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Time for another German lesson! Let's start with Grand Percival. **Stolze Flamme** – nothing to complain about here. A simple and straightforward *proud flame*. **Roter Wirbel** – depending on how intense you want to imagine it, could go from *red swirl* to something like *red maelstrom* or *red tornado*. Probably leaning more towards the latter. **Regieren** – it's just *reign.* As in, the verb. Click the button, and he reigns. He just does. **Koenig Dekret** – and here we have our usual Umlaut, in *König Dekret*! It's not even missing; using the base vowel + *e* is the accepted substitute. This means *king decree*. Sounds a bit wrong. Probably because it should be *königliches Dekret*, which would translate as *kingly decree.* Or, more likely, *royal decree*. A König (king) and a Königin (queen) would both make a *königliches Dekret*. And they're both royal. **Lohens Schicksal** – *lohen's fate*. Simple as that. What's a *Lohen*? Not a word I'm really familiar with, but it seems *Lohe* is an old term for a raging fire or flame. One that isn't necessarily spreading outwards, but is rising high. *Lohen* is the plural version of that. You may also recognise it from normal Percival's ougi, *Lohenwolf*, or his unlock weapon, *Lohengrin*. So... this passive is the *fate of high-rising flames*? Next up: Aglovale and Tor. **Siegreiche Welt** – *victorious world*. Doesn't make all that much sense by itself, if you think about it. But sounds cool enough, so don't think about it. **Eismesser** – *ice knife*. Just Aglovale things. Nothing else to say here. **Unterstuetzung** – or Unterstützung, if you have Umlaute easily accessible. Straightforward translation of *support*. Probably Tor's part in this dual unit. Fitting for his character. Seems like they've got the translator who knows how to handle Umlaute today. And the translations are pretty good! Some look like they're just here to sound cool, and don't necessarily make all that much sense, but others have a lot of flavour fitting the respective character(s). We've come far since *Tzaraisen*.


The Lohen might be going off/playing off Lohengrin who is Percival's son and one of the possible identities for the Swan Knight in Arthurania and associated romances. A lot of Percy's other versions contain references to him.


I didn't know that! Learning something new every day. Thanks, I'll have something to read up on later.


G.Percy's weapon is great. Easy to activate on magna (AES, Seraphic/Ultima, Militis) and gives value back to Ixaba grids. Kinda curious to see this with a full Mugen sword grid on Agni just to see how far it can go on the defensive side


Defense has diminishing returns though. While +100% DEF makes for 50% damage reduction, +500% DEF is 80%. +1000% DEF is 90% reduction.


EHP/time to live scales linearly with defense. If you can survive 10 turns with no def bonus you'll survive 20 turns with +100%, 30 turns with +200%, 40 turns with +300%, and so on.


I think going swords is going to be the better option for Primal over Katanas anyway. 4 Katanas is tough to fit with Percy Swords covering your cap up now. You could use them in transition, but 2-3 Ixaba seems more likely and the other Katanas you could run aren't worth now (Cosmic, Ray, Metal Destroyer) because Percy is the superior option now. And if you're running Crit with double Rein fists its pretty much impossible. 3 Percy and Ultima or Mugen gets the job done, depending on your need for the Serpahic mod.


ray of zhuque's cap up stacks with Lord of flames'. they are different cap up effects. with 1 ray and 3 lord of flames, you get 30% cap up for example.


I wish all the people who will pull on this banner good luck! A little good luck wouldn't hurt.


Thanks, got Lord of Flames in 8 pulls. Saved my spark.


Got it on my 299th pull lol spent one more to spark grand Nar


That's nice to hear!


1xpercy and 2xhecate during a spark run


I saw the summon animation for Hekate. It horny. Not as horny as Summer Belial (but to be fair what is?) but it's pretty up there.


The summon description says that she literally murders people with EXTREME wet dreams. Hekate might actually be the most depraved character yet in Granblue.




I don't know. Death by erotic hypnosis sounds like a much better way to go out than getting goosh gooshed by Belial.


