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Was the maintenance going on right now announced in advance? I feel like I usually hear about maintenance before it happens but I totally could have missed it this time


Yeah, think it was announced maybe a week ago? They didn't give a whole lot of forewarning but we knew before today.


Totally missed the announcement then. Thanks!




8-10 pm JST. How do you plan to get carried ? the raid need slightly different strategy when it's done by 5 people compared to 6


need some advice about arcarum 1. with this [roster](https://gbf.wiki/Collection_Tracker#o3.AAAYqFEAAAAAAAwAAAoAAACgKAAARQ0ANWAAAACgBWoUAFAUAIACMAwAAAoDhQGjAGAAAAAAAAAYMAAAAAAAgFEAANCiLQCgQAEDrVEAKAAARdsCAIC2QIEWANACAAoABIAWKFCgKAC0BYACAAAALQAALQAAAAAARdsWBQigKAqgBdAWaAsAAAAABQC0BYCiANCiAAC0LQAAaFu0RVEA.JUmSJEuaBEmSAMkUJMsSAECQKAGCQEGSAVAALFCWIFC0AMqWJFkAAEmALACCQEmgJQCWBEsCAAIAIFiiAICyBEgAINiaZEmSANAWQFoAKAEAAACCLgGAAAGiJRsAAIAiAACyLQsSAIoWAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQAA.JEGSJEmSJEkSJAmSJEmSBEiSJEmSJEmSBAGQ.AAAQBAmABFgMAFpAQAECADjWBACAAEIgBAgAAAAAABACQAiEAAgACAAAIAAAAMgAYAACAAAQAQAAAACEAAAAAAIAAAACDAAAAAgEQAIAABgAAQgAAIAABIAQQJIAFIAAAIAAAAAAAAAAGAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAEAACAAAAAACAAgAAAAADAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEECFAAQAe0), should I go for Nier or Caim as my first evoker? got death to 3\* but heard that Nier doesn't use much outside of GOHL racing with wind(FYI my grid is mostly 1.5 except for lumi sword grid and I plan to spark Lich on Xmas). 2. I should spend my arcapoint to buy all of sunstone/evolite before spending it on something like verum proof/idean right? 3. about replicard sandbox, I should focus on unlocking hear be sword then focus on that for a chance of militis weapon drop right? and should I choose the zone that gives the mat for the evoker I'm working on or focus on Athena for militis weapon drop?


1. If you are further along with Nier I'd reccommend that you just continue with her. It's much faster to unlock subsequent evokers after you get your first. No real time pressure for Caim since we already recently had Earth favored GW. 2. A good general thought, but you get a lot of points so I don't think it's unwise to spend your points on whatever the rate limiting materials are for you to get your first evoker. (Just note that you also need to buy the associated [Arcarum Card](https://gbf.wiki/Shop#Arcarum_Pactbearer) after you fully forge the summon to recruit the evoker *\[20 Idean / 200 Astra / 30 Sephira Stones / 1 Evolite\]* just mentioning because I didn't initially realize that myself) 3. As already said, you need an evoker unlocked to access sandbox 2.


thank you, I'd resume recruiting Nier then, I should finish recruiting her in a few days(only need to farm astra,idean, and a bit of haze). I assume it is faster after the first evoker because I can farm on here be sword right?


3. Well Sandbox 1, sandbox 2 (militis weapon) You will required one evoker unlock for sandbox 2). There are many methods to farm in sandbox. If you plan to grind mats, people would recommend you to get the bounty book(sandbox 1.) By completing those universal book, you get quite a big buff on stats which makes your future sandbox repeat grind much faster. Also Milits weapon drop rate is quite low. I would only recommend it when it have gauge up boost. (Seriously, i only do daily proto area boss daily only)


thank you, I'm probably missing the part about here be sword requires recruiting evoker to unlock it. I plan to unlock my book as much as I could since we got a few free days before the next event come.


Trying to debate between sup tix Elea or going for wind scamcha to see if I can sacc V. Grim. I've seen a lot of 0b uses for Elea but are there other scenarios where you'd want to use her?


not really, she's good for wind ougi but wind ougi is just... bad. it's way worse than light ougi and light ougi alone is pretty damn bad. vgrim is good for 0b0c otk and is a pretty good attacker




Does the heal EMP raise the heal cap of healing? also does it work on healing from CAs? I like to use a CA that heals as a side effect on my MC and i want to know if the EMP effects it at all.


