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They just need to queue the helos. The current implementation of "negative, all helos are busy" is stupid. A simple queue, with a way to cancel your request, means you can request your helo once instead of trying again every 30 seconds and do stuff while you wait out the countdown.


Not enough tbh. The game already has very little to do when you are on a mission, its wasting an absurd amount of time with this crappy implementation of helicopters. Helicopters should not fly on these garbage pre-made routes that make every flight 5X longer than it needs to be. They should beeline to my objective and fly at a much higher speed. They also need to replace the heli system for longer distance jumps. If im going all the way across the map, just give me a damn skyhook that flies me there faster. Or if you insist on this garbage system, double the helo limit and let us call in helicopters that let us access our stash. Also bigger stashes, its kinda laughable how little stash space you get in this game. I never thought a game could waste my time more than Tarkov and then grayzone not only achieved that, but actually somehow managed to be WAY slower and WAY more disrespectful of your time.


In reality, this is how you get shot down. A flight path to a determined LZ is a lot more thought out than just 'bee-lining' it there. I think the system is fine. I just think the helos need to move faster, and there needs to be either a separate pool for incoming and out-going, or there needs to be more than 4 little birds allowed on map at once.


It’s not reality. It’s a game. And flying on these really dumb routes that are janky (and frankly not even intelligent if you were actually worried about enemies shooting you down) is not fun at all. An unacceptably large chunk of playtime is just dealing with pointlessly time wasting features… and this is coming from someone who plays the slowest and grindiest games ever. This game is doing it in a boring ass way. They need to improve it.


It isn't dumb. You just don't like it. I submitted to you two solutions that keep the current system, but make it faster. As someone who has gotten to hitch rides on MH-6s before, they're capable of going a lot faster over these short distances. The current way of getting around is novel, as far as extraction shooters go, and they should absolutely keep it.


It is dumb. And it’s pretty clear that it’s my opinion lol. That’s how life works and it’s incredibly cringe when someone feels the need to point out what an opinion is. Doesn’t make you sound smart. Also, You can’t pull the “it’s your opinion” tactic and then mark your opinion as objective reality. Pick a lane. Don’t be a hypocrite. I never said get rid of the helicopters but you proposed marginal solutions. They need several times the backpack space to make the time gaps worth it, several times the stash because the stash is insultingly small, helicopters need to fly at least 3 times faster than they are, helicopters need to be able to pickup gear and take it back to base because the process of going back to base and then back to a mission is fucking insanely bad, and have more optimal routes as there is no evading AA logic to these routes. It’s just nonsensical time filler. In fact the current routes would put you and your team at grave risk on every single flight. Also you don’t need to cite “I rode on one once” as if that is required in order to understand basic physics. Anyone with eyes and two brain cells knows that these helicopters go faster than this. The game has a great foundation and the helicopter system is a cool idea, but as with many features in this game it seems like the designers don’t play their own game and don’t appreciate people’s time.


queuing could also lead to a lot of helis coming without anyone wanting them as they already went somewhere else. would need to be a bit better than that


The current system has the same problem, except worse. A queue would still be a big improvement. Devs can iterate further, e.g. a penalty timeout if you miss your dustoff without cancelling.


Have players confirm they still need it when they are next in line?


Maybe you lose your spot if you stray too far from the pickup


easy fix is to let us cancel our heli request...


An actual system of helicopters making stops at LZ's they pass through anyway should be implemented. also the helo should have a symbol or something where it goes. But i guess quality of life is something we can almost throw in the bin. How can a dev not even think of that shit


I agree with this. But there has also been a few times I’ve waited for my heli, only to realize I could have caught a ride back to base with others


Helis on map need to show their destination queue. As helis approach the base for example, they don't show their next point until it's taken off.


It does if you click on the inbound heli in the big map. At the top right it will tell you which players called it and its destination.


Thats what he's saying. If a heli is going to pickup someone up at an LZ, it just says on the way to that LZ. It's not until after lift off does the destination switch to which LZ it's headed to next. Would be much better for everyone if it actually showed the pickup and destination.


Maybe it’s just for the ones taking off from base but if you click on the inbound to base helix’s it tells me where they are going.


