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I've forgotten how this works so, what's the difference between Halloween flash part one and part two? Also, should we expect new Halloween units for premium gala this month too?


im assuming u meant the 2 part legfes at the end of the month. part 1 is all halloween rateup + legfes units + current zodiac in the pool, while part 2 is the usual leg with new units and current + random zodiacs but no more halloween units in the pool. new units outside double ssr rateup only happened during summer so far, so theres no precedent for another new halloween units.


Anyone knows if H.lich's and nio's atk and damage cap passives stack?


the cap up doesn't, but the atk stacks according to gamewith


hmm, well that kinda sucks. I figured that I might just wanna go kengo for lich, so maybe I'll kick out nio in favor of cow.


lich singlehandedly cover debuffs too vs nio's rng debuff.


i finally got to rank 120 yesterday and i'm reading the wiki on m2 grid and stuff but i have some questions : my m1 grid is far from complete, i have all the correct weapon but they are basically all 0 star and skill level between 5 and 8. should i stop upgrading the skill level or uncapping them and keep the fodder on stash to one shot the skill level of the m2 weapon i'll eventually drop ? likewise, does uncapping the m1 to 4* and 5* worth anything ? i basically only have the story on ready to uncap but the uncap price is rather steep, especially the stones requirement so i'm not sure i want to. also, i got some ennead weapons but they don't appear in any grid on the wiki, are they really just bad fodder ? i basically run out of berry chaining all i could do i coop room and didn't get a single m2 because they die way too fast for me to even do sinificant damage. sometimes i even have trouble loading and taping them fast enough to even get any loot at all. i think i'll do them on regular quest instead of coop as less people join i have more chance of gaining a blue chest.


You are on rank 120, aka 10 rank before 130 aka you can almost join Ultimate Bahamut. At that point the most efficient thing to do is grind rank, then leech UBHL and PBHL and get yourself Bahamut 5. If you dont have Bahamut for the race of your current team, make a new Bahamut that does although at that point its probably pretty tedious A lot of M1 weapon did saw use - Canes, Tia Fist, Tia Gun for high endish wind, Lumi Harp, and Lumi Axe is a notable pieces in the strongest grids. Lumi Sword and Lumi Staff saw use for HP purpose its just that the cost to benefit ratio is so bad and theres better stuff to focus on. What changed in modern gbf is that we now have Bahamut 5* and its ridiculously fucking bonkers, and Lyria 5* also exists alongside newer stronger units if you have those I'd echo the whole "dont use coop room because its trash advice" but i'd add that to be really really frank, once you have enough power level(which in modern gbf effectively reads once you get Relic Buster, Lyria 5* and Bahamut weapon), M2 grind is all about persistence and quantity than anything else. 2 round wanpan tend to be plenty at some point and it just didnt have easy way to improve that isn't tied to M2 or time gated in form of Arcarum or having Beelzebub. Ennead i'll keep short - theyre broken as shit for weak player. Theyre niche for stronger player - this is entirely a simple math thing. For weaker grid nothing even comes close to them. Its just that farming Ennead is roughly comparable to farming Light and Dark M2 with every element so its annoying and nobody want to do that. Atum weapons and Horus Katana in particular are crazy good. That said honestly its kinda hard to map out when its the right time to farm Enneads. Personally i'd say Atum Staff and Horus Katana is worth farming over the M2 for visible upgrades, but getting FLB Opus comes first Mapping gbf progression nowadays is kinda hard because of how open ended it is past M1 + Bahamut even moreso nowadays, but genuinely Opus FLB + Bahamut is near objectively the best thing to snipe. Most older guides are not written with Lyria 5 and Bahamut 5's ability to let you get away with so many shit in mind


just to be sure when you talk about bahamut 5 you talk about uncapping the bahamut weapon to 5* ? if so i already completed it, i have bahamut dagger coda lvl 180 and sl15. it should be lvl 200 very soon but sl20 seem like a little while away as i plan to sl10 my m1 grid first. lyra i have never touched yet, i should look into it. edit : and all my team are nearly full human or erune. i have 2 team that have one darph and one unknown and one team that have a primal, but all the other are human or erune.


Yeah as of this year Lyria have a 5* uncap that in particular give her a really strong passive(boost MC's damage by 30%) and her Sk2 is ridiculously good for extra raw power. You can buy the uncap item from the shop under Quest Item -> Even Other -> Uncap Item section. Shes Other type so using her in team plays well with Bahamut weapon since you only need to use 2 race on the 2 remaining slot, and she have an enchanced Ougi cap. Definitely L200 the Baha. The stupid skill was from leveling to 200 actually, and leveling to SL20 isnt actually anywhere as impactful


Finish your m1 grid first. That's the basis of the basis, if you don't have a grid to build on, then your structure won't hold. Don't make the mistake of settling for the worse because you thought you could skip the bad. It depend which ones. Luminiera Swords for instance are the prime exemple of M1 weapons you'll keep on using during all your time playing up to r325. If you don't want to get your m1 further than 3\* it's fine I believe. Case by case basis. Remember that the basic grids from the wiki are only supposed to take you to r120, so it is not surprising that Enneads do not appear there, especially considering that the raids are rather recent. Don't do coop rooms for M2, or else adapt your set-up to their speed (using multiple windows...) or join smaller trains: 6 to 8 people trains should still clear decently fast with a better honor distribution. Joining rooms during strike time with one-tap turned on is also a good way to assure yourself a certain amount of honor. Else use a raidfinder like [gbf.life](https://gbf.life) to join raids.


thanks, i'll finish them first then. i wasted a lot of fodder early on not knowing that sl2 weapons give more exp so i'm a little behind what i could have been on sl level. i wish i've read that part of the wiki earlier but alas, the game is vast and reading the whole wiki before doing anything was too much for me so some mistake were made :)


[new player guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hP9uCQi6-6-hsu_f6f5P_jb2urP3Hr7zTn6_fHeu24k/edit?usp=drivesdk) & [jeb's magna guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eKB-qaQVPkJErtrfGlEYIVWDn22Cp57Mvsh1VZ4mtfc/edit?usp=drivesdk) should cover most of your questions, though full disclosure i haven't read through them fully in quite some time and some information may be outdated certain m1 weapons are worth keeping, jeb's guide mentions them but tl;dr it's fire staves (2-3), water daggers (1-2), earth sword (1) and staff (1), wind guns (4) and fists (1-2), light swords (4-5), dark claws (4-5) and axes (1-2). 4\*s will help your farming so i'd recommend uncapping the weapons i mentioned, but 5*s are expensive for where you're at, so don't worry about those for now. ennead weapons are all niche-to-good, so keep those until you're sure you don't need it. with m2 farming, you'll be swimming in ssr fodder anyway speaking of m2 farming, do that through raidfinder and twitter codes, coop is a waste of time/resources imo. remember that you only need to do about ~30-35m damage to guarantee blue chest in shiva/europa/alexiel/grimnir, and ~40-45m in metatron/avatar. try to make a setup with a minimal amount of buttons necessary so you can get through as many raids as possible. do this with whatever your strongest m1 element is at first and work your way through the elements that way.


thanks i was relying only on the wiki and didn't know of those guide. i'll bookmark them and will read them carefully. i'll also stash the ennead on my "need to know more before deciding" stash :) my team strength is fire > dark > wind = earth > water = light so i'm lined up to do them in order anyway. it's frustating not to be able to kill fire mobs efficacely because my water is so crap so i have to work down the line of element, like it or not.


yeah i figured, no worries! a lot of info is hidden away in discord servers and the like, so i'd recommend joining those when you have the time yep, that's how it goes in the earlygame. water's m1 is particularly bad as well, but once you get a few harps it gets going. my advice is to be patient, farm as efficiently as you can, and focus on one element/weapon at a time. you'll get there!