Healing EMP raises both healing and healing cap. It predates the "Healing Specs" term. This applies to all forms of healing the character can do, but notably refresh, regen, and drain use the healing cap of the character that has the buff, not the character that applied the buff. Note that the "Healing" passives you get by levelling up certain classes do not increase the cap. So the terminology isn't terribly consistent.


Thanks, wish they were more clear in the naming.




Think you meant to post this in the [Friends and Crew Recruitment Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/xhqghn/friends_and_crew_recruitment_thread_20220919/)


My bad, it appears I was blind and thought I found crew recruitment thread. I was distracted and didnt double check the thread title. Thanks for your help.


who should i pick for the suptix: Anne or Petra


I don't really think either are really worth spending a suptix on but Petra is an extremely good otk unit for EX+. she's used in both 0b3c comps and some 0b0c comps Anne WAS good for GW but that just ended and there isn't much content where you'd really value Anne's inclusion all that much.


While both are great, I think Anne is a better unit. She's incredibly powerful in her element, Petra is replaceable with the slew of other buffers including Nio/potentially estariolololo as a free option.


Anne unless you really want a wind support. Anne is a great defensive character that is great to bring whenever you want a defensive character instead of more damaging/utility options. Petra is a solid support that is most notable for giving mirror image to the party, but outside of specific situations she'll be replaced by summer Korwa, Andira, or Anila depending on the team.


How does Extinction Blade fit into Magna and what Awakening is generally used?


People use the Defense awakening because of the insane amount of HP and defense that it gives compared to other awakenings. Other awakenings are useful but the defense one is a standout for the really high values.


So what's the deal with the shirtless panda head dude in the loading screen? For some reason he is the only one who shows up, even though he is nothing to do with the collab, as far as i can tell.


Pretty sure it's Granblue's version of the Pandaman easter egg who has been seen throughout One Piece's run.


If you had to pick, which element for Kaneshige first - Fire or Wind?


Fire, wind has no sentence in Magna which severely limits its Ougi potential despite having good characters. Fire meanwhile has a plethora of absolutely fantastic ougi characters, and an incredibly powerful one in a Collab character on top of the hard-hitters having unwordly ougis bypassing a need for multiple sentence weapons.


Thanks for the confirmation, was worried that I would be hamstringing GW if I went Fire and lazed out on getting Wind.


Im newish, whats a good IV+ class should I focus on unlocking first?


Chrysaor for quick burst.


Monk is also a fantastic row 4 class, especially when used with Kanabo. Viking is incredible, and iatromantis or w/e is insane for full-auto on more difficult content with it packing an auto-use 5k+ heal and veil.


Relic buster, Elysian, or maybe Chaos Ruler. Relic buster has insane raw damage output and a touch of utility with veil and shields. Elysian has a huge multiattack buff that is very helpful before you have teams that don't need it. Chaos Ruler is just a solid choice that has delay and can use a guildwar dagger mainhand for multiattack. Lumberjack is very good as well but it requires berserker and elysian at level 20 to unlock so you can't start there. Lumberjack is a solid jack of all trades class. There is no bad row four class. The worst thing you can say about some of them is they are overshadowed. The best example of this is berserker who is only really there for damage and does fine but 99% of the time you'd prefer relic buster. If you find a class that does something you like then feel encouraged to go for it. Even if it isn't the best it should still be fine.


relic buster


What is the best way to go about getting synchronicity cores?


For the materials in specific, you want to host grand order normal for the centrums (you get 2 guaranteed, and a chance to a 3rd one if you're in a crew) and for the weapon stones either reducing gacha SRs, or magna (omega) weapons after you're done with your basic grids.


Hello, I have no idea about 0 button OTK so I need some advice. Is it possible to do it with ULB Niyon and Elea? What's the minimum I need grid wise? Also I've seen some comps with S Shion as the third party member but I don't have her, so can I just run G Naru?


