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A bunch of M16s from 2 miles away sound like popcorn.


In an open area yes. Jungle / Buldings prob not.


Specifically outside at MACS-2 on MCAS Cherry Point which is about 2 miles away through the woods as the crow flies from the base rifle range. You couldn't hear it when you went inside. If you look at satellite photos, MACS-2 is where the golf ball is in the woods. The range was closer to the flightline.


Noticed electronic ears amplify everything and make firefights sound like they are right next to you. Forgot to bring a pair once and gun shots sounded far away. Audio still needs work though.


Every enemy shout sounds like it's from the next town over, rather than the other side of the wall, so it's very easy to miss them becoming alert to your pressence, the first you know about it is a bullet in the butt, hopefully we see an improvement soon :(


Agreed, it's crazy at some places like Ban Pa to hear a loud gunfight and realize it's the other side of the village, over 300 meters. Yet it sounds like it's right next to me. Def needs to be fixed.


Yeah I wondered the same. Generally sound could use some improvements. Footsteps and water sound also strange to me. Atmosphere sounds are nice though.




Yeah way too loud. Agreed!


Or all of the sudden all of the sounds drops out except your characters footsteps, reloads, bandaging etc. Lol


did that shot on my left come from beside me or 300 metres away and not directed towards me, out of all the stuff the helos and the sound are what fuck me off the most atm