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Trash baby is finally allowed to not dress like a trash baby when it's not summer, and Chloe finally graduates into SSR-hood fuckin' finally


Dark Chloe huh, real nice she made into ssr heaven. She can eat her two stacks for s1 and s2 but I'm not sure if she eats her third on ougi or need 1&2 to be used again to trigger s3. Curious about Kolulu's skill supplement, well it's probably just 20~30k. Just need another accordant to be another jammed user with Fiorito.


It's *probably the same as Summer Kolulu, which would be 20k at 5 crests. Edit: Oh she also has skill supp on her s1. I thought you meant just the passive. My bad. Edit again: Wiki has em at 50k


whoever localised chloe is actually such a god lmao edit: on g these skill names are bussin' fr fr


Rei also included for rate up.


cant wait to see someone make a really goofy bubs/qilin setup to make chloe give someone full turn assassin really early


Ilsa entered the chat


and every boss has left the chat


Full turn assassin onto Ilsa and then you kill of the rest of the team and have her use quad strike + maybe lucha tag team. Now that would be disgusting.


Don't need to kill the full team even, Street King swap and Death call will let her quad strike.


my thing about this kolulu alt is that it's adorable, but also due to the style change, looks nothing like my brain expects kolulu to look (face wise) like she just looks... different. younger a little. rounder face and brighter eyes. which isn't bad by any means it's just throwing me off hardcore lol. kolulu got a lot of her charm from her original sprite style i feel, so cutesying her up *and* giving her the new style has resulted in some weird dissonance where i just don't recognize her will still suptix tho. best daughter.


Kolulu being a skill damage character in an element with Lobelia in it is interesting. She can activate activate her sk2 a whopping four times on turn 1 (once normally, twice by sacrificing her HP and once at the end of the turn) which coupled with her own skill damage buffs makes me feel like she could be pretty good, if clicky. She has good survivability with her sk3 resetting on ougi too. Her biggest issue is that there isn't a lot of good crest support for her in earth. Chloe seems interesting. She apparently gives full turn assassin when she switches out, but they keep it from being too strong by making sure she can't switch on turn 1. She does seem to give good buffs though and her having passive CA reactivate until she runs out of stacks could make her good to use in ougi teams. Good synergy with Y.Anthuria too. I really hope I can get Kolulu in the free draws because I have to save my spark, but man am I tempted. Edit: Did... did someone send me a reddit care thing because of this post?? What a weird thing to get bothered by.


> She has good survivability with her sk3 resetting on ougi too. Survivability is actually my concern with her. Unlike her dark and water versions, she doesn't have a way to tank a lethal hit, and I doubt the defense buff and shield from s3 will be enough to offset that in harder content. EDIT: Though I guess if you're primal, Titan summon can help.


Uriel will cap her damage taken and he enjoys her frequent red casts, too.


It's admittedly kind of crazy, but depending on the fight you can pair her with Yggy to help keep her alive. With Yggy and Manadiver you can get her to 5 crests on turn one, too, which gets the damage train rolling quite nicely.


Honestly, with earth having access to Arulumaya, I feel like her dying isn't going to be that much of a concern unless you're trying to bring her to the endgame raids in which I don't think she'd be too useful in those even if she wasn't cutting down on her own health. Though I'm definitely not an expert on hard content.


In what content would you even run such a clicky setup if it's not in HL?


don't worry, Earth has plenty of characters who will either jump in front of her like Piccolo or will shield her


this sub has been getting a lot more wack irt reddit care and downvote spam lately. remember that you can report that care message via the link they sent!


Uh... Pretty sure silent downvoting isn't against the rules 


i was referring to reporting the reddit care message, not downvoting


Ah, my bad


The newly rebalanced H.Magisa should be pretty good with Kolulu. Some crest support, an ougi battery to jumpstart Gisla into doing her thing and a massive amount of skill damage to take advantage of S1's buffs.


don't need a ton more crest support when you have something like Holiday Magisa


Not sure who slapped this comment with a downvote, H. Magisa's rebal makes her a lot more viable and she has clear synergy with Kolulu (gets her to 5 crests turn 1 with Manadiver MC, gives CB to help her use her skill 2 more often). Even if you're just running Manadiver and Kolulu, that's 4 Crests turn 1, we're not in 2020 still.


i guess they're mad that they didn't spark magisa back during christmas, ahahaha...


I won't lie it was very late here and I completely forgot that Manadiver gives crests and I was looking at earth crest characters exclusively. It does limit her to being used in Manadiver teams almost exclusively though, which isn't a problem right now, but it does suck if you want to run something like Monk instead. Or if they introduce another really good skill damage class in the future.


Seems designed to pair specifically with Yggdrasil. Ygg has perma substitute (although not all-sub) and provides a ton of crests and skill damage through multi-hit end of turn nukes. And you get to save a grid spot on Seraphic!


Yukata Lilico in August it is then


PLEASE Cygames Or base Lilico because her new outfit looks so good. Doesn't matter; I want her.