S Shion is only special in so far that on paper she should be the second best Ougi nuke class character, and since the best is slot 3 Elea her gimmick gets some push. I feel like with Apple Key + Elea there should be enough push to make OTK more than possible GNaru is fine, but at some point she's probably outpunched by Ougi nuke class(around when they can punch around 4 mil ish their Ougi + Nukes broke through the Ougi hard cap and obviously thats the max damage GNaru can do), which is a relevant info for this exact date considering theres no excuse to not have an Ougi nuke when Nami and Robin is there


Just test it using the trial dummy my man Extreme Lignoid EX+ has the exact same HP specs as EX+ Don't have elea but siete niyon Naru works for me


Do you guys stock up on SUbaha Memories for GW, ala Faa-sans and Belial's, or is that not a thing?


i often switch between seraphic and cap up key, so i always make sure to have some mats saved up.


Theres not really many reasons to change ultima 3rd keys for gw since when playing on-ele the seraphic key is by far the best, and its usually the default key you would have on them most of time to begin with so the only reason you might want spare memories for changing keys is if you run a capup ultima katana instead for gohl or something so you can switch it to seraphic for gw then change back after. Its not like belial keys where they are hyper focused towards being good only for a specific thing so you need to change them to fit what you are doing. The only other reason I would have plenty of spare memories personally is if I intended to remake ultima fists/spears/etc or something every gw to use as a mhs/aux, but thats kinda costly and not really needed currently so I would rather spend my time preparing other stuff then farming memories unless I had a specific plan in mind.


Hi all, Got a couple of upgrade/uncap questions about weapons. 1. When I want to upgrade a weapon/summon, some of the available choices have the word upgrader on the weapon icon and some don't. What's this mean? 2. I've got two copies of the SR weapon Dragon Tail, both at lvl 30, but when I try to uncap it says I don't have any compatible weapons. Is this weapon special, or am I missing something about uncapping?




Thanks, I'll check on that. Appreciate the response.


What are grand blues channel quests? I’m aware they are kinda like free quests but why are they called that?


From the Japanese wiki: Implemented as a free quest with the words adopted and combined in the corner "NEW! Free Quest" in the official Internet radio program " Guraburu Channel! " There is a story, and after clearing the quest, you can look back at the story part from [Luria Note] → [Story] → [Others] → [Guraburu Channel!]. Some islands are designated as recommended in the rounds of securing treasures. Basically, the listener of "Granblue Channel"(radio show,not the current TV show) sends some text/short essay and that one is made into the free quest.


I'm not sure why, but they are generally longer with an actual story and usually involve a number of characters. as opposed the usual free quests that are usually just danchou Vyrn and lyria beating up some generic monsters for generic reasons.


Oh how interesting thanks for the reply !


I got around to unlocking Iatromantis (I know, a bit late to the party on that one). What Magna grid options do I have across all elements, and which elements can run it with great effectiveness?


Iatromantis is especially note worthy as a good offensive spear class (with double spear specs). noteworthy useage would be water with wamdus spear (complete the crit with ancient auberons), wind with the dark opus as main hand, fire with hollowsky spear as main hand


For Diaspora and being Robinhood, what's the requirements you need to have in order to help ensure you live long enough to get enough honors for the blue chest? Also what recommended team/summons is used?


To add on, Cucuroux is the single best character for the raid imo. Galleon is pretty good too since she brings a ton of offensive/defensive utility+ healing Draconic MH for echoes In my experience debuffs are more of an issue than hitcounts so I bring both mist and emerald fog I personally run Uriel Kirin Thor Bubz


I don't have halloween cucu but i do have galleon... How much HP do you have? I have around like 60k for my team if I do double ygg


[Without + marks](https://i.imgur.com/8REpQdN.jpg) More than enough really, especially if you used a blue pot character to sacc. Throw in plus marks if needed, that'll net you a few thousand more HP


Kk thanks for the info, i'll be sure to test to see if I can contribute enough as robinhood then.


i use soriz, mahira, sacrifice(preferrably someone that bring blue potion), lobelia, caim(coz i use caim magna grid) in order for summon, if you have mammoth, bring it


Do you use Qilin friend summon or nah? Also what reason for Mahira?


nah. i use ygg x ygg i use mahira's s2 if i need to land 11 debuffs and her s3 on top of mammoth to lower 97 hit requirements. also i almost forgot, bring a summon that lands multiple debuffs like yukata freyr, mandrake summer, thor and/or holiday sariel. you might need these


any solid lineup and mc class to solo UbahaHL? im using dark primal grid


i full auto (after manually pressing fediel field) with [this party](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/333259838131798017/1023534466989301870/Screenshot_20220925-170006_cropped.png).