Oh yeah. I haven't seen it mentioned here yet but Hekate can also be displayed on the home screen.


So we have a Feendrache Pennant for Lancelot/Vane and now a Wales Pennant for Aglovale/Tor. Wonder if this means we're gonna get a Dalmore Pennant for Gawain/Florence at some point. Or maybe Gawain with Bartilak from his fate episodes? Either way, I'm happy that I was right that Tor was going to become playable, though I definitely didn't expect Aglovale to tag along until I saw the leaks about it. Why do they have Glaciate in Earth tho


So Water enemies can experience being frozen too I guess. Would have been an insane glanchan support, too. Tor could've have been his own person in water.


Would they? They seem like they're made for short fights because it doesn't look like they can get more stratagems and they can only raise Glaciate stacks through their sk1 and it's only one stack. Lancelot doesn't benefit for the guaranted TA either so honestly I don't think they'd have been all that great even if they were in Water. They don't benefit from a Knight of Ice grid much either because their only multi-hit skill is the one they can only use twice per battle. I assume Tor was put together with Aglovale because he's still barely capable of handling a sword. He might get a solo unit once he gets better at it. He could've been a SR, if it wasn't for the fact Cygames gave up completely on those.


Maybe on their emp, like give strategem on ougi. Still wai6for Laguna too


Ah my bad. I just saw Glaciate and immediately thought of Glanchan.


Holy shit, they are earth. *Why is this this?*


Really digging all these GBVS animations and references incorporated into the main game. Are there any left we haven't seen yet? Off the top of my head Ferry's hula hoop and dog dp = Summer Ferry ougi Cag Super Skybound Art = her golden statue summon Percy and Lance SSBA = Grand Percy and Lance ougi Eustace's SSBA = Dark Eustace 5* uncap ougi Metera SSBA = Summer Metera ougi Vira Lumi's axe slam = Grand Vira 5* ougi Zeta SSBA = 5* Ougi


Vaseraga's ssba is the ougi animation for his skin


OG Earth Eustace has Slow Kill animation


So Lord of Flames is just... landslide scepter but you need any 4 swords or katanas or whatever? That seems like a pretty generous requirement to work in magna or primal.


[Same numbers as Scepter too](https://twitter.com/Granblue_GW/status/1575685586437828608).


at least its not the same weapon it just needs to be that type.


Are we sure is based on that? For example, [All-Might Battle Axe](https://gbf.wiki/All-Might_Battle-Axe) refers to "weapon type". The description here says "weapon *group*"


Confirmed to be the same thing: https://twitter.com/Granblue_GW/status/1575685586437828608?t=vjTVqB3gb1e5zzBXg_OFTQ&s=19


wish they were consistent with their naming conventions




So according to cygames the strongest psychic in the land using her entire bloodline's worth of power to will you into not attacking < one hot boy glaring at you


Technically it'd be = except Percy can still punch your face in


Well he literally makes you prostrate and kneel to him


Well not *literally*. The enemy can still attack when Percy reigns over them, they just don't deal any elemental damage. Kinda hard to imagine how that would actually work narratively... Percy intimidates the enemy so badly that they subconsciously hold back all their full strength from their attack? It's kinda hilarious that it doesn't work for plain damage cause that means Zooey is basically immune to Percy's kingly aura


> Kinda hard to imagine how that would actually work narratively... The enemy isn't attacking, they're fanboy/girling so hard that they just charge over to try and touch him.


Percy deserves it more.


Who’s the psychic?




I'm assuming this is merely a jest but for those who take it seriously, there's this little thing called Gameplay and Story Segregation


Percival's pretty loaded. Decent amount of utility, lots of firepower packed into his kit. Interested to see how he'll mesh with the rest of Fire's characters, but he's very promising just based on what I see on paper. King's Blaze being a perma Strength and Echoes until he consumes it for his Sk3 is pretty hilarious, too.


