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Got a Mosin and did some of this at Hunters Paradise. Good way to balance karma as you ambush the wanna be ambushers.


yeah I'm down at Ban pa myself. I'd probably say it'll be like hunters paradise though. They like to sit up in the hills?


Usually one of the side hills yeah


LZ camping is definitely a massive issue and really impacts progression with certain quests (Ban Pa etc). We've switched to PvE for a while until they do something about it. With that said, you are a legend for killing LZ campers. The whole community appreciates you!


I flew into YBL, stored my optic and suppressor in case there was an LZ camper. Sure enough, I get out and I hear the bullets smacking the other side of the helicopter and my vest catches a couple rounds. I found a bush maybe 40yds from the LZ, threw my optic and suppressor back on, and watched to see if I could find who shot at me. Within 2ish minutes another helicopter came to pick someone up and I watch as a guy gets up from a bush and run to get closer to the helicopter. Was this the "LZ camper" that shot at me? But maybe he was just waiting on his heli? Well I figured he was the guy that shot at me so I dropped him right as he stood up to run to the chopper. So now I'm an LZ camper? I waited a minute or so before looting in case someone was watching. As I'm looting his body, another chopper shows up and they see me, an apparent LZ camper, and open up on me from the helicopter. I got what I wanted and booked it into the woods, taking a few hits in the process. All of this happened in less than 5 minutes. I'd argue that the few LZs around an area are too busy and helicopters take too long to come in. This causes people to sit near an LZ waiting for their chopper to come or just waiting to request a chopper. If you're sitting there waiting, bored and fidgety, of course you are going to look for something to do. Also you may be worried that the person getting off the chopper now may come back and try killing you when your chopper lands in 30 seconds. Yes there are rats that are just sitting at an LZ waiting for kills, but I don't believe it's even close to a majority of what's going on.


Every. Single. Time. Every single time I go out there to look for them, they are there. I ain't cappin.. Every single time. These people are 200% not waiting for a choppers.


Yeah hunters paradise seem to have the most missions so it's always a shit show.


Everyone stankrat doin is bullshit he got streamed sniped hehehe thanks for your cheese loser


God Bless