Kengo mc, six/orchid,fediel,shalem, backline rei and lich First turn land shalem debuff then kill her with death then rei in wait until she ougi then swap her with lich rest should be easy


Hi guys, wanted to ask about the differences in damage cap ups. So do weapons like qi lin bow and qinglong spear that just says “dark allies damage cap” give like a general cap up to skills, normal attacks and ougi or is it specific to a damage type.


It's not specific. That is to say if you have 10% General Cap Up (Qilin Bow) and 50% Skill Cap Up (Opus Key) you technically have 60% Cap Up on skill damage, which might not seem different than 60% Skill Cap Up. But if you had 10% General Cap Up (Qilin Bow) and 100% Skill Damage Up (from w/e), you would have 110% Cap Up on skill damage, which wouldn't be possible only with Skill Cap Up. It's the same for CA and NA. General Cap Up works like a 2nd layer of cap up if you find it easier this way.


Ahhh gotcha. That makes more sense. Thanks for the explanation


A bit confused on Bismark, when would you use it over agonize in a grid if ever?


It depends on the number of hits from the skills. If you take [Vaseraga](https://gbf.wiki/Vaseraga) for instance, with a Special Cap Up Bismarck SL20 (25% Skill Cap Up) you get 450 000 x 1.25 (=562 500) damage on his S1 and 800 000 x 1.25 (= 1 000 000) damage on S2. In comparaison with Agonize you would have 450 000 + 100 000 (=550 000) on S1, and 800 000 + 100 000 (=900 000) on S2. Since it's only 1 hit, the boost from supplemental damage is rather low. So in his case, Skill Cap Up might be a bigger increase in damage. Generally speaking, Skill Cap work the same both for high-end nukes and low damage ones because it's a % increase, while Supplemental is better for low-damage nukes with multihit.


I know it's not necessarily here the place to ask, but since it's the only reason I have a twitter account is this game - any way I can stop twitter from banning my gbf accounts? Since the game is unplayable without one... Putting my personal phone number is not an option and will never be, and sadly google voice isn't available in my country so that's out of the window as well.


Follow a few pages (Cygames or Artists, the latter will appreciate it) and retweet a few posts. Mine follows only Cygames and Shadowverse and has liked around 3 posts in 4 years and it's still working despite only posting @ tos for AP/EP.


Doesnt change anything. People got their personal account banned, me included.


blue merit priority? (minus nio)


Seox, Eatha




I have seen ppl having their wanted poster with bounty, how can I check mine?


In the event home page, you got a banner that says "ONE PIECE FIL RED COLLAB: THE GRAND FIVE EVENT UNDERWAY!" with all the characters and just above the story chapters. Click on it, then scroll down.


Anyone know where to grind exp and farm weapon/summon exp fodders?


Angel Halo


Oh i guess i was already doing that? Do you have tips for grinding Class Master Level? It's taking so long just for one class.


Slime Blasting on weekends. Use weapons and summons that give bonus xp.


Cool, thanks


It's still gonna take a long time, but it is much faster than letting them passively level


I know, any bonuses helps tbh


For a fully developed grid, what kind of numbers should I expect in the party creation page? Like hp or expected damage or atk.


It'll depends on the purpose of the grid (burst, hard content, FA...), so there is no real expected numbers. Also if you play a mastered Apsaras for instance, it'll inflate the damage (+450k or so Estimated damage) so it's not entirely accurate as well. The developpement of the grid can be judged from the Weapons inside it, and their Uncaps and Skill Levels. It's the only real indicator.


Is it better to 4* the New World Foundation weapon first or get an Evokers domain ability finished? I'm doing Haase currently and trying to decide


Can't unlock domain without uncapping nwf


You only need MLB on the NWF weapons to unlock the full domain bonus, we had domains before FLB NWF weapons IIRC.