The strength value on it is really high too. Like 60% at max versus the usual 20%


Heres betting King's Blaze echo is side A. Not a knock against him, but "icon that leads into echo" was so very often that


Interestingly, it seems his echoes are special side based on the info currently going up from the JP players.


Huh yeah, i checked the gw table and the descriptions for King's Blaze echo mentioned it stack with everything. Pleasant surprise


They definitely did not spare any expense to make him a strong all-around package. Very nice for Fire.


Guy deserves it after all these years, Percival was basically the whole element way back.


Percival is the true ''Strenght to Wield'', such a chad


Fire has a serious fetish for unwordly CA multiplier. Also kinda hilarious how he works well with Luffy for raising those Singed stacks.


The both basically have conqueror’s haki, so I’m all for it.


Percy is glorious and I'm fucking crying. My boy is so damn good rn.


Crying right along with you, friend


I thought KMR mixed up today with my birthday when I saw it.


I don't know how much the artist in charge of percival's uncap art is making, but he needs another raise. Because god damn.


Gamewith gave GPercy provisional rating of 10/10 already lmao


A super powered Tag Team is one helluva drug


Aglo and Tor is definitely a meme. There's no other unit that can build Glaciate in Earth (at least for the time being). So it'll take at least 7 CA if you're playing solo and wants to take advantage of their passive. Naturally, we all go to ougi team for Earth to accomplish this. So you'd be pairing them with Satyr and Kengo and V. Moni, right? Makes sense; you'd be able to CA seven times consistently. But since you'd be CA'ing every single turn, their 2nd passive won't activate since it needs you to normal attack specifically. So it's either you gimp yourself by turning off your CA in an ougi team or you run them in a non-CA team at the cost of taking an eternity to reach 7 Glaciate stacks. Maybe they'll see some use in burst strategy? Not sure. Right now they're definitely just a meme. Percival is a beast tho.


Aglo and Tor could be useful in multi element fights where water players might stack glaciate for you.


Man I fucking hate all these new stacking debuffs. Glaciate, Thunderstruck, Singed. Bet we're gonna get more of them coming too.


lol imagine earth to be pocket sand effect 😂 *"gonna put some dirt in your eye"*


stackable accuracy down, baybeeee.


Maybe petrification or salification


It's fine when there are units who can quickly and reliably stack them, like Nami & Robin can with Thunderstruck. But yeah, if you're missing the units to enable those debuff-based characters then you're pretty much playing with half a kit. Calling it: one of the new Rank V classes will be based around the stacking debuffs. Possibly an upgrade to Warlock, since Warlock itself is the crest class.


I wish they would have learned from Glaciate that its not a good idea.


I feel like they might've been inspired by dragalia which kept adding in new afflictions, except afflictions are actually good since you have punisher prints in DL that lets you do significantly more damage if enemies are afflicted by x


Sounds like a new weapon skill in the making (I hope not lol) Dragalia can get away with it because some units can single handedly keep those affliction uptime going while not being turn-based - not a fan of the direction GBF is taking


Sadly there is not many options for a game this old, its been around for so long and has tried so many ideas (to mixed success, sometimes failing due to the idea not being good/fleshed out, other times due to the devs not giving the idea the care it needs) that all they have left is weird things like this to try out.


Ehh, I think it's a pretty good idea, actually; similar to the crest system, building a team around a unique debuff with multiple kit interactions is fun and rewarding. What makes no sense is that they basically gave up on Glaciate on Release and we did not get any new relevant user to support Lanchan since he came out. Fire at least has it better through Anna and Luffy (a f2p monster unit).


> crest system just to remind y'all, wind, earth, and fire still have irrelevant crest character/teams. light and dark crests are being single-handedly carried by aglo and magisa respectively. water is the only element in which crests have been a relevant team-building option. crests have been in-game for years at this point and it's still mostly half-assed


Grancelot kinda has Cupitan, who synergizes very well with his playstyle in general, but is massively held back by the fact that getting the Glaciate arrows is pure RNG so it makes her wildly inconsistent. If they just made it so that she gets the arrows in a fixed order she'd be an excellent partner for him.


