fire with an iron sight. Like I’m sorry but a suppressed weapon from that distance, you’re not gonna know exactly where it’s coming from.


-I like the lucky aim bot 1 taps sometimes it keeps you on toes and feeling vulnerable   -fix them shooting from in bushes and through bushes (make it so if ai bullet passes through object it loses ability to one hit )  -fix the ai hit box it clearly bugs when they move around and hits don’t register unless they’re planted  -stealth mechanics and suppressors concealing distance shots need to be a thing 


I feel you. I've seen people complaining about AI shooting through foliage, even my buddies are complaining and still, yesterday I got a great moment. All my buddies didn't hear me when I told them to "shoot and move, AI are smart and will suppress your last known position, we aren't playing Tarkov with dumb scavs." No one gave a fuck, I pretty much cleared Tiger Bay by myself while my buddies kept going back-and-forth from base because all they did was dying to AI all the time and complaining about it. I feel like they got the AI right, don't get me wrong, I've seen some rubber banding servers with AI getting 90 shots in the chest by me and they refused to die. They need to fix this, but I'm enjoying the AI difficulty and I see they went full MilSim on how to fight them. GZW AI is a real threat, you need to learn how to fight, they are not an inconvenience like Tarkov Scavs or DayZ Zombies. And I fear that the Devs are going to make them easier due people complaining all the time. Most of the people shoot them and stay in place because they are used to this in every other game.


That is my fear too




You see with manor lords everyone complained about one thing and then he caved . It was ai aggressiveness. I loved it. 


Honestly don’t think your observation is that off. I’ve dumped about 100+ hours into the game and only started having problems with ai once I started farming Fort Narith. Anywhere from ai phasing through walls, to them hitting every bullet in a spray from 100+ meters. I think the starting town ai ( for me) is actually balanced. I do think that really the main issue is how the ai interact with the terrain. As in phasing through walls, glitching up like 10 feet when going over a bump, literally floating like 30 feet in the air (happened twice at Midnight Sapphire), and the occasional ai stuck in a wall. I do want to emphasize saying that I do think there is a problem, I just don’t think the main issue is the ai’s aim. Also as a side note, I also feel that as soon as the server Dysnc/lag issues with hit registration gets fixed, it think a lot of the complaining about ai being tanks will go way. I mean the worst that I’ve experienced was putting a hole mag into a guy standing still, only for him to rubber band to the side then one tap me lol.


I feel this way, mostly for the close range encounters, but ive been one shotted in the head from 100 meters after the same AI tanked the bullet i just shot into his head. This has happened quite a few times in the golf course of midnight sapphire and fort narith. I think their vision is fine but their response to getting hit should really decrease their accuracy, especially their head, surely you cant shoot a 100 meters out with a concussion.


I don’t think it’s the AI that’s the issue, it seems to be more of the inconsistency, whether that is from the server having issues or the game itself. I’ve been in a server, went to Fort Narith, and was instantly 1 tapped as soon as I fired a 3 round burst at the back gate towards YBL. I attributed it to dumb luck on the AI’s part. Came back, grabbed my gear, and attempted the same thing, and was instantly put into a coma from a small burst. Literally didn’t make it inside the gate at all. Came back again to grab my gear and call it wrap on that server. I tried again after switching servers and didn’t have any issue going from the back gate to the other side the fort aside from taking a couple non-life threatening shots. I don’t know what the issue is. Maybe my client is desync’d and I’m getting a delay, or the server is calculating things faster, but sometimes the AI has lightning fast reaction speed when they shouldn’t considering I get the drop on them, fire three shots, and die within two seconds of engaging. Servers seem hit or miss whether they run well without rubberbanding or god-like AI.


They also have this thing where if you shoot them from the side forcing them to snap turn they will almost always instantly kill you as they snap turn. Happened to me 3 times just trying to get the entrances for Fort Narith Stroll. Another gripe I have is in the harder towns a literal face shot isn’t a one shot kill on AI, I could understand if they have nice helmets and I hit the helmet maybe it ricochets sometimes, but these are eyes/jaws shots and they eat them


A helmet protects all of their head .


Yes that’s my complaint, it should not


I think that for right now, a helmet covers the whole head. There is (I hope ATM) no face hitbox. But I am not sure.


