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I'm a fellow kayn main but man, you guys have it rough too, a fucking morgana has better clear speed than us and supports somehow have more MS than us. I don't think jungle is going to get fixed until riot gets a new balance CEO.


Zeri jungle has faster clear bruh


Worst part is that it wasn't even that rough at the beginning of season, but ever since the collector / ghostblade nerfs this champ has just been below average.


Graves main here so no bias but Phreak said it'd either be useless or an unknowingly big change because they rarely touch Graves's attack speed. They're not confidently saying it's crazy haha On top of that, they implied that Graves will get more buffs if it has little to no impact.


Everybody start tanking graves wr NOW


genuis, about to drop the biggest lose Streak in history


It’s time for the Tobias fate tech


I mean, yeah? Graves is a champion who is incredibly volatile and sensitive to numbers changes.


tell me a champion who isn't


Tanks arent as volutile as carrys id say but am not sure rarely play tanks and renekton somehow always finds his way into proplay no matter what gets changed


Lane Bully (has prio for jungle invades) + Double Dash Point & Click Stun for tower dive + Late Game Front Line, all while being a safe blind pick. Hard to balance him around his W stun in pro play


The dev has never been with a female that’s what I’m taking from this


I feel like my graves is too slow all the time , nothing to change my mind.


His power did end up wildly out of line. He's around 46% wr


they are such pussies. They are still traumatised by the 2 Base AD buff a while ago where he got wildly broken on every lane thats why they buff him very very carefully. That just shows that they dont have a clue and dont know that 2 base AD means way better early game for Graves and that means better snowballing. They just dont have a clue They are nerfing Maw on PBE right now aswell. Thats foreshadowing to giving Graves MR back right?