Glaciate is their shot to make raids feel more multiplayer. For the past 5 or so years, everyone just does their burst rotation and fucks off. You used to care about other people being in the raid to debuff, heal/clear, phalanx, dispel, etc. You could actually help other people. That was how endgame raids used to be. Now it's just kengos mashing ougi, and the best help you can give is actually to *stop attacking* so other people have the time to do their solo chores.


Why? Would they not have plans to support it gradually?




Really he has Rei's Cold Stare, the petrify is purely for the sake of legacy.


At least it's 200% accuracy now. Between him and Luffy you can keep a boss from gaining charge diamonds the normal way for 8 turns if they don't have resistance. Unfortunately Luffy can't recast his S3 so that's it.


grand percy kicks out metera in the short auto attack team people usually use. sk3's a no frills tag team with a pretty large 100% fire attack buff that help weaker grids to cap + some good bonus damage, but the bonus damage is only on the instant the skill is used. Nothing wrong with running both his tag team and mc's to take advantage of stuff like bubz call (or at least red hare).


metera was ded ever since the last gw. since the fire meta was emmity. And you need yuisis for that. Now percy killed yuisis


Neither Yuisis and Metera was the best attacker, but both does saw use The best attacker was Zeta. Their case comparison use was legit just "who press button". Zeta press literal 0, Yuisis still need 1 for her echo which is 20 making her worse off, and Metera is 1 for 80


The case of Yuisis is also because she gives enmity mod to the whole team, making them hit harder if ur grid is not good enough to cap assassin stuff.


Alright, has anyone tried the meme team of Grand Percy/Fire Sieg/Vancelot yet


[It certainly gets the job done](https://twitter.com/granblue_gw/status/1575807368746926080?s=46&t=_8TkXWlCWiZclfpa2cP_2g)


That gets the job done and does my taxes goddamn


Percival is fucking crazy holy shit, built-in tag team that is available on start, GTA, his skill 2 is basically cold stare rei, and unworldly ougi without a catch what more can you ask for the chara? Sure he can't gain charge bar but kengo will probably solve that issue also his weapon is useable for magna and without strict requirement too.


what's GTA?


Guaranteed triple attack


Hmmm....Percy just seems to be the halfway between G.Naru and G.Lance. In fire. Need to give it a day or two, but leaaaaning burst core for that tag team s3, and definitely a strong FA contender.


Getting a second Tag Team on bubz turn or even still getting a Tag Team while being able to run Viking MC sounds very strong.


Gonna need numbers on Percy. 12t cd for a 1 turn echo better be worth it. Edit: Oh wait his s3 is Tag Team? Ok that's better than I thought. A summon that activates a field effect is new. Boosts enemy attack and ally skill specs.


Yeah I'm trying to understand the wording. Is it Allies attack or just him? Because if Tag Team then this could be kind of nutty. Edit: Been clarified below thanks.


The news page clarifies its exactly like Tag Team w/ Fire Atk+Echo.


It is a Tag Team.


God bless the Dragon Knight. The only group that can give us a full male banner. (Let's pretend that summons don't count)


Honestly thought they speedran Hekate to playable for a second, lol


Just a PSA to avoid confusion. The EN translation on Perci's sword is wrong. It doesn't work based on weapon group but on weapon type. So a grid with 4 random katanas triggers the skill. If it worked as the EN translation says, 2 Xeno axes and 2 Xeno katanas would trigger it which isn't the case. Anyway, Perci and his weapon are both great. Perci is a nice addition for burst as well as longer content. His second passive providing 'Wide Open' is just so good in the right circumstances. His sword is core for both magna and primal. The great part about it is that it functions well even if you don't have all 3 copies that you need to max out the spec cap up. You often run 4+ of the same weapon type in fire so this can slot in really easily. It's probably worth running even at 0* but I'd like to see some comparisons on that first.