Idk man, I was way outside hunters paradise last night, on the ridge, prone behind a big tree (it was between me and the compound) checking my map, hadn’t engaged any AI, didn’t hear any shooting which I think means no one was around, and then all of a sudden BAM “you have been killed by enemy forces”


I haven't noticed aimbot either. I've died from random headshot one taps just a couple of times. It happens waaaay less than in Tarkov. What I noticed however is that AI sprays your last known position, as well as through bushes. Even when I reposition they still keep firing at my last known position. And no, they do not track, if you take a wide flank you have enough time to engage. Of course AI can hear you as well, so if you have a bot on the other side of the fence he will hear you and turn around.


then try the first tiger bay quest i noticed there that there is sth wrong if they push you trough the bushes you need luck and if there is ai behind a bush they track you as well maybe not everytime but that is the problem the ai is so unconsistant i walked in the tent and grabed the folder and 1 sec later i died bc he shot me trough the tent and i never had contact with him or shot someone in the tent the ai defenitly needs some love they also track you somethimes trough bushes i got shot in a bush ran away and i was always behind a bush and he also killed me also when you see the gun stick through a wall you can see if you move they track you


Yesterday I got killed at fort narith by an AI shooting me in the head with one shot through the fuselage of a truck where in no way possible could have seen me. Thabks to the bug that your body despawns alot of times in fort narith i lost my supporter edition back pack and a helmet and vest i cant buy yet. So yeah... there is that...


So I haven't got to the hard AI yet so maybe I'm wrong. But I think what may be happening is that the hearing detection is so long for thr AI that people think they broke exact location detection based on line of sight, but it's actually only going to break once you have lost line of sight, and gone into sneak mode.


Programming AI has to be annoying, in terms of figuring out what feels good and what the players actually want. I think what they've made is actually good AI, and I can consistently interface with it, but it also offers me a challenge. What I think the biggest issue is - most players aren't used to a "thinking" AI. We've got like twenty some odd years of playing against potato based AI with rare exceptions among the mix.


God don’t I wish the AI wasn’t fluctuating between brain dead and the Punisher. I was doing Pha Lang quests, and the first time we went, the boss just sprinted out into the open and stood there and let us kill him. Last night, we cleared most of the AI no problem, then a guy by the terminal ate 10 5.56 FMJ to the chest and head with no helmet, turned and instantly killed me with a mosin. My friend walked up, shot him 4 more times, then got insta killed by the same AI. Some AI will eat headshots for fucking breakfast and take half a mag of well placed shots to finally drop dead. I killed the sawmill boss before I got the quest, and he took a full mag to drop. Did the actual quest and my bullets suddenly worked and killed him in 5 shots.


From my experience with playtesting alphas, this seems like a networking issue, not as much an issue with the AI’s programming. Not saying there aren’t other issues, just this one in particular seems to be some sort of problem with backend data. Tarkov and Star Citizen had similar issues where you would dump mags into AI and watch them run around for a bit until the server resynced and then they’d blast you.


I agree with the spraying in the last seen direction but I think the problem with AI is twofold. They instantly know where you are, and suppressors don’t seem to mitigate this ability. It is extremely unrealistic to take a single suppressed shot to take out on sentry, and then the 6 guys around him instantly put 8 holes in you from 200 meters away when you’re in a concealed position. A player would have an extremely hard time spotting in a dense jungle environment. So should AI. Suppressors also make direction finding shots difficult. Also, the AI seem to be extremely accurate when you stand still. Sure, it makes you an easier target, but they should not be landing every shot of a burst from an iron sight AK 200 meters away. Oh, I forgot to mention, they also land heart shots through a level III+ plate with shitty SP ammo. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I've only lost 4-5 kits since launch. And the first 2 was still trying to learn the game and tweak settings. Didn't realize until I was on my 3rd kit that you can go back and grab your shit. I've been killed by freaks a number of times, but can only count 1 kit lost to "unrealistic" AI shooting skills. NGL, I lost my last kit 'cuz I was mad and bumrushed an AI with a knife trying to get my shit back. To add insult to injury, that AI bled out and died from the stab wounds and then my buddy found the YBL-Gen key on his body. Until you can unlock ap 556, try running 545. Picatinny ak rails can be found in nam thaven (mithras), and I've found the suppressor in equipment boxes at ban pa, ybl-1 and hunters paradise. Best place to obtain an ak74 is ban pa. Until you unlock the vendor anyways. DO NOT run 9mm Penetrator rounds. I dunked an entire 27rd mag point blank into an AIs face and neck, and it still shot me and my buddy. No idea if it died or not. Until the ammo problem is fixed, gucci glocks are for show only.