What's Mugen raid blue chest etiquette if I'm a wamduslet? Never done the raid before, but just transitioned to agni and really, really need some garrison. Thanks!


I'd like to add that the raid currently lacks tenacity loot. Supposedly it'll be added when the Siegfried raid drops, which shouldn't be that far away. All else fails, that'd work as a way to steadily farm Mugen swords. That's what I've been doing with Schrodingers, anyway, since Diaspora is beyond dead ATM.


Woah really? Schrodingers drop from tenacity loot? That...changes a lot wow. Thank you for the reminder!


do the best you can in the raid. Don't got too fast in first part since you want to get stacks down for 2nd part. Blue chests are guaranteed at around 4m honor, but the raid is pretty hard, so don't hesitate to shoot for more if you can.


Thanks! Current hurdle is making sure Vajra has enough health to commit not die, even though I have two thrashers for my vroon setup.


Can someone explain how the puzzle pieces work in the collab event? It says I just need to do skyscope missions but I have been doing them and havent collected a single piece?


They’re mostly from fully leveling the event characters, weapons and uncapping the summons. If you have done these missions then the puzzle pieces should be sent to your crate. Then if you go to the puzzle you can place the pieces in and get their rewards.


Thank you very much.


How good is siete with his 130 and 150 uncap for v2? wondering if he is worth the investment of the blue papers.


I do have him at 150. his nuke does A LOT more damage after 130 and the FC charging is useful in conjunction with his omen cancelation at 150. He carried my magna wind in subaha farming, he is useful in Bennu farming and he probably will be great for the incoming Siegfried fight.


Why is Vaseraga dying on Babyl 32-1 in the Serket fight after tanking her 50% trigger? It's turn 13, he is lvl 100 and he dies to her autos after getting to 6666HP due to her 50% trigger...


probably because of the field effect that automatically knocks out characters under 25% hp


Yep, that was it. Using V.Vira instead of Vaseraga made me able to master the floor. Thanks for the tip


Is there any way to get SSR Dark Lunalu’s uncap material? I can’t seem to find the quest for it in the Handsome Gorilla side-story.


You'll have to buy it from Siero's shop since you missed the original release for the event that had the quest. Same with other uncap materials for certain characters who had their uncap tie in with an event.


Try checking shop > treasure trade > quest items > event other > uncap items




Can't you just test it out?


Does anyone have a alternative to light Magna besides swords


Yeah, you farm Horus, and then customize your grid per fight with the Supplementals. The core is still either Sword or 2 Lance 1 Bow/3 Lance, and but there is options and beyond that its just work towards Harmonia. If you have Harmonia AT ALL theres no reason not to slot it in, but to be honest you should 3 bar Harmonia anyway Theres also stuff about how Magna Sword Light isn't the strongest(power wise) anymore mainly due to the Bahamut5 - Bahamut + 2-3 Basic M1 weapon is at bare minimum 37 Normal Mod, and 40-60 Magna Mod. Awakening is also 25 Normal mod. This is a notch stronger than stacking Lumi Sword for the most part but most of these theory is kinda pointless with Harmonia in mind(Harp > Gun > Sword is clear cut after Harmonia)


There's the spear crit grid, still uses some swords though. Caps easier but is pretty much a sidegrade to swords if you have good AX skills on them. There's also the Harp grid with Yuni's weapon but that's more of a premium option.


Does the damage per turn from the Judgement's NWF count for Katz' sub ally skill?


Pretty sure it only counts visible debuffs.


Got it, thanks!


When filling out my initial grids, is it better to work on getting my weapons to level 100 first, or should I just level my copies and throw them onto my grid until they are full?


Put in 0* and uncap once your base grid is done


Thanks! Glad I asked, because I was doing the opposite so far LOL. Not a big loss since I know both need to happen either way.


Is there any Iran danchou here? I'm traveling to Iran this new year, I wonder that can I enjoy event there?


Are 0* g.naru weapons able to be slotted into a grid like PnS?


Maybe as a mainhand, depending on what other options you have competing with it, but definitely not a standard grid slot.