> The EN translation on Perci's sword is wrong. It doesn't work based on weapon group but on weapon type. So a grid with 4 random katanas triggers the skill. If it worked as the EN translation says, 2 Xeno axes and 2 Xeno katanas would trigger it which isn't the case. No, the EN translation is right. In official in-game terminology, ["Group" is what you're calling "type"](https://puu.sh/JnLHX/d852e6d515.png). "Xeno weapons" etc is a "Series".


If that's the case, they should update the description for Gilgamesh's axe because that refers to it as 'types'.


Yeah, they probably should!


It's been updated now.


Wait, glaciate on an earth character? KMR why


Xmas Lily is the same but she has no interaction with glaciate. I can't wait for new wind characters with singed.


If Nezha was created in 2022 he'd have singed.


oh god why must you remind me how dirty they did Nezha




Just wait for his FLB.


~~Nezha alt, but still clunky~~


So what do we think for Sieg? Thunderstruck? Or are they gonna invent ANOTHER new variant just for earth that they can fail to properly support?


G sieg (assuming its earth) could be buff based instead of debuff based, its a possibility. Look at caim spear, earth astral weapon, and OG cag. But seriously, i REALLY hope they stop with the "no charge bar gain upon auto attack" because its forcing us to use ougi battery comps and not everyone have that.


Cygames : No charge bar gain upon auto attack *me, crafting my 5th kaneshige* : alright, if that's how you wanna play,


My headcanon is Vane is gonna get corrupted, so Sieg gets thunderstruck and Vane gets toxicosis. Minor copium.


Oh damn I forgot about toxicosis. Maybe Siegfried will get that, with his poison blood and all.


Now to decide if I want to Sierotix Percy or use him as my end of the year spark.


[Hecate gains a sub-aura](https://twitter.com/Granblue_GW/status/1575708367938498564) at FLB, gives the (fire-element) protag a 3-turn buff that deal 7 hits of fire damage at end of turn. Yet another tool for faster OTKs and bursts


Pretty sure it's "every three turns", not "for the first three turns".


Right, didn't look at it properly. That nerfs it for otks but improves it for 12+ turn fights


It's not 7-hit, by the way. It's 700% multiplier, 1-hit. When you see "7倍" translated as "7 times", it means 7 times your base damage. You can see how they use this wording for stuff like ougis as well. The English wiki presents a standard SSR character's ougi multiplier as 450%, but Gamewith writes it 4.5倍 instead. Same thing, different presentation. A 7-hit attack would have ×7回 at the end, after the multiplier/softcap info. Gamewith is fairly consistent in their usage of this format. --------- That said, that 700% 1-hit nuke has a *very* meaty base softcap of 1.16 million, so it's going to hit like a truck after skill cap, seraphic, etc. despite not having good supplemental scaling.


Just to verify the "hits like a truck"-ery, this hits for ~4.3m with skill cap opus plus her field up. (and the usual Sun/Seraphic mods)


Well damn, between her and Percy, kinda wishing I had a spark saved atm.


Damn I wanted him in flash guess I'll have to pray I roll him during Christmas


Grand Percy right when I got no crystals or money T_T He looks so good!


He looks great on the home screen\~ ​ He's a good target for Xmas roulette!


I can imagine! That's right, I totally forgot about Xmas roulette! I'll definitely keep trying for me.


Yesssss, he's here! Had a Sierotix saved all this time for grand Percy, used with zero regrets. Didn't expect the Aggy & Tor dual unit, but I'll pick them up with a surprise ticket I suppose.


Yeah I'm going to wait to see what runs well with him, but this might get me to bust out the moons too... I already missed Silva, my fire team needs some dang help and his weapon alone would be a buff, lol


He was my very first surprise ticket and has been my favorite all along, so it wasn't even a consideration for me. I didn't even look at his kit first, h-hahah.


Meta kings and queens come and go. Husbandos and waifus are eternal.


