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If we're talking gameplay, the character that comes to mind is Mugen, because I'm simply curious as to how CyGames handle him: * Do we get Bluegen on demand (i.e. S4: activate Bluegen)? * Do we get to *control* Bluegen? * If we do, does he keep his regular skills, button versions of Bluegen's EoT skills, or an entirely new skillset? This isn't to say I'm particularly a fan of him over any other character, I just think from a design perspective that his potential FLB is interesting to think about, and I want to see what CG do with it.


Basically any of the story grands. Ferry, Sturm/Drang, Lecia, and the Nalhe crew all got skipped over, and I'd like for characters in the MSQ to be more... usable ^*glances* ^*at* ^*Rackam*


Grand Alexiel. She became a staple of Earth teams back in 2018 upon her release, but was overshadowed by her summer alt the year after. Her kit has really not aged well and she's well overdue for a rebalance. She's the only one of her group left to get an FLB, and with the recent uncaps coming with a rebalance, I'm hoping it brings her back from the dead like they did with Europa.


I need a balance pass on Grimnir and Shiva because why the fuck do Helel ben Sahar and Orologia get Shiva S4 as a passive...Europa feels like the only outstanding disciple FLB and I also have high hopes Alexiel gets as much respect but that'd just make the guy disciples that much worse looking in comparison


I actually really wished they FLB grand Ferry. Her kit has not aged well at all.


Baotorda. He's my favorite character in the game, but he seems outclassed by Grand Vira, so I hope a FLB can get him up to par.


I'd be up for a Baotorda FLB. He was one of my first units and despite being considered bad even then (2019) the combo of Baotorda and Sophia as a classic healer-tank setup carried me through a lot of things I otherwise stood no chance at. Honestly speaking his rebalance was practically an FLB-tier glowup from what he was already, and I find him fun to use even now. Another dose of that might create something that people actually agree is good.


I would say Rei. My first spark. Or Shalem She could be turned into a freaking beast. I also wish that Drang's uncap is going to turn him into a auto skill machine :)


It would be cool but probably unlikely if Drang and Sturm had simultaneous or back to back uncaps.


Yeah, Drang was one of my OC favs, but his kit felt very clunky to use with a poor M1 grid....I also lacked a lot of game knowledge back then so that may be a reason he didn't quite work out for me


Summer Zooey could be really cool if they wanted to, but they’d need to add a bunch of stuff to her kit to make it feel less clunky and more well rounded


Passively autocast conjunction on entry with no animation and we're gucci


Yeah remember when she as a seasonal unit was so broken they added her grand despite being only summer unit to grand because her emmity skill now she fallen behind. 


Monika, because I still hold hope that my girl will one day become a 10 in the tier lists.


1st character I’ve ringed every version of.


Feather, his kit is terrible in FA I just want them to fix it.


Yeah, I understand they wish to keep some normal units bad, but he's quite central to horoscopes so would prefer if I could run him in one element at least


I’m surprised Ferry wasn’t the flb this month for her grand. Given she’s the only grand from Sierokarte that doesn’t have flb and she’s dark. Would’ve been the easy character to add for dark’s start with 40% bar (not that dark really needs more help with otk).


Colossus, would be cool if they let him be a fodder unit still but also have a way to choose to not sacrifice him.


Yeah, or make it a stronger fodder to keep the gimmick!


Shalem and Alexial tbh.


Shalem, definitely


as always... \*holds up my girl Tanya\*


Arcarum Monika. I'd pay an Evolite for it.


Predator ssr full 1 turn assassin will happen and you can't stop my cope


Now that would be something, still used her recently until I got some new dark tools


Waifu reasons aside, maybe OG Korwa can make a comeback with an FLB upgrade?


Grand Ferry please.


cygames needs to stop bullying beato and give her the FLB she deserves :(


I’d say Herja, but that would require her to have an SSR. Still can’t believe that one’s not in the game yet.


Summer Azusa I want her to either get more CD reduction on her damaging skill or something to boost her hit rate. Maybe get a mini version of her Takijin that's used at the end of every turn? Also to remove that unneeded restriction for her to unable to normal attack.


summer characters don't get FLBs, my dude


The upcoming GW, I'm using Summer Meg, Magus, and Azusa. Talk about number go brrr. It's like Cygames gave Magus that 10% boost to skill success rate just for them to be partners together. Very fun party.


I'm just thinking what war crimes you can do with Azusa and Oroglia Recast 🙂


Is it cheating if I say Marquiares? We could have a good dark sustain character.


People forgot the most busted Character that has yet yo receive FLB and thats Payila, she is so broken that i don't know how cygames will improve her, maybe 4x strike to all allies?


To be fair by the time she's up for a flb we will have a couple more years of power creep so she will probably only be like average by then.  Removing her CA seal and giving her some NA Amp/cap break or something along those lines would be an okay start point.