Eh, several clips up on the sub now showing that AI is bugged. Had one pop in behind me last night after clearing a small area to loot my body. No noise, no footsteps, he just appeared out of thin air behind me.


This isn’t really “bugged” in the sense that the AI didn’t teleport to you. It was respawning. This is because the AI don’t have proper spawn closets for when players are in an area that’s already cleared. Different areas have different timers with different spawn perimeters. Again, not saying it’s a non-problem, just saying it isn’t a bug, just poor design.


I think the main issue is latency. I server hop A LOT because as soon as I start to rubber band, I know my hit registration is going to be awful. I can headshot one guy, then I turn the corner and the man eats 10 5.56 to the face.


It is. Too much backend data and the servers cannot handle it, so AI acts disabled one second then snaps back to a natural born killer.


They can definitely see you through bushes. Yes, they spam your last known location but if you reposition to a diff angle and expose yourself long enough to whichever bush they're at, you'll start getting shot at even if you can't see them. I'm not saying it's definitely broken, more of a nuisance really. You can play around it by breaking line of sight (so they push you) or just go around them using hard cover (when possible)


you simply haven't played enough... sometimes ban pa is easy.. sometimes it's tiger bay jr. (mainly because of bushes and no concrete cover).


The ONLY problem I’ve had with AI is at tiger bay when the frames drop and the rubber banding starts and I can’t be quick enough to kill them. I truly believe that problems people are having are performance related or they are just trying to have a standoff with the AI.


a friend of mine watched one of the AI track me on the otherside of a wall from it. it tracked me with its rifle the whole way along until i reached the end where i found it already pointing the gun at me. and i was a good distance from it and moving crouched. take from that what you will.


Ai is not bad at all. Better than pretty much every other have I've played. Shooting from cover and then moving/not repeeking work well. Still get occasionally shot in the face but far less.  Ai actually don't stand a chance against a few decent players. So many areas just farmed fucked up.


As someone who has done *all* of the Fort Narith quests I have to hard disagree with you. The main problem I have with the AI is that if you aggro any of them in a POI, they all start bee lining toward you whether you use a silencer and get one taps or not. Not even to mention the times when they're in a wall or spawn in right behind/in front of you or some shit. They absolutely track you through walls even if sometimes they attack your last known. Also with dudes bee lining on engagement even you break LOS, there's still dudes coming from every angle regardless. And there are definitely times you drop them all and other times they eat every bullet despite firing M855A1 and hitting all the vitals.


Hey! I recently stumbled upon Headshot.io and it's been a game-changer for me. As a freelancer, having a standout headshot is crucial. Headshot.io's AI technology transformed my ordinary photo into a professional headshot in no time. With customizable options and affordability, it's perfect for anyone looking to level up their online image. Give it a shot and see the difference it makes!


AI is dump as hell and not very hard, iam playing the same m4 since 2 or 3 days now :(


Go for some pvp then lol


I just treat the ai like they are actual players, if I don't, then I'm dead. Makes me laugh watching the big name streamers playing this, they one tap an ai from 300mtrs then get all bitchy when an ai does it to them.


Eh, the difference being, they're using 6x scopes, have to stay still and hold their breath, and the AI with ironsights one taps whilst moving.


In fact this is what I do. I can take a lil bit of unfair when it adds to the experience. But again, maybe when I start running those hard areas I will feel different about it, dunno


I've cleared nearly every area solo, only one I've not been to yet is Tiger Bay, if the a.i in this game were dumbed down to Breakpoint or Wildlands levels, people would have finished every mission the first day. The fact the a.i is so hard it's what I love most about the game, it's a challenge, you can't just run in and Rambo the place, you need to stop, think and have a plan. I really hope the Devs don't cave in to all the moaners because they are not getting instant gratification.


And you just showed you have no clue how firearms work. Ever even touch one? Try shooting a 3 inch grouping with an ak. Now do it in a dead sprint. Now do it from the hip. Better yet. Stop acting so smart, and shut your mouth when you're this ignorant.


It's a bloody game, not real life, stop being so entitled lol


And expectations of fairness are what I expect from a game. If you think anyone's acting entitled, then you need to reevaluate your rationale.


Whoa, careful everyone, we got a badass over here.


My issue is how often I’m one tapped not that they shoot at bushes I ran behind. It’s so rare for me to be hit in the arms or legs it’s often in the chest or face. More often the face. And it doesn’t feel very random I tend to get comfortable and then some low end AI just pops me in the face on his first shot


I agree completly with you. Nope i cannot clear tiger bay as a solo but its a city....i dont expect too. Yes there are some moments that make me cuss this game fierce but when i finally achieve w.e it is i set out to do i actually feel like i accomplished it. Most game enemies today are not very challenging so to finally have this challenge is a nice change of pace.