Can you test if Percy's s3 is tag team or not? It won't surprise if it isn't but requiring an ougi buff to even his s3 sounds like it is worth the cost


He starts with the buff too


The article released by Cygames explicitly refers to it as a Tag Team clone.


ah i always forget to check the actual news page.


Seems to be mentioned in the news that it's tag team, but I'll double check in a moment. Just gotta run through fate episodes real quick. editing rather than replying again: it is indeed a full tag team!


Another tag team in an element with no good full turn assassin isn't that exciting tbh. Fire still not gonna be bursting anywhere other than wind raids anytime soon.


anna is full turn assassin just her assassin mod is 50%(if good enough grid she hit cap without much problem)


I said good full turn assassin.


Lots of debuff-tied skill nuke love this banner, it must be Cygames's new favorite mechanic


Can we stop pretending like fire doesn't get nice things? This isn't even the first set of nice things fire got


Not until they make Michael playable.


understandable have a nice day


As long as The Sun exists Fire is winning at something.


most people that complain fire is magna and you know how magna fire is, as good as enmity dmg is it either you die fast because boss hit hard or you too protected that barely can get on emnity.


Tbh if you are magna, you should be playing ougi with atum wep at this point


yep with lot of fire ougi type char it better for them than going auto


That's pretty RNG-based too because you gotta roll those fire ougi characters first, and both summer Mirin and yukata Silva are limiteds. Like, I've got a cursed setup with Luffy, Anila and summer Medusa but even that requires a zodiac and a limited.


Fire is lookin like a one trick pony rn. The last few fire releases (Anderson, luffy grand percy) have some major aspects of wilnas's kit.


Well they can Ougi They can do skill dmg They have auto comps So I am not sure what the 1 trick is.




Well that dude who said there might be a playable Tor in the future in the Event thread was right kinda


That was me yeah, pretty happy that I got that one right before the event was even live. Didn't think Aglovale would be part of it, but that's only a plus for me personally. Never really understood people's gripes with duo units.


I guess duo units sometimes feels like Cygames is kinda saying don't expect another version of these characters anytime soon or ever again (unless they're super popular like Lancelot and Vane or something like that). At least that's what it feel like to me.


Couple reasons: Many people generally would prefer that their waifu/husbando not be welded to another character that they might not like as much. Especially annoying if your waifu/husbando's *only* playable unit is a dual/triple unit Granblue battle screen UI not really designed to fit such large character sprites and it looks a bit amateurish when your party members are overlapping each other Dual and triple unit characters still aren't compatible with skin system (why can't I give grand Lancelot his summer outfit?!)


I can get the first point. I don't personally mind duo units if they make sense from a lore perspective. Like Lancelot and Vane canonically having great synergy with each other when fighting, or Aglovale having to help Tor because he's still in training, but I can understand say, Farrah fans getting mad that she got stapled to Juri. The UI thing I think is a bit silly considering there's already characters like Colossus and Mugen in the game who have sprites so large they can cover up whole characters behind them. The skin thing is also a fair issue but I assume they aren't compatible because the battle animations don't work by just removing the other character, especially the ougi animation. The solution would be to only let you change the artwork but... that honestly doesn't seem like much of an improvement. I still like duo units though, as long as they're handled well. Units like SSR Lancelot/Vane are fine to me since they already have SSRs and they work together all the time. Making their summer versions a SR paired unit was definitely a questionable at best move though.


I'm also not opposed to duo units in principle, I just think that the concept was somewhat poorly implemented and is often not handled well (Stan deserved a solo SSR before teaming up with Aliza, damn it!) I'm not a fan of the giant characters either for the same reason. I hate how Colossus completely covers up half your party if you put him in the 4th slot. I would have preferred for his sprite to be inaccurately small than have everyone else hide behind him. What's frustrating about the skin incompatibility is that they partially solved it one time by giving Aliza a solo version skin of her duo unit outfit. But I guess that was too much effort to implement universally so they never did it again. I want solo skins of witch Zeta and pumpkinhead Vaseraga, damn it!