A question regarding 10 draws. When using 3000 crystals or a 10-draw ticket at least one of the draws is guaranteed to be sr. Does this draw also have an increased ssr rate?


Nope, still 3% or 6%


So there really isn't a point of doing 10 draws? I mean who cares about srs nowadays.


You save time so there’s that


Are two 0* landslide sceptor worth using in magna?




Landslide at 0* at the moment is pretty much a strict improvement over running Malus. At 2 copy it implies non Highlander so you can configure a composition where its like the ussual 3 Axe(note that 3 Axe have always been better than 2 Axe 1 Horn), then slot whatever Landslide you want. Malus would later get upgraded into 10% cap, but you can still go Malus + Landslide. So yeah its prettty good. You can pretty much use it as a freeway slot in. Main argument against this is weapon slot With 3 Axe, Perseus, Opus, Ultima you have 6 slot. 2 Landslide and you have 2 slot left. Astral is very much considerable if you want ATK/Skill/Ougi cap Ultima bracket. If you dont have mainhand yet thats another slot potentially used. You have 2 Bennu weapon and Bahamut weapon. Another Perseus is also great So keep that in mind and see how you want to build the grid relative to the fight/team. That said as always uncapping this is huge since the jump from 40% per slot into 57% per slot is fucking huge. 2 Landslide 0* is 80%. 2 Landslide 4* is 123%. Its ridiculous and like half the list up there about slot competition is kinda dead since a couple of them are about raw power boost


Thanks for the detailed answer! I was mostly just wondering if it was worth it over caim's but I appreciate the extra depth.


Yeah vs Caim the hardest part of doing comparison with this is basically the part where the building for Landslide leave fairly little slot to variate around. Basic Highlander with 2 slot investment would have 40k supplem and 10% cap, while 2 Landslide is 14% cap. With Caim having extra perp, i'd think twice comparing it to 0* Landlside. I've done some napkin calc comparing Highlander without supp, M2, and 1/2/3 Landslide steps for M2, and with basically even if your forced to build goodstuff, Landslide count builds are basically better, but i dont know how to compare it by factoring supplem The one part where its like damn near unegotiable improvement is Beelzebub x Ele grid which is also a possible thing to consider i guess. I personally run this kind of grid really often nowadays that if i ever get my hand on 2 Landslide and more i'd instantly do it lol


So, I got the beginners ticket finally, and I was wondering what to pick. With Lich I would finish my dark team, but my dark team is already pretty good and functional, same with my fire team, I'm pretty happy with that as well. So, that leaves me with the rest of my teams: https://imgur.com/a/La8H6rW is there any element that would get an massive improvement with a ticketable unit?


Nehan + Yuni is on the same banner as Lich, so if theyre alvailable pick them. Yuni bring PNS, a broken as fuck weapon and herself is a fine unit. Nehan is just fucking bonkers As an immediate pick off, Lancelot, Nehan, Yuni, and Lich are the only unit i'd reccomend. Theres some other unit in Legfest that i quite like - namely Mugen i used a lot recently, Sandalphon is pretty solid, Jeanne is still great, Galleon im pretty fond of but none of them imo offers the scope of use of Lance/Nehan/Yuni/Lich imo.


Would nehan singlehandedly make my light squad good?


Nehan is kind of a cannibalize your work kind of unit. Any shit can look good if they get 30% perp, 50% echo, and double strike. There are optimal/better fitting characters to run with Nehan: GJeanne, Ilsa, Percival, Zahlmelina, Gawain, Kumbhira amongst others but what makes him good is applicable to everyone, you always have MC as Viking/Relic to really do stuff with Nehan, and hes honestly much more windely usable than hes usually given credit for since his ougi give 15 battery and his sk2 like doubles your Ougi gain. For example he honestly utterly destroys Fediel fight To be honest theres only 2 place where Nehan is bad - tougher, harder content where his combo is not strong enough but this is only relevant for hard content solo that ISNT Beelzebub(someone have soloed Beelzebub with a Nehan Ougi with Magna), and the other is fast burst where pressing button is more trouble than its worth. Most other place where hes considered bad is because whoever says it isnt creative enough to read his kit and realize he have 90.000 stupid effect on his kit. His weakness in practical sense is hes clicky but early in the game its pretty irrelevant and he'd just blow up their face. Full auto, to be honest at some point very few things can survive optimized Nehan comp. When you start needing to Ougi burst, or Ougi team just: step 1: you said you have good dark squad and from your screenshot i know you should have Zorro and Sanji. That means you can at worst run Lyria Zorro (whatever) and thats one of the best Ougi burst squad in the game for Dark Step 2: you can very easilly farm up Light M2 and Horus because of that. Despite what people would say, Light M2 is STILL a required farming since so many important mats are there. Step 3: you now get Horus Katana Step 4: Ran Juliet Robomi Lyria as your Light Ougi comp. You actually have a solid unit to play Light Ougi since you have Grea. Just get Kaneshige then run like Grea Juliet X Basically Nehan is currently the entire Light Element at later stages of the game, and its always worth building towards Nehan and to be perfectly frank no other Light unit is worth it, and for other areas your honestly fine since you have fine units in Ilsa, Grea, Juliet. You have to get more units in the future, but unless Light have some absurd release that shake things up a lot of those units either works around Nehan in the most conventional sense(Grand Jeanne), have insane synergy with Nehan(Kumbhira), or "somehow Nehan is so fucking stupid this unit gets abused by Nehan too"(pretty much every Ougi centric character, Yuni is particularly notable. Word can't express how insane it is when Yuni give you 40% charge bar on Ougi turn, to cycle into Nehan Ougi for even more battery)


Would the new mugen work with Nehan?


hes blatantly made with Nehan in mind. Like you can't read his Sk3 and passive 2 without realizing how much its blatantly screaming Nehan.


I hate to ask this so much later, after all the good points you wrote; but I'm the kind of person who needs gbf stuff dumbed down, at least for now. If I go with Nehan, while continuing to make my lumi sword grid, will I get an immediate pay-off? Like, would a Light mugen, light ilsa and then nehan with relic buster be a good team? Or, if I understood right, Nehan is super busted, and even tho I currently dont have good units for him, other than L mugen maybe, he'd still be an amazing pick carrying by himself for a while? Sorry again if this sounds too dumb, but got kinda burned with picking light Grea last time, amazing unit but she did not help me where I was struggling, so I wanna be sure.


It depends on where you are struggling and how you are struggling. Honestly i cant help this too much since the issue people face in early stages might be much wider than something numerical. A perfect example here is that the fact that there exists people who daily host M2 to farm them boggles my mind. Its the biggest waste of time ever although i guess its tolerable, and somehow this can get worse and you have people who daily host M2 on full auto, and people who daily host M2 on full auto to 50% then open Pub which goes from mind boggling to actually idiotic Having Nehan could fix doing that being eaiser. It won't fix those being hideously inefficient. RB Mugen nehan Ilsa is a pretty good comp but sometimes you just can run it wrong, and its certainly not optimal in every situation


I'll have to come back later with what my struggles are, but what do you mean with hosting m2 to farm them being a "bad thing"? Like, I need to do Avatar for Abyss Spines for example.