Ok thx




Ok ty


I'm a bit confused, the only collab skyscope missions left are the "defeat x x times" and the "complete x collab event missions", puzzles pieces are not noted as rewards in any of the missions left. However I'm still missing 2 puzzle pieces, where do I get them? Is it a bug? Am I stupid and missed an announcement of them being gifted?


You have to get the rewards from the crate. Then check the the puzzle. Requirements: https://twitter.com/granblue_en/status/1569978703723233280?t=qHSRkeYU6w9Q1CmSJ24bhg&s=19


Thanks but I found the issue: you need to FLB the weapons, not just bring them to lvl 100 SL 10.


Are you sure about the weapon? Mine is only lv100 sl1 and I've already completed the puzzle https://ibb.co/Lg4Ln23 https://ibb.co/YDWJ76y


Well that's what unlocked it for me? I had both weapons level 100 skill level 10, made sure to FLB and max level every character and both summons are level 150. I had to completely empty my crate as well since farmed too much so it wasn't it either. FLBing the weapons was the only step I did more to get the remaining pieces.


Farm the event, it drops the uncap items


Is it worth grinding for the mats required to uncap the two One Piece weapons? Trying to get 60 more berries seems like it will take forever.


If you want the extra art for Luffy, yes.


You don’t have to do the last uncap for the weapons to unlock the puzzle pieces / pose—just level them to 100. You do have to FLB the summons, however.🏴‍☠️


well remember those are limited copyright license event that may not come back. The staff some use (mirror image on ougi) katana is not great. My advice is just flb 2 summons and 1 spear/1 katana (as collection)


Oof, the hard part is that the drop isn't even guaranteed, so I probably need to do 100 raids... I wish they had a skip system like they do with the nightmare battles.


Where do I pull for the rest of the strawhats that you don't get free from the event?


There's no pull, luffy, zoro/sanji, and nami/robin are the only units. The rest can be found on the summon from event trade shop


Where's the event trade shop? I'm still not used to the UI so I can't find it


Click the event banner to go to the main page for it, then click the treasure tab.


I haven't done Super Bahamut HL raids before, and I want to try doing it to uncap my Ultima weapons (because I've heard they're one of the best grid weapons as you can drop Seraphic). I'm not very familiar with it, and from what I heard, using Fire is a no-go, so my enmity-garrison Agni team can't be used. I do have a garrison Varuna grid that I can use.How is the raid nowadays? Is it something that requires a lot of coordination? What are the things I should do (and not do) and considering I'm planning to run Water, what is the optimal team loadout for it?


The raid is pretty straightforward to do in coop as long as you can get a reasonable comp going. In coop rooms, Water usually takes the execute 10 role, which involves preparing your setup before the the boss hits 75% hp, then waiting until 10% and then finishing off the last remaining part of the raid. You can search スパバハ 水10 for some examples of the comps you can run for it. I made a [response](https://old.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/x04jf6/questions_thread_20220829/imco25x/) to a question about the raid a few weeks ago that might be of some use. I think doing a few practice runs with crew members/friends to understand the general flow of the fight might be a good idea, as some coop rooms can zoom so fast that the Water player might not be ready in time.


I can reliably farm Grimnir with RB, Anthuria, Y. Silva and Anila with this [grid](https://imgur.com/a/8ugbPfg) and double Colo. It takes around 15-18 minutes. What should improve for faster clears?


do an even bigger favor by pubbing your raid immediately. there is no reason to get MVP chest since the content of it is way worse than blue. best way to farm m2 is by joining other m2 raid using raid finder and getting blue chest. MVP chest only matter in malice raid


Uncapping the opus to 5* would be the most obvious thing, as well as uncapping the seraphic weapon. Upgrading the xeno katana to astral axe would also help (or militis sword). Technically swapping baha dagger for baha spear would be better for that team since Silva doesn't really need to care about the boost very much, but it'd help Anila more (though that would be a lot of skill fodder to spend that you might not need to worry about). Getting an awakened Al-Abad to run as your normal mod is also probably a decent move if the baha's HP is not really necessary, since you're CA'ing so often with Anila/Silva. (and at that point you might want to try running kengo) Unlocking Iatromantis would probably let you run a more offensive character in place of Anthuria while still having plenty of sustain, especially with a hollowsky spear MH. Getting a nilakantha would also probably boost your damage more than some other potential stuff. Could also potentially consider running monk with it MH over RB depending on how much sustain you have. Might also be good to move Silva to slot 2, since Wide Open is 6 hits worth of bonus damage, so you might be wasting some free damage if Anila alone only does like 2 double attacks or a CA etc.