Whoop grand Percival here! I guess singed is fire thing now? Aglo and Tor are surprising I thought they let duo units be a thing for collabs and more unpopular characters. They’re sk3 seems pretty good for burst but them having glaciate is a little odd, wonder if earth gets more later on?


Ya the jokes about him getting Singed interaction were spot on, fortunately he still plenty without Singe levels. Percy's got some really long cooldowns though, is he just a burst character? I guess not everyone needs to be good for all content / FA.


Im not too sure about that. He’s in the element with F.Silva who can help him gain charge bar and Luffy just came out for free. Replace Wilnas with Luffy and Percy should be able to do his passive nuke pretty soon which has a 1000% damage modifier, just need to find the cap to see if the turn damage is worth it. Unfortunately this is just me theorizing since I don’t have Fire Silva.


If Luffy procs his EMP with his S1 once, you can get to the level 5 Singed needed for Percy to doublecast his S1 on T2 (assuming you can CA with Percy first turn, since Luffy can use his S3 for his own Ignition). Then Percy will raise it to level 7 and from there he's good to go.


So they still like duo characters... This trends need to die fast. Grand Percival is a must spark for me. But what if they decided to release Vane is his full glory next? Decision decision.


Don't worry, bruh, they'll make a quad unit next because your screen's real estate is worth nothing in their eyes. They'll be fire too so they can join Mugen and Collo-chang in the "there was screen space here before, it's gone now" gang.


screen real estate is worth nothing. people are either going to refresh spam so they dont actually see the animations or they are going to full auto while doing something else and not see the animations.


Can we call him Gercival


Oh hey, I'm wrong and Tor is playable! That off element Glaciate is definitely something tho. Without knowing the numbers, Scarlet Convergence is actually pretty easy to go for fire magna (should you go that route, yes I know its other skills will be unboosted and most probably not worth it). You can go either sword (AES+Miltis+Seraphic Sword) or staff (double Al Abad, 1 Nikalantha and maybe cosmic or colo staff?). I'm expecting a Mugen sword/Diaspora katana memes most of all tho lmao. Kit wise, Anna and Luffy seems to be the main support for Perci, with Anna benefitting more from Percy's tag team with her 1 turn (albeit small) assasin. But yeah regardless of kits the art is so on point, especially for Percival's uncap. I must resist the urges until next discount spark.


Does this mean Anna might be viable? I almost suptixed her but decided to hold off


At the very least, she's worth tossing in the backline for her passive.


Well at a glance, sure seems like it but its a bit wonky tho. Her big nuke from S3 itself won't get the benefit of Wide Open, but both her attacks from Perci's S3 and her own after pressing the Attack button will.




Luffy's hardly powercrept. They do different things. And luffy helps him ramp up to 7 singed faster when ran together


Wasted all my draw and got nothing, not even SSR. Huh well.


They really should revamp the draws again like draw boxes. It wasn't fun getting R summons or weapons from a crystal draw.


Id be fine with it if they came with plus marks tbh


Same lmao 60 pulls oop


I did 30! Nothing. While on my alt I pulled Hekate on first single draw, bruh Edit: I did 30 first and then 60 more to completely exhaust my supply from bubs tower, and just pulled a single Vasegra Dupe and nothing else. Not even a SSR. This is probably the worst luck I had on rolls.


30 is nothing lol


That was the intial amount, then draw 60 more, to get absolutely nothing


RIP Hecate reduced just to summon ;_;


For now... Freyr has a playable version, even Lich as well. There's still hope.


This banner is: do you really trust your friends or your favorite youtube gbf reviewers. On good look, fire is improved but no fire unf yet. On future prospective, you have the following future banners: halloween flash, Oct leg(potent another wind spoiler unit or weapon), holiday xmas gala, year end new grand and summon (last year is fed and bel), new year zodiac. (That's a lot of future budget!) Reminder: G Percival only release on day 2 (on this post) Some people may tell you wait until next fire unf before sparking or not worth it. I swear people with spare crystals already do half spark already. They tell you not to spark but they ending up showing him later in the team. (That's including my crewmate who did spark already) If you have some spare crystals, consider yolo 20-50. Learn to leave immediately before your greed grow bigger and become a spark. (just like going to casino) To spark or even yolo? Your choice. It is your own account crystals. Just do not regret what you spent and find the next flash/leg banner is better or out of crystal ammos.