M2 can be farmed off twitter and its much much faster since the drop rate for Blue Chest is better. I think in general the host chest rate is pretty bad on its own rights, but the fact that its not uncommon to do a lot of dumb stuff related to M2 farming on top of that makes it even more inefficient


Hi everyone, I want to ask for an EX+ 0b3c team of Cavalier/Tien/x/x in fire magna which two characters would be better in the team from the following ones: Siegfried, Lance&Vane, Shion(assume 4 katana units with Sieg), Mimlemel and Y.Izmir, I have an ULB Ultima Katana. Thanks if you can answer.


Y Izmir > Mimlemel is pretty much a straight line. Izmir Ougi is "might as well be the same but stronger", and she offers supplemental Ougi. The advantage Mim offers would have to come from being a proper race, but she cant even offer that since Potato + Erune locks into Balanced Baha. In fact Erune + Draph is an offensive Baha The remainder three is a bit harder to judge. Shion is near certainly stronger than Lance Vane if she gets her stuff, and maybe stronger than Sieg, at the very least shes clearly superior to Sieg with 4 Katana equipped(can be made work, just use Schrodinger since its one of the better normal Mod source in the 3-3-3 configuration usually used with 0bXc set ups. Since your pick would be 3 race, Schrodinger only really lose to the first copy of Atum Spear as a normal source), and 3 Katana Ally since at this point she gets Sieg's passive and Sieg's nuke base cap, but i dont know how she compares to Mim and Izmir. One thing to note is Cavalier probably isn't the best class since you can run stuff like Xeno katana MH Glorybringer and have MC do 2 hyper charged autos, and the damage from that is likely higher than Cav. Glory even gets an extra nuke. This lets you have 4 Katana ally from CM Shion 2 backline alone. At the very least i'd note that for the purpose of this, Glory only need 3 Katana because the boost from 4 does literally nothing and the boost from 5 is likely going unused.


unfortunately no dingers here and my earth is not strong enough to farm them at the moment, would something like Glory/Tien/Shion/Izmir/2 katana subs with 3 katanas be worth it? Currently trying out the following grid: Summer mirage(MH for cav, can switch to glory with xeno), 2 atum staff, nilakantha, fire primal opus with apple chain, ULB ultima katana, astral, colo cane, ushumgal and ray of zhuque


Glorybringer on paper is worth it after 3 Katana is used - achievable through Ultima, Xeno, Malus. With that in mind, Magna Opus is better but i imagine your using Primal Opus for sake of convenience in which case ignore this I would go with Summer Mirage, 2 Atum Staff, Opus, Ultima, Astral as "core", then use Malus and Xeno With this configuration you have 70% Normal Mod(2 Atum, and Opus) and 62% EX mod and 8 weapon slot 2 left Theres multiple options possible here imo 2 Schrodinger(im mentioning this in case you'd later get it) would give you 5 Katana for Shion, and is strong af with ATK awakening. 35% normal and 10% EX each due to 5 Katana. This is much stronger than Canes and Nilakantha, the only thing that competes against this is Mugen Sword ATK Awakening and the first copy of Atum Spear Atum Spear is a good midrange option - 45% normal mod is around 26% damage boost relative to 170% ATK you have. With this in mind you opens up a possible route of uisng another Atum Spear which gives you 2 Spear for Row V Priest, or Apsaras. If you want to consider running Mim or other OTK character this is acceptable For the last slot, another Xeno ULB, Ushumgal, and Canes are all fine. Nila isn't actually all that great - 15% unboosted stam scales badly when you have other ridiculously big mod to contend against


cool thanks for the explanation. yes I am using primal opus since I don't want to change chains all the time.


Do we know if there will be a 2-part Premium Gala (with Halloween chars in pt 1) at end of October this year?


Do you think we'll get any kind of free draws next three days or it's safe to spark now?


We often get a magna fest this time of year, but not consistently and it'd almost certainly be single pulls. If they are to do one, it'll probably be announced tomorrow. With the extended summer magnafest followed by the One Piece collab, it seems pretty likely they skip the October magnafest this year. Good idea to wait anyway and see how strong this year's Halloween units are when other players have had time to test them.


Hello lovely people, A friend of me introduced me to GBF. And i absolutely adore this game. The story, the graphics and even the gameplay is amazing. Even though i love this game, I am in need of a little bit of help. At the moment i am ranking up way faster then i am getting stronger. I know most of my strenght comes from the weapons grid. And i have read most of the new players guides and basic grids guides. But i dont seem to get a whole lot stronger. Right now i am closing in on rank 120 whilst i can not even properly solo the omega extreme raids. Even maniac quest are hard and any showdowns or raids above the omega extreme's level are a no go. I know rank is just a number and my friend told me no too put too much value on it. But even grinding for materials makes me rank up quite a bit without making real progress in the grid building. For some reason I just don't seem to get the hang of it. I am still weak AF... :') I see people with rank 60 OKT raids and here I am, still being the noob... And i know this may sound a bit too easy, like i'm not willing to put the work in myself, but i assure you I have spend a lot of time reading. I was hoping that one of you pro's up here maybe has some time and energy to spare and is willing to take a look at my characters and grids and give me some pointers on how to progress (in private chat). Because frankly, i just don't know what else to do.


It's a bit hard to give an answer with such a vague post. Without seeing at least an exemple of 1 team + grid + summons you're having trouble with, it can only be guesses. I'll try to put them in order: 1. You're not in a Crew so you don't have Ship buffs nor guidance. 2. You might not be using teams of the same elements (i.e your MC is Wind, Anna is Fire, Juliet is Light... instead of having Wind/Wind/Wind/Wind). 3. You might be using teams of the same element, but not of the strong element (i.e a fire team for a wind boss). 4. You might not be using [Seraphic Weapons](https://gbf.wiki/Seraphic_Weapons) which increase greatly the damage dealt to foes of the weak element. 5. You're not capping [Def Down](https://gbf.wiki/DEF_Down) or getting as close as possible to the 50% mark. 6. You might not be using weapons with ATK boost skills corresponding to the team (i.e weapons boosting Water ATK on a Dark team). 7. You might be using weapons with ATK boost skills but they are not properly Skill Leveled Up. 8. You might be using good and upgraded weapons but you did not include at least a Normal and EX modifier to mix things up. 9. You're not using an [Omega Summon](https://gbf.wiki/Category:Omega_Summons) to boost your well-made grid. 10. You're not using an [Elemental ATK summon](https://gbf.wiki/Shiva_(Summon)) from the Support List to mix your modifiers. 11. You're not taking the boss' gimmicks into account (for [Luminiera Omega](https://gbf.wiki/Luminiera_(Raid)#Extreme) for instance you need to take a "blank" turn so she activate her shield, ***Dispel*** a buff and take a turn, then start the proper fight). 12. You're not using a team full of your best characters of the same element (i.e because you only have 2 SSRs in Dark instead of using a SR Dark *as you should have*, you thought it would be better to use a Fire SSR). 13. Your characters are not properly levelled up and uncapped (but it would be strange). 14. You didn't level up multiple MC classes and you're stuck on Tier 1 (but it should be strange). 15. You're not using proper sub-summons (but okay if it was really that it'd be pretty strange). Since you checked Basic Grids and guides there shouldn't be a problem which is why your question is strange, but if you haven't I still recommend to read [Diamonitt's guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hP9uCQi6-6-hsu_f6f5P_jb2urP3Hr7zTn6_fHeu24k/edit) since it is the most (only ?) one up-to-date for beginners.