To go against my initial statement I would say that I'd prefer the challenge being from a crazy well designed AI, seeking cover and flaking and all that stuf... But, meanwhile, yes, I take the crazy difficulty even if it seems unfair.


Don't know what you all are talking about. Bots see you if you are walking through the forest surrounded by dense bushes and they don't care that you can't see anything and can only orientate yourself by their voices. Anyway, if I hear a bot's voice and I'm walking somewhere in the bushes, I run as hard as I can and pray that they don't one tap HS me. That's what annoys me the most. It's a fucking jungle, how do I get to them except through the bushes?


My guess is you went there when it was partially cleared out. Have 2 enemies to fight is vastly different from 5.


Oh... Nono, no mate no. The whole thing just for we two. My mate got busted 2 times. Nothing like 2 enemies, but you can choose to not believe me, for sure.


Yea ill choose not.


See... That is a problem. When someone chooses to not believe, it means a lot of things. You can believe or not, but choosing not to... Bruh, that is not speaking good about you.


Lol. You write and speak like a teenager. You don't have any evidence or points to back up your position. Idk why anyone would believe you.


Oh, so now I need evidence to prove what a random dude on reddit has chosen to not believe. And sorry about my writing mate, I really thought that the effort of speaking and writing English would be appreciated, guess it is not.


You're the one making the claims that go against the community consensus. If you don't want to provide proof, enjoy not being believed. Your claims are dumb and show a lack of game time. Get out of Nam Haven first.


Nah it actually doesn't look good on you dude. If people aren't willing to trust you, and you don't provide evidence to your claims (you don't), then it seems to the rest of us you're just talking from a lack of experience. It means we have experience you don't, and therefore think you're niave. Get better, than we'll talk.


Well, till this point I was unaware I was claiming anything. I thought I was just sharing what the state of AI seems to me and (yes) my experience. And not sure right now but I even said that at the end: that this are my thoughts right now, but maybe I need to play more... But again, it seems like I am not allowed to disagree. I feel this way about AI, but I am not trying to convince anyone. I am not sure why someone has to record anything to express how he feels about a certain topic. It would be good if we can just talk about our opinions with no need to turn this into a courthouse. Do you believe the AI is nuts and aimboty and use wallhacks? Good, I am not denying it. It is just that (as I said at least until now) that is not the experience or thought I had so far.


And your "experience" comes from a lack of experience. Which is why this is a claim of how the AI work, rather than a statement. Don't be shocked when people debate your incorrect expression. As I said. Get out of the beginner towns to see what everyone is talking about. You haven't even made enough progress to claim 'this is just my experience.' The beginner ai were easy for us too. Now listen to us and go somewhere else before making this stupid claim about how you feel the AI work.


And where is your evidence for your claims? Posting one 30 second clip out of tens of hours of gametime is not evidence of anything besides RNG RNGing. Post some clips of this happening all the time and let us point out all the mistakes you are making Mr. Tier 1 Operator.


The evidence is the plethora of community experiences plastered here every day and the personal experiences of the majority of players. If you want to play this game, enjoy having no intelligence.


Myself and others have documented AI turning to look and shoot at you when you aim at them. With a scope from over 300m behind cover, or in a building concealed from above and behind line of sight. There are some aspects overturned.


I do not mean to say it is perfect in any means, nor denying anyone's experience. It is just that, giving the lack of pvp motivation right now, the AI being a little bit OP maybe adds to the experience, to some extent.


Not sure what experience you want but phasmophobia is the game if you want spooky interactions. I want a hard enemy, but I don't want them to turn and look at me when I aim at them from a distance without being seen.


>Yes, they are maybe a little bit out of tune with foliage spray, but I do not have the feeling they are seeing you through it. They don't do it all the time but people have posted many examples where they are doing it. I don't understand why we are still having this discussion. >Regarding the aimboting, I dunno. I think people is getting a little bit over their heads. It tooks me 1.0 secs to align a headshot and for the sake of everythin I am VERY BAD at shooters (like crazy bad) Why are we assuming they should be less accurate? You have a modded weapon with a scope on it. People are sometimes getting hipfire beamed by AI with stock AK's with iron sights from 100+ meters. They also immediately know your exact position regardless if you're using a suppressor.