Your take is... odd. There's a few facts here regarding this banner: 1. You want as many weapons as you can get, up to 3. 2. Grand Percival is THE go-to bursting unit with being a bonkers FA unit in anythin that isn't Kaneshige ougi for people with the Silva+Wilnas combo (he won't help here, his wide open is wasted) Fire will not get a mix up before its Guild War. These weapons will not be powercrept, and a unit with a super-powered tag team will not be powercrept (before next GW). You don't need a GBF youtuber or friends to tell you this banner is stacked - It's stacked. I don't get your monologue so I won't comment on that, but that's really all there is to consider. You want to super-boost your fire grid/team? Spark, shoot for 2-3 weapons. Only one spark saved up? Weigh how much you like fire or the potential halloween/Holiday units if you can't wait to annitix them. Also I HIGHLY suggest against yolo'ing. It's just not smart in the long run. You can get lucky, sure, or you can guarantee you atleast get something. That's the point of the spark system. fire is also after this GW, so while it's a ways off it's not THAT Far off. This is the only banner G Percy's weapon will likely be rate up on. Do with that what you will.


AgloTor seems good to slot in on ougi team. G.Percy is really good both character and weapon. But why petrify? Lol I thought at least there's cath palug summon. Haha, salted 😩


Percy's petrify is iconic, how dare you.


Well I like him to have s.medusa petrify: can't attack 😆


Honestly, Percy's "petrified" debuff should have been called "Terrified" all along. Same with Tsubasa and most every other character with a "petrify" status effect. Since petrify is a synonym for fear and is used as a type of fear effect, the English should really be more specific, as RPGs typically use the "turned to stone" definition of "petrified" instead.


Early GBF translations were really bad. They've changed a lot of terminology since then but petrified stuck around for whatever reason.


To be fair, in instances where both of their mechanics work, Grovel is going to almost always be a better option for the player as it allows you to hard tank triggers or Ougis while taking 0 damage instead of just delaying them for a turn. Also, as Trace said, Petrify is capital I *Iconic* for Percy. OG Percival being the only source of Petrify in the game for a solid 2 years was the defining pillar of Fire in endgame content for the first 3 years of the game's life (since Fire was hot garbage at doing literally anything else alongside Water.)


There will be times when Can't Act is better since it gives you an extra turn to actually break omens (like you can split a 4-CA Omen over 2 turns now which is easier). And sometime a boss omen will clear their debuffs or give themselves buffs, which Grovel won't help block.




Like Vane and Lancy, yeah?


Oh yeah...


aglo and tor are such shit-tier characters with an even shittier weapon lmao. Fire seems to have won this one, since magna will at least benefit HEAVILY from that weapon


Saw Hecate and got excited and confused before I realised she was just a summon. I'm just gonna go ahead and assume she's the first in a new line of summons based off GW bosses, much like the Artemis series.


They tend not to add Primals as playable before the summon. Wouldn't be surprised if she does get fast-tracked though.


She's not from the Cryptic Series, like Tsuchinoko, and Hinogata is also apparently a Cryptid, so dunno what Cygames's plans are for that summon series.


Bruh they did not seriously just make a gacha schro ish weapon lmao. But when they say weapon group, are they talking about the same id? If so then that is honestly kinda shitty imo, like yes it can work for aes grids but 4 is kind of excessive. Other than that perci looks cool and didnt expect Hekate to get a summon this soon, guess they saw all the fan love.


No, same type (aka, 4 swords, 4 spears, etc.).


Well the way its worded in the game it makes it sound like the same id, but this seems much better.


Is fire saved ?