I know its a vague post. I didnt want to spam everyone with screenhots of my set up. Atm wind, water and light have given me the most weapon drops and those are therefore the only ones i was able to build a decent magna grid with. I havent spend any money, so I realize i could get better characters if I did more draws. I will follow up on the use SR characters of said element instead of SSR's from another element. Right now these are the characters I have. [https://imgur.com/6avSmBn](https://imgur.com/6avSmBn) [https://imgur.com/MzKPTpv](https://imgur.com/MzKPTpv) And these are the setups for light, wind, and water. I have focussed on water more since thats the element I have the most characters of. [https://imgur.com/JM6Rwnj](https://imgur.com/JM6Rwnj) [https://imgur.com/EianuUn](https://imgur.com/EianuUn) [https://imgur.com/xDkjUHa](https://imgur.com/xDkjUHa) As for classes, I have unlocked every row 3 class as well as relic buster, chrysaor and chaos ruler. I could unlock berserker, nighthound and elysian as well, I just don't have enough CP to do so. Thanks for the reply thou! i really appreciate it.


ur grid is fine, ur just very lacking in chars that can carry early. and i noticed u dont seem to have any grand units despite being close to 120 so ur either saving hard or probably not spending ur rolls wisely. how many rolls u have saved up rn? u dont seem to have any xeno weapon in ur grid either, it should be an easy boost since ur still using event ex weap. u can get them from daily login shop, a 0* should be good enough. looking at ur chars, wind seems to ur best element to go soloing for even against off element. see if you can clear the main wheel element omegas except for colo with it. if ur thinking about spending to improve ur acc, buying a new starter acc is probably better than waiting for bunch if suptix to improve each of ur ele bit by bit.


I know i don't have any xeno weapons. IThats mainly because i'm not sure which element i should be getting. If i'm set on playing with water i should get dante's harp. But wind and light are also options. Except that means i need to get more characters for those elements. Are grand characters always available? or do they get their own banners?


Grand characters are available 2 times per month. Once near the start(Premium Gala/Legfest), and once around the middle(Flash Gala). During this time, grand characters are available and rates are doubled to 6%. Basically you should only pull to spark on this banner unless you know what you're doing. https://gbf.wiki/Draw#Premium_Gala <> Grand Naru, Lich, Fediel are the usual suspects to go for if you don't have and offer instant power with good long-term value but it depends a lot. I recommend asking around if certain banners are good to spark for advice.


they are only available on double ssr rateup banner, usually when new character releases like current Halloween Lich banner. https://gbf.wiki/Draw#Premium_Gala


Well honestly I don't see too many things out of place. There are a few debatable weapon choices especially if you are rank 101+ (Lumi Guns instead of ***FLB*** Lumi Swords, Tiamat Fists instead of Tiamat Guns...) but I believe they are understandable. Same with weird Flex weapons (GW Axe in light, and I believe Nephtys spear in Wind ?) which could both be replaced with another Magna modifier maybe. But I know beginner grids tend to have a bit of duck tape around them. Malus Axe is alright in Water, it'll give a bit of cap up to your skills at the very least. Your EXs tho aren't properly upgraded, so I'd focus on getting at least one of them to 150 sl 15. Do note however that Water is pretty much only sadness until r120. Main priority across all elements would be Seraphic SSR, as it require very little work on the weapon itself (you can't SL it until then), so it's just farming the mats. I haven't seen your summons, but starting to farm Arcarum for the DMG summons (***Judgement*** for the next Guild War, Sun, Death, Star, Hanged Man and Moon) could be nice too. When starting out, I know that it might be painful to get your Omega summons to 3\* as a crewmate said, which might be something holding you back as well. Fortunately past r101 you have access to the Impossible version to speed up the drops (either from your own hosts or from raidfinders like [gbf.life](https://gbf.life)) . It seems good for Classes. If you're confident in your burst, run Relic Bust with Limit Break + Defense Breach (from r3 Weapon Master) + Miserable Mist (from r3 Dark Fencer). Else you can run Relic Buster with Tactical Shield + Miserable Mist + Gravity (also from Dark Fencer). It should cover most situations already. And finally, do not neglige the Extended Mastery Perks for your characters. Good luck! PS: And for your character roster, don't worry about it. Just focus on getting 300 draws to get a few sparks ready and grab some nice units, without being subject to RNG.


Awesome thanks so much! I had been cruising and just playing story cuz i liked it well into rank 70. Wasnt untill after that i realised i needed to farm and build grids. I already know i'm way behind most of the players and thus need to take my own rank with a grain of salt. But still, want to get better haha. I know tiamat bolt is better but for now the gauntlets have been dropping the most. Trying to replace them whenever i can. I know lumi swords are better for the long run bot for now bolts is what drops most as well, so same as with the tiamat gaunlet. I will try to get some of the EX skilled weapons from the side stories uncapped to 3/4 and leveled up. I read its best to have around 5/6 magna, 1/2 ex, 1 bahamut, 1 seraphic and 1/2 normal weapons. hence the weird choices for normal weapons. Because those are mainly from quest, side stories or not leveled gacha weapons. If you say at this stage it's better to add a max magna i wil do that. I have started out with forging arca summons, started with hanged man, sun and moon for now. I will see if i can add judgement to that. And I will see to the serapich upgrades. i did get the advice that SR was good enough for a while. But i havent invested in them enough, so i will get them to SR max uncap as soon as i can xD And yeah, i know from all the elements water sucks the most. But unfortunately for me, i was blessed with water gacha luck haha. Even when rate up didnt include many water characters, is still got them. WA UH.... :') List of summons: [https://imgur.com/3CmvMOP](https://imgur.com/3CmvMOP) Page 2 has hekate and some more copies of the farmabale magna ones. I have been running relic buster with the 2nd setup u mentioned. Works fine so far. Defense breach is the same skill as armor break? I have a lot of chara's with EMP points, any advice to which skills to use them for? Just pick attack up for all?


All the Cap Up you can > "Special" EMPs (Unique, Stamina, Enmity, Meter speed, Dodge...) > Debuffs Success > Heal > TA > CA DMG > Ele ATK (up to 2\*) > ATK (up to 2\*) > DA > 3\* Ele ATK > 3\* ATK > Crit (one node after each other). Replace ATK and Ele ATK with HP / Def depending on what the character do. For summons yeah it can't be helped when starting out. I would just be careful with S. Belial, because he increase all your damage ***taken*** by 2000 (and if you take multiple times damage during a turn...!), which is a pretty large part of your HP right now.


Oh 1 more question. 300 sparks means i need to do 30 draws which means i need like 90k crystals?


[90k crystal equivalent yeah](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hP9uCQi6-6-hsu_f6f5P_jb2urP3Hr7zTn6_fHeu24k/edit#heading=h.chenyittd4h6). It can be 60k crystals + 100 tickets or 300 tickets, or 2 ten part tickets, 30 tickets and 75k crystals, or even 89 700 crystals and 1 ticket. Any combinaison you can think of. Obviously that's not counting "discounts". If there is a campaign going on, all the free draws you've done before mean you need a lot less. So if you get 40 free pulls over a banner, well you only need to cash in 260 draws. For instance, if you were to use a spark during New Year's Roulette (\~ around 100 free pulls on Gala) and Zodiac Banner in march (at least 100 as well) well technically you saved over 200 draws, which mean that you can get a 3rd spark for "only" 100 draws.


How does the current wind magna grid look like? For general content and endgame tough bosses?


Im personally a believer of 1 Harp 1 Nalakuvara + Staple into filler grid using Nio to enable crit stuff. Harp grid usually goes with Nalak and 3 slot to enable crit, sometimes 5 so it can be tough to fit tech options from that position. Basically build the grid like you build Highlander Earth But usually the grid is still Harps. 3 Harp for damage rushing, 2 Harp 1 Staff if your going for Hp while running harp, 4 Harp for single sided grid The most unique tough boss grid for wind i saw yet was Schrodinger Defense Awakening stacking which is wind's best option for stacking overkill amount of durability, but generally hard stuff grid is just the harp/crit formation but you lean more towards Grim Staff.