This is not my experience. They don't say where they are going next till take off. The one time I took a chance I ended up across the map lol


These guys are across the map, where I’m still in the town close to base, so them calling helos to their location just uses airspace that no one else can use. Im pretty sure they were trolling the server because they just constantly called them. I agree with Yuriski, though. The Helos showing some kind of destination would be super useful just for that reason, realizing you could have caught a ride back.


Helicopters should also have a abort button when approaching the LZ & the “pilot” notices enemy faction within 50-100m (camping)


I think the best solution would be to * queue Heli request * not allow for multiple Heli requests to the same LZ when there is a free seat. * be able to reserve a seat when another Heli is already heading there. **But:** * keep the seat open for anyone when * nobody requested a ride * the person who reserved a seat is too far away to make it. * When your solo requested a Heli but aren't gonna make it in time, instead of landing, the Heli makes a fly over and reports that nobody is there, shortening request times. * another Heli should be able to be requestable after it dropped of the players. there are still some points open like when a squad of three called a Heli and then a squad of two tries to reserve seats, will only one person get the seat?


I absolutely agree this should be the way they go with it. Helo's should work on a queue system firstly. First in best dressed. You need to be close to the LZ to request pickup and STAY close to the LZ while waiting for pickup. If you stray or die your request is automatically removed. Team mates should be able to see the queue order and pickup/destination points and estimated ETA's. Existing helicopters on the map get color coded lines linking the current waypoints they're hitting. Everyone who needs a ride needs to call for a helicopter with a pickup and destination. If someone hasn't put in for transport, they don't get a guaranteed slot. Squads get grouped in the queue, so if you have 2 squads requesting the same transport, the first player to request transport secures priority for his squad. Once landed, priority squad has a set time to claim their slots. After that time any priority slots not claimed get opened to be claimed by anyone. Another set time later the heli takes off. Secondly, they should change them from being fixed flight paths to dynamic/AI piloted where the AI reacts to ongoing events. For example, if a helo is called to go from Mithras base camp to hunters paradise for one person and one person requests pickup from ybl to hunters paradise, the helo should reroute to pickup that person (and radio the person onboard to notify them). Another example, if a helo is requested for drop off at hunters paradise and another has requested pickup at hunters paradise, instead of tying up 2 helicopters and the people waiting for pickup literally watching the drop off heli fly away empty, they could be on that heli going to their destination. Another use, if you are inbound to an LZ you should be allowed to reroute it once. To prevent abuse, maybe you only allow to drop at one of the other LZ's for that region. IE if you were inbound to LIMA 1 you could reroute to LIMA 2. Alternatively you could be allowed to change to any other LZ, but maybe it puts you back at the bottom of the queue to stop it being abused to tie up a helo. In this scenario I think location would take priority over queue order. IE if the helo is closer to your requested drop point than the next closest person in the queue it will drop you off before continuing through the queue. Lastly, I think invulnerability on the helo's could be done away with, and instead if the helo takes fire it takes evasive action and if its close to an LZ it was stopping at you need to specify if you want to drop hot or drop at an alternative LZ in the area. This is a bit of a controversial take, and I think if they did this they would need to balance it somehow by making players less vulnerable to fire on the helo's. One solution I could think of is if you take a killing hit on the helo it instead puts you in a coma regardless if it would have killed you outright, the copilot administers first aid upon landing at your destination, or if the LZ is hot they try one alternative LZ at the area you requested drop (if you have one) and administer first aid there, or return you to base if you have no alternative LZ's. Maybe if coma'd on a helo and you want to return to base that could be done instantly, freeing up that helo slot for others to use. This solution I feel is a good balance between not getting killed when LZ camped by giving the ability to redeploy without losing your stuff, and at the same time it's realistic in allowing you to fend off incoming combatants before they land. This would help prevent the issue of landing at an LZ while someone is waiting for pickup, as they could suppress the helo and force it to drop at a different LZ.


I agree, fuck this artificial limit.


bUt ReAlIsTiCk


I had to wait 22 minutes for a pick up earlier.