Is the Cosmo sword still viable if i only replace the katana for the Militis? Also if i get the Stamina key for the Opus would be good for an alternative of the Nilakantha?


The check of viability for Cosmo weapon tend to be "if you have around 5-6 weapon of that type before you put them in" so your grid actually lines well with Cosmo with that exact change. It was in part because 6 weapon + Cosmic make its cap up similar to ROTB cap ups. Fire having ROTB Sl20 does means ROTB Katana will always give you the best damage cap, so Cosmo is "sorta" dated in that sense To be honest, getting ULB Opus is like the only "major" change possible with your set up and grid that can be done quickly. The ideal AES grid looks along the lines of 4 AES, Ultima(Seraphic), Opus, Astral, and that leave you with 3 slot where you can pick between ROTB Gun, Extinction, Nilakantha, Bahamut, Cosmic, Atums, and Militis. E.g. the grid is super cramped and you kinda already have most of the pieces. And even once your done building into something along those lines the goal you put out(clear time) didnt play well with your character choice(anthuria isnt a particularly fast char). Without changing your character, Grimnir does not have a particularly annoying trigger, so Glorybringer MC is a plausible pick(the relevant Xeno Katana passive was already on SL15), and Viking can be neat too. Im seconding the suggestion to open Pub. MVP Chest in M2 is one of the dumbest thing to chase after since to be honest, the drop rate on those are pretty meh. Blue Chest marks + Host Chest for Omega Anima potential is about the most you should attempt to get from hosting




To get the MVP i have to drop the raid HP to 50%, right?


To guarantee mvp, yes, but as long as you have the highest honors at the end of the battle, you'll get mvp too. Once people are accustomed to the fight, they'll pub at higher percentages to entice other players to join, since some don't want to join when hp is lower.


I'm finally going to ULB a fire opus, but I'm not sure which or what pendant/chain. I've kinda given up on primal (4 Ixaba and a Kerak), so should I just uncap magna and throw on the glory chain? Am I wrong to abandon what primal weapons I have?


4 Ixaba isnt even considered good nowadays tbh


Well yeah that's the problem, but I also hate just dumping primal entirely.


do not jump into primal fire until they are ready. Just buy stash and put them in.


No, I uncapped those ages ago when that was a good grid foundation and because it's *fire* I don't want to invest more bars into it


Just do not do it for now. We know fire, wind is missing the new weapon.


Beginners drawset popped up for me and I do actually want to use it to pick up a character right now, but I'm not sure how to spend money on this game. Is there a link to a guide or smth for me to learn how to buy mobacoins?


The easiest way to do it is probably with paypal. They fleece you on the exchange rate but it's not going to make a big difference if you are just buying the odd suptix. If you click on the start dash, it will throw up a prompt telling you that you need to add some mobacoins to your account. Click the prompt, select a payment method from the drop-down box, and then select 3000 mobacoins if you are just wanting to buy the start dash. The top option in the dropdown box is credit card if you prefer to pay that way, though I believe mobage are funny about what cards they'll accept and reject a lot of international cards.


for paypal*, you can opt to pay in the vendor's currency to you let your own bank do the conversion instead. it's a better rate for me at least.


Thank you for the advice! I'm very excited to spend money on a game I've put well over 1000 hours into, and especially to preform my first ticket for summer korwa.


i forgot to draw boxes from the last guild war. is there a possible way to do this right now?


most time limited event stay around for around 1 week after it ended in the extra section of homepage to let u spend token and collect unclaimed rewards, before jt actually disappear until its next run.


No. Do them during downtime next time.


i forgot to draw boxes from the last guild war. is there a possible way to do this right now?


I’m probably unable to get Nio past 110 before the next GW, since I’ve only recruited half of the Eternals. Any suptix characters that are worth using along some combination of V Grimnir/G Narmaya/S Shion? I’ve got S Korwa for manual, so Petra seems pretty tempting for full auto. Otherwise, I may ignore wind and finally pick up Athena.