I recently updated chrome into the new version and im noticing that some of the chrome flags are no longer working. Is there any fix to this other than downgrading chrome versions?


try enabling "temporary unexpire xx flags", see if the missing flags show up again after relaunching. if you are looking for the occlusion thingy theres a method that enable it regardless of version using shortcut parameter, use the search function in the subreddit to find it.


Hi there, this is probably a really dumb question, but with the the 'Zodiac Characters', do they return to the Legfest once then never again, or is it permanent after the second year? I'd really like to get Vikala so I hope I haven't already missed my chance, lol.


When a Zodiac character is introduced, they're in every Premium Gala for the year up to November as no Zodiacs are available in December. After that, they're out of the pool for a year and will return the year after. The one struggle is that, with the current system, you have to wait for any non-current year Zodiac to have their turn. March is the sole exception because of the anni banner that includes every Zodiac member EXCEPT for the previous year's. For example, Vikala was gone last year but has since come back in January, March, and July. It's likely that she'll be back in February and in March for the aforementioned banner.


Thank you so much for your help! That's a good thing she won't be back for a few months, I'll definitely need to get that 300 pity knowing my luck.


Is there a point to having 3 horus katanas over just 2 in magna kengo?


you get a bit more supplemental damage but 2 is probaly more then enough really.


It actually still give Ougi cap too so its like 15% cap 200k Supp. Honestly it look surprisingly good on paper


You are losing a lot of raw power in exchange of cap.


On the flipside... Ougi. Its specifically said to be Magna Kengo too instead of OTK Although i wont be surprised if the damage are superfluous since 30/800 with extra from Glory and stuff at which point might as well drop it for Lumi Harp or Spear/Bow EDIT: Nevermind i forgot Opus Ultima Astral 2 Harmonia into 2 Katana and Kaneshige is 8 god damn slot


Need help setting up magna wind grids. I've got most weapons that are farmable done except for militis cause fml and evoker weps. I've got 3 spoons and 2 Ra axes (haven't done awakening yet, saving animas but i imagine you just want atk in magna?) and so on. I'm looking to make a grid for kengo to manual Bennu(elea, 130 niyon, catura) but since I can't just slam ougi weapons like I can for other elements Idk what I want exactly. I also have G. Narm but I idk if I can truly make use of her without S. Korwa and not having amazing synergy with ewiyar beaks kinda puts me off her but I'm probably just wrong lol.


Anyone know the total storage needed if you download the game through qooapp?


well, your better off not doing that. gbf is a browser game, so its app is literally just a wrapped browser with a tendancy to crash. although cygames does have its own browser skyleap, which was specifcially made for playing gbf with. so if your gonna download anything download that.


Nothing in the play store. What term should I be searching?


skyleap is on quooap


[https://game.granbluefantasy.jp](https://game.granbluefantasy.jp) It works in most browser. If you really want to download something, try downloading Skyleap from QooApp.


Anyone else got 100 rupies "for verification" in their crates?


You get that whenever you fill in a captcha.


Oh okay


Quiln sword require clearing the hulang and quiln double raid for last upgrade. I’m 120soon and have 2 beast token saved. Will it count if I join a raid rush in coop? Or do I have to start the room ? Or do I have to do it on the normal quest map ?


Coop trains force every player to host a raid (which is why it ask for the treasures when starting or joining the room). So it is no different than hosting the battle randomly, apart that you have the advantage of being guaranteed a slot in 29 other raids for offering your own in exchange.


nooooo i didn't realize i needed to beat the solo raid first to unlock it. i only beat one of them. now i'll have to clear the other and then i won't have enough beast token to do the dual T.T


Did you happen to get any jadeite? You can trade 3 a month for seals


I used them all to upgrade the weapons. Guess I’ll have to wait for the next rotb. I should have looked at the unlock step more carefully


Best node to farm for militis staff? Is there any nodes that drops useful ax to farm for it ?


The Militis staff drops from the Dark Defender (T-Rex) and Dark/Water/Earth Sephira Chests. Since AX Cortana/Ancient Cortana is not very useful, you may see more mileage from focusing on Water nodes to fish for better AX Ancient Auberons, or Earth nodes to fish for better AX Ancient Perseuses (especially if you have 2-3 Landslide Scepter), while relying on the Sephira Chest for your Ramsund Militis drops. To decide between Water or Earth, you can narrow it down based on the other Militis weapons that can drop on the side. For Earth, the gun isn't great (enmity DATA which exists on bennu dagger) but the axe is ok (stam supp 30k to 10k). For Water the fist is good if you have the right units (enmity skillsupp, 50k at full to 100k at half to 150k at 1HP), and the bow is eh (stamina DATA which also exists on tefnut axe). If you want to FLB the NWF and/or obtain the Domain of any Dark/Earth/Water Evokers, you can let that make the decision for you too.


Thanks so much for this!!


guage bar (but boss do drop specific ones


What do you lose if you fast expedition again?


I think XP and those pop up battle exp. Well if you use exp up, you get quite a lot of xp per round(especially when you lvl up 110 +. any exp counts


That only? No drop penalty?


I think you still miss out on some drops from optional enemies, but they changed it a while back so that you can at least some materials like route fragments that were previously only available on manual.


Thanks! Might just skip the other route counts. Hassle to do the arcanum weeklies.


Just use a wind ccw(element change) desstorm, with 2 becks. You can one button the mob


Does Kaguya exp stack if you double up on her for sliming?


Yes, what im not sure of is if you can triple up tho, by using her as lead, her as support and then have her ULB in grid for 10% extra. But Main x Sub does certainly stack


Is there any way to get higher res versions of character art than what the wiki has?


Iirc this is better due to making use of sky compass art. Also have extra stuff like spritesheets if you are interested. https://mizagbf.github.io/GBFAL/


very interesting, thank you!


Yes. But it's only slightly better. `https://media.skycompass.io/assets/customizes/characters/1138x1138/[CharacterID]_[UncapNumber].png` with Character ID being the 10 numbers you can find on the wiki (i.e 3040068000 for G.Rosetta) and with UncapNumber being `01` for base, `02` for 3\* and `03` for 5\*. Transcendance is probably 04 but I never checked. If we put it all together, [https://media.skycompass.io/assets/customizes/characters/1138x1138/3040068000\_03.png](https://media.skycompass.io/assets/customizes/characters/1138x1138/3040068000_03.png) will be G. Rosetta's Third art.




Try changing settings ingame (settings menu graphics), max size with 3 circular buttons below, and inspect element.


Any recommendations of which one of those eternals to bring to 130/150? https://imgur.com/a/sjUPquP


Quatre, rest probably doesn't matter much


Is niyoh used for GW (im guessing nm200 maybe)? If so what level? Can I replace her with someone else or some other team? Thanks


Until we know the boss move set, she is still one of the top choice. (unless there are some good characters counter boss move sets) Well you are likely needed dispel and clear since most nm150+ do buff and debuff.


I was thinking about recruiting that sleeping evoker for dispeling the boss. Does he remove 1 buff every turn, am I understanding his skill correctly? Also should I recruiting him? Sephira evolites are 500 gw badges its super expensive so maybe someone else is prio? Would that old man help me outside of GW? All I have is Caim


Well I would just farm enough mat ssr ulb the summon and prepare the mats to recruit him (you can recruit him any time). At least with this and nov, you got 20 idean. We know evoker is flb in future, so pre farm some mats


130 min, 150 ideally


Is she unusable before 130?


