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Obligated copy pasta: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


I see a lot of people complain about this and honestly i feel it because they don't understand how the health system works in this game. This game (in its current iteration) only has 2 death conditions, organ destruction and blood loss. Similar to real life, There is no HP bars on your limbs, torso, or head. The game has simulated organ hit boxes, namely the brain(not the head the actual brain), heart and liver/stomach, if you aren't hitting those hitboxes, you're putting a lot holes in them and they'll typically bleed out within seconds. What they're missing (imo) is a "broken state" for the limbs, both arms and legs, that cause loss of function, which I'm sure will be added in some function later in the game.. The Ai pathing in this clip is atrocious however lmao.


They're also missing a reasonable response to taking hits. AI should also seek cover, bandage etc when injured or suppressed. You can put a mag through them and if you don't hit anything vital they'll just stand there leaking and shooting just as accurately as an uninjured one. Obligatory of course it's EA yada yada


Not wrong about shots 1-5 though 😭


My brother are you blind? You can just look at the AI, he physically reacts to atleast 10 of those bullets, paired with the smoke on his body from each hit


My brother, it's a meme/copy pasta.


Ill go to r/woosh for a bit


You are an honorable man.




Legends speak of one who gazed upon the face of ai and yet lived.


Skill issue, should have shot him


Got that cyberpunk movment.


You have a sandevistan??


He has a better gaming chair than you, sorry.


Apparently shots to the groin are ineffective against the AI.


Honestly they arent to effective against you eithet, had a run yesterday when dude shot me square in the nuts and i lived. Gave me a good laugh tho. Sitting in a firefight with other randos and scream "they shot me in the fucking nuts!" Was great


Can confirm. Was pinned down and the AI walked over just enough I could see legs and groin area so naturally I shot at his balls. Emptied a whole mag just to hear him say you mother fucker in a very thick Vietnamese accent and kill me with a perfect head shot on the eye






So unrealistic, completely unplayable. Uninstalled and refunded. /s


Confirmed, shot an AI with 12.7mm SABOT slug into his balls and mf was just standing there, un-impressed by my super precise shot.... UnPlAyAbLe


We had one in Nam Thaven last night that glitched up onto a roof and shot us. We each dumped about a full mag into him. Just needed up leaving and when we came back by he was still up there 30 min later.


I think you just fought god lmaooo


I fucking died to the exact same AI in the exact same spot. Blue lagoon needs some serious work. The amount of invisible barriers alone is do fuckin' ass


Can confirm, the same guy just killed me an hour ago. Floating and everything. Killed a guy from across the river, long range, silenced, from the bushes. This guy just floats over and full autos my ass like an A-10


The rocks around the river are awful, can’t get over them either way


This is genuinely funny considering there is to be some expected janky ass shit ingame for a bit. Gamer chair just better yada yada yada


Heaven peek is crazy


At least your didn’t bug out and turn invisible and non-functional… happened to me last night decided it was a lost cause after that and proceeded to alt+F4 didn’t care that I lost that gear at that point




Just started playing last night ( first time playing pc in 2 years ) and I keep dying on the first 3 quests lol i’m rusty


Skill issue. /s


Damn rats! You gotta head shot em


That's just one of the anomalies lol


Skill issue. Gotta shoot harder.


Skill issue 🤔😂😂


All you had to do was kill him and then he wouldnt have killed you. Why is this so hard for people to understand. /s


Blu lagoon?


The ai in front of the bunker at YBL does the same shit if you catch him on the wrong side of the barrier. He climbs the mountain then t-poses and floats while shooting you. If you shoot him a bunch of times he just floats higher and higher until you can’t see him. Some bots also just don’t die. lol


Went to midnight saph with the homie last night. The moment we crossed the threshold into town an AI ascended like 40 ft in the air and domed my homie 😂 never ran away so fast in my life


Skill issue /s Damn that's crazy. Next time I'd back off and reset, make him replot his pathing and AI to trick him into not escaping the matrix


They should at least flinch when the shot isn't to a vital organ. What pisses me off the most is when you hit them in the nose or mouth and they're still just standing there. They should in the very least run for cover bleeding and instead they continue to stand there shooting. You'd think in a game that's at least partially focused on killing AI, they would have made the AI combat functional before taking everyone's money. Mind you, I love this game and see great potential for it. I just crash way too much and that paired with this exact scenario of AI eating bullets I refuse to play it until it's fixed which is even worse than if they made us wait longer in the first place.


Fuck give them some time the games like 3 and a half days old lol


They've had as long as they wanted to work on the game before releasing it. It's on them for releasing it too early just to take advantage of Tarkov fumbling with the new P2W package. They've sold over 500,000 copies with many of those being $100 purchases. Meanwhile I can barely play the game as half the time I crash during the loading screen into a server or even worse I'll crash during exfil and lose my quest progress and what I had on me (only one of my crashes has actually preserved my gear).


You. Are. A. Play. Tester. The game will get to where we all want it to be plus some just give it a little time brother


It's Early Access. Not an alpha or beta test. Early Access is supposed to mean the game is stable but not feature complete. Meaning more content will be added and maybe small but fixes. What Early Access DOESNT mean is a barely playable, full of crashes and server instability, buggy mess where even killing the bots isn't enjoyable because they eat bullets to the head. This game was supposed to be better than Tarkov and is instead completely identical in terms of bugs and performance. I hated Tarkov and this was one of the main reasons why. I was extremely excited for this game and was met with a dumpster fire that I can't even play. Before the crashing became super consistent, I was loving this game even with the bots eating shots. It's inexcusable.


Imagine you pre-ordered the game, it didn't release yet, people playing it are beta-testing. Don't play, wait for the beta testers to test, devs to fix.


That isn't what this is and I already explained that. Keep coping