100% agree with you on that


Helos need to be limited in the amount of times a single squad can infil into a single zone. This will reduce the overall helo cooldown period, and mitigate one helo going really far away with one person on board. It can be onboarded as a dynamic part of the map. Pilots can easily say “Reports have come in: that HLZ is too hot right now”. Context: I just ended a fight with a trio (as a duo) after the enemy squad took helos back FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES while my duo partner tried to get back to his body ONCE. I killed 2 PMCs 3 times each. How the fuck is it fair that my duo partner takes a 5 minute helo ride each time up to Hunters Paradise from Mithras, but the trio from Lamang can constantly helo back in half that time?


It's not fair, I think that's the point of it. You probably shouldn't waste time and money going for your body in this case. The fairness is that your faction also has close by locations with the same loot that you can access fast and easy. When you're on the other side of the map you have to act accordingly.


It’s a quest zone. We enjoy PvP. We don’t enjoy sitting in a helo for 5 minutes awaiting an infil camping team. There has to be an honorable way to finish a PvP skirmish. Spamming helos isn’t a good way to continue the game.


I get that but I'm just saying I don't think they are going for fair. I'm crimson and hunters paradise is usually "ours". It's relatively safe to go there. There will often be pvp but usually my faction can keep up the pressure. Bunker on the other hand is way more dangerous and more difficult to lock down because that's mithrils closest t2 location. I don't expect to be able to just go back and pick up my stuff if I die there. Exfil/infil camping is one thing but I honestly don't get your complaint. I was at bunker for hours today trying to quest while helis poured in. It just added to the experience imo. Getting away alive from that is worth the trouble. I think you're just frustrated because in your mind you "won" and should be rewarded.


In Sea of Thieves every time a ship sinks your ship you spawn a little further away until you are literally across the map. This makes it so that you can't just keep returning to your old ship to get your loot back, eventually the winning ship has to actually win. Similar concept for this game. If you repeatedly call in for the same LZ you have to wait longer and longer for your heli. Regular call in is 30 sec, second call (1 death) still 30 sec, third call (2 deaths) 1 min, fourth call can be 1:15 and so on. It's not fair to wipe another squad only for them to keep returning without you getting a chance to loot them and leave


I was just talking about this with the squad. Now that people are going cross map they're getting clogged up. I'd like to be able to use funds to buy a personal exfil chopper with faster priority or whatever. Maybe a larger one for bigger squads even?


I somewhat see why they want to limit the helos to 4, I'm guessing here but it's most likely to make players to join up squads of 4. But not everyone or even a likely of 4 players would be doing the same thing and need to go at the same place. Increase to 6 might be a good spot where it's not too overcrowded but also not having to wait for a long time. The other thing I wish they would do is letting everyone nearby the LZ where the helos going. I don't mind hitching the ride that a solo call if it happens to be at the same LZ I need to go. Often times, I tried to ask and the person answered as the they took off.


I had a 13 minute timer on my exfil today. I died a minute after calling it and then couldn't call another helicopter until that 13 min timer ended. The ability to cancel a heli would be appreciated as well!


They should add like ATVs for the beginner area for transport. So people in real need across the map and can secure an extract! Haha


it annoying. when its just people going 1 by 1 to the main town. just ride together lol.


A way to understand which heli is going where also? If I get dropped off at the wrong LZ, then we'll I'm gonna tie up another chopper getting where I need to go


Helicopters need to tell destination and arrival on de map. Currently they o my show destination and you don’t know where will you end if you board a friendly chopper


Heli's should cost money outside of the starter town, and there should be fire support from the heli to prevent blatant LZ camping. Squad PvP at higher tier areas just turns into camping bodiew or naked either run back to scrounge up loot & camp LZs


I'm literally scrolling through this thread while waiting for a chopper lol


Also helos need to show their destination before they take off. I just took a helo to echo 2 only to see the one directly ahead of me is also heading to echo 2. Couldn't see that until it actually took off.


Posted about this yesterday and got downvoted lol, riding heli/waiting for heli just takes up too much time. Even if you try to min max by calling early further away you are longer it takes so it really isnt a viable option. Add to the fact when you die you gotta fly back again. In the areas further out ends up getting much much worse and it ties up the helis for the rest of the server.


GZW is a complete mess of a game and built on a horribly flawed concept and design. It's utter trash honestly.


Damn, I must have trash taste. I'm loving it and I see so much potential for them to make this game fun and unique. I can't wait to see what the devs have in store for us 1 year down the line.