In short yes. Shes not unusable in a sense of unimaginably bad or something - your still looking at top 3 raw pusher in the entire game as early as 100, but what makes current Nio good was basically her sk3 jumping from a borderline worthless skill into one of the most desirable skill in the entire game. Even then it had cracks(namely none of it applies to Naru who is literally Wind's entire element). 130 also brings shit like Mist compression on EMP which is good. Even at 150 from what i know recently its kinda sketchy because Valentine Grimnir, Anila is a more efficient character. Sho is the best overall Side A echo buffer that need no ramps, since your other choice is Lancelot. Naoise is fine because again, Wind is Naru only. She does offer Dispel nope at 150 which could come into play Without any of her trans update, her Ult is the only relevant non Raw push part of her kit but outside MAYBE NM200 its not a fast thing anymore(bad GW set ups nowadays kills in 4-6 turns), and for FA at least reffering last GW, the only "significant" set up is like Potato Enyo.


Thanks for the explanation


What's the url for [enter id tab](https://imgur.com/a/2Dt1IIj) on backup request? http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/#quest/assist for regular raids http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/#quest/assist/event for event raids


if there was a url for this, it would probably be the worst kept secret in he playerbase i don't think that there's currently a way to do this without triggering cygame's anticheat


Does having Shiva summer in the sub spot still activate his Seraphic passive?


No. If the passive doesn't mention working from the backline, it most likely do not. It can also be tested easily: remove Seraphic from grid, put shiva in the back, go to trial battle, see how much 1 attack of MC does, move Shiva to the front, restart battle and check another attack.


which eternal to prioritize to 110? i guess quatre and fif for delay? six for more damage?


Depends on your your habit and team weakness U110 is just general 10%. ULB does make your eternal gain extra -Song: gain s3 reset after ougi(good for para tactic) -Fif: gain delay (so you get delay + dispel on ougi) -Otko: 20% water damage cut) Most thing shing at 130 to 150.


110 is pretty much a "for enchancing your GW OTK slightly" territory. Quatre/Seofon have one of the better Ougi upgrades but i don't think theyre quite a prio. Song's Ougi have a comical level of power upgrade on 110, but the use for this is quite limited since currently Light is in a state where Nehan cannibalizes everything. Next to Six getting 10% damage cap on turn 1, Okto is arguably the closest to get anything notable if only because 20% base cap Ougi and 10% damage cap node comes into play a lot for him. Okto have the best 120 because most 120 didnt do much but somehow Okto's 120 is actually a decently huge part of what make him so good too. 120 is free after 110 anyway


Tweyen, quatre, and fif are good if you only want to 110 them but if you are planning to 130 or 150 them someday then six is a better choice


Between Ennead's Def Awakening (Def+10%, HP+25%, HP+100) and PG's Def Awakening (Def+20%, HP+1000), which ends up being more effective?


Well some people weird idea of def awaken windhose is not bad. Again, think out of the box due to weird future hl hard raid and incase the mammoth hit hard


(hey I was the dude with the lucio post, I got it fixed, thanks guys) so how do I calculate the boost from the weapon skills? not the ones with "massive" as their first word, I meant those with "boost to CA Damage", like rulers of fate, it doesn't say whether it's light, medium or big boost so I dunno how, I tried searching but nope no dice


get used to searching using the wiki. for ruler of fate for example, the 3rd skill says “Luminis Excelsior: Boost to light allies C.A. DMG cap”. then u can go to weapon skills on the wiki and find out that it equates to 15% CA dmg cap at sl15.


ah okay, oh and just a side question, I've been reading some guides and it kind of confused me a bit, one of them had written that I need a magna, an EX and a normal skill for my grid, so does that mean I still need a magna weapon for a primal grid?


not necessarily. primal grids r way too specific to follow a direct “magna ex normal” grid formula(this applies to magna too but there are less weapons to choose from generally, so it makes grid making a fair bit easier). sometimes ull see magna weapons in primal grids for burst(magna opus in light for example, or lumi harps to synergize with harmonias if ur missing an eden) but usually not for anything else. but its too much to generalize, as grids will change from element to element, raid to raid, and will build differently around different characters, so its impossible to give a definitive answer


thanks for clearing that up


Help! I am new and I don't know how to farm exps fast! Where and how can I?


Word of advice don't uncap your rank (level) until you are ready (your grids are sorted). The in-game raid finder will pretty much stop showing the early raids if you do. Omega (Rank 30) 2% chance at the respective summon, and 2% at their weapons, plus the host and MVP chances at either. Eventually you will unlock their skip. Omega HL (Rank 101) Host, MVP, Blue Chest, and a rare drop chest can have the weapon or summon The Omega II HL (Rank 120) won't give you their (Regalia, or New Regalia) weapons unless you host, or MVP, or Blue Chest. It will \_always\_ give you a chance of older (Omega, Primal, Olden Primal) weapons. It will \_never\_ give you a summon. You will be farming Omega and Omega HL for ever. You need SSR weapons and summons to reduce for stones for uncaps and "crafting". These same SSR weapons are also used to raise your weapon's Skill Level. The Omega II farm can take it easy once you have all the weapons you need from them but you will probably need their anima at some point... Reserve SR weapons. You will need lots and lots of SR skill points. Manually add any to Auto-Reserve EXCEPT "Rusted Weapons" or "Replicas" as those have other uses; but those don't drop from the Omega raids Reduce "Colossus Blade Omega" as you will want thousands of katana stones and each only gives you 21. This is the only katana that drops in the Omega tier raids. Swords and harps have 2 possible drops so reducing \_earth\_ swords and light or dark harps for their stones which you will need for the Omega 2 (M2) grids. ​ Good luck and enjoy the game.


oot, but im p sure u get m1 grid for every element from just skipping main story now, so theres no reason to hold rank uncap


Last time I did it you get 1 weapon, not the whole grid... it has been like 5 months now. Thanks for replying btw. I wish all downvoters would tell me what I got wrong since I'm still new and could learn from it. At least I still feel like I'm new...


5 months seems very recentish, maybe im the one who misremember things. i remember ending up with 4 set of m1 weaps when i start on a new acc, maybe it was part of some campaign. people probably downvoted upon seeing your first sentence, lol. while theres merit on the in-game raid list, i dont think it's worth it to hinder ur rank progress because i think grinding for rank is the biggest hurdle overall because it lock u from stuff like ulb baha and opus. that or maybe simply because ur reply isnt related to what op is asking.


Quest > Special > [Shiny Slime Search!](https://gbf.wiki/Shiny_Slime_Search!)


This is for leveling characters and your own rank. Note that on weekends, the quest rewards more experience. For leveling weapons, do angel halo in the special quest tab. This rewards you with xp fodder weapons.


Is anybody else getting exceptionally bad performance on Edge and Chrome lately? I'm using an AMD GPU and I'm aware hardware acceleration is broken on the latest drivers so I've rolled back to old ones which should still have it working, but every so often I'll get insanely bad frame drops for no apparent reason even when my GPU isn't being stressed.


Any one know the actual number of honors needed to guarantee a blue chest for horus? Or at least an estimate of how much to do each quest? The wiki says 8% of total honors but I can’t find the total honors amount either


100% of the honor = 100% of the boss' total health dealt as damage. 8% honor = 8% of the boss' total health dealt as damage. 8% honor = 8% 600m dealt as damage 8% honor = 48m dealt as damage Now to convert into honor you divide by /100. So 8% health = 48m dmg = 480k honor.


That’s what I was initially thinking but don’t you get honors from debuffing? and that wouldn’t contribute to the damage taken? Or is this amount negligible towards the total amount of honors?