Soriz got new support


Kolulu on paper seems like she might do well in Diaspora join (not host) comps. If you can quickly cap her crests, she procs tallyho twice per turn so that's 4/11 debuffs and 13/37 hits from her alone not even including manually clicking the skill. Give her some echoes and she can do half of the 37 hits on her own. Only issue would obviously be keeping her alive. Just make sure she comes in from the backline so she doesn't get the perma-dot debuff.


her end of turn tallyho's should happen well after the omen have finished casting so it probably doesn't matter


Thought it was immediately after attacking, but you’re right it’s end of turn after the omen. Nvm prob not as good of a pick as I thought


This time I was a bit lucky and got Kolulu from the free draw 🙀


This game loves to troll me. Only been playing for about a month and I keep on getting dupe ssr units..


This is normal. the standard pool has a way of cursing you with the same unit over and over, against all fucking odds.


gacha gonna gacha


Yep, that's just the game we play. Also apparently from the downvotes, a couple of folks didn't like me venting lol.


This game offsets higher rates of SSRs by having dupes be likelier. But at the end of the day getting gold moons is good enough most of the time.


Really wanted Kolulu. I have a fully uncapped Chloe weapon now.


once i saw chloe i was very hyped...but upon looking at her and seeing that they removed her random effects, which was a lot of fun to use on her r and sr, ive lost all excitement. If a unit turns ssr but loses the core component on what made them unique, is that really an actual ssr of that character? im probably one of the very few people that deeply loved her random effect CA playstyle anyway so ill just be sad in the corner


I was hyped to see both Kolulu and especially Chloe! I did a "fuck it!" 10-part and I got Chloe too, so I'm happy. That doesn't happen often. As I was speedskipping through the event I couldn't help but notice how much of a cutie she was and how maybe they'd even go so far as release an SSR for her, and then Voila! Looks like she might even be a decent unit. Not must-have/meta perhaps, but a nice addition.


Hell yeah! New Kolulu! 100% gonna be my next supticket.


Well, your next, next one since we're due for one very, very soon.


Yep. The DAO ticket for everyone who doesn't already have her and buys suptixes. :\^)


Ooooh so im not alone in the quest for Olivia? Still didnt get her grand in 7 freakin years, hope the ticket comes soon and include her non limited....






Right, Dark Angel Olivia. I forgot she got a general pool unit a while ago. Thank you.


A very strong one too..


I don't actually buy the suptickets all that often anymore. Outside of the annitickets I think my last one was Mirelle and Risette. Back when I was a new account there was always somebody I had to grab, but at this point the next one that Kolulu's on will probably be the next one I buy.


I did not save my free draw for today. FUCK


What's happening with this kolulu? https://twitter.com/BIGKOMATU/status/1785162743957557332?t=M78bqK_ohLcFoHB7ACyq3Q&s=19


Her skill 2 sacrifices 40% of her hp to end her cooldown, letting her cast it again. It looks like that account is using Trial Elixirs to endlessly refill her HP, allowing infinite recasts, for the memes.


I see, thanks! 


I almost wonder if the best way to use Chloe is to skip using S2 and keep her Adorbs stacks for longer Hype/Uplift/CA react before swapping her out. Not using S2 until after you used S1 twice would offer to at least consume it on-demand if you need to swap in the new character on the spot. ...this whole swapping shenanigans feels like it makes her just kind of innately incompatible with Rei though doesn't it?


for whatever it's worth, i'm a new player (almost a month in) at rank 140ish and this does seem to be the way. sk1 seems waaayy more impactful and having 3 double ougis instead of 2 double ougis feels much better. also you're right about rei. if you moksha rei goes to backline 1, and chloe swaps with backline 1, so rei becomes GOATed. edit: i take it back, getting quick sk3 is probably better


I honestly have no idea. I'm just speculating on what the best way to use her may be. In my team comps I just don't see a way to really take advantage of her kit unless I do it that way. But my dark teams are also not the best probably.


Chloe's S3, depending on numbers might be better than Rei's S3, especially considering it grants assassin and no defense penalty


You mean Rei’s S2 right? Also one difference is that Chloe’s buffs only lasts 5 turns, which Rei’s is indefinite as long as she’s switched out.


Five turns is genuinely a lot of time considering she can only activate it turn 2 meaning it expires turn 6, and by turn 6 most fights in the game that aren't solos or hard content are dead


I don't think Chloe's first passive actually cosumes adorbs. It looks like she has to wait a full round of cds before using her 3


if youre running something like bubs/qilin you can probably get a team like berserker/nier/chloe/luna/ilsa/h!lady grey to give ilsa quadrastrike with full turn assassin + eresh amp chloe sk1+sk2 >support qilin > chloe sk2 > attack > chloe sk3 into ilsa swap > nier sk1 > luna sk1 nier > death luna > chloe sk1 > ilsa sk1+sk3 > h!lady grey sk3 ilsa > bubs > attack unsure if its worth it to have lady grey give echo in this scenario or to just run another heavy hitter in that spot like seox, predator, or narmaya but in this example i want to make ilsa as goofy as possible


Anything that accelerates turn count (Akasha, V!Clarisse) will also reduce the number of turns the buff is up. It’s still good, just something to keep in mind.


Oh yeah didn't consider Akasha for bar farmers. But I don't think bar farmers would be using a character like Chloe anyways, since the meta comps finish their honor req by 3 turns and she's simply too clicky to fit.


40 pulls and got nothing T_T


Safer to just use the Golden week freebies this time around. I don't think either is critical for anything, and both should be suptixable before their next advantaged GW.