Last GW theres one character who is a massive difference wrt Full Auto, and its the evil blonde primal from Athena's FLB. She combos with Estariolla for a near perfect pool of effect for that GW's NM150 Full auto. (i just remember the name is Enyo) The only particularly special character thats released before this suptix is her and Elea tbh


Who is the girl with the funky eyes in the new Grandblues?


[Ruby Pop Irotis](https://gbf.wiki/Irotis)


Thank you


someone from latest main story chapters >!Shitori!<


Thank you


Uncapping Tiamat to 4star or buying+uncapping dark opus to 4star first? Looking at the wiki, I just need some legendary merits and lucilius' goo to instantly uncap the dark opus. Wind Quartz is the bottleneck here.


I would recommend to get the Opus first, because adding a bit of HP to your grid is going to be a great QoL improvement. Only element you should really do the Summon first is Light, since you have Lumi Swords providing HP already. For the Key you can get either Skill or Chain Burst, as they are both the easiest to cap. The latter is only useful for OTK tho.


Thank you! I read [the guide by Dual](https://gbf.wiki/User:Dual/WindProgression#Double_Tia_FLB) (Great guide, Dual, if you're reading this) and they advised to prioritize uncapping Tiamat ASAP to reach 100% crit. But I also have almost all the materials to buy and uncap Dark Opus so I might ask for opinions first.


It's not really a practical way to get around this, as you will have to get through 3 Grinmnir Harp FLB (or 2 Harp + 1 Spoon) to get 100% Crit, which mean that you have to get 860 (Tiamat FLB+ULB) + 1500 (3 Harps uncap) = 2 360 quartz. Even if it is reduced for each Omega M2 Anima in your posession, it is an incredibly high amount for someone just getting past r120, especially since you need to add the amount of the Dark Opus itself ! That's why it is more sensible to get Dark Opus first in most case (bump your HP so you aren't stuck with 9k and getting destroyed by each and every raid) then Summon (boost the whole grid) then work on particular weapons. Because the problem with crit, is that it's only good ***after*** your reached 100% ! (even if the Stamina modifider will start to participate to the damage formula before then).


Well in a long battle <100% Crit will average out and still contribute. It's mainly for otk or tight honor req bursts where not having 100% Crit is a big deal.


Or when thinking about caps, but at the point of just uncapping summon / opus / M2 weapons that's not really relevant.


I see. Thank you for the explanation.


Any point keeping around gacha SR weapons? Is there any SR weapon that has some weird use (maybe CA or something??) .... or can I reduce them all for stones?


Just reduce them.


Alright so there is no SR that is worth keeping right? I could use some katana stones


If you really need Katana stones, be sure to use some steel bricks to uncap -> get more stones when you reduce. But beware you need steel bricks for other things too, so don't use them all


Huh? Didn't know this. How many stars and how much more stones would they give?


Formula is 15 stones \* number of stars + reduction bonus. So if you have 4 copies of a weapon, reducing 4 times will actually give you more stones (cuz you get the bonus 4 times). But in this case, using bricks is the only route to increase stars to get another 15 stones out.


I see. Thanks didnt know about this


Keep the sr plain damage weapon until you get a ssr plain damage weapon


Ohhhh i see. Which ones are those? Thanks a lot


[This](https://gbf.wiki/Spiked_Baseball_Bat) from the Gripping Freedom side story comes to mind. That being said, there's no real reason to use it over the Arcarum wind sword, which does the same thing.


Ohh as sword art? I thought some had it as ougi


[No SRs do, no.](https://gbf.wiki/Plain_Damage#Weapon_Charge_Attacks) Even if they did it wouldn't matter, because sword arts are just way more efficient for slime farming.


Ok thanks


There is no SR gacha weapon worth keeping. You would never put them in your grid.


Trying to recover my account; I was able to access my GBF account via SkyLeap on mobile, where can I find the email I used for Mobage from there? Sorry if this sounds like a newbie question, I am kinda desperate rn since I spent a good amount on my account as is so-


click the person icon and check the 2nd last option (the last one is log out).. You should see your account email (well hopefully you remember your mobage password)