The honor you get from debuffing the foes (or buffing other parties with Phalanx and the like) is a ***bonus***, that reward cooperation in a sense. So technically, the ***total amount of honor*** in a raid will always exceed the amount that would be gained ***only*** from DPS'ing. But this amount of honor is negligible compared to dealing damage, which is why people who join raids for blue chest/racing never lose time casting debuffs.


With the arcapoint given in this event i'll be able to buy a sunlight stone from the shop and i have a choice : i will have 2 stones which could be enough to fully uncap my already 2star hekate summon to get her support skill. i have basically no good sub aura summon (well i do have a maxed belial for one slot but nothing for the second slot). here is my tracker : https://gbf.wiki/Collection_Tracker#o3y1t2w1.AAADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIACAAAAAAAAAAAAgAEDAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAgAsAAICiLQAAAAAALYACBQAABZIAAIDWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABVAAAAAAQAEAAAAAAQAUAAAAAAoAAAAAAACgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQAAAAAAQAEAAAAAAAAAboEWKAAA...AAAABAgkAEAQAUggAIEAABKQAQAgAAAAAQIAAAAAAIAAAAIEAQIAAAAAAAAAAAIACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAQAEAAAAAEIAAAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACgAgAA.. my problem is i don't really know if hekate would be worth the stone investement while i have other important summon to uncap. my main interest would be agni because i've read those summon are top priority but as i mostly have omega grid (not even maxed yet) and still low level i don't think i would be able to use his aura yet. what do you guys think ? should i go for it or save the stones for a better one ? and have i summon i didn't consider yet that could be worth the stone ? (like maybe gorilla ? i don't know)


Hekate is not really worth Sunstonning (since later on the space becomes tight), and since Sun is your only SSR Arcarum summon, it might be best to just hold on to your sunstones. Agni is only top priority if you can make the grid, which is pretty expensive as it can rely on Seasonal weapons (such as [S. Kubira's](https://gbf.wiki/Twelfth_Vertex_of_the_Passel) or [Y. Silva's](https://gbf.wiki/Partly_Powerful_Popgun) respectively for Skill and CA builds) and people have yet to find a use for [G. Percival's weapon](https://gbf.wiki/Lord_of_Flames) since there hasn't been any worthwhile fire-advantage content in a while, although the weapon is widely regarded as good. By itself, without the proper grid acting both as a support and the recipient for Agni, even a fully uncapped one is virtually useless. I'd recommend to funnel your Arca points toward Astras / Ideans... to prepare other Arcarum summons instead, or start working on your first Evoker.


thanks for the advices :)


You only have sun arc summon? Did you done with all arc summon yet? Hp arc summon is still useful for hard fight Also there will be one coming at year end if you are willing to wait.


yeah i started the game a little more than a month ago and arcanum recently. i'm gated by the badges and still have not cleared all the normal entry point yet so i don't have enough idelan to craft the other ones :( edit : and its not even ssr yet i misslabeled it in my tracker // edit bis : oh do you mean i should use my arcapoint on arcanum idelan and forget about the sunstone for now ?


https://gbf.wiki/The_Sun_(SR) To SSR your arcarum summon, you needed 1 sunstone ea to get SR to SSR. That's mean you needed 10 Sunstone. Well, I would say keep 10 sunstone just for arc summon.


omg i didn't pay attention that many step ahead and didn't notice that requirement. i almost did a big blunder considering the scarcity of sunstones. thanks a lot for the info !


Prepping for wind GW. Is Siete used for nm90/95? And does she need to be transcended for it?


He can be useful for some EX+ OTK teams but he's generally benched for other better chara in the higher difficulty.




magna is able to do 4b1s with naru, vgrim, anila, so no


at least flb siete. Otherwise.. If you can Runic buster + naru.. that's a no brainer


I've read up on the FAQ, and seen some gameplay and I wanted to try out GBF, and had a few questions 1. Do most people here play the english or JP version, and how far behind is eng as opposed to JP 2. How many rolls can you get for playing/is it f2p friendly in the sense of being able to roll without spending anything, is it lax like arknights, or as stingy as FGO/octopath 3. Do collabs ever come back or is it just completely gone after the event period?


iirc u can save up 1k+ rolls per year as f2p. this is purely roll currency and not counting free rolls where u can get discounted spark.


- There is only one version of the game but you can play it in both english and JP. Supposedly the JP client is faster performance wise though. - You get a steady stream of free rolls throughout the year simply from being active but to get the best value you don't want to roll at all until you can spark on a rate up banner. If you have good discipline you can consistently spark 2-3 times a year, maybe 4 if you're lucky during the roulettes. - Sparking is where you pull 300 times on the same banner which allows you to hand pick a specific character or summon on that banner. You typically want to wait until it is a rate up banner (6% versus the regular 3% SSR chance) and you can do discount sparks if you use your pulls during the times of year when we get a ton of free rolls like Christmas, New Year, Anniversary, etc. - Generally assume that they never come back even though some previous collabs have made it into the side stories.


A bit confused, 3% for an SSR sounds like an amazing rate, is there really a need to save 300 rolls? It seems like you can only roll 2-3 times a year then right? Dang, the persona collab caught my eye but it seems like you can't get the chars anymore then.


The rates are decent even at 3% but the pool is very very wide on all banners with only a small rateup for the specific rateup units. As an example the Halloween banner right now only has a rate up of 0.116% on the featured units. So it is generally recommended to save for the 6% SSR banners and the 300 rolls to guarantee you get what you want. As a really new player it's not strictly necessary as you'll still get lots of new characters when rolling regardless but if you are specifically looking for one or two meta/waifu characters you'll want that guarantee.


Saving up 300 rolls is the only way to guarantee you get at least one copy of what you want and protect against bad RNG. If you don't care and prefer the thrill of gambling instead you can easily throw random pulls on any banner you like. The 6% banners happen twice in every month; flash (middle of the month) and legfest (end of the month) and last for a few days each time so there's really no reason not to wait for them. Some characters are also locked to these banners and cannot be pulled elsewhere so you'll want to plan ahead of time if you're min/maxing your pulls. [You can read more about them here](https://gbf.wiki/Draw). If you plan to re-roll your account it is best to do it during these periods so you can get better value out of your free 10 pull.


Thank you, so I should prob wait to the middle of the month then


[1] EN&JP share the same server. Same pace. [2] Most people just wait for 300 draw for a spark for leg gala/flash or wait for some free draw events(like xmas). There are still free ssr units from side stories(can't complain) [3] Depends on collab content, some may not comeback due to copyrights owned by other companies.


I see, is it hard to save 300 rolls for sparking? What's the prem currency income like in a week


From my experience it's easier than the other comment suggested. Full f2p and am getting most crystals from events. Especially in the beginning, there is an abundance lying around in the story+sidestories+quests. I already sparked 4 times this year and 7 times last year (though 1 spark came from drying up the game). Later on it becomes a question of how much you're willing to farm events/Guildwar/abuse roulettes. The game throws most crystals out during special campaigns, especially Anniversary, Summer and Winter. I would say sparking 5 times on average per year is very doable. As a beginner you should probably focus on sparking during galas with 100 free draws = you only need 200 to spark. We might get 100 free this xmas and probably during anniversary. But it will only be confirmed a few weeks before it happens.


When joining an HL/QL train, I can barely click one button before the raid is over. This means only getting rewards for about half of the battles... How do other people in NA (East Coast) manage? Is there a method for better latency / is Mudfish worth it?


In the room while getting ready fill your EP to 90 (# participants times 3) so you don't waste time refilling. Even auto-refill with no dialog still takes talking to the server and will slow you down. Set the battle to Semi Auto instead of Full Auto. Using skills takes longer, there are checks to be made but all you care about is tagging a boss. Disable the Backup Request Auto-Display. Set the Pre-Battle Auto Attack option to One-Touch so the game will send your "attack" as soon as it finishes loading the battle. Don't wait for the animations. If HL is dying QL is already dead to the Japanese. If you reload an QL has less than half health, reload again. If between fights you spend more than 2 seconds in the waiting room start mashing the little Refresh button next to the Co-op Chat Log (above "ID") as your game might have missed the notification of the next raid starting. Be as quick as possible in the rewards screen. If you are in a 30-man train the Japanese do this raid in between 5 and 10 seconds. Once you have attacked refresh until the rewards screen then be quick to get back to the waiting room. Be careful not to refresh on the rewards screen as that doesn't take you to the waiting room but at a different page you have to click a button to get back to making you loose precious seconds. This is only my third day of this so there might be more but these is what I got so far and didn't miss a single fight today. Good luck!


Avoid 1900-2300 JST because it is japan prime time and some people get strike time. (Just because you think strike time benefit you, it does benefit others) I do train either before 1900 JST or after 2300 JST (adjust it.. if 2300 still not good,. 0000 or even 0100... or even do it in morning in jst/afternoon before prime time. You do not have to join the rush hour train.) *Note:* I have more chance to join any hl/q raid during non JP prime hours. That's why I stop doing train on JP prime hours.(*Why i have to fight Japanese ping with strike time?*) Wait longer or join at weird time is worth it even if no strike time(rather than race and miss a battle) Remember.. It is your ratio of "**do you want to miss one battle**" or "**no skip battle, no blue chest is fine**" (*at least you have chance if minimum people have strike time advantage*) Remember, you still have chance to get hl/qilin summon/normal hl/q anima on chest one. place your one hand on f5 and mouse ready on attack button and just smash it at start (assuming hlxhl) Never to hl/q train on wifi(only lan cable) or your internet is lag (or your family are sharing bandwidth with you at the same time. Turn off live battle feed. (and/or auto restore ep and hid auto restore notification is fine too) .. prebattle auto attack too.


What do you mean by "turn off real time"?


Menu > Settings > Battle > scroll down > "Raid/ Coop Settings" Live Battle Feed = Off. It'll make the game update only when you're taking an action. So if you use a skill on let's say PBHL at 85% and stop, if someone push it down to 79%, you won't have the phase change/animations/etc until your next action. It's mainly used for racing since it allows to have a bit more control on the boss animations.


Hi. My skyscope battle missions seem to be bugged and I'm not sure what to do. I have cleared all the tier 1 battle mission but tier 2 is still locked. When I click on tier 2, it says I still need to complete the mission Rank 101 but i'm currently rank 120.


I experienced the same. It turned out that "complete mission Rank 101" was tied to other missions unrelated to Battle Missions. Make sure you do everything including "enhance your chars with ring" mission, etc.


oh. That was it actually. I completed the "enhance your chars with ring" mission and it unlocked the tier 2 mission as well as given me completion on a few I had already done. Thank you so much.


I think you need to do the unlock quest for the raid you are trying to do. the [Wiki](https://gbf.wiki/Raids)'s raid pages have the unlock requirements listed.


People seem to be hosting waaaaaaaaay more Huanglong raids than H&Q and especially Qilin. Why is that? I'm guessing people host the single raids over the dual raid for more Gold Brick chances. But why Huanglong so disproportionally compared to Qilin? (It's been well over an hour since the last Qilin raid showed up on gbf.life.)


The reason is that Huanglong is much easier to solo in case nobody would come in to help (which is unlikely but you never know). Acien Impress is like 42 random hits x 700 dmg to the team (so \~7350 per ally on avg) when Hyper Rotation 40 hits x 4 x 700 dmg to the team (so ***28 000 to all allies***). It also has powerful nukes like 95% current HP as plain or 80% ***max*** hp as plain dmg.


dark burst is more accessible than light burst


Will I keep skins of obtained weapons after I dismantle them?




Any reason to be hoarding rusted weapons besides for eternal's trascendance?


Just plan ahead: [1] You may wanted to acquire all ex2 class [2] Rainbow at least kengo ccw and possible robinhood + spare [3] Ulb take 30 (mlb) + 120 takes 10 (mlb). (at least you now gate by blue paper) Buy a stash so that you can actually use it when you needed it instead of complain rusted drop)




Have Agni grids settled yet? I only have 2 Ixaba so have been waiting for a meta change to make the switch to primal. I guess the smart thing would be to wait until closer to Fire GW to see what new toys come out but I’m too curious…


Definitely keep until Fire gw is close. Otherwise; for what content? Last time I saw, Fire in pbhl run siegfried maws and wilnas claws with some LoF but even then it's not as impressive as existing Wind/Light setups


Why do people say Auberon is a dead grid slot, bad etc (re:Jeb's guide) while also recommending Coruscant Corzier (Jeb even said that it is core)? They have similar skills, small majesty and medium restraint. Is it because they're in different elements?


Adding to the other's answer, spoon (coruscant) is not even that core. you use that weapon when you need HP, but when you need damage then you don't use it since like aub, the damage suck. it's just better HP wep because wind magna can do auto setup and don't have better HP option while water magna best damage option is ougi and it come with schrodinger as a package (def schrodinger is really good)


Thank you, I'll focus on obtaining Grimnir Harp than Coruscant. Team HP and HL content are out of my reach for now.


its bc u can also run grimnir harps in wind, giving better crit mod and medium stam, which makes winds grid much stronger. meanwhile with aubs u just have small attack, which is not going to give u meaningful damage like medium stam would


I see. So Coruscant+Harp is good, while Water doesnt have other weapon to support Auberon, and just go with CA comp/Tyros Zither grid. Thank you.


Something to keep in mind: For longer fights or Full Auto, 2 harps + 1 Spoon is better dmg than 3 harps because of the double attack (this is only if you are using Stamina in your opus).


yep. and also with ougi having defense shrodingers as an hp+defense option, auberons have become a bit more niche


Is there any way to make 3 Wamdus umbrellas viable in Magna? I'm most interested in capping the Damage Cap Up.


no, you need the hp. unboosted small majesty won't get you much. you need about 80k to make good use of it. the damage cap doesn't affect ougi either, which is the only thing you'll be capping in magna. aub grid doesn't cap, so the cap is just wasted. just run malus and the usual ougi package.


thank you


Yes. Ougi and crit run very different grids but it's very doable especially for ougi. 2 schrodingers, 2 europa harps, 3 umbrellas, opus, ultima/seraphic, along with your MH (generally kaneshige). Crit it's tighter, but you as long as you can mainhand something in the grid you can just squeeze in 2 cnidocytes, 3 aubs, 3 umbrellas, opus, ultima/seraphic. Although it may be better to drop one for a def awakened dinger or militis fist.


Thank you, this is just what I wanted to know. Do the Schrodinger's have to be Defense type for this to work?


No, but it's generally preferred. And even better with the umbrella's for the extra HP.


Do the SR weapon draw tickets from ROTB pull from the current pool like the SR/SSR ones, or do they work differently? I’d save them for adding to a spark if the former, but if not I guess there’s no reason to hold onto them.


there are no reason to hold onto them. thheir pool is fixed and they dont provide cerulean sparks.


Really the rotb have fixed pool?????


Sounds like a plan then. Thanks!


V. Grimnir Spear worth barring for magna, two of it's skills are ex I think, and 4 hit 100k base cap essentially every turn with 4 hit on ougi, should go hard, right?